Study suggests Vitamin C is cancer’s worst enemy

Study suggests Vitamin C is cancer’s worst enemy

Image: New study suggests Vitamin C is cancer’s worst enemy

(Natural News) A new study shows that vitamin C might just function as powerful anti-cancer medicine. Researchers at the University of Salford in the U.K. found that using vitamin C inhibited the growth of cancer cells in the laboratory. Vitamin C also showed a potency that was 10 times higher than the experimental drug 2-DG in the process, researchers said. The findings were published in the journal Oncotarget.

Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the disease is the second most common cause of death and disease around the world, accounting for nearly nine million deaths in 2015 alone. Data shows that new cases of cancer are expected to surge by around 70 percent in the next two decades.

The National Cancer Institute in the U.S. projects that nearly 40 percent of American men and women will develop the disease at one point in their lives. Various cancer therapies — such as surgery, radiation therapy and systemic treatments — are currently available, but may not always show efficacy. Some of the treatments are deemed to be toxic and may result in a host of adverse side effects.

More aggressive forms of cancer may not always respond to treatments, and cancer stem-like cells were believed to be the cause of disease recurrence and metastasis. According to an American Association of Cancer Research panel, a CSC is “a cell within a tumor that possesses the capacity to self-renew and to cause the heterogeneous lineages of cancer cells that comprise the tumor.”

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Vitamin C starves cancer stem-like cells in recent study

According to researchers, vitamin C starves cancer stem cells by blocking a process called glycolysis. The process is responsible for glucose metabolism, and inhibiting it prevents the mitochondria from gaining essential energy for survival. Using vitamin C as an add-on treatment to chemotherapy may show potential in stemming tumor recurrence and further progression of cancer.

Researcher Dr. Gloria Bonuccelli said the findings suggest that vitamin C is a promising candidate for cancer treatment. “We have been looking at how to target cancer stem cells with a range of natural substances including silibinin (milk thistle) and CAPE, a honey-bee derivative, but by far the most exciting are the results with vitamin C. Vitamin C is cheap, natural, nontoxic and readily available so to have it as a potential weapon in the fight against cancer would be a significant step,” said study author Dr Michael Lisanti.

However, Cancer Research UK official Anna Perman cautioned that the results are at its preliminary stages.

“The important thing for cancer patients to remember is that this study is looking at the action of vitamin C in the laboratory, not the effect of eating foods or supplements that contain vitamin C. This should not prompt anyone receiving treatment for cancer to change their diet or treatment plan,” Perman said.

The study backs the findings of a 1971 research by Nobel Prize-winning chemist Linus Pauling. Pauling was a pioneer in testing vitamin C efficacy against cancer. In his study, Pauling examined 1,100 terminally ill cancer patients. One hundred patients were given 10 grams of vitamin C daily, while the remaining cohort was used as the control group.

During a follow-up in 1978, the team found that all patients in the control group died of cancer, while 13 of those who took daily doses of vitamin C survived. In addition, 12 of these patients exhibited no further signs of the disease.

Many studies that followed concludes that high vitamin C doses, at more than 5,000 mg per day, provide optimal protection against cancer.


Vitamine B17 verboden. Het geneest kanker!

Vitamine B17 verboden omdat het kanker geneest!

Vitamine В17 is de geconcentreerde vorm van abrikozenpitten, die veel voordelen voor de gezondheid kan bieden indien u het goed gebruikt.

Slechts enkele van jullie weten dat de American Medical Association, American Cancer Society en de Food and Drug Administration hebben geprobeerd te voorkomen dat mensen er boekenover schrijven, en ook het organiseren van openbare bijeenkomsten, en het produceren van films over het verbazingwekkende antikanker potentieel van vitamine B17 werd geprobeerd te onderdrukken.

Dit was ook het geval met artsen, als hun pogingen deden om miljoenen levens te redden met de hulp van deze vitamine werden vervolgd.

Maar toch, probeerde een vrouw om deze vorm van kanker te verhelpen en om zichzelf te redden begon ze met een vitamine B17 behandeling te gebruiken. Zodra ze begonnen was met het toedienen van deze vitamine, ging haar kanker in remissie. Toch keerde het terug toen ze stopte met het nemen van deze vitamine.

Ze besloot om chemotherapie te verwerpen en te proberen om de ziekte met vitamine B17 te genezen. In slechts 10 weken gebruik, waren de effecten gewoon wonderbaarlijk, tot verbazing van haar artsen!

Ze nam 500mg van deze vitamine twee keer per dag, en wist de vijf kwaadaardige tumoren te vernietigen, en een gezond en kanker-vrij leven te leven.

De volgende video zal alle benodigde informatie verstrekken:



Tamarind found to remove fluoride deposits from bones

Fluoride is everywhere these days. Remove fluoride. Perhaps you’re one of the people whose municipal water contains this neurotoxin, or maybe you’re worried about exposure via toothpaste. Sodium fluoride accumulates in the body and the brain, and high levels can bring about neurological damage. It might seem like there isn’t much you can do about it, but the fruit of one tree might be able to save the day: tamarind.

This tropical evergreen tree is native to Africa, but it can now be found in places like Mexico, Australia, and South Asia. Pod-like fruits grow from these tall trees and, as they mature, they go from green and sour to brown and juicy with a sweet-and-sour pulp. It’s used in Indian cooking and also popular as a folk remedy.

The flavor of the fruit might not be to everyone’s liking, but its benefits can make it far more appealing. A study that was published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that it can remove risky fluoride deposits from your bones. In the study, researchers discovered that healthy boys who consumed a third of an ounce of the fruit for just 18 days noted significant enhancements in their urinary excretion of fluoride. In another study, boys who were given tamarind to eat for just three weeks noted additional fluoride excretion compared to a control group.

That is good news for anyone who is concerned about the effects of fluoride, which are numerous and downright disturbing. It has been linked to everything from several types of cancer and reduced IQ to infertility, low thyroid function, and a debilitating bone disease.

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However, tamarind also provides another incredibly useful benefit: It can prevent and alleviate chronic diseases. Tamarind seed extract has been shown to target and kill inflammatory chemicals like interleukin, reducing joint pain, swelling and inflammation. This makes it quite useful or those who suffer from osteoarthritis.

In addition, its rich vitamin C content means it can boost immunity and help detoxify. It’s a good source of potassium, supporting healthy blood pressure, and it also helps prevent heart disease by removing excess LDL cholesterol from the veins and arteries in the body. It also promotes circulation and normalizes the levels of triglycerides in the blood. In addition, it boasts a significant iron content, helping to ward off anemia.

It can even be useful in the fight against obesity. Consuming it raises levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which controls weight as well as appetite. At the same time, its high fiber content helps curb out-of-control appetites and promotes digestion.

How can you get the benefits of tamarind?

