Master Mineral Solution (MMS) Protocol

Master Mineral Supplement (MMS)


MMS is een unieke chemische oxidator die het vermogen heeft om in het bloed / water te komen, het doodt alle soorten ziekteverwekkers, virussen, schimmels, bacteriën en parasieten die vrijwel 95% van de ziekten veroorzaken en absoluut niets anders in het lichaam aantast.

MMS is een ‘gestabiliseerde zuurstof’-formulering die een 22,5% -oplossing van natriumchloriet in gedestilleerd water is. Wanneer MMS wordt geactiveerd met 4% zoutzuur (foodgrade) wordt het ‘s werelds beste pathogeenvernietiger – bekend als chloordioxide. (CIO2)

Alle ziekteverwekkers, inclusief bacteriën, schimmels, gisten, virusen en ziekteverwekkende parasieten, hebben buiten embranen (huiden) die gemakkelijk kunnen worden geoxideerd door chloordioxide.

Wanneer het immuunsysteem is aangetast, verspreiden ziekteverwekkende bacteriën zich en veroorzaken uiteindelijk schade aan de gastheer in de vorm van malaria, aids, hepatitis A, B & C, tyfus, kanker, tuberculose, longontsteking, artritis of astma tot griep, sinus en de verkoudheid.

Hoewel het eerst werd ontwikkeld om malaria in Afrika aan te pakken, is nu aangetoond dat het veel toxiciteitstoestanden aanpakt die direct of indirect verband houden met ziekteverwekkers. Er is documentatie over meer dan 75.000 gevallen van malaria die in Afrika worden overwonnen in de korte video hier onder behandelt men 154 patienten.

Vaak zijn in slechts 4 uur alle symptomen verdwenen en wordt het slachtoffer vrij van malaria getest. Het is nu bekend dat chloordioxide, zoals gebruikt in het MMS-protocol, kan worden gebruikt om toxiciteit bijdragende factoren zoals AIDS, Hepatitis A, B & C, Tyfus, de meeste kankers, herpes, longontsteking, voedselvergiftiging, tuberculose, astma, verkoudheid, griep en tal van andere aandoeningen te overwinnen.

Zelfs aandoeningen die niet direct verband houden met ziekteverwekkers lijken te worden geholpen door de enorme boost van het immuunsysteem van het lichaam (door vermindering van de toxische belasting van het lichaam), dwz maculaire degeneratie, allergieën, lupus, inflammatoire darmaandoeningen, diabetes, slangenbeten en fibromyalgie.

Let op: MMS geneest niets, maar vermindert eerder de giftige belasting die ons lichaam daarna helpt zichzelf te genezen. Met MMS hebben we de mogelijkheid om het immuunsysteem vrij te maken en het in staat te stellen te doen waar het voor was bedoeld. Eerst moeten we ontgiften. Daarna kunnen we verrast worden met verbetering van bepaalde lichaams functies.

De alchemie van MMS

Iedereen kan overbelast worden door toxines. Als je gewoonlijk weinig energie hebt, moeite hebt om je gewicht laag of bloeddruk binnen het normale bereik te houden, of constant te maken krijgt met ontstekingen of pijn, dan is er waarschijnlijk een probleem met toxines, zware metalen, virussen, bacteriën of parasieten.

Traditionele geneeskunde reageert meestal door je te belasten met extra verontreinigende stoffen, waarvan vele zonder onderscheid gezond weefsel doden terwijl ze achter “de slechteriken” aan gaan. Dit is niet het geval met chloordioxide. Het werkt alleen op schadelijke aanwezigheid. Wonder of niet, de effecten zijn geweldig.

Chloordioxide is een chemische verbinding die bestaat uit één chloor-ion gebonden aan twee ionen van zuurstof. Een krachtig oxidatiemiddel, het is het meest voorkomende opgeloste ion in oceaanwater en combineert gemakkelijk met bijna elk ander element.

Oxidatiemiddelen zijn chemische verbindingen die gemakkelijk elektronen accepteren van ‘elektronendonoren’. Ze krijgen elektronen via chemische reactie. Dit is belangrijk omdat alle ziekteverwekkers ten opzichte van chloordioxide elektrondonor zijn.

Zie afbeelding 1 t/m 4

oxidation with ClO2-1
Afbeelding 1
oxidation with ClO2-2
Afbeelding 2
oxidation with ClO2-3
Afbeelding 3
oxidation with ClO2-4
Afbeelding 4

Chloordioxide is uiterst vluchtig. De extreme vluchtigheid van chloordioxide voorkomt dat ziekteverwekkers een weerstand ontwikkelen. Vooral omdat wanneer ze ‘botsen’, de ziekteverwekkers verdwijnen. Gezonde cellen en nuttige bacteriën worden echter niet aangetast. Wanneer een chloordioxide-ion in contact komt met een schadelijk pathogeen, scheurt het onmiddellijk tot vijf elektronen uit het pathogeen, wat vergelijkbaar is met een microscopische explosie. . . onschadelijk voor ons, maar terminaal voor ziekteverwekkers.

Door het hele lichaam, overal waar chloordioxide-ionen – getransporteerd worden via rode bloedcellen – in contact komen met ziekteverwekkers, geven de ziekteverwekkers hun elektronen op en verdwijnen ze. De met chloordioxide bewapende cellen “detoneren” alleen bij contact met ziekteverwekkers, waaronder schadelijke bacteriën, virussen, toxines, zware metalen en parasieten. Al deze hebben pH-waarden die buiten het bereik van een goede gezondheid van het lichaam vallen. Ze zullen ook een positieve ionische lading hebben. De met chloordioxide uitgeruste cellen oxideren geen nuttige bacteriën of gezonde cellen, omdat hun pH-waarden 7 of hoger zijn en een negatieve ionenlading hebben.

Chloordioxide-ionen oxideren – wat betekent verdampen – zieke cellen. . . alles wat zuur is met een positieve ionenlading. Als de chloordioxide-ionen geen ziekteverwekkers of andere gifstoffen tegenkomen, worden ze omgezet naar keukenzout en in sommige gevallen hypochloorzuur, dat het lichaam ook kan gebruiken.

In 1999 riep de American Society of Analytical Chemists chloordioxide uit als de meest krachtige ziekteverwekkerdoder die de mensheid kent. Het is zelfs gebruikt als opruimer na miltvuuraanvallen.

MMS (eigenlijk chloordioxidegas) is bekend en wordt sinds 1947 op grote schaal gebruikt als een krachtig kiemdodend middel. De antibacteriële werking is in staat om zich bijna op alle bacteriën, schimmels, gisten en door bloed overgedragen ziekten te richten, ze te doden met een elektrische, desorganiserende schok, terwijl ze geen schade toebrengt aan normale menselijke levende cellen. MMS trekt vier of vijf elektronen uit de wanden van ziekteverwekkers. Het wordt tot hen aangetrokken. ClO2-moleculen zijn als elektrische kogels die het immuunsysteem verwelkomt en vrijwel onmiddellijk goed gebruikt.

Rode bloedcellen nemen de ClO2-moleculen op, circuleren ze en het resultaat is een geleidelijke reiniging en ontgifting van het hele lichaam. Malaria verdwijnt bijvoorbeeld in de meeste gevallen in 4 tot 24 uur uit het bloed. Verkoudheid of griepaanvallen kunnen worden voorkomen of kunnen snel worden gestopt, afhankelijk van het stadium.

De basisprincipes voor het gebruik van MMS zijn deze: Kleine doses elk uur of elke twee uur zijn effectiever dan grote ochtend- en avonddoseringen.

Chloordioxide-chemische stof die wordt gegenereerd door MMS, blijft maximaal één tot anderhalf uur in het lichaam aanwezig, dus het wordt veel effectiever om MMS elk uur of elke twee uur en met kleinere doses in te nemen.

Breng zoveel MMS in het lichaam als je kunt hebben zonder een toename van ziekte, misselijkheid of diarree te veroorzaken. Begin altijd eerst met een dosis van één druppel en verhoog het aantal druppels heel langzaam als u denkt dat u dat kunt hebben. Over het algemeen is elke keer twee, drie of vier druppels voldoende. Tien druppels zouden een limiet zijn, zelfs als er geen symptomen van misselijkheid zijn. Verminder indien nodig het aantal druppels als diarree of misselijkheid optreden, maar stop niet met het gebruik van MMS. Misselijkheid en diarree zijn beide goede indicaties dat MMS werkt. Diarree die een uur of twee aanhoudt, is erg goed, maar niet als je het dagen achtereen hebt, dan kan dat meer kwaad dan goed doen. Dus verminder altijd de druppels wanneer deze tijdelijke barrières zich voordoen.

Maak jezelf niet slechter!


U neemt altijd de maximale hoeveelheid MMS die u mogelijk kunt gebruiken zonder misselijk te worden of diarree te krijgen. Wanneer u misselijkheid of andere negatieve reacties begint op te merken, moet u altijd de hoeveelheid MMS verminderen die u per uur neemt. U kunt ook de tijd tussen doseringen verlengen. Velen hebben gemeld dat ze meer resultaten haalden door de verlenging van de tijd tussen de doseringen dan door de vermindering van de hoeveelheid MMS in de dosering.

Opmerking: als u diarree opmerkt, of zelfs overgeeft, is dat geen slecht teken. Je doodt ziekteverwekkers sneller dan je lever ze kan verwerken voor eliminatie. Vertraag daarom je detox. Het lichaam gooit eenvoudig vergif weg en ruimt zichzelf op. Iedereen zegt dat ze zich veel beter voelen na de diarree. U hoeft geen medicijnen te nemen voor de diarree. Het zal zo snel verdwijnen als het kwam. Het is geen echte diarree omdat het lichaam aan het opruimen is en wordt dus niet veroorzaakt door bacteriën of virussen. Als het gif weg is, is de diarree verdwenen.

Er werd gemeld aan Jim Humble dat als je koude appelschijfjes eet zodra de misselijkheid begint, de appelpulp maaggifstoffen absorbeert die daar zijn gedumpt. Appels absorberen gifstoffen behoorlijk betrouwbaar, dus houd wat koude appels bij de hand om misselijkheid te verminderen.

Vermijd alle vormen van synthetische vitamine C gedurende twee uur vóór en na gebruik van MMS. Drink geen vloeistoffen die vitamine C bevatten, omdat vitamine C MMS tegengaat. Scheid uw MMS-doseringen en vitamine C 2-3 uur. Dit omvat niet natuurlijk voorkomende vitamine C, alleen toegevoegde vitamine.

Zorg voor een voedingsprogramma welke uw immuunsysteem voldoende kan ondersteunen. MMS verwijdert ongewenste ziekteverwekkers en parasieten met grote efficiëntie uit uw lichaam, maar het levert geen voedingsmineralen of vitamines. Handhaaf de inname van vriendelijke micro-organismen (zoals pre en probiotica acidophilus en andere flora of Shilajit). MMS zelf doodt geen darmvriendelijke micro-organismen, maar krachtige diarree kan soms hun aantal verminderen. Houd ook de inname van mineralen in stand, vooral calcium en magnesium.

Slik geactiveerde MMS met een toegevoegde hoeveelheid water of sap waar geen vitamine c in zit. Dit is de meest voorkomende methode. Door water of  sap aan het mengsel toe te voegen na eerst 1 minuut te wachten, kun je het mengsel drinken. De hoeveelheid water doet er weinig toe, op voorwaarde dat je het allemaal drinkt – meestal een half tot een vol glas water. Als u het volledige glas leeg drinkt, krijgt u alle voordelen van MMS. Weinig of veel verdund zal het nog steeds dezelfde reinigende werking in het lichaam hebben.

