25 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Foods Smarter Than Chemo & Radiation

An important scientific review identifies 25 of the top foods and herbs which kill the cancer stem cells at the root cause of cancer malignancy. 

There are thousands of natural compounds that have been studied with demonstrable anti-cancer activity (check out over 600 on our cancer research database), but only a small subset of these have been proven to target and kill the cancer stem cells which lie at the root of cancer malignancy. Turmeric, for instance, we have featured a number of times for this “smart kill” property of targeting just the heart of cancerous tumors. More recently, ginger has been found in pre-clinical research to contain a compound up to 10,000 times more effective than the chemotherapy drug Taxol at killing breast cancer stem cells. Even common food like blueberry have special cancer killing properties, as discussed in a previous article: Research: Radiotherapy Causes Cancer, Blueberry Kills It.

A powerful study published in the journal Anticancer Research titled, “Natural Products That Target Cancer Stem Cells,” has made our job much easier of identifying this special category of cancer killers by reviewing the extant literature on the topic and listing the top 25 substances in this category. They are listed here below, along with some of their commonly recognizable dietary sources:

  1. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)Green Tea
  2. 6-Gingerol – Ginger
  3. β-Carotene – Carrot, Leafy Greens
  4. BaicaleinChinese Skullcap
  5. CurcuminTurmeric
  6. Cyclopamine – Corn Lilly [we do not suggest consuming this plant; this simply illustrates natural components exist that kill cancer stem cells]
  7. Delphinidin – Blueberry, raspberrry
  8. Flavonoids (Genistein) – Soy, red clover, coffee
  9. Gossypol – Cottonseed [we do not suggest consuming this plant; this simply illustrates natural components exist that kill cancer stem cells]
  10. Guggulsterone – Commiphora (myrrh tree)
  11. Isothiocyanates – Cruciferous vegetables
  12. Linalool – Mint
  13. Lycopene – Grapefruit, tomato
  14. Parthenolide – Feverfew
  15. Perylill alcohol – Mint, cherry, lavender
  16. Piperine – Black pepper
  17. Placycodon saponin – Playycodon grandifloruim
  18. Psoralidin – Psoralea corylilyfolia
  19. Quercetin – Capers, onion
  20. Resveratrol – Grapes, plums, berries
  21. Salinomycin – Streptomyces albus
  22. Silibinin – Milk Thistle
  23. Ursolic acid – Thyme, basil, oregano
  24. Vitamin D3 – Fish, egg yolk, beef, cod liver oil
  25. Withaferin A – Withania somnifera (ashwaganda)

Why are these substances so important?

The primary reason why conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy have failed to produce any significant improvements in cancer survival rates is because cancer stem cells are resistant to these interventions. In fact, chemotherapy and especially radiation are both capable of increasing the number and virulence of these cells in a tumor, while at the same time having the well-known side effect of further damaging the patient’s immune system.

While the cancer industry is still very much resistant to incorporating the implications of these findings into their standard of care (which is highly unethical), there are an increasing number of health practitioners that will not turn their back on the truth and are very much interested in alternative ways to prevent and treat cancer using food and/or plant-based approaches.

The new study addresses the relevance of cancer stem cells as follows:

“The cancer stem cell model suggests that tumor initiation is governed by a small subset of distinct cells with stem-like character termed cancer stem cells (CSCs). CSCs possess properties of self-renewal and intrinsic survival mechanisms that contribute to resistance of tumors to most chemotherapeutic drugs. The failure to eradicate CSCs during the course of therapy is postulated to be the driving force for tumor recurrence and metastasis. Recent studies have focused on understanding the unique phenotypic properties of CSCs from various tumor types, as well as the signaling pathways that underlie self-renewal and drug resistance.”

At present, the cancer industry has failed to produce a single drug that targets the cancer stem cell population of cells within a tumor, as confirmed by the study:

“If indeed the CSC response is a vital criterion for cancer treatment evaluation, there are still no drugs in clinical use that specifically target CSCs.”

The ability to selectively target cancer cells, and cancer stem cells in particular, while leaving intact the non-tumor cells in tissue is extremely important. We have created a section on our database that indexes research on these substances and now includes sixty seven of them here. We are also building a section that collates research cancer stem cells, a topic will no doubt become a central part of the future of cancer treatment, assuming the priority is to actually alleviate suffering and not just make money off of patients.

Source: 25 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Foods Smarter Than Chemo & Radiation

Carbon60 and its health benefits

Carbon60 (C60) is the newest health sensation in the natural health and longevity worlds.

So what is C60?

C60 a special geometrical arrangement of 60 carbon atoms into a single molecule that looks like a soccer ball, made up of inter-locking pentagonal and hexagonal structures. Carbon60 molecules are also called fullerenes or buckyballs after Buckminster Fuller. By the way, Fuller was the very same guy who said that the best way to overcome a (failing, tyrannical or destructive) system is to create a new one that makes the old one obsolete. Understanding this is the key to defeating the New World Order (NWO) worldwide conspiracy.

By Makia Freeman

A Special Form of Carbon Charcoal

Carbon is a very versatile element, which can manifest itself in many allotropes such as graphite (for pencils), coal and diamond, just to name a few. We humans are carbon-based creatures. Carbon60 is a naturally occurring form of carbon derived from charcoal. If you think it’s strange or unhealthy to ingest charcoal, consider this for a moment: activated charcoal is commonly sold as a supplement and given to people who are suffering acute poisoning. It absorbs the poison by drawing it into its (the charcoal’s) pores. Likewise, zeolite (derived from volcanic mineral ash) is a potent detoxifier which operates on the same principle of drawing in toxic heavy metals and other contaminants to remove them safely from the body.

The C60 Rat Study in France 2012

What put C60 on the map was this 2012 rat study in France led by Tarek Baati. The study is also referred to as the Baati study. The scientists split the rats into 3 groups (the control group1 (only water), control group2 (Only olive oil) and the test group) and gave the latter C60 absorbed in olive oil. C60 is not water-soluble but it is fat-soluble, so they chose a very good olive oil from Tunesia. Many people these days dissolve their c60 in different oils but it depends on your bloodtype which oil is best for you, while olive oil suits all. The actual intent of the study was to find out the lethal dose of C60, due to the many applications it might have that involve customers, but the results shocked the researchers. They discovered that the lifespan of the test group rodents was extended by 90%! This is basically double. It may even have been longer, but the scientists had to kill the rats to end the study. And although this special type of rats is developped to create cancer during their life, the test group did not developed tumors while the control groups did.

Other experiments have been done on C60 that show its healing potential and there are now many who believe it can do the same for humans as it did for rats.

How Does C60 Work as a Longevity Agent?

So why does C60 have this incredible effect? The science shows that it’s due to its ability to reduce oxidative stress, i.e. the toll of oxidation (aging) on the body. C60 is the best-known antioxidant on Earth, far beyond vitamin C in its antioxidative ability. This means when C60 enters the body it starts disabling free radicals and other so-called “reactive oxygen species” (hereafter called ROS) that bombard the body with extra electrons to cause oxidation. C60 is the most efficient free radical scavenger known to humanity.

So how does C60 disable damaging free radicals? In plain English, here’s how: C60 accumulates in the inner membrane layer of mitochondria, which is deep inside the cell. C60 has electrical properties; it absorbs protons, which changes the electrical potential across the entire membrane structure. This in turn greatly decreases the formation of superoxides and other ROS. The end result is a reduction in oxidative stress.

The lead scientist of the 2012 rat study, Baati talked about how C60 can get deep inside the cell:

Some claim that Carbon60 is such a unique molecule that it can actually give or receive multiple electrons either way – meaning that it can neutralize free radicals with electron deficits or electron surpluses. If true, this makes it truly astonishing, because it means it will not become unstable regardless of whether it donates or accepts electrons. Its structure will not be altered, allowing it to continuously play this neutralizing or balancing role.

This article stated:

Carbon60 protects and restores the TelomereCarbon60 Stops Telomere Shortening

Our understanding of what causes aging is deepening all the time, but what we know at this stage is that it depends on our telomeres. Telomeres are found at each end of a chromosome, and their purpose is to protect the end of the chromosome from deterioration. Telomeres hold the secret to longevity. Our DNA replicates only a fixed amount of times, and each time it does, the telomeres become a little shorter. Once your telomeres become too short, you can no longer reproduce your cells and continue to live. Amazingly, current research on Carbon60 shows that it keeps telomeres from getting shorter. Telomere shortening is due to cell division (10-20%) and oxidative stress (80-90%). By drastically reducing oxidative stress, Carbon60 can play a major role in reducing telomere shortening and thus promoting longevity.


