Het meest krachtige geneesmiddel voor kanker: Vier eetlepels per dag en kanker zal zich terugtrekken!
Russische wetenschapper ontdekt een revolutionair geneesmiddel dat duizenden mensen van kanker heeft genezen. Prof. Hristo Mermersky omschrijft deze kuur als een remedie voor het hele lichaam.
Deze behandeling staat bekend om zijn vermogen om bloedvaten te reinigen, het hart te helen, immuniteit te herstellen en de lever en de nieren te reinigen. Hersenfunctie en het geheugen worden er ook verbeterd. Het wordt tevens beschouwd als een van de beste behandelingen voor alle vormen van kanker.
Om dit mengsel te maken zijn de volgende ingrediënten nodig:
15 verse en gezonde biologische citroenen,
12 bollen van verse knoflook,
1 kg zelfgemaakte honing(Honing direct van de imker),
400 gram jonge maïs,
400 gram verse noten.
Voordat u begint met de voorbereidingen van deze kuur, moet de jonge maïs worden voorbereid op de volgende manier. Zet de voorgestelde hoeveelheid maïs in een glazen container. Laat het ‘s nachts in een container staan gevuld met water.
Het moet worden gelaten voor maximaal 12 uur. Gebruik vervolgens schoon gaas om het water te filteren, was het mais en zeef het nog een keer.
Nadat u dit hebt voltooid, laat het in de container staan voor nog eens 24 uur. Het doel hiervan is om maïs te krijgen met 1-2 mm lange kiemen.
Nu, bent u klaar om het geneesmiddel te maken. Walnoten, maïs en gereinigde bollen knoflook moeten samen worden gerplet. Voeg 5 verpletterde citroenen met schil toe aan de mix. Maak sap van de overige citroenen en voeg het toe aan het mengsel en roer tot er een homogeen mengsel ontstaat.
De honing moet worden toegevoegd met een houten lepel. Hierna wordt het mengsel in een glazen container gegoten.
Het gebruik van dit geneesmiddel wordt voorgesteld 30 minuten voor elke maaltijd en voor het slapengaan. Wanneer het wordt gebruikt voor de behandeling van kanker wordt 1-2 eetlepels geadviseerd elke 2 uur.
Prof. Hristo Mermersky adviseert iedereen om dit medicijn te nemen om een gezonder leven te leiden, te genezen van kanker en de versheid van het lichaam, jeugd en energie te behouden.
A breakthrough cancer treatment appears to be the reason why a handful of holistic doctors were recently found “suicided” is now gaining worldwide attention as a potential universal cure for cancer. And new microscopic footage released by First Immune shows this amazing remedy in action — the human protein GcMAF is visually seen activating the body’s own macrophages, which are then able to attack and destroy breast cancer cells in vitro.
The roughly two-minute video clip, which has been posted to YouTube, reveals the true healing power of GcMAF, a human protein that the body makes naturally but that some people lack or can’t produce in adequate volume.
By delivering an activated version of this substance intravenously, scientists have shown that the immune system can be fully invigorated to destroy cancer cells on its own without the need for chemotherapy or radiation.
“Your GcMAF empowers your body to cure itself,” explains the website GcMAF.se, operated by First Immune. “In a healthy person your own GcMAF has 11 actions discovered so far, including two on cells, three excellent effects on the brain, and 6 on cancer. Amongst these it acts as a ‘director’ of your immune system.
You will have to click this link because youtube doesn’t want this video to be embedded. posted to YouTube
” As you’ll notice in the above video, GcMAF serves as the energized mechanism for macrophages to target and eliminate breast cancer cells. The incredible mechanistic action of this substance is shown in amazing clarity, and is further described in an associated paper entitled “Multifaceted immunotherapeutic effects of GcMAF on human breast cancer cells.”
“Time lapse photography over 60 hours shows the cancer monolayer … first changing from corrugated to smooth … as the cancer is destroyed,” reveals First Immune. “Then the cancer ‘fingers’ are also eaten and destroyed by the macrophages.”
Holistic doctors ‘suicided’ over GcMAF, which threatens to put cancer industry out of business
Dr. Bradstreet’s “suicide” was just one of about seven others that occurred all around the same time, and all within the holistic healing community. Dr. Bradstreet and his other now-dead colleagues had all been involved in research focused on GcMAF’s potential as both a treatment and cure for cancer, and one that doesn’t produce deadly side effects like conventional cancer treatments do.