If you have access to fresh tamarind, you can simply eat the fruit as it is. Be sure to seek the organic varieties. It can also be bought in slices, blocks, concentrate, or paste. In addition, you can buy the dried seed pods, which should be cracked open and boiled. If you go this route, the inner pulp should be dark brown, and the fruit should not smell bitter.

It’s important to note, however, that tamarind can thin your blood, so be careful if you take aspirin or other blood-thinning medications.

According to the Fluoride Action Network, many children now exceed the recommended daily fluoride intake just by using toothpaste. More than 50 studies have linked fluoride to lower IQ in children. If you are worried about fluoride exposure for you and your loved ones, tamarind could prove to be an essential part of your diet.

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Colloidal silver was ‘erased from textbooks’ because cured diseases from tuberculosis to syphilis

Two thousand, three hundred years ago, Alexander The Great was surveying his battlefield and drinking water from silver urns. He knew nothing about bacteria, but he knew that silver containers have a seemingly miraculous way of keeping water fresh.

Silver has been used for thousands of years in different forms for its health benefits. Throughout the middle ages, the wealthy gave their children silver spoons to suck upon to stave off illnesses. People have known about the benefits of silver for so long that it is incorporated into legends.

Silver is the recommended agent for killing vampires, werewolves, and various forms of the so-called undead. According to ancient legend, a silver dagger was all that a knight needed to vanquish evil.

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The new history of silver is a falsified history. Silver was once used extensively by all health care practitioners as an antibiotic and anti-viral. Nothing worked better then, and nothing does now.

The F.D.A. began its crusade against silver products in the 1930’s, because silver (as a natural substance) cannot be patented; but the organization’s antibiotic and vaccine industry partners were able to patent their wares.

Under the Food and Drug Administration’s original name, The Bureau of Chemistry, its real mission was to legally protect the chemical industry by declaring toxic chemicals to be “generally recognized as safe”, and to eliminate the chemical industry’s competition through regulations.

This history has likewise been obscured greatly in most modern historical texts, but the truth can be found in materials from its early period.

Silver medicine has been erased from the textbooks, and it is seldom given mention in medical literature. The official Pharmacopeia (physician’s desk reference book) listed dozens of medicinal silver compounds prior to the mid-1930’s; but thereafter, all mention of silver disappeared.

Newer books report that it never really happened. Before the history was rewritten, silver was like the nuclear weapon of medicine. No human pathogen of any kind survived it. This was the gospel of medicine.

Pure colloidal silver is still the most comprehensive and potent antibiotic and anti-viral known that is actually safe for human consumption, and it is absolutely safe for everyone in every condition. It is natural, has no side effects, and it was killing the worst viral diseases in the 1930’s, long before it became impossible to kill viruses with medicine.

Over the past two centuries, silver has been used by both allopathic and alternative medicine. In addition to being used for routine ailments, silver has been used effectively against some of the most notoriously hard to kill illnesses, including tuberculosis and syphilis.

It has been used as an anti-bacterial agent that was added to bandages and disinfectant sprays. It has been embedded into clothing to prevent bacteria from producing foul odors from sweat, and it has been merged into cloth that is used in burn centers.

Attempts are still being made to lace hospital counter tops with silver, to prevent the growth of bacteria. Silver-lined containers are actively being used to disinfect water in third world countries.

Silver is remarkable because it is an extremely powerful natural anti-bacterial and anti-viral agent, yet it does not impair overall health like antibiotics do. It kills viruses, bacteria, and parasites in cases wherein the parasites live in a symbiotic relationship with a bacterial agent.

This is surprisingly common, especially in the case of blood-borne parasites, such as those of U.S. bio-weapons like Lyme disease. Because of the way that silver kills with an electrical charge, no pathogen can be found or engineered to be immune to it. No life can develop an immunity to electricity.

Since the late nineteenth century, colloidal silver has been the safest and most effective way to medicate with silver. Colloidal silver is manufactured by electrically combining silver with pure water. The colloidal manufacturing process uses no chemicals.

While silver is now labeled as an alternative medicine, it was once used widely in hospitals as the premiere antiseptic and antibiotic. It is still used in hospital burn centers for its incredible ability to heal burns more rapidly than steroids. We were astounded when witnessing it eliminate a sunburn in the span of just an hour, and a burnt tongue within minutes.

Removing silver from the market was one of the first actions of the Food and Drug Administration, when it changed its name in the 1930’s. It gradually changed its name from the Bureau of Chemistry to the more publicly palatable, Food and Drug Administration.

In 1999, after a re-emergence of silver, the F.D.A. completely banned it in any form from being sold in over-the-counter health products, despite the fact that silver has safely been used as a medicine for millennia.

The devastation of the polio epidemic was largely caused by how the Food and Drug Administration suppressed silver to promote its new antibiotic and vaccine industries. By removing silver from the lists of approved medicines, it effectively removed the only treatment that reliably kills polio, which in turn unleashed the full epidemic of polio. The F.D.A. later claimed a victory over polio in boasting that the new generation of vaccines had saved us.

The agency cunningly waited until the epidemic was in its natural decline to release the vaccine, in order to ensure that people saw a connection between the vaccine’s release date and the disappearance of the disease. The public, and quite a few doctors were distracted away from the fact that silver medications were a safe treatment, which effectively kills polio quickly, as well as virtually every other virus known.

Prior to this entire smoke-and-mirrors routine, silver was recognized for doing what the establishment now claims is impossible. Had silver medicine not been stripped from the market, the polio epidemic would have never occurred.

Today’s huge vaccine and antibiotic markets would have never come into being. Silver had to go. Just to inflate the dishonest vaccine marketing even more, the F.D.A. and the American Medical Association began promoting tonsillectomies for all children at the same time, while knowing that the tonsils are the only organ in the human body that produces polio antibodies.

They needed polio to spread widely, in order to change the public’s unfavorable attitude toward vaccinations, which is exactly what happened.

The Food and Drug Administration now admits that antibiotic drugs are useless for most of the conditions for which they have been prescribed throughout the last seven decades. The common cold, flu, and the most common type of pneumonia are all now believed to be caused by viruses, for which antibiotics are useless against.

However, silver is effective against viruses, so untold people have died as a result of silver being replaced with antibiotics.

Another suppression campaign against silver began around the time of the Second World War, when germ warfare agents were being increasingly studied as the new generation of warfare.

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Silver has the ability to neutralize almost every bio-weapon that has ever been created, because of how it attacks pathogens electrically. Silver will only be ineffective in cases wherein the bio-weapon is so toxic that it kills people too quickly for the silver to neutralize it, such as with ebola. Bio-weapons with that lethality are unlikely to be intentionally released, because they present too much of a risk for all parties.

Silver’s effectiveness against most bio-weapons is one of the primary reasons why silver has been suppressed and maligned so aggressively. There are groups within the U.S. Government that do not want anyone to be resistant to U.S. Military bio-weapons, so silver medications have been repressed throughout the world for the sake of a covert military weapons program that is forbidden by international laws.

