Watch as Amazing GcMAF Treatment Kills Cancer Cells in Real Time | World Truth.TV

A breakthrough cancer treatment appears to be the reason why a handful of holistic doctors were recently found “suicided” is now gaining worldwide attention as a potential universal cure for cancer. And new microscopic footage released by First Immune shows this amazing remedy in action — the human protein GcMAF is visually seen activating the body’s own macrophages, which are then able to attack and destroy breast cancer cells in vitro.

The roughly two-minute video clip, which has been posted to YouTube, reveals the true healing power of GcMAF, a human protein that the body makes naturally but that some people lack or can’t produce in adequate volume.

By delivering an activated version of this substance intravenously, scientists have shown that the immune system can be fully invigorated to destroy cancer cells on its own without the need for chemotherapy or radiation.

“Your GcMAF empowers your body to cure itself,” explains the website, operated by First Immune. “In a healthy person your own GcMAF has 11 actions discovered so far, including two on cells, three excellent effects on the brain, and 6 on cancer. Amongst these it acts as a ‘director’ of your immune system.

You will have to click this link because youtube doesn’t want this video to be embedded. posted to YouTube

” As you’ll notice in the above video, GcMAF serves as the energized mechanism for macrophages to target and eliminate breast cancer cells. The incredible mechanistic action of this substance is shown in amazing clarity, and is further described in an associated paper entitled “Multifaceted immunotherapeutic effects of GcMAF on human breast cancer cells.”

“Time lapse photography over 60 hours shows the cancer monolayer … first changing from corrugated to smooth … as the cancer is destroyed,” reveals First Immune. “Then the cancer ‘fingers’ are also eaten and destroyed by the macrophages.”

Holistic doctors ‘suicided’ over GcMAF, which threatens to put cancer industry out of business

Short for Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor, GcMAF just so happened to be the primary focus of research being conducted by Dr. Jeff Bradstreet, M.D., a Florida doctor who was found floating dead in a river back in June. His sudden death was immediately ruled a suicide, even though he had a gunshot wound to the chest, suggesting he was murdered.

Dr. Bradstreet’s “suicide” was just one of about seven others that occurred all around the same time, and all within the holistic healing community. Dr. Bradstreet and his other now-dead colleagues had all been involved in research focused on GcMAF’s potential as both a treatment and cure for cancer, and one that doesn’t produce deadly side effects like conventional cancer treatments do.

GcMAF doesn’t actually cure cancer, of course — it merely provides the ammunition needed by the body’s own immune system to eradicate and cure cancer itself, naturally. And this represents a threat to the pharmaceutical industry, which profits to the tune of billions of dollars annually peddling quackery like chemotherapy and radiation, both of which have been shown to cause more cancer.

“GcMAF and/or oral Colostrum MAF macrophage activation therapy is indicated in the treatment of any diseases where there is immune dysfunction or where the immune system is compromised,” explains the website of a clinic out of Japan that sells an oral form of GcMAF.

Besides cancer, the conditions listed as appropriate candidates for GcMAF treatment include:

Cancer – Autoimmune diseases – Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) – Hepatitis B virus (HBV) – Herpes Simplex virus (HSV) – CystitisHepatitis C virus (HCV) – Multiple sclerosis (MS) – Urinary tract infection (UTI) – Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) – Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) – EndometriosisChronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) – Lyme disease (Lyme borreliosis) – IgA deficiency disorder – Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) – Mycobacteria infections – Parkinson’s diseaseTuberculosis – Fibromyalgia – Human papillomavirus (HPV) – Lupus (Systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE) – HIV AIDS – Dengue fever – Pneumonia infection – Warts caused by viral infection – Norovirus – Malaria Influenza virus (flu) – Herpes simplex virus (HSV) – Q fever (Coxiella burnetii) – Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) – Chicken pox (varicella zoster virus) – PsoriasisRespiratory tract infections – Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s diseaseType 1 diabetes (T1DM), insulin-dependent diabetes (IDDM)Type 1.5 diabetes, Latent autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA)

Watch an interview with the scientist behind this on YouTube

Read about other anti-cancer treatments from the independent media at AntiCancer.newsYou can also do your own research on other types of cancer treatments at TruthWiki.orgSources for this article include: or

Source: Watch as Amazing GcMAF Treatment Kills Cancer Cells in Real Time | World Truth.TV

The Cancer Act

Has anybody heard of “The Cancer Act” that was introduced in 1939? It does appear that not many people know anything about it, yet many thousands of people have, and will continue to suffer from it’s effects.