GcMAF doesn’t actually cure cancer, of course — it merely provides the ammunition needed by the body’s own immune system to eradicate and cure cancer itself, naturally. And this represents a threat to the pharmaceutical industry, which profits to the tune of billions of dollars annually peddling quackery like chemotherapy and radiation, both of which have been shown to cause more cancer.
“GcMAF and/or oral Colostrum MAF macrophage activation therapy is indicated in the treatment of any diseases where there is immune dysfunction or where the immune system is compromised,” explains the website of a clinic out of Japan that sells an oral form of GcMAF.
Besides cancer, the conditions listed as appropriate candidates for GcMAF treatment include:
Read about other anti-cancer treatments from the independent media at AntiCancer.newsYou can also do your own research on other types of cancer treatments at TruthWiki.orgSources for this article include:
Saisei-Mirai.jp or www.naturalnews.com
Sharry Edwards is an innovative pioneer in sound technology and has developed voice-wave software to cure virtually everything known to man! Imagine using your voice to analyze any medical condition within you? Imagine learning about a physical condition long before you knew it even existed within you? According to Sharry, frequencies are medicine of the future and by the time you finish this article, you’ll agree!
Sharry has a condition called an otoacoustic emission where she hears sounds that other people do not. As a child, Sharry assumed that everyone had this ability but soon realized that her ability was very unique.
Sharry is able to decipher physical imbalances within anyone’s voice through the sound waves of any given person. For example, Sharry told one man that he needed to get his thyroid checked out. This particular man said he felt fine, but had an impending physical with his physician, who told him that indeed, he had a heart issue related to his thyroid, which basically saved his life.
Sharry was hired by the US Government to develop a sound technology in order to diagnose people through their vocal prints.
Sharry’s website offers free software that can help people “find themselves” called a Personality Profiler that analyzes your voice and gives you a detailed report on what your voice says about you.
I downloaded this software and tried it out on myself and to my surprise, the reading was very accurate. I also used it to give Laura Eisenhower a free reading before the In5D Cosmic Awakening Conference in Los Angeles. Laura agreed that this technology was amazing and gave her an accurate reading.
This is my reading:
Your stamina to get things accomplished is admirable. You can be fussy about your physical space. It needs to satisfy you and no one else. Sometimes you spend a lot of energy trying to get even the smallest detail right the first time. Your reputation is very important to you. You will go to great lengths to protect it.
Your highest note is associated with the expression of what you consider to be your physical domain. Having dominion over your physical environment resides with this note. Your highest note is associated with the expression of physically prioritizing. Personal control over what happens in your physical environment resides with this note. Your highest note is associated with your internal perspective of insight and self awareness. Internal faith, fairness and fulfillment reside with this note.
Thinking about an action is not the same as doing it, so go ahead a send that little gift, card or note. Those around you will allow you to give too much unless you define your own needs. You tend to do more for others than they do for you. Ideas come to you in very odd moments when you are distracted by a required task.
Points of Communication, Complications and Complaints
You like your working environment to be efficient with things readily available. It is particularly bothersome when people use or borrow your property without permission. You can easily put yourself aside for the benefit of others.
You know how to get things done but don’t always have the time to deal with the details. You can easily be distracted from carrying out your plans by a more exciting prospect. Your connection to universal truths demands your time.
The technology is called nanoVoice and can be downloaded for free on Sharry’s website.
Obviously, Big Pharma has a vested interest in Sharry’s technology because it would basically eliminate the need for medications. Big Pharma hasn’t cured anything since polio. Big Pharma is not interested in finding a cure for anything because cures do not provide the same repeat business that lifetime medications provide. In other words, Sharry’s technology gives us a CURE, not a temporary bandaid that never cures anything.
Imagine eliminating cancer for good? Sharry has stated that her technology has “reversed all cancers that have come to us”. She added that she can find a cure for any pandemic within a few days through her technology.
Sharry’s technology is slated to be a key component in the holistic walk-in center that my partner and I are developing.
Sharry’s bio:
Named Scientist of the Year for her work in BioAcoustic Biology Sharry Edwards is the pioneer in the study of Human BioAcoustic Biology. Her 30 years of research is being used at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology in Albany, OH.