If silver medicine were still being distributed officially as the top tier of medicine, then the bio-weapons program would be rendered virtually impotent, because victims could simply use colloidal silver to recover from most germ warfare agents.

How Silver Medicine is Believed to Work

There are theories about how silver works. The leading one is that silver kills bacteria and viruses electrically, which would make it impossible for pathogens to become resistant to it. Indeed, it is true that there is no evidence of pathogens developing any resistance to colloidal silver.

This hypothesis is impossible to prove (or disprove), because we cannot examine a single colloidal particle and its relation to a bacterium, or view the mechanism through which silver kills the latter. We can merely put colloidal silver and bacteria together, and see that all of the bacteria dies rapidly.

It is believed that each particle retains an electrical (ionic) charge, and that each particle of the metal stores a charge of the same polarity. The charges ensure equal distribution of the particles throughout the solution. The theory is similar to that of magnetism, wherein the same poles of magnets are repelled by each other, and attracted only to their opposites.

There is evidence that silver interferes with copper and iron in the body, by binding with both electrically, to chemically form new metallic compounds. People who are using a large amount of colloidal silver regularly may begin to crave foods which are rich in iron, such as beef.

It is wise to satisfy these cravings, since they are caused by a deficiency of an important nutrient. Copper can be safely supplemented through the use of chlorophyll, but virtually every other oral source of copper supplementation is dangerous, because it is so trivially easy to overdose with it and cause liver damage.

Due to colloidal silver’s ability to neutralize iron, men over the age of 30 will benefit from occasional colloidal silver supplementation. Iron accumulation in the bodies of men is believed to be one of the key reasons why women live longer than men do, and excessive iron is a major contributor to heart disease in men.

The Different Silver Products

There are many different types of silver solutions, including silver nitrates, ionic silvers, colloidal silvers, silver chlorides, and silver proteins. The only completely safe medicinal silver product, and the kind that we officially recommend, is colloidal silver.

Silver nitrate is produced by the pharmaceutical industry by combining silver with nitric acid. It can damage the liver and kidneys like most pharmaceutical drugs. It is the terrible side effects of silver nitrate that the establishment often uses to justify its attacks upon colloidal silver, in more sleight-of-hand tactics.

Pharmaceutical silver nitrate has a long history of turning patients’ skin a bluish-gray color. Nitrates are the cancer-causing compounds that are added to meat products. In other words, the F.D.A. pushed the poisonous and carcinogenic nitrate compounds on the public again, and blamed the consequences on silver.

Ionic and colloidal silver are almost identically produced. The main difference between them is the size of the silver particles. In ionic silver, the particles are atomically small, to such a degree that even testing for their existence is difficult. It is possible that the particles in ionic silver are so small that the water itself becomes a different substance, because the silver particles are no longer completely autonomous.

The particles in colloidal silver are microscopically small, but not as small as they are in ionic silver. Ionic silver can be made using very small voltages, over extended periods of time with silver plates. Higher voltages, or decreased resistance in the water produces colloidal silver. For true colloidal or ionic silver, the water must remain pure, so the only way to reduce the resistance of the water is to heat it, which most commercial manufacturers unwisely do.

Colloidal silver is much more likely to have a color, whereas ionic silver is always clear. This is because the larger particles in the colloidal silver provide a greater surface area. Ionic silver particles are so small that they are actually smaller than the wavelengths of visible light, making the silver invisible and colorless in even high concentrations.

All colloidal silver solutions are mixtures of ionic and colloidal silver, but ionic solutions can be completely ionic. It is not possible to produce colloidal silver without also producing ionic silver. This is analogous to a construction worker who extracts materials from a brick wall.

He might use a grinding tool that yielded only a fine powder, or he could bash the brick wall with a sledge hammer, which would yield a mixture of large chunks and fine powder. The use of higher voltages for colloidal extraction is like hammering the silver.

The larger particles that are found in colloidal silver solutions are especially beneficial for external use, including the treatment of burns. Ionic silver is useless externally, and its internal effects have never been studied by independent third parties.

Only colloidal silver and silver nitrate have been scientifically scrutinized for effectiveness, and only the colloidal variant is truly safe. Incredibly, colloidal silver is the only type which the pharmaceutical industry has never sold.

Another silver product is silver chloride. It is essentially made in the same manner as colloidal silver, but with the addition of table salt (sodium chloride). It is a cloudy liquid (often whitish) that is extremely photosensitive. Upon illumination or heating, the silver chloride solution separates into silver and chlorine. This instability makes it unsafe for human consumption. When ingested, silver chloride has a tendency to migrate to the outer tissues.

Then, when the skin is exposed to sunlight, the silver chloride will break down into silver and chlorine. This causes the bluish-gray skin discoloration that has been heavily publicized as damning evidence against silver medicine. Victims of this phenomenon often claim that they drank colloidal silver, but the addition of salt transformed it into a very different substance that was chemically unstable.

True colloidal silver compounds are much less reactive. Silver chloride has no benefits over colloidal silver, and it comes with risks. The salt is usually added to speed production time, but the same effect can be achieved with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in a much safer manner.

The addition of sodium bicarbonate will yield especially large particles, which is unwise for internal use, but the resultant solution would nevertheless be ideal for external use. It would be excellent for burn treatments and infectious wound treatments.

Silver proteins contain much larger particles than either colloidal or ionic silver, and they should never be used internally. These were formerly approved of by the F.D.A., and they were preferred by the pharmaceutical industry.

The silver particles in silver protein solutions are so large that they simply sink in the water, and the particles never stay evenly distributed without the aid of an added gelling agent.

Due to the large size of the silver particles, and the silver’s binding with proteins, there is a dramatically increased likelihood that the silver will become trapped in the fatty tissues. Therefore, these thick solutions are likely to produce the infamous bluish discoloration of the skin too.

Dishonest Silver Companies

Misinformation is being spread by most sellers of colloidal silver. Most sellers boast about colloidal silver by showcasing its long history of safe usage, but they simultaneously claim to use a proprietary process that makes their silver superior to all other silver products.

Their admitted usage of non-standard manufacturing processes means that they cannot sincerely use the safety history of colloidal silver as an example of their own product’s safety, or honestly declare that their untested and proprietary product is as effective.

This is not an indictment against colloidal silver itself, but its sellers tend to be morally bankrupt, and the products that they sell are potentially-dangerous frauds. Every manufacturing short-cut has consequences.

We are aware from patent applications that some companies are producing silver solutions using fermenting bacteria that is combined with silver nitrates, instead of using electricity; but we do not know exactly which silver products are manufactured using this deplorable process.

Most sellers of modern colloidal silver advertise that their product contains between 10 and 20 parts per million. They probably seek this concentration due to the research of Alfred Searle. He authored the book, The Use of Colloids in Health and Disease, in 1920.