Carbon60 moleculeOther C60 Health Benefits

Additionally, C60 has other health benefits. As mentioned above, C60 adsorbs toxins (not absorbs but rather adsorbs, meaning it binds them to its external structure then safely removes them from the body). It alkalizes the body and thus boosts immune system. C60 prevents inflammation, kills bacteria and viruses, protects nerves, prevents osteoarthritis, helps with obesity and prevents UV damage. There is even evidence that C60 may help against cancer (another animal study showed that C60 successfully slowed tumor growth). Thus, in the years to come, there will probably be numerous biomedical applications of C60 including for aging, neurodegenerative disorders and cancer therapy.

So far, I have summarized what the science says. In addition, there are many testimonials from people who have already been taking C60 for months. The general themes that emerge from various personal experiences are that C60 has improved mental clarity, promoted better sleep, helped reduce anxiety, improved athletic performance, helped animal/pet conditions, restored original hair color, healed skin ailments, improved energy levels and mood, improved old injuries and made people feel younger.

C60: Reducing the Oxidative Stress of EMF and 5G

Natural health matters are often connected with conspiracy. C60 is a natural health breakthrough, but at the same time, the NWO technocratic agenda is advancing. The dangerous 5G network is being rolled out all over the world at the moment. It includes the construction and establishment of a massive amount of cell and microwave towers right among residential areas and next to people’s houses. This network will increase the bombardment of EMF (electromagnetic frequency) microwaves. They will be in the gigahertz and terahertz range, way beyond the inherent frequencies of the human body and the Earth.

EMF radiation can be toxic, carcinogenic and can lead to rapid and premature aging. Why? It comes down to the fact that it produces excess free radicals in the body – the molecules which cause oxidative stress. This relates to what I have just been saying above. Since Carbon60 is a hyper antioxidant, there is very good reason to believe that it can offer some defense against the coming 5G EMF saturation. More research needs to be done, but at this stage, we know that C60 does mitigate the damaging oxidation and aging caused by EMF.


So, to summarize, Carbon60 is a master molecule which offers tremendous health benefits. Due to its unique molecular composition and structure, it is able to effectively neutralize ROS or free radicals which would otherwise destroy healthy cells and cause oxidation and aging. C60 has been shown to be safe with no upper dosage limit. It successfully extended the life of rats by 90% (which is almost double). It is a special form of carbon (charcoal), a substance already known to have positive health benefits. Reports are flowing in that it has helped people with a variety of ailments.

Like it or not, the truth is that we live in a distorted environment. Exhaust fumes, pharmaceutical residues in the water supply, microplastics, heavy metals, GMOs, EMF, vaccines, aluminum, chemtrails and countless other toxins are, sadly, a daily part of many people’s lives. We were not designed to live under such a toxic assault, and nor can we thrive if don’t take steps to protect ourselves. You have to use safe, natural and effective remedies to keep yourself clean and sane. It’s early days with what we know about Carbon60, but it could be a vital and essential part of your health protocol.


Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance. Makia is on Minds, Steemit and FB.

A good source for getting your Carbon60 in Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is: https://fullercarbon.com








Added frequencies to Tachyon energy sessions

Working with Tachyon Energy since 1996 has been an amazing journey in which I soaked hundreds of people in the Frequency-less ‘Glue of the Universe’ in order to reconnect their being with the source and to regain optimal functioning in this 3D existence.

Each atom, molecule, cell, organ, and being is in constant interaction with this intelligent, faster than light energy and helps restore the interaction to its normal values. But as Tachyon Energy strengthens all, it also strengthens the viruses, bacteria, molds and other stuff that challenges your immune system and your health.

So now, since recently, I added a frequency generator to the sessions, that detects and kills pathogens that cause stress and disturbances to the body and gets rid of it.

Royal Rife

Mr. Royal Rife discovered in the 1930s that most dis-eases have their source in bacteria, viruses, and molds. And he also discovered that each virus, mold, and bacteria has its own specific frequency. And to destroy the bad ones that alter cell structures, molecules, and DNA, which result in dis-ease, he unleashed that same frequency on them, together with a frequency in the 11th harmonic above, through a frequency generator.

Remote frequency generator

Now the knowledge and the devices are making a come back and I am using one of those machines as well.

All his patients got 100% healed and that was the beginning of the end of his career. The Pharmaceutical companies weren’t waiting for devices that could heal without medication and his devices were confiscated, his lab burnt down and he got blacklisted.

Treatment room

The frequency-less field of Tachyon energy combined met the specific frequencies of the device make the absolute perfect combination to tackle anything.

Contact me for more information or an appointment.

I’m not a doctor, so Disclaimer: *None of the statements on this text have been evaluated by the FDA. They are not meant to treat, cure, diagnose or prevent any disease, nor act as medical advice in any form or fashion. All are meant for research, experimental and educational use only and are not meant to be a replacement for any medical treatment or advise. All statements here are protected by our own religious right under the Freedom of Religion Act of our personal choice of expressing the best health ever through of our temple body as our God-given birthright. All of the tools, information and services are determined as our own religious practice. It is not the products or me that heal anyway, it is always God’s Light which beats your heart that heals when you give your body all it needs and purify it from all that it doesn’t. X

Proven Health Benefits of Cilantro (Coriander) Backed by Science

Proven Health Benefits of Cilantro or Coriander
Cilantro coriander koriander

Cilantro is a tasty edible herb that has a number of health benefits. Cilantro leaves can help to lower inflammation, reduce high blood pressure, improve digestive health, and are good for your skin. The medicinal properties of cilantro also have powerful detoxification properties that can help to get rid of heavy metals.

In many countries, cilantro is also known as coriander or Chinese parsley. The leaves of cilantro are used to flavor many Asian and Mexican dishes. Coriander seeds are also dried and used for culinary or therapeutic purposes. Coriander oil can also be extracted from the seeds and is known to have powerful antibacterial properties.

In this article, you will learn about the many health benefits of cilantro, coriander seeds, and coriander oil. You will find out about scientific research into the potential use of cilantro in many home remedies.

What is Cilantro or Coriander?

Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) is an herbaceous plant with a long history in traditional medicine. Coriander originally comes from the Mediterranean region but is grown in many countries around the world.

The journal Alternative and Complementary Therapies says that cilantro is the common name in the U.S. for the leaves of the plant. Coriander is generally used to refer to the whole plant, the stalks, or seeds. However, in many countries, coriander is also the name for the leaf. (1)

According to a review on its therapeutic properties, coriander herb has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activities. (2)

Cilantro Nutrition Facts

As well as having a number of medicinal properties, cilantro leaves and stems also have good nutritional value.

Cilantro (coriander) contains vitamins C, A, E, and K. There are also trace amounts of calcium, iron, phosphorus, and potassium. Cilantro also contains a negligible number of calories and carbs. (3)

Coriander leaf or cilantro also contains a number of antioxidants that have many health benefits. Research has shown that coriander contains cineole, linoleic acid, and tannins. Many of these beneficial coriander compounds are anti-inflammatory and have a sedative effect, protect the heart, and kill off many infectious pathogens. (4)

Health Benefits of Cilantro (Coriander)

Let’s look in more detail at the potential health benefits of coriander to see how you can use all parts of this herb to boost your health.

Cilantro May Help Detox from Heavy Metals

Coriander extracts can help to remove heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, and mercury from your body.

Many studies point to the fact that antioxidants in coriander may help rid the liver from a buildup of toxins. A 2013 review on the benefits of coriander reported that it has a lead-detoxifying potential. (5)

The way that cilantro extracts may help remove heavy metals from the body is through a process called chelation. This involves using certain compounds that bind to heavy metals and minerals in order to remove them from the body. (6)

Is there scientific evidence that cilantro is effective for heavy metal detoxifying? Scientific research on the detoxifying effects of cilantro extracts on animals and humans has shown promising results.