Basically, it is a particularly restrictive and pernicious piece of legislation which prevents people from writing or speaking about the FACT that it is indeed possible to cure cancer using alternative methods.The Cancer Act may also be the reason why many websites and blogs are now being threatened with fines of up to £1000, simply for alerting people to the very real dangers associated with conventional treatments.


If you do even the most basic research, you will find that among the excuses that have been put forward for the introduction of this act, was to ‘Protect the public from Quackery and Charlatans,’ but it now appears far more likely, to ensure that all types of cancers, were only to be treated by ‘Radium-Based’ methods (Cancer Inducing Radiation).

It may have also been seen, as being necessary to introduce such an act to protect the profits of Pharmaceutical companies, as in 1938, there were people only too aware of the risks and were offering people viable alternatives. –



Lemon and Baking soda. Stronger than Chemotherapy!?


came across this article on one of the sites I follow and wanted to share it with you.  This is in not intended to be a replacement for something your doctor would advise. Always consult your physician.

Why do we not know about this?

Because there are organizations that continue to profit from disease.  It is that simple.

Do you know how many people die while this secret is kept simply in the name of profit?

Lemon has already been proven to have strong anti – carcinogenic properties. In addition to this there are many other useful properties. Lemon has a strong effect on cysts and tumors.


Citrus fruit can cure cancer. Recent studies have shown that consuming citrus fruits, specifically lemons have prevented and in some cases cured cancer.  And by adding baking soda you will normalize the pH of the body which does not allow the cancer to continue to spread.

A recent case-control study out of Europe showed that consuming four or more 150-gram portions per week of citrus fruit decreased the risks of throat cancer by 58 percent, oral/pharyngeal cancer by 53 percent, stomach cancer by 31 percent, and colorectal cancer by 18 percent. This study did not find a protective effect of citrus against breast cancer, but a recent American study did show that women consuming about 75 grams daily of grapefruit (fruit or juice) saw a 22% reduction in breast cancer risk if they had never used hormone replacement therapy. It is noteworthy that the protective level of citrus consumption was nearly identical in both these studies (525-600 grams per week) and could be interpreted as a minimum intake level for meaningful cancer protection. However, it’s also important to know the best sources of limonoids if they are key to citrus fruit’s anti-cancer properties.

Lemon has a very strong antimicrobial effect with a very broad spectrum of activity against bacterial andfungal infections. Lemon is effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure and is a powerful antidepressant, reduces stress and nerve crises.


What is the source of this information?  It comes from one of the largest manufacturers of drugs, which states that after 20 laboratory tests conducted since 1970 they have proved that:

Lemon destroys carcinogenic cells in 12 types of cancers. Lemon prevents the spread of carcinogenic cells and has 10,000 times stronger effect then drugs like Adriamycin, chemotherapy and narcotic products.


Chemotherapy has horrible side effects the worst being that it destroys healthy cells, simply put it kills you. Lemon juice and baking soda, on the other hand only kills the cancer cells.

Lemon and Baking soda Miraculous combination: 10, 000 times stronger than Chemotherapy!
Author: Drew Canole
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice (fresh squeezed) organic
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda (no aluminum)
  • 8 oz water
  1. Patients should drink 4 times a day.
  2. Please make sure to use organic lemons.

Please make sure to use organic lemons.   Organic lemons  are 100 times more effective than a lemon grown with chemical fertilizers and sprayed with chemicals .


Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud, L. L. C. 819 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 1201

Addtional Sources for this article include:

Make use of this information to hype up your very own detoxification! Start now!


The detoxification process can also take in the form of a juice fast.  Here at FitLife.TV, we recommend people to try the Alpha Reset (AR). The Alpha Reset is a 5 Day Juice Fast. It is part of the Juice with Drew System. This is the first step in your detoxification process. If you are just starting out with juicing, do not jump right into a juice fast right away. Just try 1 juice per day along with the rest of your nutrition and see how your body responds. If your body responds well to juicing, then ramp up the number of juices per day. These healthy, nutrient-dense juices can replace that coffee you reach for in the morning or that soda in the afternoon. Here are some of our followers that have tried the Alpha Reset!