He is also the founder of Searle Pharmaceuticals. His company was respectable in its early history, and Searle was long dead before his company dishonored his memory by selling itself to Monsanto.

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In his book, Searle reported that a concentration of just 20 parts per million of silver was proven to be deadly to all known pathogenic life forms, including every known virus. However, these results do not equate to the 10-20 parts per million ratings that can be found on most silver products of today. The reason is that the methods of testing have changed dramatically.

Alfred Searle used a Tyndall meter to measure how many particles of silver were present in a solution. It is a device that uses light to test for hue and reflection, which are used to determine the particle count and their size. These devices use light wavelengths as the means of measurement.

Most modern sellers of silver products instead purchase an electronic device that measures the conductivity of the finished product. The conductivity of different solutions will always vary greatly, so these meters cannot possibly do what they are advertised to do.

For example, if salt were added to the water, then it would have a different effect on the conductivity than if copper were added, because of their differing electrical properties. Yet the sellers of these meters claim that they are able to get accurate results measuring particle counts regardless of a solution’s ingredients. If salt or another electrolyte exists in the water, the conductivity of the water will increase dramatically, even whilst the number of particles will stay roughly the same.

Particle size and the temperature of the solution also effect the conductivity, which the meter has no way of determining. Even a gust of wind will give a different reading, due to the electrostatic effect upon the surface of the solution.

In the case of colloidal metals, electrically gauging the concentration is even more futile than it is for other types of solutions, because the metallic liquid is an electrolytic capacitor with a constantly changing capacitance.

Electricity cannot be used to measure the amount of metal in a solution when the surface area of the metal cannot be verified, and when the capacitance of the solution is ever-changing. It is like trying to get a consistent light measurement from a fireworks display.

The capacitive solution itself will produce its own tiny currents, and it will block currents from the meter, which makes electronic testing an exercise in absurdity. The only way to accurately measure concentration in a fluid with metallic colloids is by using light.

Thus, the parts per million rating given by most colloidal and ionic silver sellers is an aproximate.

TDS Meter, the de facto manufacturer of the new testing equipment, even acknowledges the uselessness of its own meters on its website, in an amusing attempt at damage control:

” …temperature changes by a tenth of a degree may increase or decrease the conductivity. Additionally, the temperature coefficient (what the reading is multiplied by to adjust for temperature differences) changes slightly depending upon the range of ppm… Even a tiny air bubble that has adhered to one of the probes could potentially affect the conductivity, and thus the reading… Electrical charges off fingers, static eletricity off clothes, etc. on the meter and lingering electrical charges in the water will affect the conductivity of the water… Plastic cups retain lingering electrical charges more than glass. If the meter touches the side of the glass or plastic, it could pick up a slight charge. If the plastic is retaining a charge, it could also affect the water… The amount of water in the sample may affect the conductivity. Different volumes of the same water may have different levels of conductivity. Displacement may affect the conductivity as well… The depth and position of the probe in the water sample may also affect the conductivity. For example, if a meter is dipped into the water, removed and then dipped into the water again, but in a different spot, the reading may change…”

The expensive methods of testing colloidal solutions that are utilized by modern laboratories are likewise grossly flawed. Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy is one of the leading laboratory methods for analyzing colloidal solutions.

It uses extreme temperatures to destroy a colloidal solution, and then observers rate the colors of the flames, in an attempt to visually gauge the metal concentration. Fire is impossible to control with the precision that is needed for a valid analysis; and of course, the test results are in the eyes of the beholder.

These machines cost about $50,000 (U.S.), so it is unlikely that anyone outside of the chemical industry actually owns one. There are similar devices which utilize a beam of light that is projected through the flames during the analysis. These devices have the same inaccuracy issues, and they are even more expensive.

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Properly Medicating with Colloidal Silver

High quality colloidal silver that is of the appropriate medicinal strength (20 P.P.M.) looks slightly yellowish in a brilliant white container. Newly-made batches of weak colloidal silver will instead have a slight silvery tint when first made. Some batches turn yellow about a day after production.

The strength of a colloidal silver solution can be judged by shining a laser pointer through the solution, whilst the silver is being infused. A red laser pointer is best, because the beam is least visible under normal conditions.

As the silver solution gets stronger, it will become possible to see the red beam clearly through the water. As the solution becomes more concentrated, the laser beam will become more solid, and silver particles will sparkle in the beam like glitter.

We recommend against making stronger concentrations for most uses, because silver appears to create iron deficiencies with extreme dosages. We do not truly know if the colloidal silver causes the increased excretion of iron, or if it simply neutralizes usable iron by bonding with it, or both.

We believe that it is both. Either way, there are no real human toxicity issues, but the proper iron level should be nevertheless maintained for optimal health.

During times of sickness, we recommend using 3 fluid ounces of colloidal silver, at least twice a day. Best results can be achieved by holding the colloidal silver in the mouth for a minute before swallowing it. This technique allows some silver to penetrate through the walls of the mouth, and directly into the bloodstream.

Expect for it to have a metallic aftertaste. Due to the wide variety of people who will read this, we have made the recommended silver dosage very conservative, but some patients measure their dosages in cups.

Storage of Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver may be stored in either plastic or glass. The ideal plastic is the type that is used to store milk. It is high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and it can be identified in the U.S. by a number “2” embossed into the bottom of the container.

It is a very non-reactive plastic, but the microscopic silver particles may stain it. Of course, many people prefer to store their colloidal silver in glass, due to their concerns about no plastic being perfect. Such individuals usually choose an amber-colored glass container, as a way to prevent excessive light exposure.

Colloidal silver should be stored at room temperature, and never allowed to freeze. The silver will coagulate into visible chunks at the bottom when frozen, which will make the solution much less effective and create the possibility that it will cause argyria.

Therefore, an interesting experiment to verify the presence of silver in the solution is to freeze a small amount of it, and then examine the clumped silver at the bottom of the container after thawing. If a choice must be made between storage in a hot or cold environment, the warmer environment should always be chosen.

Pure colloidal silver should not experience any of the serious breakdown problems that silver chloride solutions do, whenever there is light exposure; but we nevertheless store our colloidal silver in a dark location, because darkness might somewhat help to keep it better preserved.

A good batch of colloidal silver should last for years, because the silver itself is a powerful preservative. In fact, we use it as a substitute for water in risky foods that use uncooked ingredients, such as raw eggs (for mayonnaise production). It is used to ensure that all of the bacteria is dead. A minute of blending with colloidal silver is enough to ensure that no bacteria survives.

Patients Experiencing the Blues

The medical establishment and the big media organizations have demonized colloidal silver by parading people who developed a condition known as argyria. It is a bluish-gray discoloration of the skin that is reported to be permanent.

However, every case that we investigated involved products that were not actually colloidal silver, and most cases were the result of pharmaceutical-industry silver products. Our exhaustive research could not find a single instance of argyria that was caused by pure colloidal silver. The pharmaceutical silver solutions are the most likely to cause it.

