Frankincense essential oil kills cancer cells better than Chemo


Frankincense has had many uses over the course of history. It’s commonly used in religious ceremonies and is a popular scent used in aromatherapy. Frankincense is also renowned for its uses in traditional medicine.

Frankincense comes from the resin of the Boswellia tree and can be transformed into a potent, fragrant essential oil with many health benefits. Frankincense is often used for fighting inflammation, infections and to prevent premature aging. It has also been used to soothe the digestive tract, support the immune system, promote oral hygiene, and boost mental health.

Sounds pretty good, right? It gets even better! Recent research has revealed that frankincense also has cancer-fighting properties. In fact, studies have shown that it may even be more effective that several common chemotherapy drugs! The best part is that frankincense doesn’t harm healthy cells, has no severe side effects and can even help kill off chemo-resistant cancer cells.

Researchers from Leicester University found that a chemical in frankincense, known as  acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid (AKBA), has the ability to destroy cancer cells. More importantly, it can do so in reasonable concentrations. The researchers believe it could be effective at treating many common cancers, such as colon, ovarian, prostate and breast cancers. Frankincense was found to even be effective at treating late-stage ovarian cancer, which is notoriously difficult to treat. Even cancer cells that were resistant to chemotherapy eventually succumbed to AKBA. The best part is that there are almost no negative side effects associated with taking frankincense essential oil.

Scientists from Cardiff University previously found that frankincense could also help to treat arthritis. The researchers found that the administration of frankincense helped to reduce pain and inflammation for patients suffering with osteoarthritis in just seven days.

Frankincense is often used in aromatherapy to help promote feelings of relaxation and well being, and it can also be used to relieve respiratory irritations. Using a diffuser or vaporizer is a great way to reap the aromatic benefits of frankincense. It can also be used in many other ways. Frankincense essential oil can be diluted with a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil. It can also be added to your favorite lotions for topical applications.


Oncoloog ontdekt sap recept dat binnen 48 uur kanker kan doden!

Ik ben geen voorstander van chemotherapie, behalve in zeldzame gevallen. Dit is waarom het me plezier doet om je een natuurlijke remedie te laten zien die je potentieel tegen kanker zou kunnen beschermen zonder de schadelijke bijwerkingen die chemo met zich meebrengt.

Ik geloof ook in preventieve gezondheidszorg, wat betekent dat je kanker moet bestrijden door middel van dieet, lichaamsbeweging en stressmanagement lang voordat je de ziekte ooit krijgt.

God verhoede dat ik op een dag kanker krijg, ik zal persoonlijk niet kiezen voor een behandeling met chemotherapie. Tenminste de technologie en toepassing ervan vandaag. Dat gezegd hebbende, alternatieve kankerbehandelingen zien er tegenwoordig meer en meer veelbelovend uit. Onlangs is een extract ontdekt dat ons op dramatische wijze zou kunnen helpen.

Hoe kanker zelfmoord te laten plegen

Het extract (van paardenbloemwortel) werkt door apoptose in de kankercellen te induceren. Om dit op een andere manier te zeggen, dwingt dit proces de kankercellen om zelfmoord te plegen zonder de gezonde cellen op enigerlei wijze te beschadigen. Een veel betere optie dan chemo!Wat laat het onderzoek zien?

Een recentere studie wees uit dat het extract van paardenbloemwortel een enorm potentieel heeft, als niet-toxische behandeling. Ze maakten een punt om te stellen dat dit de voorkeur heeft boven de conventionele methoden van chemo die tegenwoordig beschikbaar zijn. En voor degenen onder jullie die meer wetenschappelijk zijn, dit is wat ze zeiden:

“… we namen een vroege activatie van initiator caspase-8 waar, die leidde tot mitochondriale destabilisatie en de inductie van autofagie, wat suggereert dat DRE werkt via de extrinsieke route van apoptose.”Ook hebben Canadese wetenschappers van de Universiteit van Windsor deze ontdekking enige tijd geleden al gedaan. Net als in 2009.

Het begon allemaal toen een oncoloog aan het spelen was met de effecten van paardenbloemwortelthee … hij merkte op dat de snelheid van kanker gecorreleerd was.