Cancer Cured By Brilliant Man In 1934

Then He Was Killed


Many have often wondered why, when referring to cancer in media, the word “industry” is almost always attached.  Cancer and Industry, per their definitions, are two unrelated things.  Yet, time and time again, we hear the phrase “The Cancer Industry”.  According to, the word industry is defined as:

“Industry: any general business activity; commercial enterprise:”

Cancer hasn’t just been turned into a commercial enterprise, by many standards it is a commercial empire, pulling in over 124 BILLION dollars a year (source).  Sometimes, stories of men and women who are “getting close” to the “cure” for cancer are reported in the news, yet we never seem to be able to reach that invisible giant.  Perhaps that’s because cancer has many, many cures – one of which is the focus of this article.  Allow us to introduce Dr. Royal Raymond Rife.

A fascinating report in Waking Times explains:

Dr. Royal Raymond Rife could very well be the father of all holistic cancer research. Rife, born in 1888, was one of the founding pioneers in many of the technologies that are commonly used today and was a main contributor in the field of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics and aviation.

The Rife machine destroys infectious organisms, viruses, bacteria and fungus and has been used to eliminate 52 different microorganisms including cancer, tuberculosis, strep and leprosy.

Rife began his quest to treat disease with electricity in 1920 after discovering that there were specific electrical characteristics in each disease that he studied. Rife performed thousands of tests when trying to isolate the electrical characteristics of tuberculosis.

Rife began research cancer in 1922, but it took ten years before he was able to isolate the VX Virus, which was a cancer microorganism. A year later, Rife invented the Universal Microscope, which a light source technology that could magnify an object 60,000x its size. Because of his invention, Rife was the first person to see a live virus.

Once Rife was able to determine the main oscillation rate for each organism, he would then try to destroy it with light frequency resonance. Each microbe has a natural frequency that it resonates with, so when Rife increased their natural oscillations, the organism became distorted and disintegrated from structural stresses. More importantly, no surrounding tissue was harmed from these oscillations.

Rife named the process Mortal Oscillatory Rate (M.O.R).

As part of his research in 1934, Rife’s machine “cured” 14 out of 16 terminally ill cancer patients within two months. The remaining two were cured within the following 6 weeks, resulting in a 100% cure rate.

On November 20, 1931, Rife, along with 34 of his most distinguished colleagues in medicine, attended a banquet entitled, “The End to All Diseases”. By 1939, the same group of physicians essentially denied Rife’s existence. After finding a cure for cancer, how is it possible for Rife to be completely ignored by his colleagues and what were the motivating factors behind this?

Here’s the inside story.

On the eve of a press conference to announce the results of the 1934 study on Rife’s cancer therapy, Dr Milbank Johnson, former president of the Southern California AMA, was fatally poisoned and his papers “lost”. Also, after a failed attempt by Morris Fishbein to buy the rights to Rife’s healing instrument for the medical drug industry, Rife’s labs were destroyed by arson and sabotage. Dr. Nemes, who had duplicated some of the work of Rife, was killed in a mysterious fire which destroyed all his research papers. A similar fire also destroyed the Burnett Lab, which was validating Rife’s work. Royal Rife himself was killed in 1971 by an “accidental” lethal dose of Valium and alcohol at Grossmont Hospital.

According to Wiki, interest in Rife was revived in the 1980s by author Barry Lynes, who wrote a book about Rife entitled The Cancer Cure That Worked. The book claimed that Rife’s beam ray device could cure cancer, but that all mention of his discoveries was suppressed in the 1930s by a wide-ranging conspiracy headed by the American Medical Association. The American Cancer Society described Lynes’ claims as implausible, noting that the book was written “in a style typical of conspiratorial theorists” and defied any independent verification.

In 1994, the American Cancer Society reported that Rife machines were being sold in a “pyramid-like, multilevel marketing scheme”. A key component in the marketing of Rife devices has been the claim, initially put forward by Rife himself, that the devices were being suppressed by an establishment conspiracy against cancer “cures”.