Sharry Edwards is the pioneer in the study of Human BioAcoustic Biology. Her 30 years of research is being used at the Institute of BioAcoustic Biology in Albany, OH.Currently, Edwards and her team at Sound Health are using human voice and the associated frequencies to help clients resolve health issues such as: macular degeneration, multiple sclerosis, headaches, muscle stress, brain trauma, weight issues and nutritional concerns. The technology she brings to the stage is cutting edge! This technology can identify health and well-being possibilities that you have never encountered. Sharry Edwards’ work is now included in The Duke University Encyclopedia of New Medicine, by Leonard A. Wisnecki and The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine, by Lucy Anderson. The effects of BioAcoustic Biology, now accepted by these prestigious medical encyclopedias, have unlimited health and wellness potential.According to Edwards, “BioAcoustics Voice Spectral Analysis can detect hidden or underlying stresses in the body that are expressed as disease.” The vocal print can identify toxins, pathogens and nutritional suppliments that are too low or too high. In addition, vocal print can be used to match the most compatible treatment remedy to each client. The introduction of the proper low frequency sound to the body, indicated through voice analysis, has been shown to control: pain, body temperature, heart rhythm, and blood pressure. It has also been shown to regenerate body tissue, and alleviate the symptoms of many diseases (in some cases, even those considered to be incurable).
I spoke with Sharry about her technology and asked about my sciatica pain that goes from my back down into my left leg. She said that virtually everything can be treated through this technology, including my sciatica through the reprogramming of the brain.
Sharry was our guest on In5D Radio on Monday, June 9, 2014:
To learn more about Sharry’s technology, please visit here website, SoundHealthOptions or download here
(NaturalNews) Officials from the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) are making headlines with extraordinary new claims about a wonder drug that can supposedly cure MERS, AIDS, Ebola, Sars and even cancer. It might sound like a hoax to the rest of the world, especially to Westerners who’ve come to believe that things like cancer are incurable and only manageable using immune system-destroying chemotherapy drugs.
The KCNA report that the new herbal rare earth element drug, Kumdang-2, revives the immune system and has been developed by a North Korean pharmaceutical company called Pugang Pharmaceutic Co. It has been declared a cure for anything from diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, to Ebola, MERS, AIDS, Sars, cancer and “harm from the use of computers.””We have succeeded where the greatest minds in science have failed,” state the claims coming from North Korea.
Does North Korea have an answer to some of the worst health issues of the day or is it all hype? Populations in the West may never know the truth or even have legal access to Kumdang-2, since the U.S. FDA goes after anyone who claims to have a cure or treatment for anything. For example, an essential oil distributor, Young Living, is under attack because its sales reps made various claims about the healing properties of essential plant oils.
A ginseng-based injection that revitalizes the immune system
If North Korea’s Kumdang-2 was brought into the U.S., it would quickly be vilified and confiscated. The herbal drug uses a completely different strategy than Western treatments; it works to empower the immune system instead of destroying it. Information provided at the website kunmdang2.com, claims that “Malicious virus infections like Sars, Ebola and Mers are diseases that are related to immune systems, so they can be easily treated by Kumdang-2 injection drug, which is a strong immune reviver.”
According to company documents, the drug has been around since 1989 and has been used as a successful treatment for millions struggling with debilitating disease. It is reportedly 95.5 percent effective as a complete cure for a long list of health issues. Administration of the drug is recommended in timely injections over the course of two weeks. View the sources for these claim here.
Don’t expect any mainstream medical authorities in the U.S. to embrace Kumdang-2 since chemotherapy and radiation take the opposite approach and represent a big money-making industry.
While it’s hard to trust a Korean state-controlled news agency like the KCNA, they do reveal what Kumdang-2 is made from. It’s made from Korean ginseng grown in fertilizer that is mixed with rare earth elements, including “micro-quantities of gold and platinum.”Kumdang-2, hoax or healing strategy?
Modern day pharmaceutical propaganda is quick to downplay the powerful medicinal properties of herbs like ginseng and other powerful natural minerals, roots, barks, essential oils and berries. However, there are a plethora of scientific studies and testimonies that support that nature is alive with healing properties and adaptogen qualities that support the immune system.There are many documented scientific studies proving the immune system strengthening effects of various forms of ginseng and gold compounds.
A silver bullet, universal cancer cure might sound outlandish, but North Korea might be onto something: Strengthening a patient’s immune system, instead of destroying it. Even if Kumdang-2 isn’t a cure all, it’s a step in the right direction for medical science as man returns to nature for medicine. Many forms of ginseng exist in the world today and they have a powerful immune system strengthening effect on the human body. This statement comes from experience.
