Carbon 60 (C60): Currently the Best Known Life Extender on the Planet

C60 (Carbon 60) is the newest health sensation in the natural health and longevity worlds. So what is C60, the life extender?

It is simply a special geometrical arrangement of 60 carbon atoms into a single molecule that looks like a soccer ball, made up of inter-locking pentagonal and hexagonal structures.

C60 molecules are also called fullerenes or buckyballs after Buckminster Fuller, the man who discovered them. By the way, Fuller was the very same guy who said that the best way to overcome a (failing, tyrannical or destructive) system is to create a new one that makes the old one obsolete.

Understanding this is the key to defeating the New World Order (NWO) worldwide conspiracy.

A Special Form of Carbon Charcoal

Carbon is a very versatile element, which can manifest itself in many allotropes such as graphite (for pencils), coal and diamond, just to name a few. We humans are carbon-based creatures. C60 is a naturally occurring form of carbon derived from charcoal.

If you think it’s strange or unhealthy to ingest charcoal, consider this for a moment: activated charcoal is commonly sold as a supplement and given to people who are suffering acute poisoning. It absorbs the poison by drawing it into its (the charcoal’s) pores.

Likewise, zeolite (derived from volcanic mineral ash) is a potent detoxifier which operates on the same principle of drawing in toxic heavy metals and other contaminants to remove them safely from the body.

The C60 Rat Study in France 2012

What put C60, the life extender, on the map was this 2012 rat study in France led by Fathi Moussa. The scientists split the rats into 2 groups (the control group and the test group) and gave the latter C60 absorbed in olive oil. C60 is not water-soluble but it is fat-soluble, so they surmised that olive oil would be a good delivery system.

The actual intent of the study was to find out the lethal dose of C60, but the results shocked the researchers. They discovered that the lifespan of the test group rodents was extended by 90%!
This is basically double. It may even have been longer too, but the scientists had to kill the rats to end the study. They also discovered that the test group did not develop tumors while the control group did.

Other experiments have been done on C60 that show its healing potential and there are now many who believe it can do the same for humans as it did for rats.

How Does C60 Work as a Longevity Agent?

So why does C60 have this incredible effect? The science shows that it’s due to its ability to reduce oxidative stress, i.e. the toll of oxidation (aging) on the body. C60, the life extender, is the best-known antioxidant on Earth, far beyond vitamin C in its antioxidative ability.

This means when C60 enters the body it starts disabling free radicals and other so-called “reactive oxygen species” (hereafter called ROS) that bombard the body with extra electrons to cause oxidation. C60 is the most efficient free radical scavenger known to humanity.

So how does C60, the life extender, disable damaging free radicals? In plain English, here’s how: C60 accumulates in the inner membrane layer of mitochondria, which is deep inside the cell. C60 has electrical properties; it absorbs protons, which changes the electrical potential across the entire membrane structure. This in turn greatly decreases the formation of superoxides and other ROS. The end result is a reduction in oxidative stress.

The lead scientist of the 2012 rat study Moussi talked about how C60 can get deep inside the cell:

“[C60] is a very lipophilic molecule and it goes in some places in the organism that other natural antioxidants don’t go. It can access cellular structure[s] or subcellular [structures] that the other antioxidant[s] cannot access.”

Some claim that C60 is such a unique molecule that it can actually give or receive multiple electrons either way – meaning that it can neutralize free radicals with electron deficits or electron surpluses. Life extender.

If true, this makes it truly astonishing, because it means it will not become unstable regardless of whether it donates or accepts electrons. Its structure will not be altered, allowing it to continuously play this neutralizing or balancing role.

This article stated:

“Free radicals are molecules that have one or more electrons too few or too many, and they will damage any biological molecule they come in contact with. The Buckminsterfullerene C60 molecule can accept several electrons in case of a free radical with an electron surplus, and donate several electrons in case of a free radical with an electron deficit.

“C60 thus is an incredibly effective antioxidant, not in the least because it does not get degraded or unstable by accepting or donating electrons … The unique aspect of C60 is that accepting an electron does not alter the structure of the C60 molecule, effectively infinitely recycling it. C60 can accept or donate many electrons (it works as an electron reservoir).”

c60 life extender

C60 Stops Telomere Shortening

Our understanding of what causes aging is deepening all the time, but what we know at this stage is that it depends on our telomeres. Telomeres are found at each end of a chromosome, and their purpose is to protect the end of the chromosome from deterioration. Telomeres hold the secret to longevity. Our DNA replicates only a fixed amount of times, and each time it does, the telomeres become a little shorter.

Once your telomeres become too short, you can no longer reproduce your cells and continue to live. Amazingly, current research on C60 shows that it keeps telomeres from getting shorter. Telomere shortening is due to cell division (10-20%) and oxidative stress (80-90%). By drastically reducing oxidative stress, C60 can play a major role in reducing telomere shortening and thus promoting longevity.

Other C60 Health Benefits

Additionally, C60 has other health benefits. As mentioned above, C60 adsorbs toxins (not absorbs but rather adsorbs, meaning it binds them to its external structure then safely removes them from the body). It alkalizes the body and thus boosts immune system. C60 prevents inflammation, kills bacteria and viruses, protects nerves, prevents osteoarthritis, helps with obesity and prevents UV damage.