Regulators proclaim that the people who turned blue are demonstrative of silver’s toxicity, but the opposite is actually true. It proves that even after a person has become so incredibly saturated with silver from 20+ years of misuse that he turns blue, he still does not suffer from any real health problems.

The blue patients are actually healthier than normal. Take for comparison: a patient who consumes enough aspirin to turn white. Actually, we cannot use this example, because within 20 minutes of such extreme aspirin consumption, the patient would be dead from internal bleeding — long before he ever began changing color.

The National Institutes of Health documented one case of argyria that occurred when a man started producing his own silver solution, and consumed 16 fluid ounces of it, three times each day, for a period of years. He measured his silver to contain a whopping 450 parts per million, which is 22 times stronger than is normal.

This regimen gave his body the same concentration of silver as if he had consumed 1,056 fluid ounces of standard colloidal silver (8.25 gallons per day). The extreme concentration means that the silver had to be discolored and impure, and it almost certainly had salt added.

Otherwise, it would have taken him days to manufacture each day’s batch at such concentrations, so we can be certain that he was using silver chloride instead of colloidal silver. It is a reflection of the stupidity of turning to pharmaceutical manufacturing processes for the practice of alternative medicine, and then using the terrible results to prove that alternative medicine is bad. It is what we see most often in the politics of silver.

The most popularized case of argyria is that of Paul Karason, the so-called Smurf Man. He internally consumed large doses of a homemade silver solution for years, and then began also using silver externally on his face. He too made his silver solution using salt, which resulted in silver chloride.

Despite it being a completely different substance, he refers to his solution as “colloidal silver”, as does the media. We believe that after he noticed some slight skin discoloration, he actually increased his dosage, because he had found a way to become famous and profit from being a freak.

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He admits publicly to using excessive amounts of his silver chloride both internally and transdermally, daily for 14 years. He still continues to use it, despite his obvious saturation. He further admits that his face turned blue before the rest of his body; and yet he continued to use both silver products, despite the color change.

Due to Karason’s self-inflicted and intentional cosmetic alteration, the F.D.A. has been using him in a public relations campaign that is intended to convince the public that colloidal silver is dangerous. We can only speculate about how much the media networks and the F.D.A. have paid him for his appearances.

Not one death or serious side effect has ever been recorded for pure colloidal silver, during the century of its existence. There are, however, plenty of horror stories from people who used the chemically-altered silvers that were made with various proteins, salts, or fermented bacteria.

Source: Healthwyze

Intravenous Vitamin C is a cancer killer and the FDA wants to ban it

Intravenous Vitamin C is a cancer killer and the FDA wants ban it.

Vitamin C has a broad spectrum antioxidant function with the ability to protect cell structures and DNA from free radical damage. Vitamin C is remarkably safe even in enormously high doses. Compared to commonly used prescription drugs, side effects are virtually nonexistent.

No matter how high the concentration, vitamin C does not harm healthy cells. Yet, through an array of enzymatic and metabolic reactions, vitamin C has an impressive ability to protect and treat and wide range of diseases, including cancer. When something is this effective at treating disease, the FDA will stop at nothing to prevent public access.

The benefits of long-term vitamin C consumption in excess of the U.S. government recommended daily allowance (RDA) are widely acknowledged and include reduced risks of cancer, cardiovascular disease and cataracts.

Higher-than-RDA vitamin C intakes have been associated with increases in good HDL cholesterol, decreases in LDL cholesterol oxidation, decreased blood pressure and decreased cardiovascular mortality.

The first physician to aggressively use vitamin C to treat disease was Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., beginning in the early 1940s. Dr. Klenner successfully treated chicken pox, measles, mumps, tetanus and polio with huge doses of vitamin C.

He used massive doses of vitamin C for more than 40 years of family practice. Many practioners who practice with IV vitamin C consider the treatment more effective than any vaccine ever invented.

Vitamin C particularly has a leading antioxidant role in the intercellular space surrounding each cell. It also has the ability to regenerate and optimize other key antioxidants such as vitamin E.

It is a water soluble vitamin scientifically known as ascorbic acid (reduced form). Its absorption is relatively efficient at 70-90% for low doses. Any excess vitamin C that is not absorbed in the digestive tract is excreted. This prevents overdose by oral ingestion.

Humans are one of the few species of animal that are not able to produce vitamin C. We rely on dietary intake to maintain stores. Many people with low dietary intakes of fruits and vegetables have sub-optimal levels of vitamin C. In fact, cancer patients are often shown to have very low levels of vitamin C.

Evidence documents Vitamin C as one of the best antiviral agents now available. Vitamin C can neutralize and eliminate a wide range of toxins. Vitamin C will enhance host resistance, greatly augmenting the immune system’s ability to neutralize bacterial and fungal infections.

A study in the American Heart Journal found that the risk of heart failure increased with decreasing plasma vitamin C; Every 20 .mol/L increase in plasma vitamin C concentration was associated with a 9% relative reduction in risk of heart failure.

Vitamin C in Cancer Treatment

In the 1970s, doctors Ewan Cameron, Nikolaas Campbell, and Linus Pauling were the first to report the use of high dose vitamin C to treat terminally ill cancer patients. They found that IV and oral treatments increased survival times compared to those patients who did not receive treatments.

Since the initial studies by Cameron and Pauling, the exact anti-cancer mechanism of vitamin C has been studied and clarified.

Considering the various functions of vitamin C in the human body, two distinct modes of action have been identified when it comes to cancer. For prevention, vitamin C has antioxidant effects that protect key cellular structure and functions.

It also prevents the formation of dangerous cancer-causing compounds. The dose to achieve an antioxidant effect is low (under 2 grams) and is achievable by dietary intake or oral supplementation.

The second mechanism of action is actually a pro-oxidant effect. Doses above 15 grams are proven to have a “pro-oxidant” effect by generating hydrogen peroxide, which in turn selectively destroys cancer cells.

High doses of vitamin C are preferentially delivered to the areas surrounding the tumour because the vitamin molecule looks similar to a sugar molecule and cancer cells have an increased demand for sugar to fuel their unregulated growth.

When in the area surrounding the cells, the vitamin C molecule reacts with a metal ion such as iron or copper and forms a hydrogen peroxide molecule that damages the cancer cell.

Over and above the pro- and antioxidant effects, vitamin C has been shown to regulate cell division via the p53 protein (essential in cancer treatment and prevention), improve immune response, and reduce the severity of cachexia (weight loss due to cancer).

A recent study also found that high dose vitamin C reduced C-reactive protein levels and pro-inflammation cytokines in cancer patients, which in turn had positive effects on tumour markers.

Linus Pauling, PhD, and Ewan Cameron, MD, published a case report about 100 terminal cancer patients who had been treated with high-dose IV and oral vitamin C. The patients who received this therapy survived an average of 300 days longer than a control group of patients with similar disease status, and 22 percent of them lived longer than one year, compared to just 0.4 percent in the control group.