Na 1 minuut wachten, wanneer u water of sap toevoegt, wordt er geen chloordioxide meer gegenereerd. Het zit opgesloten in het water of sap. Nadat het mengsel met het toegevoegde water is gedronken, circuleert het ClO2-gas minder dan twee uur in het lichaam zoals hierboven beschreven. Er worden onbeduidende hoeveelheden ClO2 gegenereerd nadat het water is toegevoegd, maar dit is te verwaarlozen.

U kunt elke MMS-dosis om de twee uur (of minder) herhalen zonder schade op voorwaarde dat u de tijdelijke barrières in acht neemt die worden veroorzaakt door diarree of misselijkheid.

Standaardmethode voor het activeren en gebruiken van MMS

Meng in een kopje of klein glas altijd 1 druppel NACLO2 oplossing en 1 druppel 4% HCL en wacht 60 seconden, voeg dan 1/3 tot 2/3 water (beste is gedestileerd) toe aan het glas of (verdund) sap (maar zonder vitamine C), zoals natuurlijk appel- of druivensap en drink het op. Na het toevoegen van het sap of water is het het beste als u onmiddellijk drinkt, zonder het nuttige ClO2-gas te verliezen.

Begin nooit met meer dan één of twee druppels. Mensen die erg ziek en / of gevoelig zijn, moeten beginnen met ½ druppel (drink slechts de helft van het glas van een dosis van één druppel). Activeer de MMS-druppels zoals hierboven aangegeven.

Blijf de procedure volgen totdat u 3 druppels bereikt die elke 1 of 1.5 uur worden ingenomen – indien mogelijk – BLIJF ALTIJD ONDER DE MISSELIJKHEIDS BARRIERE. Ga door met drie of meer doses per dag gedurende ten minste één week en verminder dan de druppels tot 4 tot 6 druppels per dag voor oudere mensen en 4 tot 6 druppels tweemaal per week voor jongere mensen – bekend als “onderhoudsmodus”.

Opmerking: Zodra u opgebouwd heeft naar het 3 druppels schema en dit gedurende 3 dagen gebruikt, is het grootste deel van de virale, bacteriën, schimmels en gistbelasting uit uw lichaam verdwenen. Je lichaam zal schoon zijn en vrij van de ziekteverwekkers die je sinds je kindertijd hebt opgepakt en gehost. U hoeft zich geen zorgen meer te maken over het voeden van de micro-organismen. U kunt daarna uw dieet baseren op gezonde nutrientrijke voeding.

Diabetes verdwijnt vaak als de ontsteking van de alvleesklier afneemt. Je lichaam zal in staat zijn om gemakkelijk vitamines en mineralen en vele andere voedingsstoffen op te nemen die het tot nu toe misschien ontbrak. Je zou je beter moeten voelen naarmate de tijd verstrijkt. Stop niet met het gebruik van de MMS, zorg ervoor dat u vitamines en mineralen en andere voedingsstoffen gebruikt waarvan u weet dat die goed zijn. MMS levert geen voedingsstoffen, dus uw normale voedingsprogramma moet worden gehandhaafd.

Voor kinderen is het protocol in wezen hetzelfde. Meestal moet men beginnen met 1/2 druppel. Maak gewoon een druppel en giet 1/2 van de drank voordat u het aan het kind geeft. Verhoog vervolgens van 1 tot 2 tot 3 druppels zoals hierboven gegeven, maar ga niet verder dan 3 druppels voor elke 25 pond (11,4 kg) lichaamsgewicht. Begin met een baby met 1/2 druppel om de 2 of 3 uur en stop wanneer de baby gezond is.

Als de baby of het kind misselijk wordt, wacht dan een extra uur of twee voordat u nog een dosis geeft en geef ook een kleinere dosis. Geef kleinere doses totdat de baby of het kind meer kan verdragen, maar stop niet met het geven van doses tot ze weer beter zijn. Kinderen die ziek zijn van de griep of andere ziekten, moeten het grootste deel van de dag 1/2 druppel per uur hebben.

Zwangere vrouwen moeten minimaal een onderhoudsdosis van 6 druppels per dag krijgen. Het zal hun immuunsysteem in topconditie houden die nodig is voor alle zwangere vrouwen

Malaria en andere parasitaire aandoeningen: gebruik de eerste dosis 15 druppels. Wacht een tot twee uur en geef nog eens 15 druppels. Doe hetzelfde de volgende dag.    Ga 3 dagen door. Controleer op parasieten. Als er parasieten aanwezig zijn, gaat u tot 3 maanden door. Alle parasieten zullen veel eerder dan 3 maanden dood zijn. Vergeet niet 1 druppel MMS te gebruiken voor elke druppel HCl (activator), wacht 60 seconden en voeg gedestileerd water of sap toe. In de meeste gevallen zullen parasieten, inclusief wormen, binnen 3 dagen dood zijn.

Slangenbeten: Neem een ​​dosis van ten minste 15 druppels, herhaal dit in twee uur. Ga elke 4 uur door totdat u buiten gevaar bent. Gebruik zoals gewoonlijk de activator, wacht 3 minuten en voeg sap toe. Snijd in geen geval in de slangenbeet. Zorg ervoor dat je een arts bezoekt, maar laat hem niet in de slangenbeet snijden. Het is prima om een ​​afzuiginstallatie op de beet te gebruiken. Snijden verspreidt het gif te snel.

Elk ziek dier: gebruik voor kleinere dieren 1 druppel per 25 pond lichaamsgewicht. Gebruik voor paarden en andere grote dieren 3 druppels per 25 kilo lichaamsgewicht. Gebruik een geschikte hoeveelheid activator, wacht 3 minuten en voeg water toe in plaats van sap. De meeste dieren zullen hun gang gaan en drinken, maar misschien moet u het aan de dier zelf toedienen, bijvoorbeeld met een spuitje in het bekje.  Zonodig gebruik eerst kleinere doses.

Om water te zuiveren:  (inclusief leidingwater) één druppel geactiveerde MMS in één gallon water verwijdert de meeste zware metalen en ziekteverwekkers uit het water. Het water is geurvrij en drinkbaar binnen drie tot tien minuten na het mengen. Dit drinkwater heeft geen gezondheidsvoordelen, behalve dat metalen, microben en bacteriën uit het water worden verwijderd. De ClO2-ionen offeren zichzelf op en de voor MMS typische smaak en geur verdwijnen.

Intraveneuze MMS voor HIV-patiënten: gebruik geen (steriel) water. Gebruik IV-oplossing zoutoplossing of glucose of andere suikeroplossingen die voor dat doel worden verkocht. Normaal werkt de glucose het beste omdat de zoutoplossing soms een bloeddrukdaling veroorzaakt. Als u een fles van 500 ml gebruikt, begin dan met één druppel. Wacht een uur na het toevoegen van de MMS om de activering mogelijk te maken. Gebruik één druppel de eerste dag, twee druppels de tweede dag. Verhoog vervolgens naar 6 of 8 op de derde dag. Voeg vervolgens 4 tot 8 druppels per dag toe totdat u 22 druppels in 500 ml oplossing in een druppel van 2 tot 4 uur doet. Normaal zou je het doen totdat de persoon zich beter voelt. Soms werkt het goed met HIV-patiënten oraal en soms moet je het intraveneus toedienen.


MMS-protocol 1000

Van: MMS Protocol 1000

PROTOCOL 1000 neemt in principe 3 druppels geactiveerde MMS elk uur gedurende 8 uur per dag gedurende 3 weken.

Veel mensen kunnen echter niet zoveel druppels beginnen te nemen en zouden met slechts 2 of zelfs 1 druppel per uur moeten beginnen. Dit wordt bepaald door hoe ziek ze zijn. Als je je erg ziek voelt, begin dan met 1 druppel per uur of zelfs 1/2 druppel en uur, maar begin dan meer te nemen als je denkt dat je dat kunt. De regel is, als je voelt dat de druppels je slechter laten voelen, neem dan minder en als je je niet slechter voelt, neem dan het volgende uur een beetje meer, maar nooit meer dan 3 druppels per uur.

Gebruik geen sinaasappelsap. Gebruik geen sappen waaraan vitamine C of ascorbinezuur is toegevoegd. Gebruik geen geconcentreerde sappen waaraan water moet worden toegevoegd. Verse sappen zijn het beste.

De dosis van 8 uur

Als u niet elk uur een enkele dosis wilt aanmaken, kunt u ‘s ochtends 8 doses maken en de oplossing de hele dag in een gesloten container/fles bewaren. Volg gewoon de bovenstaande instructies en vermendigvuldig alle cijfers met 8 en bewaar dit vloeistof in een afgesloten fles. Neem elk uur 1/8ste ervan. Maak je geen zorgen, de MMS blijft zo nog uren langer werkzaam.

Neem een literfles, verdeel deze in 8 gelijke delen van 100 ml (watervaste stift). Meng 24 druppels NACLO2( MMS) en 24 druppels 4% foodgrade zoutzuur (HCL) (pas of voor technisch zoutzuur!!) wacht 60 seconden. Vul de fles met gedestileerd water en je hebt elk uur 3 druppels MMS geactiveerd per 100 ml.

OPMERKING: deze geactiveerde fles MMS gaat tot 5 dagen mee in de koelkast. We hebben geconstateerd dat zolang je MMS activeert en niet in contact komt met een ziekteverwekker, het chloordioxide niet wordt vrijgegeven.

MMS-protocol 1000+

Gebruik 1 druppel DMSO voor elke geactiveerde druppel Miracle Mineral Solutions. Voeg de DMSO pas toe nadat de reactie van de MMS (NACLO2) en het zoutzuur (HCL) is voltooid (dat is 60 seconden bij gebruik van de 4% HCL). Geef het mengsel 3 minuten om te voltooien na het toevoegen van de DMSO. Roer het mengsel. Dit kan worden gebruikt met beide protocollen 1000 en 2000 (8 of meer doses/dag, maximaal 3 druppels/dosis).

De toevoeging van de DMSO-druppels verbetert de smaak en maakt het gemakkelijker om te nemen en het komt dieper in uw weefsel.


Voor kanker en andere levensbedreigende ziekten. (Laatste update: 25 augustus 2012) 

Het neemt in principe elk uur zoveel druppels geactiveerde MMS als een persoon kan nemen zonder zieker te worden, zich slechter te voelen of diarree te ontwikkelen. Het moet 10 uur per dag worden ingenomen, gedurende 3 weken of tot deziekte weg is. Het is het beste om te beginnen met slechts één druppel per uur en snel zoveel druppels op te nemen als je kunt nemen, nogmaals: zonder je slechter te voelen. Onthoudt dat alle druppels moeten worden geactiveerd zoals hieronder aangegeven. Neem dit ter harte, maak u niet zieker dan u al bent. Neem zoveel druppels als je kunt, maar doseer het eenvoudig. Jezelf zieker maken kost energie en het zorgt ervoor dat het herstel langzamer verloopt.

Meer informatie

Keri Riviera : Healing_the_Symptoms_Known_as_Autism_SECOND_EDITION

Jim Humble & MMS :MMS_HRG_edition-1_October-2016 jim humble

Docu: documentaire MMS. En een interview met Jim Humble

MMS Wiki

Proven Health Benefits of Cilantro (Coriander) Backed by Science

Proven Health Benefits of Cilantro or Coriander
Cilantro coriander koriander

Cilantro is a tasty edible herb that has a number of health benefits. Cilantro leaves can help to lower inflammation, reduce high blood pressure, improve digestive health, and are good for your skin. The medicinal properties of cilantro also have powerful detoxification properties that can help to get rid of heavy metals.

In many countries, cilantro is also known as coriander or Chinese parsley. The leaves of cilantro are used to flavor many Asian and Mexican dishes. Coriander seeds are also dried and used for culinary or therapeutic purposes. Coriander oil can also be extracted from the seeds and is known to have powerful antibacterial properties.