There is even evidence that C60 may help against cancer (another animal study showed that C60 successfully slowed tumor growth). Thus, in the years to come, there will probably be numerous biomedical applications of C60 including for aging, neurodegenerative disorders and cancer therapy.

So far, I have summarized what the science says. In addition, there are many testimonials from people who have already been taking C60 for months.

The general themes that emerge from various personal experiences are that C60 has improved mental clarity, promoted better sleep, helped reduce anxiety, improved athletic performance, helped animal/pet conditions, restored original hair color, healed skin ailments, improved energy levels and mood, improved old injuries and made people feel younger.

C60: Reducing the Oxidative Stress of EMF and 5G

Natural health matters are often connected with conspiracy. C60 is a natural health breakthrough, but at the same time, the NWO technocratic agenda is advancing. The dangerous 5G network is being rolled out all over the US with the rest of the world to follow.

It includes the construction and establishment (which officials are outright labeling a “deployment” in true military language) of a massive amount of cell and microwave towers right among residential areas and next to people’s houses.

This network will increase the bombardment of EMF (electromagnetic frequency) microwaves. They will be in the gigahertz and terahertz range, way beyond the inherent frequencies of the human body and the Earth.

EMF radiation can be toxic, carcinogenic and can lead to rapid and premature aging. Why? It comes down to the fact that it produces excess free radicals in the body – the molecules which cause oxidative stress. This relates to what I have just been saying above.

Since C60 is a master antioxidant, there is very good reason to believe that it can offer some defense against the coming 5G EMF saturation. More research needs to be done, but at this stage, we know that C60 does mitigate the damaging oxidation and aging caused by EMF.


So, to summarize, C60 is a master molecule which offers tremendous health benefits. Due to its unique molecular composition and structure, it is able to effectively neutralize ROS or free radicals which would otherwise destroy healthy cells and cause oxidation and aging.

C60 has been shown to be safe with no upper dosage limit. It successfully extended the life of rats by 90% (which is almost double). It is a special form of carbon (charcoal), a substance already known to have positive health benefits. Reports are flowing in that it has helped people with a variety of ailments.

Like it or not, the truth is that we live in a distorted environment. Exhaust fumes, pharmaceutical residues in the water supply, microplastics, heavy metals, GMOs, EMF, vaccines, aluminum, chemtrails and countless other toxins are, sadly, a daily part of many people’s lives.

We were not designed to live under such a toxic assault, and nor can we thrive if don’t take steps to protect ourselves. You have to use safe, natural and effective remedies to keep yourself clean and sane. It’s early days with what we know about C60, but it could be a vital and essential part of your health protocol.

Research-grade Carbon 60 absorbed in olive oil (99.9+ % purified, solvent-free, 80mg/100ml minimum Carbon 60 concentration to olive oil) the life extender, can be ordered at

By Makia Freeman, Guest writer,

Master Mineral Solution (MMS) Protocol

Master Mineral Supplement (MMS)


MMS is een unieke chemische oxidator die het vermogen heeft om in het bloed / water te komen, het doodt alle soorten ziekteverwekkers, virussen, schimmels, bacteriën en parasieten die vrijwel 95% van de ziekten veroorzaken en absoluut niets anders in het lichaam aantast.

MMS is een ‘gestabiliseerde zuurstof’-formulering die een 22,5% -oplossing van natriumchloriet in gedestilleerd water is. Wanneer MMS wordt geactiveerd met 4% zoutzuur (foodgrade) wordt het ‘s werelds beste pathogeenvernietiger – bekend als chloordioxide. (CIO2)

Alle ziekteverwekkers, inclusief bacteriën, schimmels, gisten, virusen en ziekteverwekkende parasieten, hebben buiten embranen (huiden) die gemakkelijk kunnen worden geoxideerd door chloordioxide.

Wanneer het immuunsysteem is aangetast, verspreiden ziekteverwekkende bacteriën zich en veroorzaken uiteindelijk schade aan de gastheer in de vorm van malaria, aids, hepatitis A, B & C, tyfus, kanker, tuberculose, longontsteking, artritis of astma tot griep, sinus en de verkoudheid.

Hoewel het eerst werd ontwikkeld om malaria in Afrika aan te pakken, is nu aangetoond dat het veel toxiciteitstoestanden aanpakt die direct of indirect verband houden met ziekteverwekkers. Er is documentatie over meer dan 75.000 gevallen van malaria die in Afrika worden overwonnen in de korte video hier onder behandelt men 154 patienten.

Vaak zijn in slechts 4 uur alle symptomen verdwenen en wordt het slachtoffer vrij van malaria getest. Het is nu bekend dat chloordioxide, zoals gebruikt in het MMS-protocol, kan worden gebruikt om toxiciteit bijdragende factoren zoals AIDS, Hepatitis A, B & C, Tyfus, de meeste kankers, herpes, longontsteking, voedselvergiftiging, tuberculose, astma, verkoudheid, griep en tal van andere aandoeningen te overwinnen.

Zelfs aandoeningen die niet direct verband houden met ziekteverwekkers lijken te worden geholpen door de enorme boost van het immuunsysteem van het lichaam (door vermindering van de toxische belasting van het lichaam), dwz maculaire degeneratie, allergieën, lupus, inflammatoire darmaandoeningen, diabetes, slangenbeten en fibromyalgie.