Say Goodbye to Fungal Infections Soak Your Feet In… During the summer, the feet sweat more than they usually do, so there is a bigger chance to develop a fungal infection in the area surrounding the fingers.
Therefore, it is for the best to be barefoot as much as you can, take care about the hygiene of the feet and if you experience problems with the abovementioned infections, you should follow these advices:
Hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is an ideal tool for destroying bacteria and fungi, so if you soak your feet in a mixture from this compound and water, you can kill the unpleasant fungal infection and prevent its spreading. Add around 100 milliliters of 3% hydrogen peroxide in one liter of distillated water and soak your feet every morning and night for 20 minutes.
Sodium bicarbonate
It is recommended to avoid nylon socks as well as shoes with synthetic insole. Walk barefoot as much as you can. However, if you have to wear closed shoes, destroy all the potential bacteria in them by making a refreshing combination from cold water and sodium bicarbonate (1:3).
Pilling from corn starch
Starch is excellent in absorbing the moisture which makes it a great ingredient for pastes that prevent the appearance of unpleasant bacteria and fungi. Mix half a teaspoon of corn starch with a little bit of warm water. Set the oven to 220 degrees and keep the mixture into the oven until it darkens. Rub this mixture onto your previously dried and clean feet, leave it for 1 minute to react and then wash them off with warm water.
Soak your feet in yogurt!
The yogurt contains live bacteria- acidophilus and therefore it is a great cure for feet infections which develop in the area between the fingers and the nails. The “friendly” microorganisms present in the yogurt kill the fungal infections. Moreover, besides soaking them in yogurt, you can simply rub yogurt all over them and leave the yogurt to dry. Then, just wash off with cold water.
Has anybody heard of “The Cancer Act” that was introduced in 1939? It does appear that not many people know anything about it, yet many thousands of people have, and will continue to suffer from it’s effects.
Basically, it is a particularly restrictive and pernicious piece of legislation which prevents people from writing or speaking about the FACT that it is indeed possible to cure cancer using alternative methods.The Cancer Act may also be the reason why many websites and blogs are now being threatened with fines of up to £1000, simply for alerting people to the very real dangers associated with conventional treatments.
If you do even the most basic research, you will find that among the excuses that have been put forward for the introduction of this act, was to ‘Protect the public from Quackery and Charlatans,’ but it now appears far more likely, to ensure that all types of cancers, were only to be treated by ‘Radium-Based’ methods (Cancer Inducing Radiation).
It may have also been seen, as being necessary to introduce such an act to protect the profits of Pharmaceutical companies, as in 1938, there were people only too aware of the risks and were offering people viable alternatives. – outlawjimmy.com
came across this article on one of the sites I follow and wanted to share it with you. This is in not intended to be a replacement for something your doctor would advise. Always consult your physician.
Why do we not know about this?
Because there are organizations that continue to profit from disease. It is that simple.
Do you know how many people die while this secret is kept simply in the name of profit?
Lemon has already been proven to have strong anti – carcinogenic properties. In addition to this there are many other useful properties. Lemon has a strong effect on cysts and tumors.
Citrus fruit can cure cancer. Recent studies have shown that consuming citrus fruits, specifically lemons have prevented and in some cases cured cancer. And by adding baking soda you will normalize the pH of the body which does not allow the cancer to continue to spread.
A recent case-control study out of Europe showed that consuming four or more 150-gram portions per week of citrus fruit decreased the risks of throat cancer by 58 percent, oral/pharyngeal cancer by 53 percent, stomach cancer by 31 percent, and colorectal cancer by 18 percent. This study did not find a protective effect of citrus against breast cancer, but a recent American study did show that women consuming about 75 grams daily of grapefruit (fruit or juice) saw a 22% reduction in breast cancer risk if they had never used hormone replacement therapy. It is noteworthy that the protective level of citrus consumption was nearly identical in both these studies (525-600 grams per week) and could be interpreted as a minimum intake level for meaningful cancer protection. However, it’s also important to know the best sources of limonoids if they are key to citrus fruit’s anti-cancer properties.
Lemon has a very strong antimicrobial effect with a very broad spectrum of activity against bacterial andfungal infections. Lemon is effective against internal parasites and worms, it regulates blood pressure and is a powerful antidepressant, reduces stress and nerve crises.
