Category: Cancer
Frankincense essential oil kills cancer cells better than Chemo

Frankincense has had many uses over the course of history. It’s commonly used in religious ceremonies and is a popular scent used in aromatherapy. Frankincense is also renowned for its uses in traditional medicine.
Frankincense comes from the resin of the Boswellia tree and can be transformed into a potent, fragrant essential oil with many health benefits. Frankincense is often used for fighting inflammation, infections and to prevent premature aging. It has also been used to soothe the digestive tract, support the immune system, promote oral hygiene, and boost mental health.
Sounds pretty good, right? It gets even better! Recent research has revealed that frankincense also has cancer-fighting properties. In fact, studies have shown that it may even be more effective that several common chemotherapy drugs! The best part is that frankincense doesn’t harm healthy cells, has no severe side effects and can even help kill off chemo-resistant cancer cells.
Researchers from Leicester University found that a chemical in frankincense, known as acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid (AKBA), has the ability to destroy cancer cells. More importantly, it can do so in reasonable concentrations. The researchers believe it could be effective at treating many common cancers, such as colon, ovarian, prostate and breast cancers. Frankincense was found to even be effective at treating late-stage ovarian cancer, which is notoriously difficult to treat. Even cancer cells that were resistant to chemotherapy eventually succumbed to AKBA. The best part is that there are almost no negative side effects associated with taking frankincense essential oil.
Scientists from Cardiff University previously found that frankincense could also help to treat arthritis. The researchers found that the administration of frankincense helped to reduce pain and inflammation for patients suffering with osteoarthritis in just seven days.
Frankincense is often used in aromatherapy to help promote feelings of relaxation and well being, and it can also be used to relieve respiratory irritations. Using a diffuser or vaporizer is a great way to reap the aromatic benefits of frankincense. It can also be used in many other ways. Frankincense essential oil can be diluted with a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil. It can also be added to your favorite lotions for topical applications.
Oncoloog ontdekt sap recept dat binnen 48 uur kanker kan doden!
Ik ben geen voorstander van chemotherapie, behalve in zeldzame gevallen. Dit is waarom het me plezier doet om je een natuurlijke remedie te laten zien die je potentieel tegen kanker zou kunnen beschermen zonder de schadelijke bijwerkingen die chemo met zich meebrengt.
Ik geloof ook in preventieve gezondheidszorg, wat betekent dat je kanker moet bestrijden door middel van dieet, lichaamsbeweging en stressmanagement lang voordat je de ziekte ooit krijgt.
God verhoede dat ik op een dag kanker krijg, ik zal persoonlijk niet kiezen voor een behandeling met chemotherapie. Tenminste de technologie en toepassing ervan vandaag. Dat gezegd hebbende, alternatieve kankerbehandelingen zien er tegenwoordig meer en meer veelbelovend uit. Onlangs is een extract ontdekt dat ons op dramatische wijze zou kunnen helpen.
Hoe kanker zelfmoord te laten plegen
Het extract (van paardenbloemwortel) werkt door apoptose in de kankercellen te induceren. Om dit op een andere manier te zeggen, dwingt dit proces de kankercellen om zelfmoord te plegen zonder de gezonde cellen op enigerlei wijze te beschadigen. Een veel betere optie dan chemo!Wat laat het onderzoek zien?
Een recentere studie wees uit dat het extract van paardenbloemwortel een enorm potentieel heeft, als niet-toxische behandeling. Ze maakten een punt om te stellen dat dit de voorkeur heeft boven de conventionele methoden van chemo die tegenwoordig beschikbaar zijn. En voor degenen onder jullie die meer wetenschappelijk zijn, dit is wat ze zeiden:
“… we namen een vroege activatie van initiator caspase-8 waar, die leidde tot mitochondriale destabilisatie en de inductie van autofagie, wat suggereert dat DRE werkt via de extrinsieke route van apoptose.”Ook hebben Canadese wetenschappers van de Universiteit van Windsor deze ontdekking enige tijd geleden al gedaan. Net als in 2009.
Het begon allemaal toen een oncoloog aan het spelen was met de effecten van paardenbloemwortelthee … hij merkte op dat de snelheid van kanker gecorreleerd was.