Let op: MMS geneest niets, maar vermindert eerder de giftige belasting die ons lichaam daarna helpt zichzelf te genezen. Met MMS hebben we de mogelijkheid om het immuunsysteem vrij te maken en het in staat te stellen te doen waar het voor was bedoeld. Eerst moeten we ontgiften. Daarna kunnen we verrast worden met verbetering van bepaalde lichaams functies.

De alchemie van MMS

Iedereen kan overbelast worden door toxines. Als je gewoonlijk weinig energie hebt, moeite hebt om je gewicht laag of bloeddruk binnen het normale bereik te houden, of constant te maken krijgt met ontstekingen of pijn, dan is er waarschijnlijk een probleem met toxines, zware metalen, virussen, bacteriën of parasieten.

Traditionele geneeskunde reageert meestal door je te belasten met extra verontreinigende stoffen, waarvan vele zonder onderscheid gezond weefsel doden terwijl ze achter “de slechteriken” aan gaan. Dit is niet het geval met chloordioxide. Het werkt alleen op schadelijke aanwezigheid. Wonder of niet, de effecten zijn geweldig.

Chloordioxide is een chemische verbinding die bestaat uit één chloor-ion gebonden aan twee ionen van zuurstof. Een krachtig oxidatiemiddel, het is het meest voorkomende opgeloste ion in oceaanwater en combineert gemakkelijk met bijna elk ander element.

Oxidatiemiddelen zijn chemische verbindingen die gemakkelijk elektronen accepteren van ‘elektronendonoren’. Ze krijgen elektronen via chemische reactie. Dit is belangrijk omdat alle ziekteverwekkers ten opzichte van chloordioxide elektrondonor zijn.

Zie afbeelding 1 t/m 4

oxidation with ClO2-1
Afbeelding 1
oxidation with ClO2-2
Afbeelding 2
oxidation with ClO2-3
Afbeelding 3
oxidation with ClO2-4
Afbeelding 4

Chloordioxide is uiterst vluchtig. De extreme vluchtigheid van chloordioxide voorkomt dat ziekteverwekkers een weerstand ontwikkelen. Vooral omdat wanneer ze ‘botsen’, de ziekteverwekkers verdwijnen. Gezonde cellen en nuttige bacteriën worden echter niet aangetast. Wanneer een chloordioxide-ion in contact komt met een schadelijk pathogeen, scheurt het onmiddellijk tot vijf elektronen uit het pathogeen, wat vergelijkbaar is met een microscopische explosie. . . onschadelijk voor ons, maar terminaal voor ziekteverwekkers.

Door het hele lichaam, overal waar chloordioxide-ionen – getransporteerd worden via rode bloedcellen – in contact komen met ziekteverwekkers, geven de ziekteverwekkers hun elektronen op en verdwijnen ze. De met chloordioxide bewapende cellen “detoneren” alleen bij contact met ziekteverwekkers, waaronder schadelijke bacteriën, virussen, toxines, zware metalen en parasieten. Al deze hebben pH-waarden die buiten het bereik van een goede gezondheid van het lichaam vallen. Ze zullen ook een positieve ionische lading hebben. De met chloordioxide uitgeruste cellen oxideren geen nuttige bacteriën of gezonde cellen, omdat hun pH-waarden 7 of hoger zijn en een negatieve ionenlading hebben.

Chloordioxide-ionen oxideren – wat betekent verdampen – zieke cellen. . . alles wat zuur is met een positieve ionenlading. Als de chloordioxide-ionen geen ziekteverwekkers of andere gifstoffen tegenkomen, worden ze omgezet naar keukenzout en in sommige gevallen hypochloorzuur, dat het lichaam ook kan gebruiken.

In 1999 riep de American Society of Analytical Chemists chloordioxide uit als de meest krachtige ziekteverwekkerdoder die de mensheid kent. Het is zelfs gebruikt als opruimer na miltvuuraanvallen.

MMS (eigenlijk chloordioxidegas) is bekend en wordt sinds 1947 op grote schaal gebruikt als een krachtig kiemdodend middel. De antibacteriële werking is in staat om zich bijna op alle bacteriën, schimmels, gisten en door bloed overgedragen ziekten te richten, ze te doden met een elektrische, desorganiserende schok, terwijl ze geen schade toebrengt aan normale menselijke levende cellen. MMS trekt vier of vijf elektronen uit de wanden van ziekteverwekkers. Het wordt tot hen aangetrokken. ClO2-moleculen zijn als elektrische kogels die het immuunsysteem verwelkomt en vrijwel onmiddellijk goed gebruikt.

Rode bloedcellen nemen de ClO2-moleculen op, circuleren ze en het resultaat is een geleidelijke reiniging en ontgifting van het hele lichaam. Malaria verdwijnt bijvoorbeeld in de meeste gevallen in 4 tot 24 uur uit het bloed. Verkoudheid of griepaanvallen kunnen worden voorkomen of kunnen snel worden gestopt, afhankelijk van het stadium.

De basisprincipes voor het gebruik van MMS zijn deze: Kleine doses elk uur of elke twee uur zijn effectiever dan grote ochtend- en avonddoseringen.

Chloordioxide-chemische stof die wordt gegenereerd door MMS, blijft maximaal één tot anderhalf uur in het lichaam aanwezig, dus het wordt veel effectiever om MMS elk uur of elke twee uur en met kleinere doses in te nemen.