In this article, you will learn about the many health benefits of cilantro, coriander seeds, and coriander oil. You will find out about scientific research into the potential use of cilantro in many home remedies.

What is Cilantro or Coriander?

Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) is an herbaceous plant with a long history in traditional medicine. Coriander originally comes from the Mediterranean region but is grown in many countries around the world.

The journal Alternative and Complementary Therapies says that cilantro is the common name in the U.S. for the leaves of the plant. Coriander is generally used to refer to the whole plant, the stalks, or seeds. However, in many countries, coriander is also the name for the leaf. (1)

According to a review on its therapeutic properties, coriander herb has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activities. (2)

Cilantro Nutrition Facts

As well as having a number of medicinal properties, cilantro leaves and stems also have good nutritional value.

Cilantro (coriander) contains vitamins C, A, E, and K. There are also trace amounts of calcium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. Cilantro also contains a negligible number of calories and carbs. (3)

Coriander leaf or cilantro also contains a number of antioxidants that have many health benefits. Research has shown that coriander contains cineole, linoleic acid, and tannins. Many of these beneficial coriander compounds are anti-inflammatory and have a sedative effect, protect the heart, and kill off many infectious pathogens. (4)

Health Benefits of Cilantro (Coriander)

Let’s look in more detail at the potential health benefits of coriander to see how you can use all parts of this herb to boost your health.

Cilantro May Help Detox from Heavy Metals

Coriander extracts can help to remove heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, and mercury from your body.

Many studies point to the fact that antioxidants in coriander may help rid the liver from a buildup of toxins. A 2013 review on the benefits of coriander reported that it has a lead-detoxifying potential. (5)

The way that cilantro extracts may help remove heavy metals from the body is through a process called chelation. This involves using certain compounds that bind to heavy metals and minerals in order to remove them from the body. (6)

Is there scientific evidence that cilantro is effective for heavy metal detoxifying? Scientific research on the detoxifying effects of cilantro extracts on animals and humans has shown promising results.

For example, a 2017 trial found that extracts from coriander helped protect liver health in rats. Administering coriander lowered the lead concentration in the rats’ livers. (7)

One study on the chelation effect of coriander found that it was helpful in preventing a lead buildup in mice who consumed lead-contaminated water. (8)

A 2017 study found that extracts from coriander helped to treat iron overdose and protect the liver from damage. In fact, extracts from coriander were as effective as deferoxamine which is a chelating medication to flush excess iron from the body. (9)

Some studies have shown that the antioxidant effect of coriander leaf extract is good for liver health in general. Coriander herb extracts protect against DNA damage, kill off free radicals, and have metal chelating power. (10)

Regarding the protective effect on the liver, researchers have found that cilantro leaf extract helps prevent damage by toxins to the liver. Scientists identified cilantro compounds that can help treat various liver diseases. (11)

One study found that 100 mg of cilantro supplements taken 4 times a day can help to remove mercury. Scientists found that cilantro powder has a chelating effect when used in combination with other therapies to remove harmful heavy metals. (12)

However, research into the chelating effect of coriander on humans has shown mixed results. For example, one study found that cilantro extract was just as effective as a placebo in lowering levels of lead in children. (13)

Cilantro Leaves Help Lower Inflammation

One of the health benefits of coriander is that it has an anti-inflammatory effect in the body.

Chronic inflammation is linked to serious diseases such as heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, and cancer. Many doctors say that lowering inflammation can help protect against the development of these chronic diseases. (14)

Research has discovered that coriander leaf and stem extracts are good for relieving inflammation. Coriander compounds help to effectively inhibit inflammatory enzymes. (15)

One study into the anti-inflammatory effects of cilantro found that it may help to manage rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers found that cilantro compounds can alleviate joint swelling and pain. The study concluded that coriander has potential health benefits as a pain-relief treatment for arthritic conditions. (16)

There is also evidence to suggest that coriander oil has potential benefits to treat inflammation. One study found that taking coriander oil helped increase the anti-inflammatory effect of omega-3 fatty acids. (17)

Also, coriander oil was mentioned among some of the best cold-pressed oils that have anti-inflammatory activities. (18)

Learn more about some of the best anti-inflammatory foods that you should add to your diet to help stay healthy.

Coriander is Good for Your Skin

Cilantro leaves and oil are also beneficial to help soothe inflamed skin and help manage a number of skin diseases.

The results of research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that coriander leaf extracts can help to treat contact dermatitis. Applying a coriander extract treatment to the skin can help to alleviate itching, redness, and dry skin. (19)

Another benefit of cilantro oil for your skin is that it helps prevent skin infections. Scientists have found that coriander oil is an effective antibacterial agent against certain Streptococcus and Staphylococcus strains. Applying cilantro oil to the skin can act as a topical antiseptic and treat many types of skin infections. (20)

Adding coriander oil to a skin lotion can also help soothe skin irritation, redness, and pain after a burn. (21)

Find out other natural oils that can help to keep your skin looking youthful and feeling healthy.

Coriander Extracts Can Help Keep Your Heart Healthy

Fresh cilantro leaves and cilantro extracts have many potential benefits to improve your cardiovascular health.

According to research published in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology, coriander leaf extract has antioxidants that benefit the heart. (22)

Other studies have shown that coriander seed extract and leaf extract help prevent blood clots from forming. Researchers have found that coriander compounds stop blood cells clumping together and can help prevent blocked arteries. (23)

Find out about the best foods to include on a cardiac diet and why you should eat more coriander for its heart benefits.

Coriander Seeds Help Lower Cholesterol

One of the benefits of cilantro for your cardiovascular health is to help manage high cholesterol issues.

To help lower cholesterol, it seems that coriander seeds are the best part of the plant. One study found that rats who were fed a diet including coriander seed oil experienced a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol levels. (22)

Some studies suggest that by just eating more coriander seeds you could help lower cholesterol. For example, incorporating coriander seeds in the diet can have an anti-cholesterolemic effect. (23)

If you are looking for more ways to lower cholesterol naturally, you should learn about the best dietary and lifestyle choices to make.

Cilantro Can Help Lower Blood Pressure

One of the reasons why taking coriander is good for your heart is that it helps manage hypertension.

Research on animal subjects with high blood pressure found that dried coriander seed oil helps lower high blood pressure. Coriander seeds helped to relax veins and arteries which has a beneficial effect on the vascular system. (24)

Taking coriander oil internally also has a diuretic effect which is another way to manage high blood pressure naturally. (24)

One 2018 study found that taking 2 grams of garlic and coriander seed powder helps to significantly lower blood pressure. Scientists also found that the coriander seed supplement improved blood fat markers. (25)

Find out how to lower your blood pressure almost instantly and what you should do to treat hypertension.

Cilantro Helps Treat Digestive Issues

The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of coriander extracts help to promote good digestive health. A tea made from coriander seed is one of the best teas for digestion to relieve gas, bloating and upset stomach.

Studies into medicinal plants such as coriander found that they have a number of benefits in managing digestive problems. For example, coriander is used to treat excess gas and heartburn. Also, the antioxidant activity can help reduce the effect of Helicobacter pylori infections in the gut. (26)

Treating H. pylori infections is one way to prevent the development of gastric ulcers and cancer. (26)

One study reported that a combination of coriander and peppermint can help reduce bloating in people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. (27)

If you notice signs that your digestion isn’t working properly, find out the best remedies for helping to alleviate digestive upset.

Cilantro Leaves Can Help treat Diarrhea

Because coriander is antimicrobial and is so good for your digestion, you can use coriander for diarrhea.

Research into the health benefits of cilantro has discovered that it is effective against a number of pathogens that can cause diarrhea. Coriander helps to kill off E. coli and Salmonella infections. Taking coriander extracts could help you recover quicker from infectious diarrhea. (28)

Cilantro contains the compound linalool which has a carminative effect. Because of this, cilantro has also been prescribed traditionally to treat vomiting, diarrhea, and indigestion. (29)

Apart from eating raw cilantro for diarrhea, you can learn about other natural ways to calm your bowels and treat symptoms of diarrhea.

Cilantro Can Help Treat Fungal Infections

Coriander is a healthy herb that also has antimicrobial activities against yeast and fungal infections.

According to research published in the journal PLoS One, coriander essential oil can kill off candida infections. Extracts from coriander leaf have antifungal properties that are useful in treating oral candidiasis. (30)

A few drops of coriander essential oil in a glass of water can create an antimicrobial mouthwash to help promote good oral health.

Coriander Leaves May Help Manage Diabetes Symptoms

There are many benefits to taking cilantro extracts if you are diabetic and need to control insulin and glucose levels.

Scientific studies into the anti-diabetic effect of coriander have found that they help increase insulin secretion. This has a beneficial effect on glucose level as it prevents it from spiking after a meal. (31)

One study involving diabetic rats showed that cilantro seed powder helped to significantly lower blood glucose levels. The research also revealed that taking coriander supplements had a protective effect on the liver of diabetic subjects. (32)

Other studies have confirmed that coriander compounds such as phenolics, flavonoids, and tannins help to manage diabetes symptoms. (33)

As well as taking coriander leaves and seeds for diabetes, you can learn about more delicious foods that help to control type 2 diabetes. It is especially important to incorporate these anti-diabetes foods if you notice the first signs of diabetes.

Cilantro Helps Promote Healthy Brain Function

Coriander supplements can help to protect your cognitive abilities and help prevent a decline in brain function.

Many studies have pointed to the positive effect of cilantro on the brain. For example, one study found that inhaling coriander essential oil had positive effects on spatial memory formation. The study also found that taking coriander leaf extracts helped increase enzyme levels in the brain. This could have a protective effect for people who have suffered a stroke. (4)

Some studies have suggested that cilantro extract is helpful to protect against the neurological effects of diabetes. (4)

There is another reason why taking cilantro herb is good for your brain. Research has shown that taking cilantro extracts help to reduce the effects of stress on the brain. This anti-stress effect of cilantro helps to prevent stress-related memory loss. (34)

You can find out about some of the best foods that are known to boost your memory and cognitive function.

Because avocado is an excellent brain food, adding a handful of freshly chopped cilantro to mashed avocado can create brain-strengthening guacamole.

Coriander Leaves Have an Anti-Anxiety Effect

Cilantro extracts can also help treat anxiety and depression.

Taking coriander supplements may be good if you suffer from depression and anxiety. One study involving mice found that coriander extracts were as effective as diazepam in relieving feelings of anxiety. (35)

Some studies suggest that an alcohol extract of coriander seeds has a better anti-depressive effect than cilantro water. (4)

One of the many ways that cilantro can benefit your mental health is that it can improve your sleep quality. Poor sleep, stress, and anxiety are often connected. Some studies have shown that taking coriander seed extracts can help you sleep better. (36)

Find out about more effective home remedies for dealing with anxiety and helping to prevent depression.

If you have trouble sleeping, then you can try some of these essential oils to help you sleep better.

Side Effects

Coriander leaves (cilantro) or chopped coriander stems can be a delicious addition to many Asian, Indian, or Mexican dishes. Most people tolerate cilantro well when used as an herb or spice in cooking.

There are some reports of allergic reactions to taking cilantro in medicinal amounts. For example, doctors from WebMD report that cilantro oil can cause itching, redness, and other signs of an allergic reaction when applied topically. (37)

Because cilantro helps to prevent red blood cells clumping together, cilantro may increase your risk of bleeding if you have a bleeding disorder. You should also stop taking cilantro/coriander supplements in the 2 weeks before and after any planned surgery.

How to Take Coriander

Use the herb and the seeds of cilantro in curries, chutneys, sauces, salads and soups.