What is the source of this information? It comes from one of the largest manufacturers of drugs, which states that after 20 laboratory tests conducted since 1970 they have proved that:
Lemon destroys carcinogenic cells in 12 types of cancers. Lemon prevents the spread of carcinogenic cells and has 10,000 times stronger effect then drugs like Adriamycin, chemotherapy and narcotic products.
Chemotherapy has horrible side effects the worst being that it destroys healthy cells, simply put it kills you. Lemon juice and baking soda, on the other hand only kills the cancer cells.
Lemon and Baking soda Miraculous combination: 10, 000 times stronger than Chemotherapy!
Please make sure to use organic lemons. Organic lemons are 100 times more effective than a lemon grown with chemical fertilizers and sprayed with chemicals .
Make use of this information to hype up your very own detoxification! Start now!
The detoxification process can also take in the form of a juice fast. Here at FitLife.TV, we recommend people to try the Alpha Reset (AR). The Alpha Reset is a 5 Day Juice Fast. It is part of the Juice with Drew System. This is the first step in your detoxification process. If you are just starting out with juicing, do not jump right into a juice fast right away. Just try 1 juice per day along with the rest of your nutrition and see how your body responds. If your body responds well to juicing, then ramp up the number of juices per day. These healthy, nutrient-dense juices can replace that coffee you reach for in the morning or that soda in the afternoon. Here are some of our followers that have tried the Alpha Reset!
Millions use aspirin daily without realizing its true dangers. The good news is that there is a natural alternative which preliminary research indicates is safer and more effective.
WARNING: Never discontinue a pharmaceutical product without the guidance of a physician. Doing so could have serious, if not life threatening side effects. This article is for informational purposes only. Nothing here is intended as or should be substituted for medical advice.
Aspirin is taken faithfully by millions every day as a preventive measure against heart attack, often without the user having any awareness of the serious health risks associated with it, some potentially fatal. You can view over 60 adverse effects of aspirin on the GreenMedInfo.com’s aspirin research page if you have any doubts about how serious a concern this is.
Aspirin’s widespread popularity is based on its much-touted blood-thinning properties. But there are safer, surprisingly more effective and far more natural alternatives on the market today.
For instance, pycnogenol, a branded form of an extract of French maritime pine bark, can be found on the shelves of thousands of health food stores around the country, and unique among natural products, has a broad base of human clinical research supporting its use for a wide variety of health conditions. You can view GreenMedInfo.com’s pycnogenol research pagetake a look at the published research.
Moreover, in cross comparison tests, pycnogenol has been found at least as effective as aspirin in preventing blood from clotting, but at significantly lower doses and with a superior safety profile.
Smoker’s Study Proves Pycnogenol More Effective and Safer Than Aspirin
In a previous article titled, “The Powerful Aspirin Alternative That Grows on Trees,” we featured a 1999 clinical study published in Thrombotic Research that found that when habitual smokers were given either 500 mg of aspirin or anywhere between 100-200 mg of pycnogenol, the pycnogenol group experienced equivalent platelet aggregation inhibiting effects but with much lower bleeding times:
“Thus, smoking-induced enhanced platelet aggregation was inhibited by 500 mg Aspirin as well as by a lower range of 100-125 mg Pycnogenol. Aspirin significantly (p<0.001) increased bleeding time from 167 to 236 seconds while Pycnogenol did not.These observations suggest an advantageous risk-benefit ratio for Pycnogenol.”
This is a highly significant finding, as aspirin-induced bleeding can result in significantly increased morbidity and mortality. One might ask, if pycnogenol is as effective a ‘blood thinner’ as aspirin but without the same side effects, then what is the downside of using the natural alternative?
New Study Confirms Pycnogenol’s Superiority to Aspirin
Research comparing pycnogenol to aspirin as a blood thinner has been sparse, but a new study promises to add additional weight to the previously reported finding of pycnogenol’s superiority. Published this year in the Italian journal Panminerva Medica and titled, “Recurrence of retinal vein thrombosis with Pycnogenol® or Aspirin® supplementation: a registry study,” researchers compared the use of either pycnogenol or aspirin in the prevention of retinal vein thrombosis recurrence after a first episode.
Retinal vein thrombosis is considered to be a relatively common condition intimately related to other conditions that afflict the vascular system, such as hypertension, arteriosclerosis and diabetes.[1]
The study methods were described as follows:
Possible management options – chosen by patients – were: standard management; standard management + oral Aspirin® 100 mg once/day (if there were no tolerability problems before admission); standard management + Pycnogenol® two 50 mg capsules per day (for a total of 100 mg/day). Number of subjects, age, sex, distribution, percentage of smokers, and vision were comparable.”