Breng zoveel MMS in het lichaam als je kunt hebben zonder een toename van ziekte, misselijkheid of diarree te veroorzaken. Begin altijd eerst met een dosis van één druppel en verhoog het aantal druppels heel langzaam als u denkt dat u dat kunt hebben. Over het algemeen is elke keer twee, drie of vier druppels voldoende. Tien druppels zouden een limiet zijn, zelfs als er geen symptomen van misselijkheid zijn. Verminder indien nodig het aantal druppels als diarree of misselijkheid optreden, maar stop niet met het gebruik van MMS. Misselijkheid en diarree zijn beide goede indicaties dat MMS werkt. Diarree die een uur of twee aanhoudt, is erg goed, maar niet als je het dagen achtereen hebt, dan kan dat meer kwaad dan goed doen. Dus verminder altijd de druppels wanneer deze tijdelijke barrières zich voordoen.

Maak jezelf niet slechter!


U neemt altijd de maximale hoeveelheid MMS die u mogelijk kunt gebruiken zonder misselijk te worden of diarree te krijgen. Wanneer u misselijkheid of andere negatieve reacties begint op te merken, moet u altijd de hoeveelheid MMS verminderen die u per uur neemt. U kunt ook de tijd tussen doseringen verlengen. Velen hebben gemeld dat ze meer resultaten haalden door de verlenging van de tijd tussen de doseringen dan door de vermindering van de hoeveelheid MMS in de dosering.

Opmerking: als u diarree opmerkt, of zelfs overgeeft, is dat geen slecht teken. Je doodt ziekteverwekkers sneller dan je lever ze kan verwerken voor eliminatie. Vertraag daarom je detox. Het lichaam gooit eenvoudig vergif weg en ruimt zichzelf op. Iedereen zegt dat ze zich veel beter voelen na de diarree. U hoeft geen medicijnen te nemen voor de diarree. Het zal zo snel verdwijnen als het kwam. Het is geen echte diarree omdat het lichaam aan het opruimen is en wordt dus niet veroorzaakt door bacteriën of virussen. Als het gif weg is, is de diarree verdwenen.

Er werd gemeld aan Jim Humble dat als je koude appelschijfjes eet zodra de misselijkheid begint, de appelpulp maaggifstoffen absorbeert die daar zijn gedumpt. Appels absorberen gifstoffen behoorlijk betrouwbaar, dus houd wat koude appels bij de hand om misselijkheid te verminderen.

Vermijd alle vormen van synthetische vitamine C gedurende twee uur vóór en na gebruik van MMS. Drink geen vloeistoffen die vitamine C bevatten, omdat vitamine C MMS tegengaat. Scheid uw MMS-doseringen en vitamine C 2-3 uur. Dit omvat niet natuurlijk voorkomende vitamine C, alleen toegevoegde vitamine.

Zorg voor een voedingsprogramma welke uw immuunsysteem voldoende kan ondersteunen. MMS verwijdert ongewenste ziekteverwekkers en parasieten met grote efficiëntie uit uw lichaam, maar het levert geen voedingsmineralen of vitamines. Handhaaf de inname van vriendelijke micro-organismen (zoals pre en probiotica acidophilus en andere flora of Shilajit). MMS zelf doodt geen darmvriendelijke micro-organismen, maar krachtige diarree kan soms hun aantal verminderen. Houd ook de inname van mineralen in stand, vooral calcium en magnesium.

Slik geactiveerde MMS met een toegevoegde hoeveelheid water of sap waar geen vitamine c in zit. Dit is de meest voorkomende methode. Door water of  sap aan het mengsel toe te voegen na eerst 1 minuut te wachten, kun je het mengsel drinken. De hoeveelheid water doet er weinig toe, op voorwaarde dat je het allemaal drinkt – meestal een half tot een vol glas water. Als u het volledige glas leeg drinkt, krijgt u alle voordelen van MMS. Weinig of veel verdund zal het nog steeds dezelfde reinigende werking in het lichaam hebben.

Na 1 minuut wachten, wanneer u water of sap toevoegt, wordt er geen chloordioxide meer gegenereerd. Het zit opgesloten in het water of sap. Nadat het mengsel met het toegevoegde water is gedronken, circuleert het ClO2-gas minder dan twee uur in het lichaam zoals hierboven beschreven. Er worden onbeduidende hoeveelheden ClO2 gegenereerd nadat het water is toegevoegd, maar dit is te verwaarlozen.

U kunt elke MMS-dosis om de twee uur (of minder) herhalen zonder schade op voorwaarde dat u de tijdelijke barrières in acht neemt die worden veroorzaakt door diarree of misselijkheid.

Standaardmethode voor het activeren en gebruiken van MMS

Meng in een kopje of klein glas altijd 1 druppel NACLO2 oplossing en 1 druppel 4% HCL en wacht 60 seconden, voeg dan 1/3 tot 2/3 water (beste is gedestileerd) toe aan het glas of (verdund) sap (maar zonder vitamine C), zoals natuurlijk appel- of druivensap en drink het op. Na het toevoegen van het sap of water is het het beste als u onmiddellijk drinkt, zonder het nuttige ClO2-gas te verliezen.