Coriander is also available as an herbal supplement in the form of capsules, as a tincture and as herbal tea. These are available in health stores or online in Amazon here.

Or you can make a coriander tea at home: steep a teaspoon of ground coriander seeds in a covered cup with boiling water for 5-10 minutes and drink 2-3 times a day.

Source: Proven Health Benefits of Cilantro (Coriander) Backed by Science

Tamarind found to remove fluoride deposits from bones

Fluoride is everywhere these days. Remove fluoride. Perhaps you’re one of the people whose municipal water contains this neurotoxin, or maybe you’re worried about exposure via toothpaste. Sodium fluoride accumulates in the body and the brain, and high levels can bring about neurological damage. It might seem like there isn’t much you can do about it, but the fruit of one tree might be able to save the day: tamarind.

This tropical evergreen tree is native to Africa, but it can now be found in places like Mexico, Australia, and South Asia. Pod-like fruits grow from these tall trees and, as they mature, they go from green and sour to brown and juicy with a sweet-and-sour pulp. It’s used in Indian cooking and also popular as a folk remedy.

The flavor of the fruit might not be to everyone’s liking, but its benefits can make it far more appealing. A study that was published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that it can remove risky fluoride deposits from your bones. In the study, researchers discovered that healthy boys who consumed a third of an ounce of the fruit for just 18 days noted significant enhancements in their urinary excretion of fluoride. In another study, boys who were given tamarind to eat for just three weeks noted additional fluoride excretion compared to a control group.

That is good news for anyone who is concerned about the effects of fluoride, which are numerous and downright disturbing. It has been linked to everything from several types of cancer and reduced IQ to infertility, low thyroid function, and a debilitating bone disease.

Mother Nature’s micronutrient secret: Organic Broccoli Sprout Capsules now available, delivering 280mg of high-density nutrition, including the extraordinary “sulforaphane” and “glucosinolate” nutrients found only in cruciferous healing foods. Every lot laboratory tested. See availability here.

However, tamarind also provides another incredibly useful benefit: It can prevent and alleviate chronic diseases. Tamarind seed extract has been shown to target and kill inflammatory chemicals like interleukin, reducing joint pain, swelling and inflammation. This makes it quite useful or those who suffer from osteoarthritis.

In addition, its rich vitamin C content means it can boost immunity and help detoxify. It’s a good source of potassium, supporting healthy blood pressure, and it also helps prevent heart disease by removing excess LDL cholesterol from the veins and arteries in the body. It also promotes circulation and normalizes the levels of triglycerides in the blood. In addition, it boasts a significant iron content, helping to ward off anemia.

It can even be useful in the fight against obesity. Consuming it raises levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which controls weight as well as appetite. At the same time, its high fiber content helps curb out-of-control appetites and promotes digestion.

How can you get the benefits of tamarind?

If you have access to fresh tamarind, you can simply eat the fruit as it is. Be sure to seek the organic varieties. It can also be bought in slices, blocks, concentrate, or paste. In addition, you can buy the dried seed pods, which should be cracked open and boiled. If you go this route, the inner pulp should be dark brown, and the fruit should not smell bitter.

It’s important to note, however, that tamarind can thin your blood, so be careful if you take aspirin or other blood-thinning medications.

According to the Fluoride Action Network, many children now exceed the recommended daily fluoride intake just by using toothpaste. More than 50 studies have linked fluoride to lower IQ in children. If you are worried about fluoride exposure for you and your loved ones, tamarind could prove to be an essential part of your diet.

Sources for this article include:

MMS 2018

Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)

MMS is a “stabilized oxygen” formulation that is a 22.4% solution of Sodium Chlorite in distilled water. When a mild acid (lemon or lime juice, or citric acid) is added to a few drops of MMS, Chlorine Dioxide is created and when ingested, produces a major boost to the immune system. It kills virtually every known pathogen, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, and yeasts.

While first developed to address Malaria in Africa, it has now been shown to address many toxicity conditions that are directly or indirectly related to pathogens. There is documentation of over 75,000 cases of Malaria being overcome in Africa. Often in as little as 4 hours all symptoms are gone and the victim is tested clear of Malaria.

It is now known that chlorine dioxide, as used in the MMS protocol, can be used to overcome toxicity contributors to such conditions as AIDS, Hepatitis A,B&C, Typhoid, most cancers, herpes, pneumonia, food poisoning, tuberculosis, asthma, colds, flu and a host of other conditions.

Even conditions not directly related to pathogens seem to be helped due to the huge boost to the body’s immune system (by way of reduction in the body’s toxic load), i.e., macular degeneration, allergies, lupus, inflammatory bowel disorders, diabetes, snake bites and fibromyalgia. Please note that MMS doesn’t cure anything, but rather it reduces the toxic load which helps our body to heal itself.

The Alchemy of MMS

Anyone can be on toxin overload. If you are habitually low on energy, have trouble keeping your weight down or blood pressure in the normal range, or constantly dealing with inflammation or pain, then there’s likely a toxin, heavy metal, virus, bacteria, or parasite issue in play.

Traditional medicine will typically respond by loading you up with additional pollutants, many of which indiscriminately kill healthy tissue while going after “the bad guys.” Not so with chlorine dioxide. It only acts on harmful presences. Miracle or not, the effects are wonderful.

Chlorine dioxide is a chemical compound that consists of one chlorine ion bound to two ions of oxygen. A powerful oxidizing agent, it is the most abundant dissolved ion in ocean water and readily combines with nearly every other element. Oxidizing agents are chemical compounds that readily accept electrons from “electron donors.” They gain electrons via chemical reaction. This is important because relative to chlorine dioxide, all pathogens are electron donors.

Chlorine dioxide is extremely volatile. Chlorine dioxide’s extreme volatility prevents pathogens from developing a resistance. Mainly because when they “clash,” the pathogens no longer exist. Yet, healthy cells and beneficial bacteria are unaffected. When a chlorine dioxide ion contacts a harmful pathogen, it instantly rips up to five electrons from the pathogen, in what can be likened to a microscopic explosion . . . harmless to us, but terminal for pathogens.

Throughout the body, anywhere chlorine dioxide ions — transported via red blood cells — come into contact with pathogens, the pathogens give up their electrons and cease to exist. The chlorine dioxide-armed cells only “detonate” on contact with pathogens, which include harmful bacteria, viruses, toxins, heavy metals, and parasites.

All of these will have pH values that are out of the body’s range of good health. They will also have a positive ionic charge. The chlorine dioxide-equipped cells do not oxidize beneficial bacteria, or healthy cells, as their pH levels are 7 or above, and hold a negative ion charge.

Chlorine dioxide ions will oxidize — meaning vaporize — diseased cells . . . anything that is acidic with a positive ion charge. If the chlorine dioxide ions encounter no pathogens or other poisons, it deteriorates into table salt and in some instances, hypochlorous acid, which the body can also use.

In 1999 the American Society of Analytical Chemists proclaimed chlorine dioxide to be the most powerful pathogen killer known to man. It has even been used to clean up after anthrax attacks.

MMS (actually chlorine dioxide gas) has been known and widely used since 1947 as a powerful germicidal agent. Its anti-bacterial action is capable of exactly targeting nearly, all bacteria, fungi, yeast, and blood-borne diseases, killing them with an electric disorganizing jolt, while doing no harm to normal human living cells.

MMS withdraws four or five electrons from the walls of pathogens. It’s attracted to them. ClO2 molecules are like electric bullets that the immune system welcomes and puts to good use almost immediately.

Red blood cells pick up the ClO2 molecules, circulates them, and the result is gradual cleansing and detoxification throughout the entire body. Malaria, for example, disappears from the blood in 4 to 10 hours in most cases. Cold or flu attacks can be prevented, or can be stopped rapidly depending on the scope of the intrusion.

The Fundamentals for using MMS are These:

Repeated small doses are more effective than large morning and evening doses. It has been demonstrated more than 1000 times that small doses administered often, up to once each hour, are more effective than large doses administered once or twice a day.

We now know that the chlorine dioxide chemical generated by MMS does not remain in the body more than one or two hours at most. The size of the dose does not seem to make a great deal of difference to the amount of time that MMS remains active in the body. That basically is because it doesn’t matter if it is a large amount or small amount it still deteriorates into mostly just table salt in an hour or two.

So in reading the various methods of using MMS elsewhere on this web site, keep in mind – it is going to be much more effective to take MMS either each hour, or each two hours, and with smaller doses that will be equal to – or maybe larger than – one large dose.

Put as much MMS into the body as you can without causing an increase in sickness, nausea, or diarrhea. Always start out with a one drop dose at first and increase the drops every time you feel you can. That means, of course, that you activate each MMS drop with 1 drop HydroChloric acid and wait 1 minute and add Apple juice or water as always.

So, on the second dose you could increase to two drops if the first drop didn’t seem to increase sickness (in most cases it won’t). Generally, that would be in two hours after taking the first dose. Then keep increasing each one or two hours until you feel that you have reached maximum or until you notice a slight nausea. Generally two or three or four drops each time is all that is needed.

However, you could increase the drops up to 10 drops per hour if there is no increase in nausea and if you feel that more is needed. I would put a limit on 10 drop doses and normally you would never need to go to 10 drops doses if you are doing 5 to 10 doses a day.

You stop when you are well. Or if you are just trying to clean yourself out then you could try the 15 drops dose three times a day as that has always been the standard. If you can take 15 drops three times a day for a week without nausea or diarrhea or other negative effects, then most likely the majority of the infections and pathogens and parasites are gone.

After you are cleaned out a maintenance dose is still the same as always, 6 drops a day of MMS along with the citric or other acids required for activation. That’s for older people and 6 drops twice a week for younger people, older people being over 60.

Decrease the number of drops as needed if diarrhea or nausea occur, but do not stop taking MMS. Nausea and diarrhea are both good indicator signs that MMS is working. Diarrhea lasting for an hour or two is very good, but to keep it up for days at a time can cause more harm than good. So always decrease the drops when these temporary barriers arise – they are temporary in most cases.

Increase the number of drops taken each two hours very slowly and if you begin to feel sick (or feel nausea or diarrhea) reduce the number of drops you take. Do not make yourself feel worse. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO VALUE IN EXPERIENCING NAUSEA. You always take the maximum amount of MMS that you can possibly take without getting nauseous or having diarrhea.

Note: If you notice diarrhea, or even vomiting, that is not a bad sign. You are killing pathogens faster than your liver can process them for elimination. Therefore slow down the killing process. The body is simply throwing off poisons and cleaning itself out.

Everyone says that they feel much better after the diarrhea. You do not have to take any medicine for the diarrhea. It will go away as fast as it came. It will not last. It is not real diarrhea as the body is just cleaning out, and it is not caused by bacteria or virus. When the poison is gone, the diarrhea will be gone.

It was reported to Jim Humble that if you eat cold apple slices as soon as nausea begins, the apple pulp will absorb stomach toxins that have been dumped there. Apples absorb toxins quite reliably, so keep some cold apples on hand to reduce nausea before it puts you down for the day.

Avoid all forms of Vitamin C for two hours before and after use of MMS. This is a temporary requirement, necessary during the significant weeks of your ramping up to the level of drops where you can be considered to be “Cleaned Out.”

If you are taking Vitamin C capsules marked as “12 hour” type, you will have to discontinue their use and only take capsules or tablets that do not indicate a timed action and take them only at night after MMS hours.

Thoughtfully maintain a nutrition program adequate to maintain your immune system. MMS takes unwanted pathogens and parasites out of your body with great efficiency but it provides no nutritional minerals or vitamins.