For example, a 2017 trial found that extracts from coriander helped protect liver health in rats. Administering coriander lowered the lead concentration in the rats’ livers. (7)

One study on the chelation effect of coriander found that it was helpful in preventing a lead buildup in mice who consumed lead-contaminated water. (8)

A 2017 study found that extracts from coriander helped to treat iron overdose and protect the liver from damage. In fact, extracts from coriander were as effective as deferoxamine which is a chelating medication to flush excess iron from the body. (9)

Some studies have shown that the antioxidant effect of coriander leaf extract is good for liver health in general. Coriander herb extracts protect against DNA damage, kill off free radicals, and have metal chelating power. (10)

Regarding the protective effect on the liver, researchers have found that cilantro leaf extract helps prevent damage by toxins to the liver. Scientists identified cilantro compounds that can help treat various liver diseases. (11)

One study found that 100 mg of cilantro supplements taken 4 times a day can help to remove mercury. Scientists found that cilantro powder has a chelating effect when used in combination with other therapies to remove harmful heavy metals. (12)

However, research into the chelating effect of coriander on humans has shown mixed results. For example, one study found that cilantro extract was just as effective as a placebo in lowering levels of lead in children. (13)

Cilantro Leaves Help Lower Inflammation

One of the health benefits of coriander is that it has an anti-inflammatory effect in the body.

Chronic inflammation is linked to serious diseases such as heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, and cancer. Many doctors say that lowering inflammation can help protect against the development of these chronic diseases. (14)

Research has discovered that coriander leaf and stem extracts are good for relieving inflammation. Coriander compounds help to effectively inhibit inflammatory enzymes. (15)

One study into the anti-inflammatory effects of cilantro found that it may help to manage rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers found that cilantro compounds can alleviate joint swelling and pain. The study concluded that coriander has potential health benefits as a pain-relief treatment for arthritic conditions. (16)

There is also evidence to suggest that coriander oil has potential benefits to treat inflammation. One study found that taking coriander oil helped increase the anti-inflammatory effect of omega-3 fatty acids. (17)

Also, coriander oil was mentioned among some of the best cold-pressed oils that have anti-inflammatory activities. (18)

Learn more about some of the best anti-inflammatory foods that you should add to your diet to help stay healthy.

Coriander is Good for Your Skin

Cilantro leaves and oil are also beneficial to help soothe inflamed skin and help manage a number of skin diseases.

The results of research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that coriander leaf extracts can help to treat contact dermatitis. Applying a coriander extract treatment to the skin can help to alleviate itching, redness, and dry skin. (19)

Another benefit of cilantro oil for your skin is that it helps prevent skin infections. Scientists have found that coriander oil is an effective antibacterial agent against certain Streptococcus and Staphylococcus strains. Applying cilantro oil to the skin can act as a topical antiseptic and treat many types of skin infections. (20)

Adding coriander oil to a skin lotion can also help soothe skin irritation, redness, and pain after a burn. (21)

Find out other natural oils that can help to keep your skin looking youthful and feeling healthy.

Coriander Extracts Can Help Keep Your Heart Healthy

Fresh cilantro leaves and cilantro extracts have many potential benefits to improve your cardiovascular health.

According to research published in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology, coriander leaf extract has antioxidants that benefit the heart. (22)

Other studies have shown that coriander seed extract and leaf extract help prevent blood clots from forming. Researchers have found that coriander compounds stop blood cells clumping together and can help prevent blocked arteries. (23)

Find out about the best foods to include on a cardiac diet and why you should eat more coriander for its heart benefits.

Coriander Seeds Help Lower Cholesterol

One of the benefits of cilantro for your cardiovascular health is to help manage high cholesterol issues.

To help lower cholesterol, it seems that coriander seeds are the best part of the plant. One study found that rats who were fed a diet including coriander seed oil experienced a significant decrease in LDL cholesterol levels. (22)

Some studies suggest that by just eating more coriander seeds you could help lower cholesterol. For example, incorporating coriander seeds in the diet can have an anti-cholesterolemic effect. (23)

If you are looking for more ways to lower cholesterol naturally, you should learn about the best dietary and lifestyle choices to make.

Cilantro Can Help Lower Blood Pressure

One of the reasons why taking coriander is good for your heart is that it helps manage hypertension.

Research on animal subjects with high blood pressure found that dried coriander seed oil helps lower high blood pressure. Coriander seeds helped to relax veins and arteries which has a beneficial effect on the vascular system. (24)

Taking coriander oil internally also has a diuretic effect which is another way to manage high blood pressure naturally. (24)

One 2018 study found that taking 2 grams of garlic and coriander seed powder helps to significantly lower blood pressure. Scientists also found that the coriander seed supplement improved blood fat markers. (25)

Find out how to lower your blood pressure almost instantly and what you should do to treat hypertension.

Cilantro Helps Treat Digestive Issues

The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of coriander extracts help to promote good digestive health. A tea made from coriander seed is one of the best teas for digestion to relieve gas, bloating and upset stomach.

Studies into medicinal plants such as coriander found that they have a number of benefits in managing digestive problems. For example, coriander is used to treat excess gas and heartburn. Also, the antioxidant activity can help reduce the effect of Helicobacter pylori infections in the gut. (26)

Treating H. pylori infections is one way to prevent the development of gastric ulcers and cancer. (26)

One study reported that a combination of coriander and peppermint can help reduce bloating in people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. (27)

If you notice signs that your digestion isn’t working properly, find out the best remedies for helping to alleviate digestive upset.

Cilantro Leaves Can Help treat Diarrhea

Because coriander is antimicrobial and is so good for your digestion, you can use coriander for diarrhea.

Research into the health benefits of cilantro has discovered that it is effective against a number of pathogens that can cause diarrhea. Coriander helps to kill off E. coli and Salmonella infections. Taking coriander extracts could help you recover quicker from infectious diarrhea. (28)

Cilantro contains the compound linalool which has a carminative effect. Because of this, cilantro has also been prescribed traditionally to treat vomiting, diarrhea, and indigestion. (29)

Apart from eating raw cilantro for diarrhea, you can learn about other natural ways to calm your bowels and treat symptoms of diarrhea.

Cilantro Can Help Treat Fungal Infections

Coriander is a healthy herb that also has antimicrobial activities against yeast and fungal infections.

According to research published in the journal PLoS One, coriander essential oil can kill off candida infections. Extracts from coriander leaf have antifungal properties that are useful in treating oral candidiasis. (30)

A few drops of coriander essential oil in a glass of water can create an antimicrobial mouthwash to help promote good oral health.

Coriander Leaves May Help Manage Diabetes Symptoms

There are many benefits to taking cilantro extracts if you are diabetic and need to control insulin and glucose levels.

Scientific studies into the anti-diabetic effect of coriander have found that they help increase insulin secretion. This has a beneficial effect on glucose level as it prevents it from spiking after a meal. (31)

One study involving diabetic rats showed that cilantro seed powder helped to significantly lower blood glucose levels. The research also revealed that taking coriander supplements had a protective effect on the liver of diabetic subjects. (32)

Other studies have confirmed that coriander compounds such as phenolics, flavonoids, and tannins help to manage diabetes symptoms. (33)

As well as taking coriander leaves and seeds for diabetes, you can learn about more delicious foods that help to control type 2 diabetes. It is especially important to incorporate these anti-diabetes foods if you notice the first signs of diabetes.

Cilantro Helps Promote Healthy Brain Function

Coriander supplements can help to protect your cognitive abilities and help prevent a decline in brain function.

Many studies have pointed to the positive effect of cilantro on the brain. For example, one study found that inhaling coriander essential oil had positive effects on spatial memory formation. The study also found that taking coriander leaf extracts helped increase enzyme levels in the brain. This could have a protective effect for people who have suffered a stroke. (4)

Some studies have suggested that cilantro extract is helpful to protect against the neurological effects of diabetes. (4)

There is another reason why taking cilantro herb is good for your brain. Research has shown that taking cilantro extracts help to reduce the effects of stress on the brain. This anti-stress effect of cilantro helps to prevent stress-related memory loss. (34)

You can find out about some of the best foods that are known to boost your memory and cognitive function.

Because avocado is an excellent brain food, adding a handful of freshly chopped cilantro to mashed avocado can create brain-strengthening guacamole.