Based on these results, Dr. Pauling convinced the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to evaluate this therapy in a clinical trial of patients with advanced cancer. But when the results were published, vitamin C showed no therapeutic value.

Why? Because rather than using IV and oral vitamin C as Drs. Pauling and Cameron had done, the NCI used oral vitamin C alone. Of course the study failed–it’s impossible to achieve the requisite blood levels with oral doses.

The body tightly controls levels of this vitamin by limiting intestinal absorption. Intravenous administration bypasses this control mechanism, and blood levels rise in a dose-dependent manner.

For example, 10 g of IV vitamin C raises blood levels 25 times higher than the same dose taken orally, and this increases up to 70-fold as doses get larger. Nevertheless, the flawed study gave conventional doctors an excuse to shun vitamin C, and to this day they dredge it up as proof that vitamin C is ineffective as a cancer therapy.

Mark Levine, MD, a researcher at the National Institutes of Health has done a great deal of work on the mechanisms of vitamin C in the treatment of cancer. It was Dr. Levine’s team that figured out exactly how vitamin C kills cancer.

Vitamin C interacts with iron and other metals in the extracellular fluid (as opposed to within the cells) to create hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide plays a vital signaling role in the immune system, marshalling white blood cells to sites of injury or disease.

In high concentrations, it does much more. Hydrogen peroxide damages the DNA and mitochondria of aberrant cells, shuts down their energy supply, and kills them outright. Best of all–and unlike virtually all conventional chemotherapy drugs that destroy cancer cells–it is selectively toxic. No matter how high the concentration, vitamin C does not harm healthy cells.

Expectations, Outcomes and Dosage

How much vitamin C is an effective therapeutic dose? Dr. Klenner administered up to 300,000 mg per day. Generally, he gave 350 to 700 mg per kilogram (2.2 pounds) body weight per day. Dr. Klenner emphasized that small amounts do not work.

The dosage and route of administration of vitamin C is essential to determine if it has a direct anti-tumour action or a supportive, antioxidant function. The levels needed to achieve direct tumorcidal effects are at least 200-1000 micromol/L. To achieve these higher anti-cancer levels, IV doses of 25-50 grams are required. 50 grams of IV vitamin C can achieve a plasma level of over 14,000 micromol/L. Oral supplementation is insufficient due to very limited absorption in the digestive tract.

Plasma vitamin C levels peak after 200 mg of oral supplementation, and maximal oral dosing before loose stools occur is around 4 grams. Oral absorption can be increased if doses are split up during the day, taken with a meal, or in a sustained released formula. Even when using the same 10 gram dose, intravenous administration achieved a 50-150 fold greater plasma vitamin C level compared to oral supplementation.

Vitamin C (and in turn hydrogen peroxide) levels peak within 30 minutes after IV administration and then return to normal within 24 hours. This makes the direct anti-cancer treatment effective for only a short period time and therefore frequent treatments are needed.

The benefit of this is that other therapies can be used in short succession after vitamin C without fear of interactions. Most integrative oncologists recommend IV treatments once or twice a week, with oral supplementation on all the other days, for at least 12 months, with regular lab testing to assess tumour markers and progression.

A number of review papers and case studies by integrative cancer physicians and researchers have reported improved cancer survival times and quality of life, and even tumour regression in some cases, after weekly IV vitamin C treatments done consistently over 12 months or longer.

It is also important to note that vitamin C therapy may not work for everyone and for every type of cancer. It is always recommended to consult your Naturopathic doctor to see if vitamin C therapy is right for you.

FDA Wants IV Vitamin C Banned

Now the FDA is reported to be prohibiting small pharmacies from manufacturing or distributing injectable vitamin C. This is regardless of the fact that vitamin C is a powerful healing substance that is great for a lot of health conditions.

Not only is the FDA seeking to eradicate use of IV vitamin C, but they are also working to ban injectable magnesium chloride and injectable vitamin B complex 100 as well. These substances are used to make what is called ‘Myers Cocktail‘, which is used for conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome, hepatitis, AIDS, mononucleosis, and influenza.

A sure sign of a powerful therapeutic agent is when the FDA tries tot shut it down.

Their reasoning has nothing to do with safety, as vitamin C has continually proven to be one of the least toxic nutrients in foods and liquid forms have a safe history of use. Instead, the FDA is banning IV vitamin C because it can’t be patented, and can’t be taken through the FDA’s approval process for a “new drug.”

While oral doses can correct deficiencies and maintain antioxidant levels within the body, IV infusions are required to reach pro-oxidant, anti-cancer plasma levels. To harness maximum benefit, both oral and IV treatments are needed to take advantage of the wide range of anti-cancer effects. While more studies are needed, there is a large body of evidence proving that it is a effective vitamin that can play a major role in an integrative cancer treatment plan.


Original source: Prevent Disease

Stronger then Chemo: Soursop Fruit

Stronger then Chemo: Soursop Fruit. The Soursop is a flowering, evergreen tree native to tropical regions of the world. It also contains a long, prickly green fruit which happens to kill cancer up to 10,000 times more effectively than strong chemotherapy drugs, all without the nasty side effects and without harming healthy cells.

The fruit’s extracts from Annona muricata tree selectively inhibit the growth of human breast cancer cells.

According to Cancer Research UK, Annona muricata is an active principle in an herbal remedy marketed under the brand name Triamazon. The licensing for this product in the UK is not accepted due to its enormous healing effects on the body and potential loss of profits for competing pharmaceutical cancer drugs.

This tree is low and is called graviola in Brazil, guanabana in Spanish and has the uninspiring name “soursop” in English. The fruit is very large and the subacid sweet white pulp is eaten out of hand or, more commonly, used to make fruit drinks and sherbets.

Besides being a cancer remedy, graviola is a broad spectrum antimicrobial agent for both bacterial and fungal infections, is effective against internal parasites and worms, lowers high blood pressure and is used for depression, stress and nervous disorders. Deep within the Amazon Rainforest, this tree grows wild and could literally revolutionize what you, your doctor, and the rest of the world thinks about cancer treatment and chances of survival.

Research shows that with extracts from this miraculous tree it now may be possible to:

  • Attack cancer safely and effectively with an all-natural therapy that does not cause extreme nausea, weight loss and hair loss
  • Protect your immune system and avoid deadly infections
  • Feel stronger and healthier throughout the course of the treatment
  • Boost your energy and improve your outlook on life

The source of this information is just as stunning: It comes from one of America’s largest drug manufacturers, the fruit of over 20 laboratory tests conducted since the 1970’s. What those tests revealed was nothing short of mind numbing…Extracts from the tree were shown to:

  • Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.
  • The tree compounds proved to be up to 10,000 times stronger in slowing the growth of cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug!
  • What’s more, unlike chemotherapy, the compound extracted from the Graviola tree selectively hunts down and kills only cancer cells. It does not harm healthy cells!

