
Carbon60 and its health benefits

Carbon60 (C60) is the newest health sensation in the natural health and longevity worlds. So what is C60? C60 a special geometrical arrangement of 60 carbon atoms into a single molecule that looks like a soccer ball, made up of inter-locking pentagonal and hexagonal structures. Carbon60 molecules are also called […]

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Added frequencies to Tachyon energy sessions

Working with Tachyon Energy since 1996 has been an amazing journey in which I soaked hundreds of people in the Frequency-less ‘Glue of the Universe’ in order to reconnect their being with the source and to regain optimal functioning in this 3D existence. Each atom, molecule, cell, organ, and being […]

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Turmeric and Honey: The most powerful antibiotic that doctors can’t explain

Turmeric and Honey: The Most Powerful Antibiotic That Doctors Can’t Explain While conventional antibiotics are extremely overused, natural remedies such as honey and turmeric are highly beneficial and improve health in numerous ways. Honey effectively fights infections without causing resistant bacteria, unlike conventional antibiotics. A study published in the European […]

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C60 antioxidant. How does it work?

The Buckyball molecule is an electron reservoir C60 antioxidant. How does it work? Free radicals are molecules that have one or more electrons too few or too many, and they will damage any biological molecule they come in contact with. The Buckminsterfullerene C60 molecule can accept several electrons in case […]

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Carbon60 and its health benefits

Carbon60 (C60) is the newest health sensation in the natural health and longevity worlds. So what is C60? C60 a special geometrical arrangement of 60 carbon atoms into a single molecule that looks like a soccer ball, made up of inter-locking pentagonal and hexagonal structures. Carbon60 molecules are also called […]

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