Coriander Leaves Have an Anti-Anxiety Effect

Cilantro extracts can also help treat anxiety and depression.

Taking coriander supplements may be good if you suffer from depression and anxiety. One study involving mice found that coriander extracts were as effective as diazepam in relieving feelings of anxiety. (35)

Some studies suggest that an alcohol extract of coriander seeds has a better anti-depressive effect than cilantro water. (4)

One of the many ways that cilantro can benefit your mental health is that it can improve your sleep quality. Poor sleep, stress, and anxiety are often connected. Some studies have shown that taking coriander seed extracts can help you sleep better. (36)

Find out about more effective home remedies for dealing with anxiety and helping to prevent depression.

If you have trouble sleeping, then you can try some of these essential oils to help you sleep better.

Side Effects

Coriander leaves (cilantro) or chopped coriander stems can be a delicious addition to many Asian, Indian, or Mexican dishes. Most people tolerate cilantro well when used as an herb or spice in cooking.

There are some reports of allergic reactions to taking cilantro in medicinal amounts. For example, doctors from WebMD report that cilantro oil can cause itching, redness, and other signs of an allergic reaction when applied topically. (37)

Because cilantro helps to prevent red blood cells clumping together, cilantro may increase your risk of bleeding if you have a bleeding disorder. You should also stop taking cilantro/coriander supplements in the 2 weeks before and after any planned surgery.

How to Take Coriander

Use the herb and the seeds of cilantro in curries, chutneys, sauces, salads and soups.

Coriander is also available as an herbal supplement in the form of capsules, as a tincture and as herbal tea. These are available in health stores or online in Amazon here.

Or you can make a coriander tea at home: steep a teaspoon of ground coriander seeds in a covered cup with boiling water for 5-10 minutes and drink 2-3 times a day.

Source: Proven Health Benefits of Cilantro (Coriander) Backed by Science

Colloidal silver was ‘erased from textbooks’ because cured diseases from tuberculosis to syphilis

Two thousand, three hundred years ago, Alexander The Great was surveying his battlefield and drinking water from silver urns. He knew nothing about bacteria, but he knew that silver containers have a seemingly miraculous way of keeping water fresh.

Silver has been used for thousands of years in different forms for its health benefits. Throughout the middle ages, the wealthy gave their children silver spoons to suck upon to stave off illnesses. People have known about the benefits of silver for so long that it is incorporated into legends.

Silver is the recommended agent for killing vampires, werewolves, and various forms of the so-called undead. According to ancient legend, a silver dagger was all that a knight needed to vanquish evil.

Get your 30ppm Colloidal Silver here

The new history of silver is a falsified history. Silver was once used extensively by all health care practitioners as an antibiotic and anti-viral. Nothing worked better then, and nothing does now.

The F.D.A. began its crusade against silver products in the 1930’s, because silver (as a natural substance) cannot be patented; but the organization’s antibiotic and vaccine industry partners were able to patent their wares.

Under the Food and Drug Administration’s original name, The Bureau of Chemistry, its real mission was to legally protect the chemical industry by declaring toxic chemicals to be “generally recognized as safe”, and to eliminate the chemical industry’s competition through regulations.

This history has likewise been obscured greatly in most modern historical texts, but the truth can be found in materials from its early period.

Silver medicine has been erased from the textbooks, and it is seldom given mention in medical literature. The official Pharmacopeia (physician’s desk reference book) listed dozens of medicinal silver compounds prior to the mid-1930’s; but thereafter, all mention of silver disappeared.

Newer books report that it never really happened. Before the history was rewritten, silver was like the nuclear weapon of medicine. No human pathogen of any kind survived it. This was the gospel of medicine.

Pure colloidal silver is still the most comprehensive and potent antibiotic and anti-viral known that is actually safe for human consumption, and it is absolutely safe for everyone in every condition. It is natural, has no side effects, and it was killing the worst viral diseases in the 1930’s, long before it became impossible to kill viruses with medicine.

Over the past two centuries, silver has been used by both allopathic and alternative medicine. In addition to being used for routine ailments, silver has been used effectively against some of the most notoriously hard to kill illnesses, including tuberculosis and syphilis.

It has been used as an anti-bacterial agent that was added to bandages and disinfectant sprays. It has been embedded into clothing to prevent bacteria from producing foul odors from sweat, and it has been merged into cloth that is used in burn centers.

Attempts are still being made to lace hospital counter tops with silver, to prevent the growth of bacteria. Silver-lined containers are actively being used to disinfect water in third world countries.

Silver is remarkable because it is an extremely powerful natural anti-bacterial and anti-viral agent, yet it does not impair overall health like antibiotics do. It kills viruses, bacteria, and parasites in cases wherein the parasites live in a symbiotic relationship with a bacterial agent.

This is surprisingly common, especially in the case of blood-borne parasites, such as those of U.S. bio-weapons like Lyme disease. Because of the way that silver kills with an electrical charge, no pathogen can be found or engineered to be immune to it. No life can develop an immunity to electricity.

Since the late nineteenth century, colloidal silver has been the safest and most effective way to medicate with silver. Colloidal silver is manufactured by electrically combining silver with pure water. The colloidal manufacturing process uses no chemicals.

While silver is now labeled as an alternative medicine, it was once used widely in hospitals as the premiere antiseptic and antibiotic. It is still used in hospital burn centers for its incredible ability to heal burns more rapidly than steroids. We were astounded when witnessing it eliminate a sunburn in the span of just an hour, and a burnt tongue within minutes.

Removing silver from the market was one of the first actions of the Food and Drug Administration, when it changed its name in the 1930’s. It gradually changed its name from the Bureau of Chemistry to the more publicly palatable, Food and Drug Administration.

In 1999, after a re-emergence of silver, the F.D.A. completely banned it in any form from being sold in over-the-counter health products, despite the fact that silver has safely been used as a medicine for millennia.

The devastation of the polio epidemic was largely caused by how the Food and Drug Administration suppressed silver to promote its new antibiotic and vaccine industries. By removing silver from the lists of approved medicines, it effectively removed the only treatment that reliably kills polio, which in turn unleashed the full epidemic of polio. The F.D.A. later claimed a victory over polio in boasting that the new generation of vaccines had saved us.

The agency cunningly waited until the epidemic was in its natural decline to release the vaccine, in order to ensure that people saw a connection between the vaccine’s release date and the disappearance of the disease. The public, and quite a few doctors were distracted away from the fact that silver medications were a safe treatment, which effectively kills polio quickly, as well as virtually every other virus known.

Prior to this entire smoke-and-mirrors routine, silver was recognized for doing what the establishment now claims is impossible. Had silver medicine not been stripped from the market, the polio epidemic would have never occurred.

Today’s huge vaccine and antibiotic markets would have never come into being. Silver had to go. Just to inflate the dishonest vaccine marketing even more, the F.D.A. and the American Medical Association began promoting tonsillectomies for all children at the same time, while knowing that the tonsils are the only organ in the human body that produces polio antibodies.

They needed polio to spread widely, in order to change the public’s unfavorable attitude toward vaccinations, which is exactly what happened.

The Food and Drug Administration now admits that antibiotic drugs are useless for most of the conditions for which they have been prescribed throughout the last seven decades. The common cold, flu, and the most common type of pneumonia are all now believed to be caused by viruses, for which antibiotics are useless against.

However, silver is effective against viruses, so untold people have died as a result of silver being replaced with antibiotics.

Another suppression campaign against silver began around the time of the Second World War, when germ warfare agents were being increasingly studied as the new generation of warfare.

Get your 30ppm Colloidal Silver here

Silver has the ability to neutralize almost every bio-weapon that has ever been created, because of how it attacks pathogens electrically. Silver will only be ineffective in cases wherein the bio-weapon is so toxic that it kills people too quickly for the silver to neutralize it, such as with ebola. Bio-weapons with that lethality are unlikely to be intentionally released, because they present too much of a risk for all parties.

Silver’s effectiveness against most bio-weapons is one of the primary reasons why silver has been suppressed and maligned so aggressively. There are groups within the U.S. Government that do not want anyone to be resistant to U.S. Military bio-weapons, so silver medications have been repressed throughout the world for the sake of a covert military weapons program that is forbidden by international laws.