Hij zag consequent ook positieve resultaten met verschillende soorten kanker (bijvoorbeeld darmkanker, leukemie, enz.), Zonder de omliggende gezonde cellen te beschadigen.
Als gevolg van dit werk beschouwen verschillende oncologen het gebruik van dit uittreksel als een van de meest veelbelovende behandelingen die we nu hebben!
Anti-kanker paardebloem sap recept
3 kopjes paardenbloembladeren
2 biologische stengels bleekselderij
1 biologische citroen
2 biologische groene appels
1 biologische komkommer
Doe alle ingrediënten in een fruitpers of blender (wij raden dit aan) en drink het ’s ochtends op een lege maag.
Source: Oncoloog ontdekt sap recept dat binnen 48 uur kanker kan doden! | Health Bytes
Dandelion root ‘found to kill’ chemo-resistant melanoma and leukemia

Chemo-resistant melanoma is now the most common type of cancer affecting Americans aged 25 to 29. The only option doctors can presently offer these patients is surgery to remove the tumor and its surroundings, followed by immunotherapy, which does not usually work when the melanoma has metastasized.
However, all that looks set to change, thanks to a humble plant that many people pull out of their gardens and throw away. At the University of Windsor in Ontario, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry has shown that dandelion root extract can cause human melanoma cells to essentially kill themselves without leading to any type of toxicity.
In fact, their initial study saw cancer cells disintegrating within 48 hours, while healthy cells remained unaffected. The study was led by Professor Siyaram Pandey, PhD.
Concentrated dandelion root tea being used in clinical trials
These promising results prompted the non-profit organization Mitacs to reach out to AOR Inc., a Calgary company that produces natural health products, in order to develop a dandelion tea powder that is significantly stronger than that found in health food stores. They accomplish this by milling dandelion root, creating an extract from it, and then freeze-drying it into a powder that patients dissolve into hot water and then drink.
AOR is producing 6,000 doses of this tea for a clinical trial that will take place at the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre, and will involve 30 patients with various types of cancer, including leukemia, who have not had success with conventional therapy.
A statement on the website of the Dandelion Root Project at the University of Windsor says:
Since the commencement of this project, we have been able to successfully assess the effect of a simple water extract of dandelion root in various human cancer cell types, in the lab and we have observed its effectiveness against human T cell leukemia, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, pancreatic and colon cancers, with no toxicity to non-cancer cells. Furthermore, these efficacy studies have been confirmed in animal models (mice) that have been transplanted with human colon cancer cells.
Researcher and medical oncologist Dr. Caroline Hamm said that some of her patients have noted improvements after drinking dandelion root tea from health food stores. The concentrated tea could prove to be even more effective, potentially saving countless lives.
Dandelion could help fight a number of cancers
A 2008 study published in the International Journal of Oncology showed that dandelion tea reduced breast and prostate cancer cells. A subsequent report in the same journal showed that a dietary supplement that contained dandelion suppressed the growth of prostate cancer cells.
Dandelion extracts have also demonstrated their efficacy in treating breast cancer and leukemia in traditional Chinese medicine as well as in Native American medicine.
In addition, dandelion extracts show promise in fighting colon and pancreatic cancer cells.
Dandelion has plenty of other benefits, too
The benefits of dandelions don’t end there. The root can also stimulate the secretion of bile, relieve allergies, reduce cholesterol and cleanse the liver. In addition, it contains high amounts of Vitamin A and Vitamin K.
This is just one of many natural cures that is showing great promise in treating conditions that conventional medicine has failed to conquer. Countless more natural remedies are likely growing in our planet’s forests, oceans and even deserts, just waiting to be discovered.
Sources include:
Source: Dandelion root ‘found to kill’ chemo-resistant melanoma and leukemia
Ginger is the monumentally superior alternative to chemotherapy

If you’ve seen the documentary Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives, you may recall the farmers commenting on the intelligence of squirrels, who, when offered a choice, would always munch on the non-GMO corn cobs instead of the genetically engineered corn cobs. To humans, these two corn cobs look identical, but squirrels have more discernment. They simply refuse to ingest toxic herbicides or jumbled DNA.
By D. Samuelson
When it comes to cancer treatments, men and women act dumber than squirrels.