Begin nooit met meer dan één of twee druppels. Mensen die erg ziek en / of gevoelig zijn, moeten beginnen met ½ druppel (drink slechts de helft van het glas van een dosis van één druppel). Activeer de MMS-druppels zoals hierboven aangegeven.

Blijf de procedure volgen totdat u 3 druppels bereikt die elke 1 of 1.5 uur worden ingenomen – indien mogelijk – BLIJF ALTIJD ONDER DE MISSELIJKHEIDS BARRIERE. Ga door met drie of meer doses per dag gedurende ten minste één week en verminder dan de druppels tot 4 tot 6 druppels per dag voor oudere mensen en 4 tot 6 druppels tweemaal per week voor jongere mensen – bekend als “onderhoudsmodus”.

Opmerking: Zodra u opgebouwd heeft naar het 3 druppels schema en dit gedurende 3 dagen gebruikt, is het grootste deel van de virale, bacteriën, schimmels en gistbelasting uit uw lichaam verdwenen. Je lichaam zal schoon zijn en vrij van de ziekteverwekkers die je sinds je kindertijd hebt opgepakt en gehost. U hoeft zich geen zorgen meer te maken over het voeden van de micro-organismen. U kunt daarna uw dieet baseren op gezonde nutrientrijke voeding.

Diabetes verdwijnt vaak als de ontsteking van de alvleesklier afneemt. Je lichaam zal in staat zijn om gemakkelijk vitamines en mineralen en vele andere voedingsstoffen op te nemen die het tot nu toe misschien ontbrak. Je zou je beter moeten voelen naarmate de tijd verstrijkt. Stop niet met het gebruik van de MMS, zorg ervoor dat u vitamines en mineralen en andere voedingsstoffen gebruikt waarvan u weet dat die goed zijn. MMS levert geen voedingsstoffen, dus uw normale voedingsprogramma moet worden gehandhaafd.

Voor kinderen is het protocol in wezen hetzelfde. Meestal moet men beginnen met 1/2 druppel. Maak gewoon een druppel en giet 1/2 van de drank voordat u het aan het kind geeft. Verhoog vervolgens van 1 tot 2 tot 3 druppels zoals hierboven gegeven, maar ga niet verder dan 3 druppels voor elke 25 pond (11,4 kg) lichaamsgewicht. Begin met een baby met 1/2 druppel om de 2 of 3 uur en stop wanneer de baby gezond is.

Als de baby of het kind misselijk wordt, wacht dan een extra uur of twee voordat u nog een dosis geeft en geef ook een kleinere dosis. Geef kleinere doses totdat de baby of het kind meer kan verdragen, maar stop niet met het geven van doses tot ze weer beter zijn. Kinderen die ziek zijn van de griep of andere ziekten, moeten het grootste deel van de dag 1/2 druppel per uur hebben.

Zwangere vrouwen moeten minimaal een onderhoudsdosis van 6 druppels per dag krijgen. Het zal hun immuunsysteem in topconditie houden die nodig is voor alle zwangere vrouwen

Malaria en andere parasitaire aandoeningen: gebruik de eerste dosis 15 druppels. Wacht een tot twee uur en geef nog eens 15 druppels. Doe hetzelfde de volgende dag.    Ga 3 dagen door. Controleer op parasieten. Als er parasieten aanwezig zijn, gaat u tot 3 maanden door. Alle parasieten zullen veel eerder dan 3 maanden dood zijn. Vergeet niet 1 druppel MMS te gebruiken voor elke druppel HCl (activator), wacht 60 seconden en voeg gedestileerd water of sap toe. In de meeste gevallen zullen parasieten, inclusief wormen, binnen 3 dagen dood zijn.

Slangenbeten: Neem een ​​dosis van ten minste 15 druppels, herhaal dit in twee uur. Ga elke 4 uur door totdat u buiten gevaar bent. Gebruik zoals gewoonlijk de activator, wacht 3 minuten en voeg sap toe. Snijd in geen geval in de slangenbeet. Zorg ervoor dat je een arts bezoekt, maar laat hem niet in de slangenbeet snijden. Het is prima om een ​​afzuiginstallatie op de beet te gebruiken. Snijden verspreidt het gif te snel.

Elk ziek dier: gebruik voor kleinere dieren 1 druppel per 25 pond lichaamsgewicht. Gebruik voor paarden en andere grote dieren 3 druppels per 25 kilo lichaamsgewicht. Gebruik een geschikte hoeveelheid activator, wacht 3 minuten en voeg water toe in plaats van sap. De meeste dieren zullen hun gang gaan en drinken, maar misschien moet u het aan de dier zelf toedienen, bijvoorbeeld met een spuitje in het bekje.  Zonodig gebruik eerst kleinere doses.

Om water te zuiveren:  (inclusief leidingwater) één druppel geactiveerde MMS in één gallon water verwijdert de meeste zware metalen en ziekteverwekkers uit het water. Het water is geurvrij en drinkbaar binnen drie tot tien minuten na het mengen. Dit drinkwater heeft geen gezondheidsvoordelen, behalve dat metalen, microben en bacteriën uit het water worden verwijderd. De ClO2-ionen offeren zichzelf op en de voor MMS typische smaak en geur verdwijnen.