If silver medicine were still being distributed officially as the top tier of medicine, then the bio-weapons program would be rendered virtually impotent, because victims could simply use colloidal silver to recover from most germ warfare agents.

How Silver Medicine is Believed to Work

There are theories about how silver works. The leading one is that silver kills bacteria and viruses electrically, which would make it impossible for pathogens to become resistant to it. Indeed, it is true that there is no evidence of pathogens developing any resistance to colloidal silver.

This hypothesis is impossible to prove (or disprove), because we cannot examine a single colloidal particle and its relation to a bacterium, or view the mechanism through which silver kills the latter. We can merely put colloidal silver and bacteria together, and see that all of the bacteria dies rapidly.

It is believed that each particle retains an electrical (ionic) charge, and that each particle of the metal stores a charge of the same polarity. The charges ensure equal distribution of the particles throughout the solution. The theory is similar to that of magnetism, wherein the same poles of magnets are repelled by each other, and attracted only to their opposites.

There is evidence that silver interferes with copper and iron in the body, by binding with both electrically, to chemically form new metallic compounds. People who are using a large amount of colloidal silver regularly may begin to crave foods which are rich in iron, such as beef.

It is wise to satisfy these cravings, since they are caused by a deficiency of an important nutrient. Copper can be safely supplemented through the use of chlorophyll, but virtually every other oral source of copper supplementation is dangerous, because it is so trivially easy to overdose with it and cause liver damage.

Due to colloidal silver’s ability to neutralize iron, men over the age of 30 will benefit from occasional colloidal silver supplementation. Iron accumulation in the bodies of men is believed to be one of the key reasons why women live longer than men do, and excessive iron is a major contributor to heart disease in men.

The Different Silver Products

There are many different types of silver solutions, including silver nitrates, ionic silvers, colloidal silvers, silver chlorides, and silver proteins. The only completely safe medicinal silver product, and the kind that we officially recommend, is colloidal silver.

Silver nitrate is produced by the pharmaceutical industry by combining silver with nitric acid. It can damage the liver and kidneys like most pharmaceutical drugs. It is the terrible side effects of silver nitrate that the establishment often uses to justify its attacks upon colloidal silver, in more sleight-of-hand tactics.

Pharmaceutical silver nitrate has a long history of turning patients’ skin a bluish-gray color. Nitrates are the cancer-causing compounds that are added to meat products. In other words, the F.D.A. pushed the poisonous and carcinogenic nitrate compounds on the public again, and blamed the consequences on silver.

Ionic and colloidal silver are almost identically produced. The main difference between them is the size of the silver particles. In ionic silver, the particles are atomically small, to such a degree that even testing for their existence is difficult. It is possible that the particles in ionic silver are so small that the water itself becomes a different substance, because the silver particles are no longer completely autonomous.

The particles in colloidal silver are microscopically small, but not as small as they are in ionic silver. Ionic silver can be made using very small voltages, over extended periods of time with silver plates. Higher voltages, or decreased resistance in the water produces colloidal silver. For true colloidal or ionic silver, the water must remain pure, so the only way to reduce the resistance of the water is to heat it, which most commercial manufacturers unwisely do.

Colloidal silver is much more likely to have a color, whereas ionic silver is always clear. This is because the larger particles in the colloidal silver provide a greater surface area. Ionic silver particles are so small that they are actually smaller than the wavelengths of visible light, making the silver invisible and colorless in even high concentrations.

All colloidal silver solutions are mixtures of ionic and colloidal silver, but ionic solutions can be completely ionic. It is not possible to produce colloidal silver without also producing ionic silver. This is analogous to a construction worker who extracts materials from a brick wall.

He might use a grinding tool that yielded only a fine powder, or he could bash the brick wall with a sledge hammer, which would yield a mixture of large chunks and fine powder. The use of higher voltages for colloidal extraction is like hammering the silver.

The larger particles that are found in colloidal silver solutions are especially beneficial for external use, including the treatment of burns. Ionic silver is useless externally, and its internal effects have never been studied by independent third parties.

Only colloidal silver and silver nitrate have been scientifically scrutinized for effectiveness, and only the colloidal variant is truly safe. Incredibly, colloidal silver is the only type which the pharmaceutical industry has never sold.

Another silver product is silver chloride. It is essentially made in the same manner as colloidal silver, but with the addition of table salt (sodium chloride). It is a cloudy liquid (often whitish) that is extremely photosensitive. Upon illumination or heating, the silver chloride solution separates into silver and chlorine. This instability makes it unsafe for human consumption. When ingested, silver chloride has a tendency to migrate to the outer tissues.

Then, when the skin is exposed to sunlight, the silver chloride will break down into silver and chlorine. This causes the bluish-gray skin discoloration that has been heavily publicized as damning evidence against silver medicine. Victims of this phenomenon often claim that they drank colloidal silver, but the addition of salt transformed it into a very different substance that was chemically unstable.

True colloidal silver compounds are much less reactive. Silver chloride has no benefits over colloidal silver, and it comes with risks. The salt is usually added to speed production time, but the same effect can be achieved with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in a much safer manner.

The addition of sodium bicarbonate will yield especially large particles, which is unwise for internal use, but the resultant solution would nevertheless be ideal for external use. It would be excellent for burn treatments and infectious wound treatments.

Silver proteins contain much larger particles than either colloidal or ionic silver, and they should never be used internally. These were formerly approved of by the F.D.A., and they were preferred by the pharmaceutical industry.

The silver particles in silver protein solutions are so large that they simply sink in the water, and the particles never stay evenly distributed without the aid of an added gelling agent.

Due to the large size of the silver particles, and the silver’s binding with proteins, there is a dramatically increased likelihood that the silver will become trapped in the fatty tissues. Therefore, these thick solutions are likely to produce the infamous bluish discoloration of the skin too.

Dishonest Silver Companies

Misinformation is being spread by most sellers of colloidal silver. Most sellers boast about colloidal silver by showcasing its long history of safe usage, but they simultaneously claim to use a proprietary process that makes their silver superior to all other silver products.

Their admitted usage of non-standard manufacturing processes means that they cannot sincerely use the safety history of colloidal silver as an example of their own product’s safety, or honestly declare that their untested and proprietary product is as effective.

This is not an indictment against colloidal silver itself, but its sellers tend to be morally bankrupt, and the products that they sell are potentially-dangerous frauds. Every manufacturing short-cut has consequences.

We are aware from patent applications that some companies are producing silver solutions using fermenting bacteria that is combined with silver nitrates, instead of using electricity; but we do not know exactly which silver products are manufactured using this deplorable process.

Most sellers of modern colloidal silver advertise that their product contains between 10 and 20 parts per million. They probably seek this concentration due to the research of Alfred Searle. He authored the book, The Use of Colloids in Health and Disease, in 1920.

He is also the founder of Searle Pharmaceuticals. His company was respectable in its early history, and Searle was long dead before his company dishonored his memory by selling itself to Monsanto.

Get your 30ppm Colloidal Silver here

In his book, Searle reported that a concentration of just 20 parts per million of silver was proven to be deadly to all known pathogenic life forms, including every known virus. However, these results do not equate to the 10-20 parts per million ratings that can be found on most silver products of today. The reason is that the methods of testing have changed dramatically.

Alfred Searle used a Tyndall meter to measure how many particles of silver were present in a solution. It is a device that uses light to test for hue and reflection, which are used to determine the particle count and their size. These devices use light wavelengths as the means of measurement.

Most modern sellers of silver products instead purchase an electronic device that measures the conductivity of the finished product. The conductivity of different solutions will always vary greatly, so these meters cannot possibly do what they are advertised to do.

For example, if salt were added to the water, then it would have a different effect on the conductivity than if copper were added, because of their differing electrical properties. Yet the sellers of these meters claim that they are able to get accurate results measuring particle counts regardless of a solution’s ingredients. If salt or another electrolyte exists in the water, the conductivity of the water will increase dramatically, even whilst the number of particles will stay roughly the same.

Particle size and the temperature of the solution also effect the conductivity, which the meter has no way of determining. Even a gust of wind will give a different reading, due to the electrostatic effect upon the surface of the solution.

In the case of colloidal metals, electrically gauging the concentration is even more futile than it is for other types of solutions, because the metallic liquid is an electrolytic capacitor with a constantly changing capacitance.