The amazing anti-cancer properties of the Graviola tree have been extensively researched–so why haven’t you heard anything about it? The drug industry began a search for a cancer cure and their research centered on Graviola, a legendary healing tree from the Amazon Rainforest.

It turns out the drug company invested nearly seven years trying to synthesize two of the Graviola tree’s most powerful anti-cancer ingredients. If they could isolate and produce man-made clones of what makes the Graviola so potent, they’d be able to patent it and make their money back. Alas, they hit a brick wall. The original simply could not be replicated. There was no way the company could protect protect its profits or even make back the millions it poured into research.

As the dream of huge profits evaporated, their testing on Graviola came to a screeching halt. Even worse, the company shelved the entire project and chose not to publish the findings of its research!

Where Can You Find It?
As far as the fruit goes, you may be able to find it at some grocery and healthfood stores in your area. There are several different soursop juice manufacturers, distributors and suppliers worldwide. Caution would be warranted in purchasing from any company unless you have researched their reputability and extraction methods.

Credits: Prevent Disease | Sources: Wikipedia, Cure Zone, Graviola Secret, Graviola World

Milk Thistle Extract Demonstrates Potent Activity Against Liver Cancer

By Dena Schmidt

The compound silibinin, a flavonoid in milk thistle extract, has shown extremely promising activity against human liver cancer, according to University of California, Irvine researchers.

Both silibinin and silymarin are highly bioactive milk thistle compounds that are already linked with offering protection for the liver against damage from alcohol and drug use. Now silibinin is showing promise in protecting against a number of cancer types, including liver cancer.

Liver cancer cases have tripled in the U.S. since 1980

For the study, human cells were treated with the milk thistle extract silibinin at different doses. Its substantial anticancer effects were linked with several specific processes. These included suppressing the cell cycle of cancer cells, reduction of the cellular proliferation of cancer and increasing apoptosis (cancer cell death).

Silibinin has also shown promise against breast, prostate, lung, colon, bladder and ovarian cancers. Milk thistle has previously been linked with protecting against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, metabolic syndrome and the hepatitis C virus.

An amazing fact: The liver is the largest internal organ and critical to all of the body’s processes and functioning. It performs over 500 life-sustaining actions for the body, including those related to the neutralization of toxins.

Unfortunately, liver cancer is on the rise in the U.S. (largely due to poor lifestyle choices), with around 40,000 new cases reported per year. This is triple the amount of cases that were reported in 1980. No doubt, the silibinin extract from milk thistle could offer protection against this rising rate of liver cancer.

Get your Tachyonised Milk thistle extract at the Tachyon shop

Milk thistle extract helps offset the hazards of a typical Western diet

As the liver does its job of detoxifying the body, milk thistle seems to have the effect of shielding liver cells from free radicals, processed sugars, toxic fats and other compounds that can cause many liver health issues.

The ‘Standard American Diet’ (SAD) offers too many refined sugars, toxic additives like MSG, unhealthy fats – loaded with unwanted chemicals and synthetic hormones and other processed foods (that don’t even deserve to be labeled as ‘food’). Clearly, these low-quality foods are largely to blame for the increase in liver problems throughout the country.

Even before doctors tend to diagnose a ‘liver problem,’ unhealthy diets can easily trigger metabolic syndrome – which is characterized by excess body weight (obesity), blood sugar imbalances (prediabetes and diabetes), hypertension and elevated blood fats. All of these conditions eventually lead to a breakdown of the cardiovascular system and many forms of cancer.

Get your Tachyonised Milk thistle extract at the Tachyon shop

Of course, metabolic syndrome (if left untreated) can lead to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and a general weakening of the liver – which directly leads to an increased risk of liver cancer.

Take milk thistle extract to avoid liver cancer and support your liver health

Milk thistle and the compounds it contains offer multi-faceted protection for the liver against a range of stresses. Taking milk thistle allows the liver to do its job more efficiently and bounce back from exposure to toxins such as unhealthy food and alcohol.

Many of the liver studies done in recent years have involved animals or petri dishes, so it’s hard to glean information about ideal dosage. However, according to many integrative healthcare providers, consumption of milk thistle – as a nutritional supplement – is generally recommended at 420 mg/day in divided doses.

This dosage is considered safe for at least 41 months based upon clinical data. However, higher doses of milk thistle have also been used in clinical trials.

Final thought: If you have liver issues or would like to be proactive about liver health, consider asking an experienced medical professional about adding milk thistle to your supplement routine.

Get your Tachyonised Milk thistle extract at the Tachyon shop


This article (Milk Thistle Extract Demonstrates Potent Activity Against Liver Cancer) was originally published on Natural Health365 and syndicated by The Event Chronicle. Via Rise Earth.

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Lemon peel is more powerful than chemotherapy

Autoriteiten verbieden al 30 jaar succesvolle kankerbehandeling van Dr. Hamer

Dit is het schokkende relaas van een Duitse internist, Dr. Hamer, die ondanks keihard bewijs van zijn succesvolle manier om kanker te bestrijden zijn vergunning verloor omdat hij weigerde zijn ontdekkingen over kanker te herroepen. En ook nog eens twee maal een gevangenisstraf kreeg.

De arts verloor niet alleen zijn medische vergunning, maar ook zijn vrijheid in 1997 toen Dr. Hamer werd veroordeeld tot 19 maanden gevangenis omdat hij drie mensen, zonder artsenvergunning, gratis medische informatie had gegeven. Maar dat vonden de autoriteiten niet genoeg. Op 9 september 2004 werd Hamer in zijn woning in Spanje gearresteerd. Op basis van een Europees uitleveringsbevel werd hij uitgeleverd aan Frankrijk en daar veroordeeld tot drie jaar onvoorwaardelijke gevangenisstraf. Hij werd veroordeeld en verantwoordelijk bevonden aan de dood van Franse burgers omdat zijn publicaties in het Frans te krijgen waren. Hij had nooit een van deze personen gesproken.

Hamer ging echter onverdroten met zijn levenswerk door.  Hij heeft meer dan 40.000 gevallen geanalyseerd. Ondertussen is zijn werk bekend geworden als Germaanse Nieuwe Geneeskunde (GNG).

De pers en het medisch establishment deinsden er niet voor terug om hem en zijn werk aan te vallen. Journalisten van de roddelpers en medische “deskundigen” schilderen Dr. Hamer af als charlatan, als zelf verheerlijkte wonderheler, een sekteleider, een onzinnig buitenstaander of een dwaze crimineel, die kankerpatiënten de ‘levensreddende’ conventionele behandelingen ontzegde.

Dr. Hamer ontdekte dat elke ziekte ontstaat door een shock of trauma die ons volledig verrast.