Intraveneuze MMS voor HIV-patiënten: gebruik geen (steriel) water. Gebruik IV-oplossing zoutoplossing of glucose of andere suikeroplossingen die voor dat doel worden verkocht. Normaal werkt de glucose het beste omdat de zoutoplossing soms een bloeddrukdaling veroorzaakt. Als u een fles van 500 ml gebruikt, begin dan met één druppel. Wacht een uur na het toevoegen van de MMS om de activering mogelijk te maken. Gebruik één druppel de eerste dag, twee druppels de tweede dag. Verhoog vervolgens naar 6 of 8 op de derde dag. Voeg vervolgens 4 tot 8 druppels per dag toe totdat u 22 druppels in 500 ml oplossing in een druppel van 2 tot 4 uur doet. Normaal zou je het doen totdat de persoon zich beter voelt. Soms werkt het goed met HIV-patiënten oraal en soms moet je het intraveneus toedienen.


MMS-protocol 1000

Van: MMS Protocol 1000

PROTOCOL 1000 neemt in principe 3 druppels geactiveerde MMS elk uur gedurende 8 uur per dag gedurende 3 weken.

Veel mensen kunnen echter niet zoveel druppels beginnen te nemen en zouden met slechts 2 of zelfs 1 druppel per uur moeten beginnen. Dit wordt bepaald door hoe ziek ze zijn. Als je je erg ziek voelt, begin dan met 1 druppel per uur of zelfs 1/2 druppel en uur, maar begin dan meer te nemen als je denkt dat je dat kunt. De regel is, als je voelt dat de druppels je slechter laten voelen, neem dan minder en als je je niet slechter voelt, neem dan het volgende uur een beetje meer, maar nooit meer dan 3 druppels per uur.

Gebruik geen sinaasappelsap. Gebruik geen sappen waaraan vitamine C of ascorbinezuur is toegevoegd. Gebruik geen geconcentreerde sappen waaraan water moet worden toegevoegd. Verse sappen zijn het beste.

De dosis van 8 uur

Als u niet elk uur een enkele dosis wilt aanmaken, kunt u ‘s ochtends 8 doses maken en de oplossing de hele dag in een gesloten container/fles bewaren. Volg gewoon de bovenstaande instructies en vermendigvuldig alle cijfers met 8 en bewaar dit vloeistof in een afgesloten fles. Neem elk uur 1/8ste ervan. Maak je geen zorgen, de MMS blijft zo nog uren langer werkzaam.

Neem een literfles, verdeel deze in 8 gelijke delen van 100 ml (watervaste stift). Meng 24 druppels NACLO2( MMS) en 24 druppels 4% foodgrade zoutzuur (HCL) (pas of voor technisch zoutzuur!!) wacht 60 seconden. Vul de fles met gedestileerd water en je hebt elk uur 3 druppels MMS geactiveerd per 100 ml.

OPMERKING: deze geactiveerde fles MMS gaat tot 5 dagen mee in de koelkast. We hebben geconstateerd dat zolang je MMS activeert en niet in contact komt met een ziekteverwekker, het chloordioxide niet wordt vrijgegeven.

MMS-protocol 1000+

Gebruik 1 druppel DMSO voor elke geactiveerde druppel Miracle Mineral Solutions. Voeg de DMSO pas toe nadat de reactie van de MMS (NACLO2) en het zoutzuur (HCL) is voltooid (dat is 60 seconden bij gebruik van de 4% HCL). Geef het mengsel 3 minuten om te voltooien na het toevoegen van de DMSO. Roer het mengsel. Dit kan worden gebruikt met beide protocollen 1000 en 2000 (8 of meer doses/dag, maximaal 3 druppels/dosis).

De toevoeging van de DMSO-druppels verbetert de smaak en maakt het gemakkelijker om te nemen en het komt dieper in uw weefsel.


Voor kanker en andere levensbedreigende ziekten. (Laatste update: 25 augustus 2012) 

Het neemt in principe elk uur zoveel druppels geactiveerde MMS als een persoon kan nemen zonder zieker te worden, zich slechter te voelen of diarree te ontwikkelen. Het moet 10 uur per dag worden ingenomen, gedurende 3 weken of tot deziekte weg is. Het is het beste om te beginnen met slechts één druppel per uur en snel zoveel druppels op te nemen als je kunt nemen, nogmaals: zonder je slechter te voelen. Onthoudt dat alle druppels moeten worden geactiveerd zoals hieronder aangegeven. Neem dit ter harte, maak u niet zieker dan u al bent. Neem zoveel druppels als je kunt, maar doseer het eenvoudig. Jezelf zieker maken kost energie en het zorgt ervoor dat het herstel langzamer verloopt.

Meer informatie

Keri Riviera : Healing_the_Symptoms_Known_as_Autism_SECOND_EDITION

Jim Humble & MMS :MMS_HRG_edition-1_October-2016 jim humble

Docu: documentaire MMS. En een interview met Jim Humble

MMS Wiki

Frankincense essential oil kills cancer cells better than Chemo


Frankincense has had many uses over the course of history. It’s commonly used in religious ceremonies and is a popular scent used in aromatherapy. Frankincense is also renowned for its uses in traditional medicine.

Frankincense comes from the resin of the Boswellia tree and can be transformed into a potent, fragrant essential oil with many health benefits. Frankincense is often used for fighting inflammation, infections and to prevent premature aging. It has also been used to soothe the digestive tract, support the immune system, promote oral hygiene, and boost mental health.