Let’s say that your doctor has given you a cancer diagnosis. Let’s revisit animal wisdom. If a squirrel was looking over a tasty morsel of ginger on one side, or a vial full of Mehotrexate, Danorubicin or Tioguanine on the other, what would that intelligent squirrel choose? The answer is obvious. And it’s the right answer, because ginger roots, after being dried and cooked, manifest an ingredient called 6-shogaol.
This naturally occurring element is up to 10,000 times more effective at killing cancer cells than those vials of destructive drugs, reports David Guiterrez from Natural News, who states that “researchers found that 6-shogaol is active against cancer stem cells at concentrations that are harmless to healthy cells. This is dramatically different from conventional chemotherapy, which has serious side effects largely because it kills healthy as well as cancerous cells.”
Ginger, like all food and medicinal herbs comes from the soil, just like we do.
The health of our bodies is determined by the health and fertility of our soil. The champion of understanding this vital life link between human health and soil health was Dr. William Albrecht, Ph.D. His legacy of research and writings at the University of Missouri are more potent today than ever. One of his well known quotes reads like this:
“The soil is the ‘creative material’ of most of the basic needs of life. Creation starts with a handful of dust.”
Ginger comes from that handful of dust. And the 6-shogaol extract it contains has been shown in mice studies to reduce prostate tumors by over 50%. According to a study on PLOS, the 6-Shogaol ginger extract can specifically target breast cancer stem cells, which are very difficult to kill, and not kill healthy cells like chemotherapy. As reported by Natural News, “If the stem cell is not destroyed, it will create even more cancer cells…”
What will you choose to heal? Toxic Chemicals or Ginger and other superfoods?
According to projections of the American Cancer Society — a subset of the American Cancer Industry — over 1.6 million Americans will receive this news in 2016 and be primed for chemotherapy. This doesn’t take into account the “basal cell or squamous skin cancer” because these kinds of cancer “are not required to be reported to cancer registries.” Hmm. Do the kick backs begin at the initial report, or are the money-changers at the table only after the chemotherapy and radiation begin?
The evidence of damage to our soil and water from pesticides, herbicides, and all manner of chemicals, frequencies and nano particles has been well documented. As has been the declining health of Americans, especially our most vulnerable, the children. Isn’t it time to not just consider but demand robust natural cures and alternative nutrition like ginger root and just say no to poisons?
Let food be your medicine.
(Photo credit:
Measles Virus Wipes Out Golf-Ball-Sized Cancer Tumor In 36 Hours
The measles could be a “single-shot cure for cancer,” Mayo Clinic doctor says
Clinical trials underway at the Mayo Clinic are revealing an unlikely friend in the fight against cancer… the measles virus.
Scientists have long known that getting sick with the measles can sometimes trigger spontaneous reduction in the size of tumors, but recent clinical trials at the Mayo Clinic have demonstrated just what a powerful weapon the little virus can be.
In a 2014 trial, a concentrated dose of the measles put a late-stage cancer patient into long-term remission.
The terminally ill woman had suffered through every type of chemotherapy available and two stem cell transplants, only to relapse again and again.
She had an advanced case of multiple myeloma, a deadly cancer of the blood spread throughout her body and bone marrow, when researchers offered her a last-ditch resort — a massive dose of the measles.
Within 5 minutes, she got a splitting headache and a fever of 105, followed by vomiting and shaking.
Within 36 hours, a tumor the size of a golf ball on her forehead had disappeared, and within two weeks there was no cancer detectable in her body.
“It’s been the easiest treatment I’ve done by far,” she tells CNN.
The virus strain was engineered and weakened in a lab, and then given in a dose strong enough to vaccinate 10 million people.
Treating cancer with viruses is not new. Mayo Clinic scientists say “virotherapy” has been used successfully on thousands of cancer patients, but this is the first case of a patient with cancer spread throughout her body going into remission.
The measles virus makes cancer cells join together and explode, Mayo Clinic researcher Dr. Angela Dispenzieri explains. There’s also evidence that the virus stimulates the immune system, helping it recognize any recurring cancer cells and “mop them up.”
Subsequent clinical trials have shown similar results with ovarian cancer, breast cancer and non-Hodgkins lymphoma, according to a 2016 research paper titled “Measles to the Rescue.” And current trials are looking at the effect of the measles on glioblastoma multiforme, mesothelioma and squamous cell carcinoma.