The results were reported as follows:
Recurrent RVT was seen in 17.39% of controls and in 3.56% of subjects supplemented with Pycnogenol® (P<0.05 vs. controls). There was RVT in 15.38% of the subjects using Aspirin®. The incidence of RVT was 4.88 times higher with standard management in comparison with the supplement group and 4.32 lower with Pycnogenol® supplementation in comparison with Aspirin®. Vision level was better with Pycnogenol® (20/25 at nine months; P<0.05). With Pycnogenol®, edema at the retinal level was also significantly reduced compared to the other groups. Pycnogenol® has a very good safety profile. In the Aspirin® group 26 completed 9 months and 6 subjects dropped out for tolerability problems. In the Aspirin® group, 2 minor, subclinical, retinal, hemorrhagic episodes during the follow-up were observed (2 subjects out of 26, equivalent to 7.69%). This pilot registry indicates that Pycnogenol® seems to reduce the recurrence of RVT without side effects. It does not induce new hemorrhagic episodes that may be theoretically linked to the use of Aspirin® (or other antiplatelets).”
As you can see, the clear winner in this comparison study was pycnogenol. Not only was the incidence of recurrent retinal vein thrombosis almost five times higher in the aspirin group, vision and retinal swelling (edema) was significantly lower in the pycnogenol group, as well. Moreover, whereas the pycnogenol group had no reported side effects, 6 of the 26 subjects in the aspirin group dropped out due to tolerability issues, and 7.69% of the aspirin group (2 subjects of 26) were found to have retinal bleeding as a side effect in the follow-up period.
Nature Provides Time-Tested Solutions
We really shouldn’t be surprised that a naturally occurring complex of phytocompounds (i.e. pycnogenol) should outperform a synthetic drug, considering that our bodies have co-evolved for millions of years with natural things, (e.g. foods, herbs, spices), and only a hundred or more with synthetic ones, (e.g. patent drugs). Pycnogenol, as a bark extract, is about 65-75 percent proanthocyanidins (procyanidins), a class of polyphenols found in a wide variety of plants, many of which have been in the human diet since the inception of our species and before. Some classical examples include green and black tea, cranberry, bilberry, cocoa beans, cinnamon, and black currant. Polyphenols, of course, are powerful antoxidants, as well as signaling molecules, which likely perform a variety of gene-regulatory functions, that may have value in a wide range of health conditions. Indeed, we have indexed over 150 health benefits linked to polyphenol consumption on our database alone.
Cleanse Your Lungs With Honey-Water
You have probably heard about honey’s health benefits, but have you ever heard about healing properties of honey-water? How to prepare honey-water
Put one teaspoon of honey in a glass of fresh lukewarm water and mix. You will get a 30% honey mixture which has identical composition as blood plasma. Honey creates a cluster compound in the water which increases this mixture’s health benefits. Honey-water is easily absorbed by our organism. Honey-water’s healing powers
It normalizes digestion process, which means it puts an end to the “lazy intestines” problem.
It strengthens the immune system, treats clods, is great against bronchitis and it cleanses mucus in the lungs.
Cleanses the digestive tract of parasites and prevents their breeding. It also cleanses the intestines of toxin deposits.
In the beginning you will notice increasing of your waist line but do not worry. This happens because fecal sediments swell, become softer, therefore their process of exiting the body starts.
The process of cleansing cells in our organism starts. The antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties increase.
Colon’s work is normalized. Honey-water will help in the process of rejuvenating colon’s micro flora and eliminating bacteria.
This mixture can help in preventing the unpleasant and uncontrolled night urination. Honey collects water, which means the kidneys are not over worked. How to consume honey-water
For preventive purposes, drink the honey-water in the morning on an empty stomach. Make sure you drink it fast. The stomach valve opens immediately and the water quickly enters in the intestines.
From this point on, water is entering our blood stream. Honey-water should be consumed in the morning and in the evening. You will not have any problems if you drink this beverage in the evening because it soothes kidney’s work. Make sure you always drink freshly prepared honey-water.
You can use this mixture to clean your face because it will make your skin softer, shinier and silky. Honey-water is great natural cosmetics and it is the oldest, yet most modern at the same time.