As stated in the article, Dr. Coldwell: ALL Cancer Can Be Cured in Less Than 12 Weeks, cancer is a $60 billion a year industry, while cancer protection and the early intervention of cancer brings in an additional $162 billion each year.

Question: In an age where technology can be used to improve the quality of life for everyone, why has the Rife machine been ridiculed by the medical industry and suppressed for so long?

Answer: The last thing Big Pharma cured was polio. There is no money in repeat business when finding a cure to anything.

**This article originally appeared on**

Molecular Biologist Explains How THC Kills Cancer Completely | World Truth.TV



From Compultense University in Madrid, Spain, Dr. Christina Sanchez has been studying the anti-tumor effects of THC, the main psychoactive component of cannabis, for over a decade. She delivers sound information that explains exactly how THC kills cancer cells entirely – without adverse effects to healthy cells.

Her research is an addition to other’s work, such as British scientist, Wai Liu, an oncologist at the University of London’s St. George’s medical school. Liu’s research also reveals how THC has ‘potent anti-cancer activity,’ and can significantly ‘target and switch off’ pathways that allow cancers to grow.

Liu points out that pharmaceutical companies spend billions on drugs that do the very same thing, while the cannabis plant does it naturally. In the following video, Dr. Sanchez explains exactly how THC does the dirty work of eliminating cancer cells by activating the body’s own cannabinoid receptors, creating endocannabinoids. What’s more, is cannabis can do this without any psychoactive effects.


This comes at an important time when states are legalizing medical marijuana and the federal government is receiving pressure to de-list cannabis as an illegal drug – an archaic and erroneous definition of a plant which the Feds say ‘has no medicinal value’, even though they hold numerous patents on the plant. The feds are still fighting marijuana, despite having numerous patents on the plant.

Patent No. 6,630,507, for example, is for cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants. Could this be why they are dragging their feet on declassifying this valuable plant?

In fact, three scientists from the Department of Health and Human Services said in the abstract — or summary — of their findings submitted with the patent application:


Surely they knew it could treat cancer too.

In Hindu texts cannabis was known as ‘sacred grass.’ It has also been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Cannabis can replace toxic medications, and drastically reduce pain. Dr. Sanchez’s studies just add to the age-old wisdom surrounding the medicinal use of this phenomenal plant.


via Molecular Biologist Explains How THC Kills Cancer Completely | World Truth.TV.

Wetenschappers genezen kanker, maar niemand heeft interesse!

Wetenschappers genezen kanker, maar niemand heeft interesse!

Canadese onderzoekers hebben een eenvoudige remedie gevonden voor kanker, maar grote farmaceutische bedrijven zijn niet geïnteresseerd.

Onderzoekers van de Universiteit van Alberta in Edmonton, Canada hebben vorige week kanker genezen, maar toch is er een beetje een rimpel in het nieuws of in de TV. Het is een eenvoudige techniek met een zeer basisch geneesmiddel.

De methode maakt gebruik van dichlooracetaat, wat momenteel wordt gebruikt om metabole stoornissen te behandelen. Er is dus geen bezorgdheid voor bijwerkingen of over de lange termijn. Dit medicijn heeft geen patent nodig, dus iedereen kan het gebruiken op grote schaal en is goedkoop in vergelijking met de dure kankermedicijnen geproduceerd door de grote farmaceutische bedrijven.

Canadese wetenschappers hebben dit dichlooracetaat (DCA) getest op cellen van de mens; het doodde long, borst en hersen kankercellen en liet de gezonde cellen met rust. Het werd getest bij ratten met ernstige tumoren; hun cellen krompen toen ze werden gevoed met water aangevuld met DCA. Het geneesmiddel is algemeen beschikbaar en de techniek is eenvoudig te gebruiken, waarom zijn de grote farmaceutische bedrijven niet betrokken? Of de Media die geïnteresseerd zijn in deze ontdekking?

In het menselijk lichaam is een natuurlijke kanker bestrijdende menselijke cel, de mitochondriën, maar deze moeten worden geactiveerd om effectief te zijn. Wetenschappers dachten dat deze mitochondriën cellen werden beschadigd en dus niet effectief waren tegen kanker. En dus richtten ze hun aandacht op glycolyse, hetgeen minder effectief is in het genezen van kanker en meer verspillend. De fabrikanten van geneesmiddelen zijn gericht op deze glycolyse methode om kanker te bestrijden. DCA aan de andere kant is niet afhankelijk van glycolyse maar van mitochondriën; het activeert de mitochondriën, die op hun beurt de kankercellen bestrijden.