“We recently have begun to think about the idea of a single shot cure for cancer — and that’s our goal with this therapy,” Russell said.
Source: Measles Virus Wipes Out Golf-Ball-Sized Cancer Tumor In 36 Hours
Study suggests Vitamin C is cancer’s worst enemy
Study suggests Vitamin C is cancer’s worst enemy

(Natural News) A new study shows that vitamin C might just function as powerful anti-cancer medicine. Researchers at the University of Salford in the U.K. found that using vitamin C inhibited the growth of cancer cells in the laboratory. Vitamin C also showed a potency that was 10 times higher than the experimental drug 2-DG in the process, researchers said. The findings were published in the journal Oncotarget.
Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the disease is the second most common cause of death and disease around the world, accounting for nearly nine million deaths in 2015 alone. Data shows that new cases of cancer are expected to surge by around 70 percent in the next two decades.
The National Cancer Institute in the U.S. projects that nearly 40 percent of American men and women will develop the disease at one point in their lives. Various cancer therapies — such as surgery, radiation therapy and systemic treatments — are currently available, but may not always show efficacy. Some of the treatments are deemed to be toxic and may result in a host of adverse side effects.
More aggressive forms of cancer may not always respond to treatments, and cancer stem-like cells were believed to be the cause of disease recurrence and metastasis. According to an American Association of Cancer Research panel, a CSC is “a cell within a tumor that possesses the capacity to self-renew and to cause the heterogeneous lineages of cancer cells that comprise the tumor.”
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Vitamin C starves cancer stem-like cells in recent study
According to researchers, vitamin C starves cancer stem cells by blocking a process called glycolysis. The process is responsible for glucose metabolism, and inhibiting it prevents the mitochondria from gaining essential energy for survival. Using vitamin C as an add-on treatment to chemotherapy may show potential in stemming tumor recurrence and further progression of cancer.
Researcher Dr. Gloria Bonuccelli said the findings suggest that vitamin C is a promising candidate for cancer treatment. “We have been looking at how to target cancer stem cells with a range of natural substances including silibinin (milk thistle) and CAPE, a honey-bee derivative, but by far the most exciting are the results with vitamin C. Vitamin C is cheap, natural, nontoxic and readily available so to have it as a potential weapon in the fight against cancer would be a significant step,” said study author Dr Michael Lisanti.
However, Cancer Research UK official Anna Perman cautioned that the results are at its preliminary stages.
“The important thing for cancer patients to remember is that this study is looking at the action of vitamin C in the laboratory, not the effect of eating foods or supplements that contain vitamin C. This should not prompt anyone receiving treatment for cancer to change their diet or treatment plan,” Perman said.
The study backs the findings of a 1971 research by Nobel Prize-winning chemist Linus Pauling. Pauling was a pioneer in testing vitamin C efficacy against cancer. In his study, Pauling examined 1,100 terminally ill cancer patients. One hundred patients were given 10 grams of vitamin C daily, while the remaining cohort was used as the control group.
During a follow-up in 1978, the team found that all patients in the control group died of cancer, while 13 of those who took daily doses of vitamin C survived. In addition, 12 of these patients exhibited no further signs of the disease.
Many studies that followed concludes that high vitamin C doses, at more than 5,000 mg per day, provide optimal protection against cancer.
Vitamine B17 verboden. Het geneest kanker!

Vitamine B17 verboden omdat het kanker geneest!
Dit was ook het geval met artsen, als hun pogingen deden om miljoenen levens te redden met de hulp van deze vitamine werden vervolgd.
Maar toch, probeerde een vrouw om deze vorm van kanker te verhelpen en om zichzelf te redden begon ze met een vitamine B17 behandeling te gebruiken. Zodra ze begonnen was met het toedienen van deze vitamine, ging haar kanker in remissie. Toch keerde het terug toen ze stopte met het nemen van deze vitamine.
Ze besloot om chemotherapie te verwerpen en te proberen om de ziekte met vitamine B17 te genezen. In slechts 10 weken gebruik, waren de effecten gewoon wonderbaarlijk, tot verbazing van haar artsen!