Maintain intake of friendly micro-organisms (acidophilus, and other flora). MMS itself does not kill intestinal friendly micro-organisms but forceful diarrhea can sometimes reduce their numbers. Similarly, maintain intake of minerals – especially calcium and magnesium.

Nutritional intake is critical to the immune system. Daily sunshine on the skin will maintain your vitamin D or, if you rarely see the sun, you must maintain “D” with supplements – – essential for maintaining the immune system. While MMS is the most potent germicidal agent on the planet, only the immune system produces healing and maintenance of health.

Swallow activated MMS with any amount of water or Applejuice added. This is the most common method. Adding water or limited juice to the mix after the one minute wait enables you to drink the mixture.

The amount of water matters very little provided that you drink it all – typically one half to a full glass of water. If you drink the entire amount you will get all of the MMS benefit. Diluted little or much it will still do the same cleansing within in your body.

After the one minute wait, when you add water or juice, no more chlorine dioxide is generated. It is locked into the water or juice. After drinking the mix with the water added, the ClO2 gas will circulate in the body for less than two hours as described above. Insignificant amounts of ClO2 are generated after the water is added, but not enough to consider.

You could repeat any MMS dose every two hours (or less) without harm provided you observe the temporary barriers created by diarrhea or nausea

Standard Method for Activating and using MMS

Always activate one MMS drop with five drops of one of the food acids, either unfiltered vinegar, fresh lemon or lime juice, or citric acid solution (10% strength).

To make citric acid solution use a clean pint bottle with screw-on lid. Add 1 level tablespoon of citric acid powder and 9 tablespoons of water. Repeat that again if the bottle will hold it. Shake and store it in a capped jar. Refrigerate for longer life and to prevent thickening. Citric acid powder is available in most drug stores, enabling you to mix your own 10% liquid for storage.

In a cup or small glass always mix 5 drops of one of those food acids to each one drop of MMS. Swirl and wait at least 3 minutes, then add 1/3 to 2/3 to a full glass of water or thinned juice (but without any vitamin C), as natural apple or grape juice – then drink it. (You can expand the 3 minutes out to 10 minutes but no longer.)

After adding the juice or water it is best if you drink immediately, but you can drink some, then wait as long as 30 minutes before drinking the second half without losing a lot too much of the beneficial ClO2 gas.

Never start with more than one or two drops. People who are very sick and/or sensitive should start with ½ drop (drink only half the glass of a one drop dose). Activate the MMS drops as given above.

Continue to follow the procedure until you reach 12 drops taken every 2 or 3 hours – if possible – ALWAYS STAYING JUST UNDER THE NAUSEA BARRIER. Continue at three or more doses per day for at least one week and then reduce the drops to 4 to 6 drops a day for older people and 4 to 6 drops twice a week for younger people – known as “maintenance” mode.

Note: Once you have completed step 3 above most of the viral, bacteria, mold, and yeast load will be gone from your body. Your body will be clean and cleared of the pathogens you picked up and hosted since childhood. You no longer have to worry about feeding the microorganism load. You can base your diet on nutrition, rather than not feeding the load.

Diabetes often goes away as inflammation of the pancreas diminishes. Your body will be able to easily absorb vitamins and minerals and many other nutrients it might have been missing up to this time. You should feel better as time goes by.

Do not quit taking the MMS, Be sure to take vitamins and minerals and other nutrients that you know are good. MMS supplies no nutrients, so your normal program of nutrition should be maintained between doses or at night.

For Children the protocol is essentially the same. One should usually start at 1/2 drop. Just make a one drop drink and pour out 1/2 of the drink before giving it to the child. Then increase from 1 to 2 to 3 drops as given above, but do not go beyond 3 drops for each 25 pounds (11.4 kg) of body weight. With a baby start with 1/2 drop every 2 or 3 hours and stop when the baby is well.

If the baby or child should become nauseous wait an extra hour or two before giving another dose and also give a smaller dose. Give smaller doses until the baby or child can tolerate more, but do not stop giving doses until they are well. Children that are sick with the flu or other diseases should have 1/2 drop every hour during most of the day.

Pregnant women should have at least a maintenance dose of 6 drops a day. It will maintain their immune system at peak condition that is needed for all pregnant women.

Malaria and Other Parasitic Diseases: Use 15 drops the very first dose. Wait one to two hours and give another 15 drops. Do the same the next day. Continue for 3 days. Check for parasites. If parasites are present, continue up to 3 months.

All parasites will be dead long before 3 months. Remember always use 5 drops of activator for every drop of MMS, wait one minute and add juice. In most cases, parasites, including worms, will be dead within 3 days.

Snake Bites: Take at least 15-drop dose, repeat in two hours. Continue every 4 hours until you are out of danger. As usual, use the activator, wait 3 minutes and add juice. Do not cut a snake bite in any case. Be sure to see a doctor, but do not allow him to cut the snake bite. It’s okay to use a suction device on the bite. Cutting spreads the poison too fast.

Any Sick Animal: For smaller animals use 1 drop per 25 pounds of body weight. For horses and other large animals, use 3 drops per each 25 pounds of body weight. Use an appropriate amount of activator, wait 3 minutes and normally add water instead of juice. Most animals will go ahead and drink, but you may have to force feed the animal. In that case a turkey baster with a large squeeze tube bought at most grocery stores works fine. If there is a question, use smaller doses at first.

To purify water: (including tap water) one drop of MMS in one gallon of water will remove most heavy metals, and pathogens from the water. The water will be odor free and drinkable within three to ten minutes after mixing.

One or two drops of lemon juice will speed the purification process. This drinking water has no health benefits except that metals, microbes, and bacteria are removed from the water. The ClO2 ions sacrifice themselves and disappear.

Intravenous MMS for HIV patients: Do not use sterile water. Us IV solution either saline or glucose or other sugar solutions sold for that purpose. Normally the glucose works best as the saline sometimes causes a drop in blood pressure. If you use a 500 ML bottle start with one drop. Wait and hour after adding the MMS to allow for activation.

Use one drop the first day, two drops the second day. Then increase to 6 or 8 the third day. Then increase by 4 to 8 drops a day until you are doing 22 drops in 500 ML of solution in a 2 to 4 hour drip. Normally you would do it until the person is well. Sometimes it works good with HIV patients orally and sometimes you need to do intravenous.

Jim Humble

Over a 6 year period Jim Humble, validated that Miracle Mineral Solutions can undeniably save and extend the lives of people inflicted with any illness caused by pathogens. A pathogen is defined as a “biological agent that causes disease or illness to its host” and types of pathogens include Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa, Fungi, Parasites and Proteins.

When the immune system is compromised, pathogenic bacteria proliferate, eventually causing harm to the host in the form of malaria, AIDS, hepatitis A, B & C, typhoid, cancer, tuberculosis, pneumonia, arthritis or asthma through to the discomfort of flu, sinus and “the common cold.”

Restoration surprises
Through all the years of our lives we’ve been taking in poisons and toxic materials that got stuck in muscle, fat, nerves, and brain. Our immune systems have been on the defensive from early childhood, devoted entirely to maintaining life defensively against a ceaseless barrage of bad air, impure water, and now genetically modified foods. The immune system has been kept very busy, sometimes retreating in effectiveness, other times just barely keeping up.

With MMS, if we push through to a 15 drop level or even up to 30 drops, and maintain it for a while, our immune systems may eventually have spare time to go on the offensive. What might happen if your immune system had nothing to do but produce surprises of restoration for you? Immune systems on the offensive are rarely seen.

Allergies might vanish. Insulin glands might begin to function again. A liver half gone in an alcoholic might regenerate to original size. First, we must detoxify. Then we might be in line for some restoration surprises.

With MMS we have opportunity to set the immune system free, empowering it to do what it was intended to do.

If you are interested in buying mms yourself, you can send me an email.

5 tibetan rites instructions

5 Tibetan Rites Step-by-Step Instructions

How to get the incredible benefits of the rejuvenating Five Tibetan Exercises: age reversal, restored hormonal health, easier weight loss and more!

The most important thing you should know is that the 5 Tibetan Rites work in conjunction with each other, so if you want to fully experience the remarkable benefits of these ancient Five Tibetan exercises it’s best to do all five of them daily (download a free poster of the Five Tibetan Rites below):

Download a Free Poster of the 5 Tibetan Rites

However, if you are extremely overweight don’t do Rites #4 and #5 until you’ve developed enough core strength.

Before giving you the detailed description so you can do each of the 5 rites correctly, here are three practical tips to keep in mind:

Tip #1. If your physical condition is average, start with just 5-7 repetitions for each of the 5 Tibetan Rites and build to the full set of 21 adding 2-3 more repetitions each week.

It’s much more important to take your time and focus on doing the exercises correctly, rather than pushing yourself to achieve doing the full set in the shortest amount of time. Then, as you reach the maximum recommended of 21 repetitions for each of the 5 Tibetan Rites, this whole workout won’t take you more than 10 minutes.

Tip #2. Avoid doing the Rites in the evening because they build a lot of energy that lasts for hours and you’ll find it hard to fall asleep. It’s best to do these powerful, energy-generating Five Tibetan exercises early in the day. Why? Because they’ll raise your metabolism for the rest of the day and as a result, your body will burn more fat.

However, do them after your morning shower, as water dissipates the prana (life energy) that this workout builds. If you do the Tibetan 5 Rites correctly you should not sweat, so not showering after them shouldn’t be a problem.

Tip #3. Perform the 5 Tibetans on an empty stomach, in a well-ventilated area (outside if possible, but NOT in the sun) and wear comfortable, loose clothing.
Let’s go now to the step-by-step instructions for the 5 Tibetan Rites.

1. First Rite: Clockwise Spin

5 Tibetan Rites: First Rite

Stand upright and extend your arms at shoulder level away from your body, palms facing down, keeping your fingers together.

Start turning clockwise (to the right) while inhaling deeply through your nose during the first spin.

TIP: To avoid getting dizzy, keep your eyes fixed on one point, for example your right hand’s little finger.

Stop when you’ve completed 21 turns of this first exercise of the 5 Tibetan Rites.

As you stand up, allow your muscles to relax a few seconds while breathing deeply a couple of times and feeling the sensations in your body before moving to the Second Rite.

2. Second Rite: Leg Raise

5 Tibetan Rites: Second Rite

Lay flat on the floor on a rug or mat, on your back with your legs straight and your arms to your side palms down, keeping your fingers together.

While inhaling deeply through your nose, lift your legs and head simultaneously, tucking your chin into your chest.
Keep your legs straight and try to extend them towards your head.

While exhaling through your mouth, slowly lower the legs and head returning to the initial position of laying flat on the floor.

After completing 21 repetitions of this Second Rite, stand up and allow your muscles to relax a few seconds while feeling the sensations in your body and breathing deeply a couple of times before moving to the Third Rite.


3. Third Rite: Kneeling Backbend

5 Tibetan Rites: Third Rite

Kneel on the floor with your your spine straight, legs together, toes curled. Tuck your chin against your chest and place your hands on the backs of your thighs.

While inhaling deeply through your nose, raise your head up while leaning back bringing your shoulder blades together, craning your head and neck backwards as far as you comfortably can, relaxing your lower spine and supporting your weight with your hands braced against your thighs.

Do not strain.

Time your inhale so that your lungs are full when you reach all the way back position.

While exhaling forcefully through your mouth with your face and cheeks relaxed, start to come forward back to your starting position, with your chin tucked against your chest.

Time your exhale so that your lungs are completely empty when your head has returned to the starting position.

After completing 21 repetitions of this Third Rite, stand up and allow your muscles to relax a few seconds while feeling the sensations in your body and breathing deeply a couple of times before moving to the Fourth Rite.

4. Fourth Rite: Table Top

5 Tibetan Rites: Fourth Rite

Sit on the floor with your spine erect, legs straight, a little less than shoulder-width apart, arms to your side, palms down, fingers together, chin tucked against your chest.