Electricity cannot be used to measure the amount of metal in a solution when the surface area of the metal cannot be verified, and when the capacitance of the solution is ever-changing. It is like trying to get a consistent light measurement from a fireworks display.

The capacitive solution itself will produce its own tiny currents, and it will block currents from the meter, which makes electronic testing an exercise in absurdity. The only way to accurately measure concentration in a fluid with metallic colloids is by using light.

Thus, the parts per million rating given by most colloidal and ionic silver sellers is an aproximate.

TDS Meter, the de facto manufacturer of the new testing equipment, even acknowledges the uselessness of its own meters on its website, in an amusing attempt at damage control:

” …temperature changes by a tenth of a degree may increase or decrease the conductivity. Additionally, the temperature coefficient (what the reading is multiplied by to adjust for temperature differences) changes slightly depending upon the range of ppm… Even a tiny air bubble that has adhered to one of the probes could potentially affect the conductivity, and thus the reading… Electrical charges off fingers, static eletricity off clothes, etc. on the meter and lingering electrical charges in the water will affect the conductivity of the water… Plastic cups retain lingering electrical charges more than glass. If the meter touches the side of the glass or plastic, it could pick up a slight charge. If the plastic is retaining a charge, it could also affect the water… The amount of water in the sample may affect the conductivity. Different volumes of the same water may have different levels of conductivity. Displacement may affect the conductivity as well… The depth and position of the probe in the water sample may also affect the conductivity. For example, if a meter is dipped into the water, removed and then dipped into the water again, but in a different spot, the reading may change…”

The expensive methods of testing colloidal solutions that are utilized by modern laboratories are likewise grossly flawed. Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy is one of the leading laboratory methods for analyzing colloidal solutions.

It uses extreme temperatures to destroy a colloidal solution, and then observers rate the colors of the flames, in an attempt to visually gauge the metal concentration. Fire is impossible to control with the precision that is needed for a valid analysis; and of course, the test results are in the eyes of the beholder.

These machines cost about $50,000 (U.S.), so it is unlikely that anyone outside of the chemical industry actually owns one. There are similar devices which utilize a beam of light that is projected through the flames during the analysis. These devices have the same inaccuracy issues, and they are even more expensive.

Get your 30ppm Colloidal Silver here

Properly Medicating with Colloidal Silver

High quality colloidal silver that is of the appropriate medicinal strength (20 P.P.M.) looks slightly yellowish in a brilliant white container. Newly-made batches of weak colloidal silver will instead have a slight silvery tint when first made. Some batches turn yellow about a day after production.

The strength of a colloidal silver solution can be judged by shining a laser pointer through the solution, whilst the silver is being infused. A red laser pointer is best, because the beam is least visible under normal conditions.

As the silver solution gets stronger, it will become possible to see the red beam clearly through the water. As the solution becomes more concentrated, the laser beam will become more solid, and silver particles will sparkle in the beam like glitter.

We recommend against making stronger concentrations for most uses, because silver appears to create iron deficiencies with extreme dosages. We do not truly know if the colloidal silver causes the increased excretion of iron, or if it simply neutralizes usable iron by bonding with it, or both.

We believe that it is both. Either way, there are no real human toxicity issues, but the proper iron level should be nevertheless maintained for optimal health.

During times of sickness, we recommend using 3 fluid ounces of colloidal silver, at least twice a day. Best results can be achieved by holding the colloidal silver in the mouth for a minute before swallowing it. This technique allows some silver to penetrate through the walls of the mouth, and directly into the bloodstream.

Expect for it to have a metallic aftertaste. Due to the wide variety of people who will read this, we have made the recommended silver dosage very conservative, but some patients measure their dosages in cups.

Storage of Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver may be stored in either plastic or glass. The ideal plastic is the type that is used to store milk. It is high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and it can be identified in the U.S. by a number “2” embossed into the bottom of the container.

It is a very non-reactive plastic, but the microscopic silver particles may stain it. Of course, many people prefer to store their colloidal silver in glass, due to their concerns about no plastic being perfect. Such individuals usually choose an amber-colored glass container, as a way to prevent excessive light exposure.

Colloidal silver should be stored at room temperature, and never allowed to freeze. The silver will coagulate into visible chunks at the bottom when frozen, which will make the solution much less effective and create the possibility that it will cause argyria.

Therefore, an interesting experiment to verify the presence of silver in the solution is to freeze a small amount of it, and then examine the clumped silver at the bottom of the container after thawing. If a choice must be made between storage in a hot or cold environment, the warmer environment should always be chosen.

Pure colloidal silver should not experience any of the serious breakdown problems that silver chloride solutions do, whenever there is light exposure; but we nevertheless store our colloidal silver in a dark location, because darkness might somewhat help to keep it better preserved.

A good batch of colloidal silver should last for years, because the silver itself is a powerful preservative. In fact, we use it as a substitute for water in risky foods that use uncooked ingredients, such as raw eggs (for mayonnaise production). It is used to ensure that all of the bacteria is dead. A minute of blending with colloidal silver is enough to ensure that no bacteria survives.

Patients Experiencing the Blues

The medical establishment and the big media organizations have demonized colloidal silver by parading people who developed a condition known as argyria. It is a bluish-gray discoloration of the skin that is reported to be permanent.

However, every case that we investigated involved products that were not actually colloidal silver, and most cases were the result of pharmaceutical-industry silver products. Our exhaustive research could not find a single instance of argyria that was caused by pure colloidal silver. The pharmaceutical silver solutions are the most likely to cause it.

Regulators proclaim that the people who turned blue are demonstrative of silver’s toxicity, but the opposite is actually true. It proves that even after a person has become so incredibly saturated with silver from 20+ years of misuse that he turns blue, he still does not suffer from any real health problems.

The blue patients are actually healthier than normal. Take for comparison: a patient who consumes enough aspirin to turn white. Actually, we cannot use this example, because within 20 minutes of such extreme aspirin consumption, the patient would be dead from internal bleeding — long before he ever began changing color.

The National Institutes of Health documented one case of argyria that occurred when a man started producing his own silver solution, and consumed 16 fluid ounces of it, three times each day, for a period of years. He measured his silver to contain a whopping 450 parts per million, which is 22 times stronger than is normal.

This regimen gave his body the same concentration of silver as if he had consumed 1,056 fluid ounces of standard colloidal silver (8.25 gallons per day). The extreme concentration means that the silver had to be discolored and impure, and it almost certainly had salt added.

Otherwise, it would have taken him days to manufacture each day’s batch at such concentrations, so we can be certain that he was using silver chloride instead of colloidal silver. It is a reflection of the stupidity of turning to pharmaceutical manufacturing processes for the practice of alternative medicine, and then using the terrible results to prove that alternative medicine is bad. It is what we see most often in the politics of silver.

The most popularized case of argyria is that of Paul Karason, the so-called Smurf Man. He internally consumed large doses of a homemade silver solution for years, and then began also using silver externally on his face. He too made his silver solution using salt, which resulted in silver chloride.

Despite it being a completely different substance, he refers to his solution as “colloidal silver”, as does the media. We believe that after he noticed some slight skin discoloration, he actually increased his dosage, because he had found a way to become famous and profit from being a freak.

Get your 30ppm Colloidal Silver here

He admits publicly to using excessive amounts of his silver chloride both internally and transdermally, daily for 14 years. He still continues to use it, despite his obvious saturation. He further admits that his face turned blue before the rest of his body; and yet he continued to use both silver products, despite the color change.

Due to Karason’s self-inflicted and intentional cosmetic alteration, the F.D.A. has been using him in a public relations campaign that is intended to convince the public that colloidal silver is dangerous. We can only speculate about how much the media networks and the F.D.A. have paid him for his appearances.

Not one death or serious side effect has ever been recorded for pure colloidal silver, during the century of its existence. There are, however, plenty of horror stories from people who used the chemically-altered silvers that were made with various proteins, salts, or fermented bacteria.

Source: Healthwyze

Turmeric and Honey: The most powerful antibiotic that doctors can’t explain

Turmeric and Honey: The Most Powerful Antibiotic That Doctors Can’t Explain

While conventional antibiotics are extremely overused, natural remedies such as honey and turmeric are highly beneficial and improve health in numerous ways. Honey effectively fights infections without causing resistant bacteria, unlike conventional antibiotics. A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

Honey effectively fights infections without causing resistant bacteria, unlike conventional antibiotics. A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, found that honey destroyed every bacteria or pathogen they tested it on. Researchers found that it can be applied topically and taken internally.