Ze nam 500mg van deze vitamine twee keer per dag, en wist de vijf kwaadaardige tumoren te vernietigen, en een gezond en kanker-vrij leven te leven.
De volgende video zal alle benodigde informatie verstrekken:
Intravenous Vitamin C is a cancer killer and the FDA wants to ban it

Vitamin C has a broad spectrum antioxidant function with the ability to protect cell structures and DNA from free radical damage. Vitamin C is remarkably safe even in enormously high doses. Compared to commonly used prescription drugs, side effects are virtually nonexistent.
No matter how high the concentration, vitamin C does not harm healthy cells. Yet, through an array of enzymatic and metabolic reactions, vitamin C has an impressive ability to protect and treat and wide range of diseases, including cancer. When something is this effective at treating disease, the FDA will stop at nothing to prevent public access.
The benefits of long-term vitamin C consumption in excess of the U.S. government recommended daily allowance (RDA) are widely acknowledged and include reduced risks of cancer, cardiovascular disease and cataracts.
Higher-than-RDA vitamin C intakes have been associated with increases in good HDL cholesterol, decreases in LDL cholesterol oxidation, decreased blood pressure and decreased cardiovascular mortality.
The first physician to aggressively use vitamin C to treat disease was Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., beginning in the early 1940s. Dr. Klenner successfully treated chicken pox, measles, mumps, tetanus and polio with huge doses of vitamin C.
He used massive doses of vitamin C for more than 40 years of family practice. Many practioners who practice with IV vitamin C consider the treatment more effective than any vaccine ever invented.
Vitamin C particularly has a leading antioxidant role in the intercellular space surrounding each cell. It also has the ability to regenerate and optimize other key antioxidants such as vitamin E.
It is a water soluble vitamin scientifically known as ascorbic acid (reduced form). Its absorption is relatively efficient at 70-90% for low doses. Any excess vitamin C that is not absorbed in the digestive tract is excreted. This prevents overdose by oral ingestion.
Humans are one of the few species of animal that are not able to produce vitamin C. We rely on dietary intake to maintain stores. Many people with low dietary intakes of fruits and vegetables have sub-optimal levels of vitamin C. In fact, cancer patients are often shown to have very low levels of vitamin C.
Evidence documents Vitamin C as one of the best antiviral agents now available. Vitamin C can neutralize and eliminate a wide range of toxins. Vitamin C will enhance host resistance, greatly augmenting the immune system’s ability to neutralize bacterial and fungal infections.
A study in the American Heart Journal found that the risk of heart failure increased with decreasing plasma vitamin C; Every 20 .mol/L increase in plasma vitamin C concentration was associated with a 9% relative reduction in risk of heart failure.
Vitamin C in Cancer Treatment
In the 1970s, doctors Ewan Cameron, Nikolaas Campbell, and Linus Pauling were the first to report the use of high dose vitamin C to treat terminally ill cancer patients. They found that IV and oral treatments increased survival times compared to those patients who did not receive treatments.
Since the initial studies by Cameron and Pauling, the exact anti-cancer mechanism of vitamin C has been studied and clarified.
Considering the various functions of vitamin C in the human body, two distinct modes of action have been identified when it comes to cancer. For prevention, vitamin C has antioxidant effects that protect key cellular structure and functions.
It also prevents the formation of dangerous cancer-causing compounds. The dose to achieve an antioxidant effect is low (under 2 grams) and is achievable by dietary intake or oral supplementation.
The second mechanism of action is actually a pro-oxidant effect. Doses above 15 grams are proven to have a “pro-oxidant” effect by generating hydrogen peroxide, which in turn selectively destroys cancer cells.
High doses of vitamin C are preferentially delivered to the areas surrounding the tumour because the vitamin molecule looks similar to a sugar molecule and cancer cells have an increased demand for sugar to fuel their unregulated growth.
When in the area surrounding the cells, the vitamin C molecule reacts with a metal ion such as iron or copper and forms a hydrogen peroxide molecule that damages the cancer cell.
Over and above the pro- and antioxidant effects, vitamin C has been shown to regulate cell division via the p53 protein (essential in cancer treatment and prevention), improve immune response, and reduce the severity of cachexia (weight loss due to cancer).