Het neveneffect hiervan is het ook een proces genaamd apoptose reactiveert. Ziet u, de mitochondriën bevatten een zeer belangrijke zelfvernietigingsknop die niet in kankercellen kan worden ingedrukt. Zonder, worden deze tumoren groter dan cellen die weigeren te worden uitgedoofd. Volledig functionerende mitochondriën, kan dankzij DCA, opnieuw sterven. Met glycolyse uitgeschakeld, produceert het lichaam minder melkzuur, zodat de slechte weefsel rond de kankercellen niet afbreekt en nieuwe tumoren voedt.

Farmaceutische bedrijven investeren niet in dit onderzoek, omdat de DCA-methode niet kan worden gepatenteerd, zonder een patent kunnen ze geen geld verdienen, zoals ze nu bijvoorbeeld doen met hun aids Patent. Aangezien de farmaceutische bedrijven dit niet zullen ontwikkelen, zouden volgens het artikel andere onafhankelijke laboratoria moeten beginnen met het produceren van deze drug en meer onderzoek doen om alle bovenstaande bevindingen te bevestigen. Al het grondwerk kan worden gedaan in samenwerking met de universiteiten, die verheugd zullen om zijn om te helpen bij dit onderzoek, en zo kan er een effectief medicijn voor het genezen van kanker worden ontwikkeld.

Hier kunt u het originele onderzoek vinden. Dit artikel heeft tot doel ruchtbaarheid te geven aan deze studie, in de hoop dat sommige zelfstandige bedrijven en kleine startups dit idee oppakken en deze drug gaan produceren, omdat de grote bedrijven het niet zulllen aanraken voor hele een lange tijd.

Deel daarom dit bericht aub waar u kunt!

via Graag Delen: Wetenschappers genezen kanker, maar niemand heeft interesse! | World Unity.

Miraculous Combination: Lemon & Baking Soda Found To Be 10,000x Stronger Than Chemotherapy! |Higher Perspective

lemon bake

There are several corporations, organizations, and industries that continually profit from disease. Do you know how many people die each year solely for the name of profit? This is exactly why this combination has remained a secret! Lemon has already been shown to be extremely anti-carcinogenic, along with being able to treat cysts and tumors!

Recent studies have found that consuming citrus, specifically lemons, has prevented and even treated cancer in some cases! The addition of baking soda is in order to normalize the pH of the body, disabling the cancer from spreading. Lemon also has very powerful antimicrobial properties, capable of combatting even the strongest of bacterial and fungal infections. Lemon is also very effective against worms and parasites! Lemon also assists in lowering blood pressure, reducing stress, and acts as an antidepressant!

A recent European case study discovered that ingesting four or more 150-gram servings of citrus fruit each week decreased the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%, stomach cancer by 31%, oral/pharyngeal cancer by 53%, and decreased the risk of throat cancer by a whopping 58%! The study did not find any protective effects of citrus against breast cancer, however a recently conducted American study found that women ingesting 75+ grams of grapefruit (juice or fruit) saw a 22% reduction in breast cancer risk!

Where is this information coming from?

One of the largest drug manufacturers in the world! They state that after 20 laboratory test conducted over the past 35 years have proved that: “Lemon destroys carcinogenic cells in 12 types of cancer. Lemon prevents the spread of carcinogenic cells and has a 10,000 times stronger effect then drugs like Adriamycin, chemotherapy, and narcotic products.

Chemotherapy literally attacks your entire body. It doesn’t target just the cancerous cells… it kills everything. While on the other hand, lemon and baking soda know just who to kill… CANCER! Patients should drink two teaspoons of lemon juice with a half of teaspoon of baking soda.

PLEASE use organic lemons! Organic lemons will be at least 100x more effective than lemons grown with chemicals…


Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud, L. L. C. 819 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 1201

Disclaimer: The techniques, strategies, and suggestions expressed here are intended to be used for educational purposes only. The author, Higher Perspective, and the associated are not rendering medical advice, nor to diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, condition, illness, or injury. It is imperative that before beginning any nutrition or exercise program you receive full medical clearance from a licensed physician. Higher Perspective claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the material presented here.