While breathing out, raise your buttocks off the floor while bending your knees, shifting your weight to your arms and legs, continuing to raise your buttocks until your trunk and thighs are straight and parallel to the floor, letting your head go back as far as you comfortably can.

As you breathe in, return gently to your initial sitting position with your head dropped forward, chin tucked against your chest.

After completing 21 repetitions of this Fourth Rite, stand up and allow your muscles to relax a few seconds while feeling the sensations in your body and breathing deeply a couple of times before moving to the Fifth Rite.


5. Fifth Rite: Pendulum

5 Tibetan Rites: Fifth Rite

Get down on the floor on your hands and knees (in push-up position), with your hands and legs a little less than shoulder-width apart.

While exhaling, come up on your toes shifting your weight in your arms, straighten your legs, arch your spine, bend your head back. Do not let your body touch the ground except for your curled toes and hands during this last exercise of the 5 Tibetan Rites.

While inhaling, bend at the hips, push your buttocks up into the air making an inverted V-shape with your legs and arms straight, while tucking your chin toward your chest and trying to put the soles of your feet flat on the floor.

Then, while exhaling, return to your starting position (arms supporting your weight and head pulled towards your back).

After completing 21 repetitions of the Fifth Rite, lay flat on the floor on your stomach with your arms stretched out from side to side, your head to one side and your eyes closed. Feel the sensations in your body. Relax fully waiting until your heart beat and breathing return to normal.

Finishing Up the 5 Tibetan Rites

After you complete the exercises, simply walk around and stretch a bit for half a minute and then go on about your day.
Beside getting into shape, boosting your energy, toning your body, kicking your body’s metabolism and fat-burning in just 10 minutes on a busy schedule, one of the main conveniences of the 5 Tibetan Yogic Rites is that you can do them at home, in your backyard, in a hotel room, in the park, on the beach or even at the office – if you have enough space for your mat.

It doesn’t really matter where you do them; as long as you are consistent you too will experience the astonishing health benefits of these five Tibetan Exercises >>


Detox and Relieve Constipation with this Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey Drink!

The compound If you just got back from vacation, or you haven’t been making the healthiest food choices lately and you’re feeling a little weighed down, there’s a natural remedy that can help. A colon cleanse can be used to flush toxins from the body and restore the digestive system after a weekend or a few days of overindulging, and this one only contains two ingredients, both of which you may already have in your home!

Apple Cider Vinegarapple cider vinegar

Raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar has a long list of uses, especially for those who prefer to use natural remedies. Not all apple cider vinegar is created equal, so make sure you buy the organic, raw, unfiltered kind. The nutritional benefits haven’t been filtered out, so the unfiltered particles will provide your body with the most benefits. Apple cider vinegar contains a bacteria known as acetobacter. This is a “friendly” bacteria that breaks down food in the gut.

The antibiotic properties of apple cider vinegar can help improve the acid content in the stomach, reducing heartburn and acid reflux. There are several antioxidants in apple cider vinegar that work to keep the body healthy, including catechin, gallic acid, caffeic and chlorogenic acids. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar can even increase the body’s absorption of important minerals from the food you eat to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your leafy greens!


Organic, raw, unprocessed honey provides many excellent health benefits, partly in thanks to a phenolic compound it contains, known as eugenol. The compound Eugenol has been shown to have anti-tumor properties. The active compounds in raw honey are believed to help kill cancer cells in the body, making it a great addition to a colon cleanse. Unfiltered honey also provides the body with probiotics, which help to restore healthy bacteria to the digestive system. These friendly bacteria help the body digest food and absorb nutrients.

Signs You May Need a Colon Cleanse

Toxicity from a blocked colon can cause several health issues. A combination of these problems could mean that your colon needs cleansing:

  • Constipation – This could result from a bad diet, stress or chemicals and other toxic substances that cause the colon to try and protect itself by producing more mucus, which eventually builds up on the bowel walls.
  • Aches – Headaches, backaches and sciatic pain may be the result of an impacted colon.
  • Fatigue – Toxic residue in your colon can circulate through the blood to all parts of the body, causing fatigue.
  • Odor – Bad breath, body odor and gas can occur when the colon releases toxic gas into the body.
  • Acne – A clogged colon can cause toxins to overwhelm the pores and cause acne.


Natural Colon Cleanse


  • 8 ounces of warm water
  • 2 tablespoons of organic raw apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons of organic raw honey


  1. Shake the apple cider vinegar to mix up the unfiltered part that settles at the bottom.
  2. Add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 8 ounces of warm water.
  3. Add 2 tablespoons of raw honey to the mixture.
  4. Stir the mixture until the honey dissolves.
  5. Drink each morning or any time throughout the day.

Power of Positivity
David Wolfe
Reader’s Digest
Medical Daily
David Wolfe



How To Remove GMOs, Fluoride, Allergies, Mercury & Chemicals With Just One Ingredient

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a naturally occurring rock made from the skeletons of fossilized diatoms, a type of hard-shelled algae.

When ground into a fine powder, diatomaceous earth works mechanically to destroy a wide range of pests, insects, parasites and pathogens by cutting through the exoskeleton, absorbing bodily fluids and causing them to die. Food grade diatomaceous earth is chemical-free and non toxic.
Diatomaceous earth has many uses including detoxification of the body — inside and out; protecting pets and livestock from parasites and insect infestation; and keep your yard and garden pest-free.

Add diatomaceous earth to your diet to detox parasites that can contribute to food intolerance, nausea, bowel discomfort, pain, itching, asthma, sinus infections, Morgellon’s disease, and a host of other allergic-type reactions.
DE detoxes mercury, cadmium, lead and other heavy metals; removes poisons from chemtrails, radiation and may alleviate the effects of GMOs. DE possesses antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties.
In addition to detoxing and destroying pathogens, diatomaceous earth helps to lower blood pressure and contributes to the production of collagen to improve skin tone, strengthening the tendons and joints.
To consume DE orally, start with half a teaspoon and work up to two heaping tablespoons. Mix thoroughly in four ounces of water. Drink immediately and follow with another eight ounces of water. Take on an empty stomach. Continue drinking water throughout the day, because DE can cause constipation.
Initially, you may experience a Herxhemier reaction, which can cause abdominal discomfort and flu-like symptoms. This is a normal response to detoxing, as parasites and pathogens die, releasing their toxins into your system for elimination. The symptoms disappear after a few days.
Source: healthyss

3 Day Detox That Cleanses Your Body From Sugar, Help You Lose Weight

The primary ingredient responsible for being overweight and for obesity in general is sugar, together with fats and carbohydrates. But here, we are not thinking about a reasonable amount of sugar, since this is not dangerous for our health. A lot of people are not even aware that they consume great sugar amounts, by eating various products that can be found in stores including cereals, sodas, salad dressings, drinks, candies, yogurts etc.

Cleanse Your Body From Sugar

These products usually accumulate excessive amounts of sugar in the body. You can find simple carbohydrates in foods, like: raisins, honey, natural fruit juices, bananas and mangoes.

Our organism is built to quickly use the sugars, usually as a quick source of energy. This process of the body raises the levels of blood sugar, and we are all aware that this has harmful effects on the health. But, even more dangerous – the excessive sugar amounts create issues in the intake of nutrients.

The excessive consumption of sugar has many symptoms and side-effects such as the following: hyperactivity and consequent fatigue, depressive moods, yeast infections, colds, headaches, sinus problems, disorientation and sleeplessness. Also, chronic overconsumption sugar increases the risk cardiovascular diseases and diabetes and sometimes breast cancer.

Sugar Consumption vs. Weight gain?

When we eat consume a lot of sugar, the body transforms the sugar it needs into energy. This is the tricky part – the body accumulates the rest as body fat. The added sugars in various foods don’t cause the same effect on our body like natural sugars. If you eat such products, they can cause bacteria in the bowels, which in turn may increase the level of blood sugar. And this kind of sugar is also transformed into fat! We can all recognize sugar addicts. When people consume a lot of sugar, the body proceeds to accumulate unnecessary fat on their waist, hips, face and thighs.

Quit Sugar!

Quitting sugar is a rather difficult task. Some experts say that it’s virtually impossible to quit or stop the addiction of sugar if you don’t stop consuming it completely. Many people try to exclude sugar from the diets, and they usually experience symptoms including: headaches, sadness, queasiness, cravings and fatigue. If someone has sugar addiction, these symptoms appear after a meal. The body experiences sugar cravings and the body is sending signals to the brain that it is hungry.

For the most part, sugar addicts will consume something sweet again. But this is the worst – when the person satisfies the cravings for sugar, the symptoms – headaches, sadness and other similar feelings will fade and will feel better. Don’t forget: if you want to quit sugar, you must exclude it completely.

Three Day Sugar Detox

Day 1

Breakfast: A cup of oats (steel-cut) with seeds, almonds or berries or three scrambled eggs
Snack: a bowl of nuts (small)
Lunch: Poached chicken breast and one serving of butternut squash, turnips, carrots, parsnips ,beets and beans (lightly cooked) and almonds
Dinner: Green beans and broiled fish, or a salmon and stir-fry mushrooms and broccoli

Day 2

Breakfast: A cup of oats (steel-cut) with seeds, berries and almonds, or spinach with three scrambled eggs
Snack: A bowl of nuts (small)
Lunch: Zucchini with peppers (yellow and red) with lemon dressing, thyme and vinegar, or a red or green shredded cabbage salad and carrots, olive oil, salt dressing and lemon juice and chopped parsley
Dinner: Vegetable casserole, bean soup and steamed vegetables, or bok choy with baked cod and roasted turnips and Brussels sprouts

Day 3

Breakfast: A cup of oats (steel-cut) with almonds, berries and seeds, or radish, sautéed kale and walnut salad, shrimp and three fried eggs
Snack: A bowl of nuts (small)
Lunch: Chicken thighs roasted in a pan with lemon, sage and rosemary or chicken roasted in an oven with black olives, thyme and onion.
Dinner: Vegetable broth with onion, garlic, celery, carrots, bay leaves and thyme with mushroom heads or penne pasta with basil, mushroom and tomato sauce (you can also add meat)


Be aware that the drinks are very important if you really want to stop using sugar. If you exclude drinks that are packed with sugar from the diet you will easily break the addiction to sugar. You can substitute them with healthy drinks that will make you feel energized and refreshed and they will boost your metabolism as well.

Detox water: Chop some blueberries, grapefruits, oranges or strawberries. Add mint or fresh rosemary and place all ingredients a jar with filtered water. You can keep the detoxifying water in the fridge and consume it daily.
Tea: You are allowed to drink green or herbal tea as long as it is unsweetened. Drink every day, at least three times.
Coffee: You are allowed to drink only a cup of black coffee a day and, of course, it must be unsweetened.

After this detox you will see that the headaches, depression and fatigue are totally in the past and you will also learn that you can live without your daily dose of sugar. Now it is time to use healthy sugars like dry fruit, fresh fruit or other desserts with low sugar level. You’ll feel very refreshed and healthier. If you enjoyed reading the post, share it with friends!


Source: Complete 3 Day Detox That Will Cleanse Your Body From Sugar, Help You Lose Weight – The Mind Awakened

Conquer Fear and Live Free!

Conquer Fear & Live Free – Towards Healthcare Emancipation

Conquer fear & live free

Are we really helpless?

Are you tired of watching the constant barrage of men in yellow suits transporting “Ebola” carriers from Africa?

Due to our relative ignorance about our body’s basic internal operations, we are left without any option other than to seek “professional help” at the slightest symptoms of a disease.