A recent study also found that high dose vitamin C reduced C-reactive protein levels and pro-inflammation cytokines in cancer patients, which in turn had positive effects on tumour markers.
Linus Pauling, PhD, and Ewan Cameron, MD, published a case report about 100 terminal cancer patients who had been treated with high-dose IV and oral vitamin C. The patients who received this therapy survived an average of 300 days longer than a control group of patients with similar disease status, and 22 percent of them lived longer than one year, compared to just 0.4 percent in the control group.
Based on these results, Dr. Pauling convinced the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to evaluate this therapy in a clinical trial of patients with advanced cancer. But when the results were published, vitamin C showed no therapeutic value.
Why? Because rather than using IV and oral vitamin C as Drs. Pauling and Cameron had done, the NCI used oral vitamin C alone. Of course the study failed–it’s impossible to achieve the requisite blood levels with oral doses.
The body tightly controls levels of this vitamin by limiting intestinal absorption. Intravenous administration bypasses this control mechanism, and blood levels rise in a dose-dependent manner.
For example, 10 g of IV vitamin C raises blood levels 25 times higher than the same dose taken orally, and this increases up to 70-fold as doses get larger. Nevertheless, the flawed study gave conventional doctors an excuse to shun vitamin C, and to this day they dredge it up as proof that vitamin C is ineffective as a cancer therapy.
Mark Levine, MD, a researcher at the National Institutes of Health has done a great deal of work on the mechanisms of vitamin C in the treatment of cancer. It was Dr. Levine’s team that figured out exactly how vitamin C kills cancer.
Vitamin C interacts with iron and other metals in the extracellular fluid (as opposed to within the cells) to create hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide plays a vital signaling role in the immune system, marshalling white blood cells to sites of injury or disease.
In high concentrations, it does much more. Hydrogen peroxide damages the DNA and mitochondria of aberrant cells, shuts down their energy supply, and kills them outright. Best of all–and unlike virtually all conventional chemotherapy drugs that destroy cancer cells–it is selectively toxic. No matter how high the concentration, vitamin C does not harm healthy cells.
Expectations, Outcomes and Dosage
How much vitamin C is an effective therapeutic dose? Dr. Klenner administered up to 300,000 mg per day. Generally, he gave 350 to 700 mg per kilogram (2.2 pounds) body weight per day. Dr. Klenner emphasized that small amounts do not work.
The dosage and route of administration of vitamin C is essential to determine if it has a direct anti-tumour action or a supportive, antioxidant function. The levels needed to achieve direct tumorcidal effects are at least 200-1000 micromol/L. To achieve these higher anti-cancer levels, IV doses of 25-50 grams are required. 50 grams of IV vitamin C can achieve a plasma level of over 14,000 micromol/L. Oral supplementation is insufficient due to very limited absorption in the digestive tract.
Plasma vitamin C levels peak after 200 mg of oral supplementation, and maximal oral dosing before loose stools occur is around 4 grams. Oral absorption can be increased if doses are split up during the day, taken with a meal, or in a sustained released formula. Even when using the same 10 gram dose, intravenous administration achieved a 50-150 fold greater plasma vitamin C level compared to oral supplementation.
Vitamin C (and in turn hydrogen peroxide) levels peak within 30 minutes after IV administration and then return to normal within 24 hours. This makes the direct anti-cancer treatment effective for only a short period time and therefore frequent treatments are needed.
The benefit of this is that other therapies can be used in short succession after vitamin C without fear of interactions. Most integrative oncologists recommend IV treatments once or twice a week, with oral supplementation on all the other days, for at least 12 months, with regular lab testing to assess tumour markers and progression.
A number of review papers and case studies by integrative cancer physicians and researchers have reported improved cancer survival times and quality of life, and even tumour regression in some cases, after weekly IV vitamin C treatments done consistently over 12 months or longer.
It is also important to note that vitamin C therapy may not work for everyone and for every type of cancer. It is always recommended to consult your Naturopathic doctor to see if vitamin C therapy is right for you.
FDA Wants IV Vitamin C Banned
Now the FDA is reported to be prohibiting small pharmacies from manufacturing or distributing injectable vitamin C. This is regardless of the fact that vitamin C is a powerful healing substance that is great for a lot of health conditions.