Hij zag consequent ook positieve resultaten met verschillende soorten kanker (bijvoorbeeld darmkanker, leukemie, enz.), Zonder de omliggende gezonde cellen te beschadigen.

Als gevolg van dit werk beschouwen verschillende oncologen het gebruik van dit uittreksel als een van de meest veelbelovende behandelingen die we nu hebben!

Anti-kanker paardebloem sap recept


3 kopjes paardenbloembladeren

2 biologische stengels bleekselderij

1 biologische citroen

2 biologische groene appels

1 biologische komkommer


Doe alle ingrediënten in een fruitpers of blender (wij raden dit aan) en drink het ’s ochtends op een lege maag.

Source: Oncoloog ontdekt sap recept dat binnen 48 uur kanker kan doden! | Health Bytes

Opium-like painkiller alternative can be found growing in your backyard

Image: Opium-like painkiller alternative can be found growing in your backyard

(Natural News) If you’re suffering from pain of any type, your first impulse might be to reach for a pill. If that is the case, then you are not alone. Many people rely on over-the-counter or prescription pain medication, but these come with the risk of severe side effects and drug dependency issues. A large segment of our population is popping these highly addictive meds like candy, often masking the problem rather than fixing it.

Did you know that many herbs and spices can treat inflammation and other related conditions that cause acute or chronic pain? Big Pharma, or the “legal drug lords” as Natural Blaze calls them, have most of us believing that if you want the “good stuff,” you need their drugs.

While they are laughing their way to the bank, millions of people are becoming addicted to these pills, which has led to the current epidemic of opioid addictions and overdoses. In the United States, it is so bad that prescription opioid-related deaths have surpassed gun-related deaths. Furthermore, once these people are caught in the web of a “legal” drug addiction, the step to the illegal market and heroin is easily made when they get turned away from the medical system.

Wild lettuce, a healthy morphine-like pain alternative growing in your backyard

Wild lettuce is a tall, leafy plant with small, yellow buds commonly found in gardens across North America and England. Also known as Lactuca Virosa, opium lettuce, or bitter lettuce, this medicinal plant has long been used in folk medicine as a substitute to opium, hence its name opium lettuce. While it has been used for centuries, it was in the 1970s that it started to gain significant popularity, both for pain relief and recreational purposes.

100% organic essential oil sets now available for your home and personal care, including Rosemary, Oregano, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Clary Sage and more, all 100% organic and laboratory tested for safety. A multitude of uses, from stress reduction to topical first aid. See the complete listing here, and help support this news site.

Opium lettuce’s pain-relieving and sedative effects come from the white substance, called lactucarium, found in the stem and leaves. Just like morphine, compounds in the milky substance act directly on the central nervous system to lessen the feeling of pain. Unlike its name may suggest, the plant doesn’t contain any opiates and is legal.

Patients with Epstein-Barr Virus, Fibromyalgia, nerve injury, surgical pain, and inflammation could all benefit from making the switch to this natural remedy. As reported by Ask A Prepper, next to its pain-relieving properties, this medicinal plant also works wonders in the treatment of coughs, insomnia, and anxiety. Migraine sufferers claim that they experience fewer migraine attacks when they use wild lettuce.

Furthermore, it can be very beneficial for asthma patients since opiate medications can cause more asthma episodes when they go through opiate withdrawal. The use of opium lettuce instead of opiate drugs could give the same results while keeping withdrawal symptoms and additional asthma attacks at bay.

There are many ways to consume the plant to reap its pain-relieving benefits. In the old days, people used to steep a herbal tea of the dried leaves and stems or cook the plant in water with a sugar mix until a syrup-like substance is left. While tea remains popular today, because of its bitter taste, many people are also using the dried leaves and stems for smoking or vaporizing. (RELATED: Learn more about natural remedies at

If you are not living in a place where this medicinal plant grows in the wild and are in pain, you shouldn’t miss out on its pain-relieving benefits. You can purchase wild lettuce as a dried herb, extract or resin. However, these commercial options may disappear in the near future. Given its euphoric qualities and recreational use, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is trying to add this natural, non-opiate plant to the list of illegal substances.