Sounds pretty good, right? It gets even better! Recent research has revealed that frankincense also has cancer-fighting properties. In fact, studies have shown that it may even be more effective that several common chemotherapy drugs! The best part is that frankincense doesn’t harm healthy cells, has no severe side effects and can even help kill off chemo-resistant cancer cells.

Researchers from Leicester University found that a chemical in frankincense, known as  acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid (AKBA), has the ability to destroy cancer cells. More importantly, it can do so in reasonable concentrations. The researchers believe it could be effective at treating many common cancers, such as colon, ovarian, prostate and breast cancers. Frankincense was found to even be effective at treating late-stage ovarian cancer, which is notoriously difficult to treat. Even cancer cells that were resistant to chemotherapy eventually succumbed to AKBA. The best part is that there are almost no negative side effects associated with taking frankincense essential oil.

Scientists from Cardiff University previously found that frankincense could also help to treat arthritis. The researchers found that the administration of frankincense helped to reduce pain and inflammation for patients suffering with osteoarthritis in just seven days.

Frankincense is often used in aromatherapy to help promote feelings of relaxation and well being, and it can also be used to relieve respiratory irritations. Using a diffuser or vaporizer is a great way to reap the aromatic benefits of frankincense. It can also be used in many other ways. Frankincense essential oil can be diluted with a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil. It can also be added to your favorite lotions for topical applications.


Carbon60 and its health benefits

Carbon60 (C60) is the newest health sensation in the natural health and longevity worlds.

So what is C60?

C60 a special geometrical arrangement of 60 carbon atoms into a single molecule that looks like a soccer ball, made up of inter-locking pentagonal and hexagonal structures. Carbon60 molecules are also called fullerenes or buckyballs after Buckminster Fuller. By the way, Fuller was the very same guy who said that the best way to overcome a (failing, tyrannical or destructive) system is to create a new one that makes the old one obsolete. Understanding this is the key to defeating the New World Order (NWO) worldwide conspiracy.

By Makia Freeman

A Special Form of Carbon Charcoal

Carbon is a very versatile element, which can manifest itself in many allotropes such as graphite (for pencils), coal and diamond, just to name a few. We humans are carbon-based creatures. Carbon60 is a naturally occurring form of carbon derived from charcoal. If you think it’s strange or unhealthy to ingest charcoal, consider this for a moment: activated charcoal is commonly sold as a supplement and given to people who are suffering acute poisoning. It absorbs the poison by drawing it into its (the charcoal’s) pores. Likewise, zeolite (derived from volcanic mineral ash) is a potent detoxifier which operates on the same principle of drawing in toxic heavy metals and other contaminants to remove them safely from the body.

The C60 Rat Study in France 2012

What put C60 on the map was this 2012 rat study in France led by Tarek Baati. The study is also referred to as the Baati study. The scientists split the rats into 3 groups (the control group1 (only water), control group2 (Only olive oil) and the test group) and gave the latter C60 absorbed in olive oil. C60 is not water-soluble but it is fat-soluble, so they chose a very good olive oil from Tunesia. Many people these days dissolve their c60 in different oils but it depends on your bloodtype which oil is best for you, while olive oil suits all. The actual intent of the study was to find out the lethal dose of C60, due to the many applications it might have that involve customers, but the results shocked the researchers. They discovered that the lifespan of the test group rodents was extended by 90%! This is basically double. It may even have been longer, but the scientists had to kill the rats to end the study. And although this special type of rats is developped to create cancer during their life, the test group did not developed tumors while the control groups did.

Other experiments have been done on C60 that show its healing potential and there are now many who believe it can do the same for humans as it did for rats.

How Does C60 Work as a Longevity Agent?

So why does C60 have this incredible effect? The science shows that it’s due to its ability to reduce oxidative stress, i.e. the toll of oxidation (aging) on the body. C60 is the best-known antioxidant on Earth, far beyond vitamin C in its antioxidative ability. This means when C60 enters the body it starts disabling free radicals and other so-called “reactive oxygen species” (hereafter called ROS) that bombard the body with extra electrons to cause oxidation. C60 is the most efficient free radical scavenger known to humanity.

So how does C60 disable damaging free radicals? In plain English, here’s how: C60 accumulates in the inner membrane layer of mitochondria, which is deep inside the cell. C60 has electrical properties; it absorbs protons, which changes the electrical potential across the entire membrane structure. This in turn greatly decreases the formation of superoxides and other ROS. The end result is a reduction in oxidative stress.

The lead scientist of the 2012 rat study, Baati talked about how C60 can get deep inside the cell:

Some claim that Carbon60 is such a unique molecule that it can actually give or receive multiple electrons either way – meaning that it can neutralize free radicals with electron deficits or electron surpluses. If true, this makes it truly astonishing, because it means it will not become unstable regardless of whether it donates or accepts electrons. Its structure will not be altered, allowing it to continuously play this neutralizing or balancing role.