The discussion about our own anatomy, especially in the context of healthcare, is heavily mystified and deliberately made more complicated than it really is, effectively preventing us from fully understanding the whole subject. Moreover, there seems to be a concerted effort to disrespect the sanctity of the human body altogether.

But is healthcare really that hard to learn?

Besides, when government and relevant institutions seem to be lacking the needed resolve to end these healthcare problems for good, isn’t it time for us to act and do something?

Isn’t it time for us to bypass these Middlemen?


We were taught that the human body is a very complex assembly of gazillion delicate parts, and learning about them may take a lifetime. It may be true if the goal is to manipulate or modify their inherent forms and functions. But if the purpose is healthcare then our job is undoubtedly much simpler.

Here’s why…

The lymphatic subsystem is a major part of the auto-immune system. It is a series of vessels throughout the body that drain fluid from tissues. Parasites are picked up in the lymphatic fluid and trapped inside lymph nodes, where they can be neutralized by white blood cells.

When it comes to taking care of our own body, there are only three (3) things that we must be aware of:

Auto-Immune System

The immune system is a complex defense mechanism which protects us from any parasitic infection, e.g. viral, bacterial, and pathogenic. Our body is doing this critical function continuously even without our conscious will to do it.


Homeostasis is the body’s self-regulating processes which maintain chemical balance, among others, to preserve stability while dynamically adjusting to conditions that are optimal for survival. Psychological stress may cause chemical imbalance but, just like the auto-immune system, organs responsible for homeostasis will restore the chemical balance in time. Our body is doing this critical function continuously without our conscious will to do it.


To some degree, our own body has the ability to repair itself, e.g. wound and fracture healing, and just like the first two critical functions, it is doing this nature’s wonder without our conscious will to do it.

Our body knows exactly how to take good care of itself, every single cell in it…

… and we don’t need to be an “expert” to help it cure whatever ailment it may be suffering from.

All we need to do is to refrain from further aggravating any undesirable condition we might have by avoiding the use of chemicals and radioactive diagnostics, and by refusing invasive surgery except in extreme cases of physical trauma.

Eventually, our own body may develop resistance to an infection by producing antibodies in time. Similarly, the human body will also develop resistance to any toxic chemicals including those coming from administered antibiotics themselves!

These are all natural immunoresponse mechanisms that should not be attenuated by any artificial means. The discovery of antibiotic resistance marked the end of modern medicine as we know it.


The mainstream discussion about every disease is so overblown; it is flooded with fatalistic statistics rather than the honest exploration of the solution itself.

The overall effect is the birth of unwarranted fear and panic which would then create a “need for institutionalized expert advice” followed by chemical and invasive interventions. The conventional modalities effectively bypass intelligent and scientific home-based alternatives.

It is important to understand that there used to be only three (3) general causes of human ailments. But recent findings indicate a new and deceptive cancer inducing weapon has arrived:


All live organisms feeding through our body for their own survival are considered collectively as parasites. We keep accumulating them from the day we were born, and throughout the years we’ve been breathing life on this planet.

Toxic Chemicals

Any chemicals that are taken excessively, or those that should not have been in our body in the first place, are considered toxic and should be removed by a method that truly neutralizes them for good.

Energy Depletion

Inadequate rest and bad nutrition deplete the energy supply which the immune system and all other systems require for their proper and optimal operation. These are the primary causes by which our body’s auto-defense and auto-repair mechanisms become dysfunctional.

Electromagnetic Pollution

The use of mobile or wireless gadgets, e.g. cell phones and laptops, has brought us convenience in the way we intercourse with society. But the grave dangers of its prolonged use are just starting to surface. more »

There is no such thing as spontaneous cellular deterioration.

All diseases are caused and our body has the ability to cure itself from them. In fact, mainstream scientists have recently discovered a dwarf tapeworm causing cancer tumors in one patient.

Every cell in the body, being the fundamental unit of life, has enough intelligence to take good care of itself. It has the ability to breathe in from freshly oxygenated blood, feed from available nutrients flowing with the blood and excretes wastes by itself which are then carried away during the blood’s return trip into our bio-filter system, i.e. liver, kidneys and the spleen . It also has the versatility to transform itself into whatever tissue that any organ requires, e.g. wound and bone fracture healing.

All human cells die off only when oxygen and nutrient supplies are depleted, or are subjected to persistent parasitic attack, or under heavy chemical intoxication, but certainly not of aging. It is the imperfection of their environment that causes them to fail, rather than our illusory perception of the passing of time.

The human body could suffer only when there is:

  • a sustained parasitic replication,
  • massive chemical intoxication, and;
  • inadequate supply of energy,

… in which time all three critical systems (i.e. auto-immune, homeostasis, and auto-regeneration) start to fail and diseases start to manifest.

The only logical solutions are those non-toxic, non-invasive treatments that the mainstream institutions could not provide, or are hesitant to do so, aside from the fact that some of these drug companies are fully documented to have deliberately contaminated their vaccines with live viruses and toxic chemicals, while relevant institutions turn a blind eye [here].

Worse, these institutions are even making these deadly vaccines mandatory through state legislations and outright blackmail via threat of public school defunding!

I worked in the Pharmaceutical industry that do nothing but annihilate the population of this world. Dr. John Rengen Virapen

Does it make sense if i told you, “You’re really sick. I’ve got an idea, let me poison you?” Dr. Thomas Lodi


The most logical treatments for any disease, of whatever severity, should exclude the use of toxic chemicals and radioactive diagnostics. They should not include invasive surgery either because it would affect the normal operations of the organs as delicate nerves are needlessly cut-off and neural communication is impractically severed.

The most logical treatments should have the following characteristics:

  • They should enhance the operation of the immune system and not hamper the normal operation of the organs, which should make recovery possible..
  • They should promote chemical balance rather than aggravate the dire condition any further through trial and error, “carpet bombing” scheme via measured doses of poison casually labeled as antibiotics.
  • Above all, the treatments should respect the inherent expertise of our body in restoring its normal condition by itself.

    All the cells that make up the whole organism called human being have already mastered the art of survival long before we even discovered their existence and identified some of their functions. In fact, we have yet to fully determine and understand what they are truly capable of.

Allow the body to cure itself naturally…

… as it is more intelligent than our conscious mind will ever be in defending itself from any diseases, and only use those interventions that avoid worsening the condition. Stay away from those concoctions which may have caused the ailments in the first place.

Do these logical treatments exist?

Yes, they’ve been here all along, and some of the reasons why they are not made available are that they are too easy and less costly to implement which would surely affect the profitability of the “healthcare” industry, consequently reducing the tax collection of the government.

Beyond good and adequate nutrition, sufficient rest, and regular exercise, which should eliminate energy depletion as the primary factor contributing to the reduction of our resistance to all forms of infections, the most logical treatments only involve the right application of Basic Science, like so:

Chemical Neutralization

There are at least three (3) most common causes of chemical intoxication:

  • high level of acidity
  • heavy metals
  • radioactivity
Neutralizing High Acidity & Radioactivity

If a person is sickly, there’s a very high chance that his blood pH is lower than normal, i.e. acidic. In fact, most cancer patients do.

Based on the chart below, the antidote to acid is alkaline or base. So, in order to raise your pH towards alkalinity you need to have an alkaline diet, or a controlled intake of alkaline salt like baking soda.

The idea is to strike a pH balance as recommended on the chart below.

Normally, our urine pH should be between 6.5 to 8.0 pH.

Range of urine pH values.

Normally, our blood pH should be a bit higher than neutral; 7.41 pH is recommended.

Range of arterial pH values.

Remember, the above values will be maintained automatically by your own body through a process known as homeostasis, and it is only during organ infection and energy depletion when this useful mechanism could fail, in which case the following intervention should become necessary.

Shown above is a procedure to verify that acid, vinegar in this case, can be neutralized with alkaline salt like baking soda. The mixture will result to bubbles of carbon dioxide and salty water, both of which are easier to flush out from the body.

Any acid can be neutralized with baking soda. With careful monitoring,  your acidic blood pH can be normalized by taking in appropriate amount of baking soda solution, making the blood inhospitable to any parasite.

It is also being used in hospital patients intravenously when undergoing chemotherapy to protect them from excessive drug toxicity. So, why not bypass chemotherapy altogether?

70% of the doctors surveyed don’t even want to take  chemotherapy in case they themselves are afflicted with cancer. In fact, they’d be better off using sodium bicarbonate, or baking soda, and expect much higher survival rate as Dr. Tullio Simoncini’s 1000+ patients experienced first-hand…

Beyond that, baking soda molecule NaHCO3 readily binds with uranium atom, thereby protecting the kidneys from the effects of radiation during a nuclear fallout.

Neutralizing Heavy Metal Intoxication

Another problem causing chemical intoxication is heavy metals, and there is a saner approach on how to effectively deal with them that isn’t subject to erratic availability once the gadget is already in your home.

This gadget is called ozonizer.

Ozone Generator
Ozone Generator

Ozonizer produces triatomic oxygen (known as ozone) on demand,  and it is very useful in oxidizing or breaking down any metal upon contact. That is the reason why we need to put oil on any machinery to prevent them from exposure to oxygen in ambient air, thereby avoid oxidation or rusting.

If an entire metal train car disintegrates with constant exposure to air containing oxygen, why not the heavy metals causing cancer inside our body?

Ozone is triatomic oxygen; it has one unstable atom that readily attaches to other element to oxidize that same element. Ozone is produced in nature through lightning discharges, without which, we would have already drown from the pollutants we have emitted into the air we breathe.

It turns out we’re not only neutralizing heavy metals but can also suffocate any parasite just by ozonizing our drinking water. Parasites have smaller capacity for handling oxygen than the host.

Ozone is guaranteed to neutralize not just Ebola but all other viruses and beyond.

Moreover, we are also neutralizing acidity even further by the addition of more oxygen atoms into the whole equation.

So, how great would that be when components of the whole protocol work in complementary to each other to achieve a common objective?

Even better, the whole protocol is the most natural set of complementary treatments there is, i.e. baking soda, ozone, electricity, they all exist naturally.

Even our own pancreas is producing sodium bicarbonate to regulate acidity in our own digestive system, aside from producing insulin. When the pancreas is infected by parasites, it won’t be able to perform these functions effectively.

Diabetic patients should, therefore, explore the possibility of directly reinforcing the supply of sodium bicarbonate into their system, while actively electrocuting the worms colonizing their pancreas and nearby organs.

Parasite Neutralization

In 1903, Edison publicly electrocuted dozens of animals including an elephant to prove his point that Nikola Tesla’s alternating current is deadly and that his direct current power system is safer.

In the same process he also proved our thesis, i.e. if an animal as big as an elephant can be neutralized at will without chemical intoxication but by using electric current instead, why not use the same method with those tiny parasites lurking inside our own body?

We just need to know how to deliver the current into the parasites using the safest electrical tension, or voltage.

Topsy electrocuted by Edison in 1903
Topsy, a harmless circus elephant, was electrocuted by Edison at the new Luna Park, Coney Island, in 1903.

Unfortunately for Edison, he lost the “war of the currents” to the more economically and technically superior alternating current [AC] system that we still use to power our homes and run our industries today.

It is important to understand that when blood is freed from all types of parasites, more than 2000 neuropeptides will return, among them is interferon which interferes the growth of cancer cells. When this happens, the normal capability of the auto-immune system could return ensuring complete remission later on.

Allowing your own immune system to recover first and let it work naturally is always your best healthcare strategy.

One should also understand that having the blood thoroughly cleansed off from all parasites is just half of the task. Through a regular physical workout that suits your current physical condition, your blood must be delivered to all extremities and deep recesses of your body where it could perform its functions, i.e. deliver nutrients, detect presence of and neutralize parasites, extract wastes and toxins, more effectively.