Not only is the FDA seeking to eradicate use of IV vitamin C, but they are also working to ban injectable magnesium chloride and injectable vitamin B complex 100 as well. These substances are used to make what is called ‘Myers Cocktail‘, which is used for conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome, hepatitis, AIDS, mononucleosis, and influenza.
A sure sign of a powerful therapeutic agent is when the FDA tries tot shut it down.
Their reasoning has nothing to do with safety, as vitamin C has continually proven to be one of the least toxic nutrients in foods and liquid forms have a safe history of use. Instead, the FDA is banning IV vitamin C because it can’t be patented, and can’t be taken through the FDA’s approval process for a “new drug.”
While oral doses can correct deficiencies and maintain antioxidant levels within the body, IV infusions are required to reach pro-oxidant, anti-cancer plasma levels. To harness maximum benefit, both oral and IV treatments are needed to take advantage of the wide range of anti-cancer effects. While more studies are needed, there is a large body of evidence proving that it is a effective vitamin that can play a major role in an integrative cancer treatment plan.
Original source: Prevent Disease
Stronger then Chemo: Soursop Fruit
Stronger then Chemo: Soursop Fruit. The Soursop is a flowering, evergreen tree native to tropical regions of the world. It also contains a long, prickly green fruit which happens to kill cancer up to 10,000 times more effectively than strong chemotherapy drugs, all without the nasty side effects and without harming healthy cells.
The fruit’s extracts from Annona muricata tree selectively inhibit the growth of human breast cancer cells.
According to Cancer Research UK, Annona muricata is an active principle in an herbal remedy marketed under the brand name Triamazon. The licensing for this product in the UK is not accepted due to its enormous healing effects on the body and potential loss of profits for competing pharmaceutical cancer drugs.
This tree is low and is called graviola in Brazil, guanabana in Spanish and has the uninspiring name “soursop” in English. The fruit is very large and the subacid sweet white pulp is eaten out of hand or, more commonly, used to make fruit drinks and sherbets.
Besides being a cancer remedy, graviola is a broad spectrum antimicrobial agent for both bacterial and fungal infections, is effective against internal parasites and worms, lowers high blood pressure and is used for depression, stress and nervous disorders. Deep within the Amazon Rainforest, this tree grows wild and could literally revolutionize what you, your doctor, and the rest of the world thinks about cancer treatment and chances of survival.
Research shows that with extracts from this miraculous tree it now may be possible to:
- Attack cancer safely and effectively with an all-natural therapy that does not cause extreme nausea, weight loss and hair loss
- Protect your immune system and avoid deadly infections
- Feel stronger and healthier throughout the course of the treatment
- Boost your energy and improve your outlook on life
The source of this information is just as stunning: It comes from one of America’s largest drug manufacturers, the fruit of over 20 laboratory tests conducted since the 1970’s. What those tests revealed was nothing short of mind numbing…Extracts from the tree were shown to:
- Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.
- The tree compounds proved to be up to 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug!
- What’s more, unlike chemotherapy, the compound extracted from the Graviola tree selectively hunts down and kills only cancer cells. It does not harm healthy cells!
The amazing anti-cancer properties of the Graviola tree have been extensively researched–so why haven’t you heard anything about it? The drug industry began a search for a cancer cure and their research centered on Graviola, a legendary healing tree from the Amazon Rainforest.
It turns out the drug company invested nearly seven years trying to synthesize two of the Graviola tree’s most powerful anti-cancer ingredients. If they could isolate and produce man-made clones of what makes the Graviola so potent, they’d be able to patent it and make their money back. Alas, they hit a brick wall. The original simply could not be replicated. There was no way the company could protect protect its profits or even make back the millions it poured into research.
As the dream of huge profits evaporated, their testing on Graviola came to a screeching halt. Even worse, the company shelved the entire project and chose not to publish the findings of its research!
Where Can You Find It?
As far as the fruit goes, you may be able to find it at some grocery and healthfood stores in your area. There are several different soursop juice manufacturers, distributors and suppliers worldwide. Caution would be warranted in purchasing from any company unless you have researched their reputability and extraction methods.
Credits: Prevent Disease | Sources: Wikipedia, Cure Zone, Graviola Secret, Graviola World