Reference: Healthy Food Star; | Buy organic honey
Source: Cleanse Your Lungs With Honey-Water | Humans Are Free
Many have often wondered why, when referring to cancer in media, the word “industry” is almost always attached. Cancer and Industry, per their definitions, are two unrelated things. Yet, time and time again, we hear the phrase “The Cancer Industry”. According to Dictionary.com, the word industry is defined as:
“Industry: any general business activity; commercial enterprise:”
Cancer hasn’t just been turned into a commercial enterprise, by many standards it is a commercial empire, pulling in over 124 BILLION dollars a year (source). Sometimes, stories of men and women who are “getting close” to the “cure” for cancer are reported in the news, yet we never seem to be able to reach that invisible giant. Perhaps that’s because cancer has many, many cures – one of which is the focus of this article. Allow us to introduce Dr. Royal Raymond Rife.
Dr. Royal Raymond Rife could very well be the father of all holistic cancer research. Rife, born in 1888, was one of the founding pioneers in many of the technologies that are commonly used today and was a main contributor in the field of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics and aviation.
The Rife machine destroys infectious organisms, viruses, bacteria and fungus and has been used to eliminate 52 different microorganisms including cancer, tuberculosis, strep and leprosy.
Rife began his quest to treat disease with electricity in 1920 after discovering that there were specific electrical characteristics in each disease that he studied. Rife performed thousands of tests when trying to isolate the electrical characteristics of tuberculosis.
Rife began research cancer in 1922, but it took ten years before he was able to isolate the VX Virus, which was a cancer microorganism. A year later, Rife invented the Universal Microscope, which a light source technology that could magnify an object 60,000x its size. Because of his invention, Rife was the first person to see a live virus.
Once Rife was able to determine the main oscillation rate for each organism, he would then try to destroy it with light frequency resonance. Each microbe has a natural frequency that it resonates with, so when Rife increased their natural oscillations, the organism became distorted and disintegrated from structural stresses. More importantly, no surrounding tissue was harmed from these oscillations.
Rife named the process Mortal Oscillatory Rate (M.O.R).
As part of his research in 1934, Rife’s machine “cured” 14 out of 16 terminally ill cancer patients within two months. The remaining two were cured within the following 6 weeks, resulting in a 100% cure rate.
On November 20, 1931, Rife, along with 34 of his most distinguished colleagues in medicine, attended a banquet entitled, “The End to All Diseases”. By 1939, the same group of physicians essentially denied Rife’s existence. After finding a cure for cancer, how is it possible for Rife to be completely ignored by his colleagues and what were the motivating factors behind this?
Here’s the inside story.
On the eve of a press conference to announce the results of the 1934 study on Rife’s cancer therapy, Dr Milbank Johnson, former president of the Southern California AMA, was fatally poisoned and his papers “lost”. Also, after a failed attempt by Morris Fishbein to buy the rights to Rife’s healing instrument for the medical drug industry, Rife’s labs were destroyed by arson and sabotage. Dr. Nemes, who had duplicated some of the work of Rife, was killed in a mysterious fire which destroyed all his research papers. A similar fire also destroyed the Burnett Lab, which was validating Rife’s work. Royal Rife himself was killed in 1971 by an “accidental” lethal dose of Valium and alcohol at Grossmont Hospital.
According to Wiki, interest in Rife was revived in the 1980s by author Barry Lynes, who wrote a book about Rife entitled The Cancer Cure That Worked. The book claimed that Rife’s beam ray device could cure cancer, but that all mention of his discoveries was suppressed in the 1930s by a wide-ranging conspiracy headed by the American Medical Association. The American Cancer Society described Lynes’ claims as implausible, noting that the book was written “in a style typical of conspiratorial theorists” and defied any independent verification.
In 1994, the American Cancer Society reported that Rife machines were being sold in a “pyramid-like, multilevel marketing scheme”. A key component in the marketing of Rife devices has been the claim, initially put forward by Rife himself, that the devices were being suppressed by an establishment conspiracy against cancer “cures”.
As stated in the article, Dr. Coldwell: ALL Cancer Can Be Cured in Less Than 12 Weeks, cancer is a $60 billion a year industry, while cancer protection and the early intervention of cancer brings in an additional $162 billion each year.
Question: In an age where technology can be used to improve the quality of life for everyone, why has the Rife machine been ridiculed by the medical industry and suppressed for so long?
Answer: The last thing Big Pharma cured was polio. There is no money in repeat business when finding a cure to anything.