Based on our own experience, the strategy fails only when patients take detoxification procedure for granted. Neutralizing parasites is the easy part; drinking ozonized water generously, doing regular physical exercise and avoiding defeatist attitude are hard for some patients, and they are bound to fail.

Electrocuting Parasites

There’s only one feasible way of neutralizing all types of parasites with one treatment, and that is the use of electric current, and we only need a weaker voltage to accomplish it, and not the dangerously high electrical pressure that Edison employed.

The smaller the parasite, the weaker the voltage needed to put the adversary into a devastating electric shock, giving ample time for the liver and kidneys to flush the parasite out of the system.

The beauty of this method is that, it won’t have adverse effects on our healthy blood cells and tissues, and it won’t discriminate any certain type of parasite. It neutralizes them all.

So, who needs to know what specific infection one might have?



Who needs undergoing radioactive diagnostics?

Just electrocute them all!

Shown above is a simple diagram of parasite electrification. In practice, alternating DC pulses will be used.
Shown above is a simple diagram of parasite electrification. In practice, alternating DC pulses will be used.

Realizing that you can electrocute all types of parasites on demand at the flip of a switch, for what do you need vaccines for?

Electrification of the blood alters the protein layer of any type of parasites flowing thereto, effectively neutralizing and preventing them from replicating any further until all of these parasites are flushed out through the liver and kidneys.

WARNING: It is very important to flush all toxins, e.g. neutralized parasites, out from the body before the next treatment session. This can be done by drinking generous amounts of ozonized water. Otherwise, permanent liver and kidney damage are to be expected due to the accumulation of neutralized parasites and other toxins clogging these organs.

So, don’t ever try this procedure if you are not fully committed to the whole protocol.

The proof is hard to ignore when you are experiencing it by yourself.

All chemicals and parasites can be neutralized at will using Elementary Science. When the body is freed from all primary causes of disease, i.e. quick replicating parasites and toxic chemicals, the body could focus more on the healing process and complete remission is thereby guaranteed, as what we have actually experienced, and the reason why Dr. Kaali was awarded a U.S. patent for the validity of such similar method.

The Dr. Kaali patent for arterial blood electrification. Click on the above image to download the actual patent from Google Patents repository.
The Dr. Kaali patent for arterial blood electrification. Click on the above image to download the actual patent from Google Patents repository.

As you can see from the left, Dr. Kaali was awarded with this US Patent 5188738 on February 23, 1993 for a method that could “attenuate any parasite including AIDS virus… but does not make the blood unfit for use in humans”, or doesn’t affect healthy human cells.

This is an official recognition that since 1993 there’s already a cure for AIDS, and yet somehow we haven’t heard the big news from the mainstream media . Why?

Let that sink in for a moment. Then, realize that both cancer and AIDS are just two sides of the same coin, i.e. both conditions manifest themselves when the immune system is finally defeated.

Of course, as can be expected from a medical doctor, he employed an invasive method of electrifying the blood during one implementation of his proven method of restoring the core component of the immune system to its full functionality.

There is, however, a smarter approach that won’t involve invasive blood extraction, and we have written an entire eBook describing, in non-technical terms, how you can effectively do it on your own, and all other information that you might need in order to implement the whole protocol successfully.

The advantage of these methods is very profound since we are not using prescription drugs, nor are these treatments invasive in nature, we are therefore not required by corporate law to be a medical doctor first before we can administer these treatments to anybody who’s willing to follow the protocol strictly.

Towards Healthcare Emancipation 2.x – Premium Edition

This eBook is written without the presumption of technical expertise from you. But if in case your confidence does fail, just print out the circuit schematic diagram and the parts list; buy those parts listed and give them all to a technician, or any technical hobbyist, or even a vocational student who would be very happy to assemble the gadgets for you, and you’ll never have to divulge what those devices are for.

Once your system is properly setup and ready for use, you won’t be spending too much resource for its continued operation. Battery recharging may only contribute a few pennies to your monthly bills.

Maximum treatment duration is only 2 hours per day, and you can move around your home while having the treatment, enjoy its privacy and the company of your loved ones.

If you follow the whole detoxification protocol religiously:

  • by drinking generous amounts of ozonized water, and;
  • absolute avoidance of all substances stipulated at the Precautions Table;

… a complete remission can be expected within the next three (3) months, or so, depending on the actual severity of your own condition.*

*This is based on the actual experience of the author who was suffering from hepatitis B infection and eventually, vasculitis for 24 years. He is now on his 7th year of being freed from the high cost of chemical drugs, from all types of “incurable” ailments, and most importantly, from all medical fear mongering.

 Are these methods similar to that of Dr. Raymond Rife and Dr. Hulda Clark?

Absolutely not.

Both the Rife and Clark methods exploited the non-invasive advantage of high frequency electrical signals anchored on the principle of resonance. Yes, they sound complicated and they are indeed hard to implement and understand, especially for the layman. The only documented experts in those methods were the great pioneers themselves.

The methods described in the eBook are much simpler to understand, cheaper to implement and more effective, too, during actual treatment scenarios, as you will find them soon.


Anti-Viral System Benefits & Advantages

  • non-chemo, non-toxic, no long-term side-effects
  • non-herbal, non-consumable
  • non-invasive, no blood contamination
  • non-regressive, decisively effective
  • transparent results, verifiable in 2-3 months
  • do-it-yourself, complete privacy, no discrimination
  • low overall costs, no financial risks

Other very notable benefits

When protocol is used beyond the treatment of primary ailments, you may enjoy the following benefits:

  • Restoration of physical symmetry
  • Full hair restoration
  • Normalization of weight
  • Normalization of blood pressure
  • Quick healing and less scarring from open wounds
  • Better skin texture
  • Eradication of offensive odor and bad breath
  • Reduces discomforts associated with menstruation
  • Enhances reproductive health, i.e. may eliminate impotency


eBook Features

  • easy to follow
  • fully illustrated
  • step-by-step instructions
  • patented technologies
  • even non-techie can do it
  • project support through private email
  • 100% money-back guarantee, 120 day coverage
  • strict non-disclosure policy

This eBook has received quite a lot of favorable reviews from actual users as sampled below…


Due to the uncompromising efficiency of using electric current to neutralize all types of parasites, which should result to a very high volume of toxic neutralized parasites trapped in the liver and kidneys, you are required to start slowly, i.e. short treatment durations on the first two weeks, or so, depending on the actual severity of your condition. Gradually increase these treatment durations only when signs of detoxification failures, as described in the eBook, are not present.

Drink generous amounts of ozonized water daily. At least 95% of your own body is made up of water. So, just by drinking ozonized water alone you already win the battle. Electrocute the parasites and you’ll win the war.

Otherwise, don’t purchase this eBook if you are not willing to do so.

Detoxification failure leads to permanent liver and kidney damage. Be responsible.

Minimum ozonized water daily intake: 3.7 liters for men; 3 liters for women.

The patient should fully understand that the single most important component of the whole protocol is efficient detoxification and must be fully committed to its orderly implementation. Otherwise, the whole exercise would be a total failure even before it is started.

15 Reasons to drink plenty of water.


We are very grateful to all those who took their time to write us these reviews for both versions of the eBook. You’re all a great source of inspiration.

Thank you very much. Mabuhay!

I already read 125 pages the first night after I discovered your book. You saved me a lot of work! It is the type of book I wanted to write, so thanks for saving me the trouble.

…After I was diagnosed with breast cancer 4 years ago I started my research and turned down the allopathic therapies, although I was operated on twice because I could learn fast enough and was like everybody else naive. I see the big picture like you.Linda W.

I asked the question at an earlier date and you said it was  O.K. I could do it myself but for the amount of pages i would rather take it to a printing company…

Book looks great i can’t imagine the time putting it all together, keep hungering for the truth.Curt

I like the new additions to the book. They make the information more user friendly.

I very much look forward to getting a copy of the alternative energy book you are working on. Any idea about a finish date?? Can you send me an e-mail notification when it is ready for purchase? That would be great. I am in the process of reading the new edition and digesting the new info. Great work!! Keep it up!!

Thanks for all your help!Tom

What a fantastic book, it is going to take me sometime to digest all the info, some of info I have known since 1974 and it is hard to show the sheep, what is going on, this book will help greatly in that endeavor. I need a hard physical address to donate, thank you.Henry R. F.

…on the 1st Edition

I am extremely impressed with the format, graphics, and pictures. This isn’t just text.. it’s a fully illustrated, well thought out and put together work of art.Russ

What you’ve created is an encyclopaedia of what it takes to live well and live long. Many thanks!Brian T, UK

…, I would like to thank you very much for this amazing book!!!  I’ve read the whole thing in the last 2/3 days and must say it’s been very inspiring…Nolan L, UK

Thank you for all your time and effort. I have not finished the ebook yet. It is chocked full of excellent information and I am looking forward to getting the supplies and experimenting with this technology. When I get my disability check I’m going to send you some more of the paper money for I have shared this with a couple of people, I hope that is/was ok for they would have not bought it for themselves but now they are reading it. My dearest thanks to you, you are a true brother.In loving grace,David

Thank you for writing a book that covers so much great info in a way that simpletons like me can understand. I’m looking forward to the next book.Jason

I’m fully convinced about the technologies that you’ve presented and from hereon I will follow all your advice. They are very practical and everyone should be doing the same. Thank you very much for what you do.Lisa, Connecticut

Your research work is excellent and scientific. I am now practicing your recommendations. Thank you very much!Thomas Tong, Ph.D.

What I like most about this book is that, not only does it give you a complete picture of why the [medical] world is behaving like it is; it presents a very comprehensive yet uncomplicated solution. A solution that is inexpensive, everybody should be doing it as I am.

This is beyond healthcare freedom!

Ed, a million thanks to you. You are a lifesaver and a true brother indeed.Richard, Australia

Do you want to help your own body cure itself from any known and unknown diseases without using expensive antibiotics, radioactive diagnostics, and invasive surgeries, at the comfort and privacy of your own home?

Do you want to have your own Complete Non-Invasive DIY Anti-Viral System that doesn’t cost a limb to implement and is decisively effective in defeating all types of viral infections?

Do you want to help a kin or friend in dire healthcare need and feel ultimate joy for having done so?

Do you want a real healthcare insurance for the entire family?

Do you want to know what healthcare freedom is like?

For as long as you are genuinely looking for a decisive solution to finally end all fears related to healthcare, i.e. how you can defeat all diseases including those that are classified as “incurables”, this could be the answer.

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Normal untreated blood can survive outside the human body for 4 days, or less. However, we found out that electrified blood can survive in a microscope slide for 57 days, leading us to coin the phrase — “immortal blood”!

Imagine what it could do where it matters… Dr. Robert C. Beck, DSc.


Governments are Corporations. The Uniform Commercial Code [UCC], otherwise known as the Admiralty Law, commonly known as Corporate Laws that govern most countries today prohibit us from making any therapeutic claims. Fortunately, we don’t need to do so.

The key to the successful implementation of this protocol is the removal of all toxins including those that resulted from parasite electrification, i.e. neutralized parasites, prior to the next treatment session. The accumulation of neutralized parasites in your liver and kidneys will lead to permanent organ damage, that could be avoided by drinking generous amounts of ozonized water to detoxify your body as absolutely required.

Obviously, we can’t do the detoxification for you. Start slowly, i.e. short time durations for electrification during the initial stage. Short electrification time means less volume of neutralized parasites. Be responsible. You are now in full control of your own health.

If you have fully understood and have agreed with the foregoing discussions, faithfully followed and performed the necessary procedures as described herein and in the eBook, Towards Healthcare Emancipation 2.x – Premium Edition, you will be the one making those therapeutic claims soon.