According to Dr.Dee Carter:

“Our research is the first to clearly show that these honey-based products could in many cases replace antibiotic creams on wounds and equipment such as catheters. Using honey as an intermediate treatment could also prolong the life of antibiotics.”

On the other hand, turmeric is another natural miracle with a myriad of health benefits. Its most important compounds are called curcuminoids, and it has powerful healing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

The combination of these two is the most powerful antibiotic we can use. It is also known as Golden Honey and has been commonly used in Ayurveda medicine for thousands of years. Recently, its use has grown exponentially in Western medicine and nutrition.

According to BenefitsOfHoney, this combination is “an invaluable natural remedy for a myriad of ailments and diseases including indigestion, cold, flu, asthma, hypertension, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, arthritis, diabetes, heart diseases, depression and anxiety, inflammation of wounds and burns, eczema, psoriasis and acne, and aging(protects the liver and kidneys). “

Moreover, TurmericForHealth adds:

“A study has shown that an Ayurvedic medicine containing turmeric and honey as two of the active ingredients stimulated the production and functionality of immune cells and thus, could result in improved immunity against diseases.

Combining turmeric with honey enhances its anti-microbial activity. They can together act against a variety of bacterial and fungal strains known to cause infections in humans.”


“Turmeric, along with honey can improve skin hydration and elasticity and contribute to a better skin health. Turmeric and honey are useful in treating oral mucositis which occurs as a complication of cancer treatments.”

Here is how to prepare it:

Turmeric Infused Honey


  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric(of therapeutic quality )
  • ¼ cup raw honey
  • 2 drops lemon essential oil (optional)


Mix the ingredients, stir well, and cover. Store the mixture at room temperature, and stir it before each use. To fight the flu or a cold, take half a teaspoon of the mixture, several times daily.

Source: Turmeric and Honey: The Most Powerful Antibiotic That not even Doctors Can Explain – Healthy Food House

C60 antioxidant. How does it work?

The Buckyball molecule is an electron reservoir

C60 antioxidant. How does it work? Free radicals are molecules that have one or more electrons too few or too many, and they will damage any biological molecule they come in contact with. The Buckminsterfullerene C60 molecule can accept several electrons in case of a free radical with an electron surplus, and donate several electrons in case of a free radical with an electron deficit. C60 thus is an incredibly effective antioxidant, not in the least because it does not get degraded or unstable by accepting or donating electrons. The olive oil of the lipofullerene C60 binds the C60 into the cell layers, also those of the mitochondria, the energy factories in the cell. Hence the cells and mitochondria get an integrated nano-scale antioxidant system implanted into their cell walls. This is totally unique. No antioxidant supplement can be reused indefinitely. No antioxidant supplement can both accept and donate electrons, let alone multiple electrons. No antioxidant supplement sits for weeks in the lipid bilayers, exactly where it is needed the most. Except C60, which can do all these things.

C60 antioxidant. How does it work? One way C60 functions as an antioxidant, is to neutralize reactive Oxygen species (ROS) by accepting an electron from them. The unique aspect of C60 is that accepting an electron does not alter the structure of the C60 molecule, effectively infinitely recycling it. C60 can accept or donate many electrons (it works as an electron reservoir), so it is an incredibly powerful antioxidant in the cell walls (270 x better than vit. C, even disregarding the recycling effect!), constantly neutralizing damaging free radicals that reach the cells or mitochondria. How this works in detail has been explained by forum members of Longecity:


ROS is an unpaired electron. If it sticks to something else that absorbs and distributes the “extra” electron, it is neutralized.

See the below for how it works with compounds like c60:


Carbon60 and its health benefits

Carbon60 (C60) is the newest health sensation in the natural health and longevity worlds.

So what is C60?

C60 a special geometrical arrangement of 60 carbon atoms into a single molecule that looks like a soccer ball, made up of inter-locking pentagonal and hexagonal structures. Carbon60 molecules are also called fullerenes or buckyballs after Buckminster Fuller. By the way, Fuller was the very same guy who said that the best way to overcome a (failing, tyrannical or destructive) system is to create a new one that makes the old one obsolete. Understanding this is the key to defeating the New World Order (NWO) worldwide conspiracy.

By Makia Freeman

A Special Form of Carbon Charcoal

Carbon is a very versatile element, which can manifest itself in many allotropes such as graphite (for pencils), coal and diamond, just to name a few. We humans are carbon-based creatures. Carbon60 is a naturally occurring form of carbon derived from charcoal. If you think it’s strange or unhealthy to ingest charcoal, consider this for a moment: activated charcoal is commonly sold as a supplement and given to people who are suffering acute poisoning. It absorbs the poison by drawing it into its (the charcoal’s) pores. Likewise, zeolite (derived from volcanic mineral ash) is a potent detoxifier which operates on the same principle of drawing in toxic heavy metals and other contaminants to remove them safely from the body.

The C60 Rat Study in France 2012

What put C60 on the map was this 2012 rat study in France led by Tarek Baati. The study is also referred to as the Baati study. The scientists split the rats into 3 groups (the control group1 (only water), control group2 (Only olive oil) and the test group) and gave the latter C60 absorbed in olive oil. C60 is not water-soluble but it is fat-soluble, so they chose a very good olive oil from Tunesia. Many people these days dissolve their c60 in different oils but it depends on your bloodtype which oil is best for you, while olive oil suits all. The actual intent of the study was to find out the lethal dose of C60, due to the many applications it might have that involve customers, but the results shocked the researchers. They discovered that the lifespan of the test group rodents was extended by 90%! This is basically double. It may even have been longer, but the scientists had to kill the rats to end the study. And although this special type of rats is developped to create cancer during their life, the test group did not developed tumors while the control groups did.

Other experiments have been done on C60 that show its healing potential and there are now many who believe it can do the same for humans as it did for rats.

Carbon. Source of Carbon60

C60 is derived from charcoal, a form of carbon.

How Does C60 Work as a Longevity Agent?

So why does C60 have this incredible effect? The science shows that it’s due to its ability to reduce oxidative stress, i.e. the toll of oxidation (aging) on the body. C60 is the best-known antioxidant on Earth, far beyond vitamin C in its antioxidative ability. This means when C60 enters the body it starts disabling free radicals and other so-called “reactive oxygen species” (hereafter called ROS) that bombard the body with extra electrons to cause oxidation. C60 is the most efficient free radical scavenger known to humanity.

So how does C60 disable damaging free radicals? In plain English, here’s how: C60 accumulates in the inner membrane layer of mitochondria, which is deep inside the cell. C60 has electrical properties; it absorbs protons, which changes the electrical potential across the entire membrane structure. This in turn greatly decreases the formation of superoxides and other ROS. The end result is a reduction in oxidative stress.

The lead scientist of the 2012 rat study, Baati talked about how C60 can get deep inside the cell:

[C60] is a very lipophilic molecule and it goes in some places in the organism that other natural antioxidants don’t go. It can access cellular structure[s] or subcellular [structures] that the other antioxidant[s] cannot access.

Some claim that Carbon60 is such a unique molecule that it can actually give or receive multiple electrons either way – meaning that it can neutralize free radicals with electron deficits or electron surpluses. If true, this makes it truly astonishing, because it means it will not become unstable regardless of whether it donates or accepts electrons. Its structure will not be altered, allowing it to continuously play this neutralizing or balancing role.

This article stated:

Free radicals are molecules that have a dis-balance in electron; one or more electrons too few or too many, and they will damage any biological molecule they come in contact with. The Buckminsterfullerene C60 molecule can accept several electrons in case of a free radical with an electron surplus, and donate several electrons in case of a free radical with an electron deficit. Carbon60 thus is an incredibly effective antioxidant, not in the least because it does not get degraded or unstable by accepting or donating electrons … The unique aspect of C60 is that accepting an electron does not alter the structure of the C60 molecule, effectively infinitely recycling it. C60 can accept or donate many electrons (it works as an electron reservoir).