Op het moment dat het onverwachte conflict ontstaat, slaat de schok in een specifiek hersengebied. De hersencellen die de conflictinslag ontvangen, zenden een biochemisch signaal naar de bijhorende lichaamscellen en veroorzaken de groei van een tumor (weefseltoename) of een weefselafname of functieverlies, afhankelijk in welk deel van de hersenen de schok ‘inslaat’.

Elke ziekte verloopt in twee fasen:
1. een conflict-actieve fase, die wordt gekenmerkt door emotionele stress, koude extremiteiten, geen eetlust en slapeloosheid en dan, vooropgesteld dat wij het conflict oplossen,
2. een genezingsfase, dit is de periode waarin de psyche, de hersenen en het overeenkomstige orgaan de herstelfase doorstaat, een vaak moeilijk proces met vermoeidheid, koorts, ontsteking, infectie en pijn.
Dr. Hamer benoemde op deze manier “De Vijf Biologische Wetten van de Germaanse Nieuwe Geneeskunde”. In de loop der jaren was hij in staat zijn ontdekkingen te staven aan de hand van meer dan 40.000 casussen. Het resultaat van zijn wetenschappelijke programmaverloop
werk is de opstelling van een “Psyche-Hersenen-Orgaan” tabel, die de ziekte aangeeft, de inhoud van het biologische conflict die haar veroorzaakt, waar de overeenkomstige laesie kan worden gezien op een hersenscan, hoe de ziekte zich manifesteert in de conflict-actieve fase en wat men in de genezingsfase kan verwachten.

Ziekten zoals kanker verliezen hun angstaanjagende imago en worden erkend als wat Hamer noemt ‘zinvolle speciale biologische overlevingsprogramma’s’ waarmee ieder mens wordt geboren.

Het is het lichaam dat zichzelf geneest, echter wat de conventionele geneeskunde (CG) ziet als ziekte is voor Hamer in feite het genezingsproces. Hij werkt in tegenstelling tot de CG met oorzaak en gevolg, waarbij de analyse van de oorzaak ook daadwerkelijk van belang is. De CG is meer symptoom gericht.

Elke ziekte maakt deel uit van onze biologische overlevingsprogramma’s. Alles in onze biologische natuur is gericht op behoud van leven. We zijn niet uitgerust met programma’s die ons willen vernietigen. Ook kanker vormt daarop geen uitzondering.

“Alleen de patiënt kan zijn symptomen ‘behandelen’, omdat alleen hij zijn conflict kan oplossen en alleen hij genezing teweeg kan brengen!”

Dr. Hamer: “Een persoon, die gezond eet, heeft minder kans op biologische conflicten. Dat spreekt vanzelf. Dat komt veel overeen met het feit dat rijke mensen minder kankers krijgen dan arme, omdat de rijken vele conflicten kunnen oplossen door eenvoudigweg hun chequeboek te pakken en een cheque uit te schrijven.
Maar het is onmogelijk kanker (of enige andere ziekte) door een dieet te voorkomen,omdat zelfs een gezond dieet conflicten niet kan verhinderen. In de Natuur zal een sterk, gezond dier natuurlijk minder kankers krijgen dan een zwak of oud dier. Maar dat betekent niet dat ouderdom dus kanker veroorzaakt.”
Hippocratic oath
De Germaanse Nieuwe Geneeskunde (GNG) van Hamer verwerpt de ideeën over kwaadaardige kankercellen of destructieve microben en identificeert “infectieziekten” en kankertumoren als natuurlijke biologische noodmaatregelen die al miljoenen jaren in de praktijk plaatsvinden, bedoeld om het organisme te redden en niet, zoals wordt geleerd, om het te vernietigen.
De angst van de medische wetenschap en de farmacie voor de ontdekkingen van Hamer is enorm. Kijk naar de manier waarop Hamer het leven onmogelijk gemaakt wordt en de weigering om zijn werk te toetsen.
Tot op heden (zie document 12 maart 2008) weigert de Universiteit van Tübingen, ondanks uitspraken van de rechtbank in 1986 en 1994, om Dr Hamers wetenschappelijke werk te toetsen. Ook de reguliere geneeskunde weigert om de GNG te bevestigen, ondanks de vele verificaties door zowel artsen als beroepsverenigingen.
De GNG is een nieuwe zienswijze in de geneeskunde, maar ook een nieuwe filosofie van het bewustzijn. Het is het besef dat ons organisme een onuitputtelijke creativiteit bezit en opmerkelijke zelfgenezende vermogens. Het is ook de erkenning dat elke lichaamscel een biologische wijsheid in zich draagt, die wij met alle levende wezens delen. Generaties lang hebben de medische autoriteiten het menselijke denken tot slaaf gemaakt en gevangen gehouden met angst voor ziekten.
De Vijf Biologische Wetten geven ons de kans, ons opnieuw met de Natuur te verbinden en ons vertrouwen te herwinnen in haar creatieve, intelligente kracht. Dankzij Dr Hamers onfeilbare integriteit en zijn toegewijd onderzoek tijdens de afgelopen dertig jaar, kunnen wij ons nu van deze angst bevrijden. (Bron)

GNG in een notendop

De allereerste stap in de GNG therapie is de patiënt de biologische betekenis van een symptoom, bijvoorbeeld kanker, leren begrijpen in relatie met de psychische oorzaak. Een hersenscan en een grondige medische voorgeschiedenis zijn noodzakelijk om te bepalen of een patiënt nog in de conflict-fase (conflictactief) is of al in de genezingsfase zit.

Als de patiënt nog conflictactief is dan ligt de focus op het vinden van het oorspronkelijke conflict en op het vinden van een strategie om dit op te lossen. Vervolgens wordt de patiënt voorbereid op de symptomen van de genezing en eventuele complicaties. Deze symptomen zijn heel voorspelbaar! Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis van de geneeskunde geven de ontdekkingen van Hamer ons een betrouwbaar systeem dat ons in staat stelt om de ontwikkeling en de symptomen van elke ziekte te begrijpen en te voorspellen.

hamerDr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, geboren in 1935 in Friesland (Duitsland), studeerde geneeskunde en theologie  aan de Universiteit van Tübingen. Op zijn 22e behaalde hij zijn academische graad in de theologie en kreeg vier jaar later zijn diploma als arts. De daarop volgende jaren werkte hij aan verschillende universiteitsklinieken in Duitsland. In 1972 voltooide dr. Hamer zijn specialisatie in de interne geneeskunde en begon aan de Universiteitskliniek in Tübingen te werken als internist voor kankerpatiënten. Tegelijkertijd runde hij een privépraktijk, samen met zijn vrouw dr. Sigrid Hamer die hij tijdens zijn studies in Tübingen had ontmoet. Hij bleek ook een buitengewoon talent te hebben voor het uitvinden van medische hulpmiddelen. Hij woonde tot zijn dood op zondagavond 2 juli 2017 in Sandefjord, Noorwegen.