Miraculous Combination: Lemon & Baking Soda Found To Be 10,000x Stronger Than Chemotherapy! |Higher Perspective.

Scientists cure cancer, but no one takes notice — Health & Wellness —

Scientists cure cancer, but no one takes notice

Canadian researchers find a simple cure for cancer, but major pharmaceutical companies are not interested.

Researchers at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada have cured cancer last week, yet there is a little ripple in the news or in TV. It is a simple technique using very basic drug. The method employs dichloroacetate, which is currently used to treat metabolic disorders. So, there is no concern of side effects or about their long term effects.

This drug doesn’t require a patent, so anyone can employ it widely and cheaply compared to the costly cancer drugs produced by major pharmaceutical companies.

Canadian scientists tested this dichloroacetate (DCA) on human’s cells; it killed lung, breast and brain cancer cells and left the healthy cells alone. It was tested on Rats inflicted with severe tumors; their cells shrank when they were fed with water supplemented with DCA. The drug is widely available and the technique is easy to use, why the major drug companies are not involved? Or the Media interested in this find?

In human bodies there is a natural cancer fighting human cell, the mitochondria, but they need to be triggered to be effective. Scientists used to think that these mitochondria cells were damaged and thus ineffective against cancer. So they used to focus on glycolysis, which is less effective in curing cancer and more wasteful. The drug manufacturers focused on this glycolysis method to fight cancer. This DCA on the other hand doesn’t rely on glycolysis instead on mitochondria; it triggers the mitochondria which in turn fights the cancer cells.

The side effect of this is it also reactivates a process called apoptosis. You see, mitochondria contain an all-too-important self-destruct button that can’t be pressed in cancer cells. Without it, tumors grow larger as cells refuse to be extinguished. Fully functioning mitochondria, thanks to DCA, can once again die.

With glycolysis turned off, the body produces less lactic acid, so the bad tissue around cancer cells doesn’t break down and seed new tumors.

Pharmaceutical companies are not investing in this research because DCA method cannot be patented, without a patent they can’t make money, like they are doing now with their AIDS Patent. Since the pharmaceutical companies won’t develop this, the article says other independent laboratories should start producing this drug and do more research to confirm all the above findings and produce drugs. All the groundwork can be done in collaboration with the Universities, who will be glad to assist in such research and can develop an effective drug for curing cancer.

You can access the original research for this cancer here.

This article wants to raise awareness for this study, hope some independent companies and small startup will pick up this idea and produce these drugs, because the big companies won’t touch it for a long time.

Comment: A more recently published paper can be found here.

See also:

New Scientist, February 26th, 2013: Cheap, ‘safe’ drug kills most cancers

via Scientists cure cancer, but no one takes notice — Health & Wellness —

Lemon And Baking Soda Combination Saves Lives  

lemon & soda

Does the combination of lemon and baking soda have 10 000 times more stronger effect than chemotherapy! Cancer rates are rising fast and the need for alternative treatments is becoming more and more evident. Some studies have proven that lemons have an anti-cancer properties. It has also been reported that lemon can provide other benefits, including the treatment of cyst and tumors. It has been said that lemons have the power to cure cancer, and is currently being tested on all cancer types. Adding baking soda makes it even more powerful, because baking soda brings pH to normal level. It also has potent antimicrobial effect in treating bacterial and fungal infections. It works against internal parasites and it regulates blood pressure. Lemon is beneficial for the nervous system as well – it is a powerful antidepressant, reducing stress and calming nerves. One of the largest drug manufacturers claims that 20 laboratory experiments, conducted since 1970 until recently, proved that: Lemon destroys cancer cells in 12 cancer types. It prevents metastasis of cancer cells and it is 10 000 stronger than drugs like Adriamycin, chemotherapy and narcotic products. It also found that the combination of lemon extract and baking soda destroys cancer cells and it does so without harming healthy cells and tissues. The experiments have shown that patients diagnosed with cancer should drink lemon juice and a teaspoon of baking soda. This treatment can not cure the disastrous side effects of chemotherapy but it can help. Source: Baking Soda Testimonials

via Lemon And Baking Soda Combination Saves Lives  .