Carbon60 protects and restores the TelomereCarbon60 Stops Telomere Shortening

Our understanding of what causes aging is deepening all the time, but what we know at this stage is that it depends on our telomeres. Telomeres are found at each end of a chromosome, and their purpose is to protect the end of the chromosome from deterioration. Telomeres hold the secret to longevity. Our DNA replicates only a fixed amount of times, and each time it does, the telomeres become a little shorter. Once your telomeres become too short, you can no longer reproduce your cells and continue to live. Amazingly, current research on Carbon60 shows that it keeps telomeres from getting shorter. Telomere shortening is due to cell division (10-20%) and oxidative stress (80-90%). By drastically reducing oxidative stress, Carbon60 can play a major role in reducing telomere shortening and thus promoting longevity.


Carbon60 moleculeOther C60 Health Benefits

Additionally, C60 has other health benefits. As mentioned above, C60 adsorbs toxins (not absorbs but rather adsorbs, meaning it binds them to its external structure then safely removes them from the body). It alkalizes the body and thus boosts immune system. C60 prevents inflammation, kills bacteria and viruses, protects nerves, prevents osteoarthritis, helps with obesity and prevents UV damage. There is even evidence that C60 may help against cancer (another animal study showed that C60 successfully slowed tumor growth). Thus, in the years to come, there will probably be numerous biomedical applications of C60 including for aging, neurodegenerative disorders and cancer therapy.

So far, I have summarized what the science says. In addition, there are many testimonials from people who have already been taking C60 for months. The general themes that emerge from various personal experiences are that C60 has improved mental clarity, promoted better sleep, helped reduce anxiety, improved athletic performance, helped animal/pet conditions, restored original hair color, healed skin ailments, improved energy levels and mood, improved old injuries and made people feel younger.

C60: Reducing the Oxidative Stress of EMF and 5G

Natural health matters are often connected with conspiracy. C60 is a natural health breakthrough, but at the same time, the NWO technocratic agenda is advancing. The dangerous 5G network is being rolled out all over the world at the moment. It includes the construction and establishment of a massive amount of cell and microwave towers right among residential areas and next to people’s houses. This network will increase the bombardment of EMF (electromagnetic frequency) microwaves. They will be in the gigahertz and terahertz range, way beyond the inherent frequencies of the human body and the Earth.

EMF radiation can be toxic, carcinogenic and can lead to rapid and premature aging. Why? It comes down to the fact that it produces excess free radicals in the body – the molecules which cause oxidative stress. This relates to what I have just been saying above. Since Carbon60 is a hyper antioxidant, there is very good reason to believe that it can offer some defense against the coming 5G EMF saturation. More research needs to be done, but at this stage, we know that C60 does mitigate the damaging oxidation and aging caused by EMF.


So, to summarize, Carbon60 is a master molecule which offers tremendous health benefits. Due to its unique molecular composition and structure, it is able to effectively neutralize ROS or free radicals which would otherwise destroy healthy cells and cause oxidation and aging. C60 has been shown to be safe with no upper dosage limit. It successfully extended the life of rats by 90% (which is almost double). It is a special form of carbon (charcoal), a substance already known to have positive health benefits. Reports are flowing in that it has helped people with a variety of ailments.

Fullercarbon's Carbon60 dissolved in Organic Extra Virgin olive oilLike it or not, the truth is that we live in a distorted environment. Exhaust fumes, pharmaceutical residues in the water supply, microplastics, heavy metals, GMOs, EMF, vaccines, aluminum, chemtrails and countless other toxins are, sadly, a daily part of many people’s lives. We were not designed to live under such a toxic assault, and nor can we thrive if don’t take steps to protect ourselves. You have to use safe, natural and effective remedies to keep yourself clean and sane. It’s early days with what we know about Carbon60, but it could be a vital and essential part of your health protocol.


Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at ToolsForFreedom.com, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance. Makia is on Minds, Steemit and FB.

A good source for getting your Carbon60 in Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is: https://fullercarbon.com








Heal Liver Damage with Sesame Oil May be possible

Sesame Oil May Heal Liver Damage
Heal liver damage. Sesame seeds are one of the most powerful healing foods on the planet.  For thousands of years they have been used by traditional peoples for food and medicine. Chinese medicine suggests this ancient food may help relieve the epidemic of liver damage from modern drugs.

Hepatotoxicity is liver damage caused by chemicals.  It’s a significant problem related to pharmaceutical use since the liver’s job is to clear chemicals from the body.  That makes the liver particularly susceptible to injury from drug use.

Hundreds of drugs contribute to liver toxicity even when used in correct doses. It’s the number one reason drugs are withdrawn from the market.

An editorial in the Journal of the Chinese Medical Association notes that in today’s world, “a hepatoprotectant is urgently needed.”  It also suggests the tiny sesame seed and its oil may well be that protector.

Sesame oil is rich in an anti-inflammatory lignan known as “sesamin.”  Lignans are a type of polyphenol found in many seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

Sesamin is well known for its health benefits which include:

  • Lowering cholesterol
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Anticancer potential
  • Anti-aging effects
  • Regulating the immune system
  • Lowering blood sugar
  • Antithrombotic effects
  • Antioxidant power

Sesamin also protects against liver damage from alcohol and drug use.[i]  Several animal studies from Taiwan and Japan show that sesame oil reduces oxidative stress in the liver.

Other studies show sesame oil can combat the harmful effects of acetaminophen on the liver.  Each year acetaminophen causes more than 450 deaths from liver failure.  Sesamin helps combat that damage by maintaining intracellular levels of glutathione, a potent antioxidant.  Acetaminophen is known to reduce the liver’s store of glutathione. Sesamin also reduces the levels of free radicals and inhibits oxidation of fats.[ii], [iii]

Not only does sesamin fight liver damage from pain relief products containing acetaminophen, like Tylenol, it actually provides better pain relief.  Earlier GreenMedInfo reported that eating 40 grams of sesame seeds (about two tablespoons of tahini) was superior to Tylenol in reducing pain in those suffering from knee arthritis.

A blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study of 48 healthy Japanese subjects shows that oral doses of sesamin are safe and well tolerated.[iv]

Sesame seeds and their oil have been used in the kitchen for thousands of years especially in Asia.

The seeds come from a tropical plant called Sesamum indicum which may have originated in Africa.  Today it is cultivated mostly in India, China and Mexico. In the Caribbean and southern U.S., sesame seeds are often known by their African name, benne.

Sesame seeds can be black, white, yellow or red.  They grow in pods which burst open when ripe. This is said to be the basis of the magic phrase “open sesame” in the Arabian Nights.

Sesame seeds pack a wide array of other health benefits. They are a good source of copper, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, vitamin B1 (thiamine) and zinc.  They can be eaten whole, ground into tahini paste or processed into oil. Sesame oil contains polyunsaturated fats and is a source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Sesame oil has a bold flavor and goes well with garlic and ginger in recipes and stir-frys. Because of its high antioxidant content, most sesame oil can be used for cooking.  If you are going to cook with sesame oil, look for unrefined sesame oil which is not chemically processed.

Don’t use toasted sesame oil for cooking.  The seeds are toasted before pressing giving it a deep gold color and rich, nutty flavor.  It has a lower smoke point than unrefined sesame oil and can break down under heat.  Reserve it as a finishing oil to add intense flavor in dressings and marinades.

For more information on over 40 health benefits of sesame seed and/or its components visit GreenMedInfo’s research page on sesame seed health benefits.

This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2018
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[i] Namiki M. Nutraceutical functions of sesame: a review. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2007;47:651e73.

[ii] Chandrasekaran VR,Wan CH, Liu LL, Hsu DZ, Liu MY. Effect of sesame oil against acetaminophen-induced acute oxidative hepatic damage in rats. Shock 2008;30:217e21.

[iii] Chandrasekaran VR, Chien SP, Hsu DZ, Chang YC, Liu MY. Effects of sesame oil against after the onset of acetaminophen-induced acute hepatic injury in rats. J Parenter Enteral Nutr 2010;34:567e73

[iv] Tomimori N, Tanaka Y, Kitagawa Y, Fujii W, Sakakibara Y, Shibata H. Pharmacokinetics and safety of the sesame lignans, sesamin and episesamin, in healthy subjects. Biopharm Drug Dispos 2013;34:462e73.

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