This article stated:

Carbon60 protects and restores the TelomereCarbon60 Stops Telomere Shortening

Our understanding of what causes aging is deepening all the time, but what we know at this stage is that it depends on our telomeres. Telomeres are found at each end of a chromosome, and their purpose is to protect the end of the chromosome from deterioration. Telomeres hold the secret to longevity. Our DNA replicates only a fixed amount of times, and each time it does, the telomeres become a little shorter. Once your telomeres become too short, you can no longer reproduce your cells and continue to live. Amazingly, current research on Carbon60 shows that it keeps telomeres from getting shorter. Telomere shortening is due to cell division (10-20%) and oxidative stress (80-90%). By drastically reducing oxidative stress, Carbon60 can play a major role in reducing telomere shortening and thus promoting longevity.


Carbon60 moleculeOther C60 Health Benefits

Additionally, C60 has other health benefits. As mentioned above, C60 adsorbs toxins (not absorbs but rather adsorbs, meaning it binds them to its external structure then safely removes them from the body). It alkalizes the body and thus boosts immune system. C60 prevents inflammation, kills bacteria and viruses, protects nerves, prevents osteoarthritis, helps with obesity and prevents UV damage. There is even evidence that C60 may help against cancer (another animal study showed that C60 successfully slowed tumor growth). Thus, in the years to come, there will probably be numerous biomedical applications of C60 including for aging, neurodegenerative disorders and cancer therapy.

So far, I have summarized what the science says. In addition, there are many testimonials from people who have already been taking C60 for months. The general themes that emerge from various personal experiences are that C60 has improved mental clarity, promoted better sleep, helped reduce anxiety, improved athletic performance, helped animal/pet conditions, restored original hair color, healed skin ailments, improved energy levels and mood, improved old injuries and made people feel younger.

C60: Reducing the Oxidative Stress of EMF and 5G

Natural health matters are often connected with conspiracy. C60 is a natural health breakthrough, but at the same time, the NWO technocratic agenda is advancing. The dangerous 5G network is being rolled out all over the world at the moment. It includes the construction and establishment of a massive amount of cell and microwave towers right among residential areas and next to people’s houses. This network will increase the bombardment of EMF (electromagnetic frequency) microwaves. They will be in the gigahertz and terahertz range, way beyond the inherent frequencies of the human body and the Earth.

EMF radiation can be toxic, carcinogenic and can lead to rapid and premature aging. Why? It comes down to the fact that it produces excess free radicals in the body – the molecules which cause oxidative stress. This relates to what I have just been saying above. Since Carbon60 is a hyper antioxidant, there is very good reason to believe that it can offer some defense against the coming 5G EMF saturation. More research needs to be done, but at this stage, we know that C60 does mitigate the damaging oxidation and aging caused by EMF.


So, to summarize, Carbon60 is a master molecule which offers tremendous health benefits. Due to its unique molecular composition and structure, it is able to effectively neutralize ROS or free radicals which would otherwise destroy healthy cells and cause oxidation and aging. C60 has been shown to be safe with no upper dosage limit. It successfully extended the life of rats by 90% (which is almost double). It is a special form of carbon (charcoal), a substance already known to have positive health benefits. Reports are flowing in that it has helped people with a variety of ailments.

Like it or not, the truth is that we live in a distorted environment. Exhaust fumes, pharmaceutical residues in the water supply, microplastics, heavy metals, GMOs, EMF, vaccines, aluminum, chemtrails and countless other toxins are, sadly, a daily part of many people’s lives. We were not designed to live under such a toxic assault, and nor can we thrive if don’t take steps to protect ourselves. You have to use safe, natural and effective remedies to keep yourself clean and sane. It’s early days with what we know about Carbon60, but it could be a vital and essential part of your health protocol.


Makia Freeman is the editor of alternative media / independent news site The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at, writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance. Makia is on Minds, Steemit and FB.

A good source for getting your Carbon60 in Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is:








Dandelion root ‘found to kill’ chemo-resistant melanoma and leukemia

They might not be welcome in your yard, but it turns out that dandelions have tremendous potential when it comes to helping people who are suffering from cancer.

Chemo-resistant melanoma is now the most common type of cancer affecting Americans aged 25 to 29. The only option doctors can presently offer these patients is surgery to remove the tumor and its surroundings, followed by immunotherapy, which does not usually work when the melanoma has metastasized.

However, all that looks set to change, thanks to a humble plant that many people pull out of their gardens and throw away. At the University of Windsor in Ontario, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry has shown that dandelion root extract can cause human melanoma cells to essentially kill themselves without leading to any type of toxicity.

In fact, their initial study saw cancer cells disintegrating within 48 hours, while healthy cells remained unaffected. The study was led by Professor Siyaram Pandey, PhD.

Concentrated dandelion root tea being used in clinical trials

These promising results prompted the non-profit organization Mitacs to reach out to AOR Inc., a Calgary company that produces natural health products, in order to develop a dandelion tea powder that is significantly stronger than that found in health food stores. They accomplish this by milling dandelion root, creating an extract from it, and then freeze-drying it into a powder that patients dissolve into hot water and then drink.

AOR is producing 6,000 doses of this tea for a clinical trial that will take place at the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre, and will involve 30 patients with various types of cancer, including leukemia, who have not had success with conventional therapy.

A statement on the website of the Dandelion Root Project at the University of Windsor says:

Since the commencement of this project, we have been able to successfully assess the effect of a simple water extract of dandelion root in various human cancer cell types, in the lab and we have observed its effectiveness against human T cell leukemia, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, pancreatic and colon cancers, with no toxicity to non-cancer cells. Furthermore, these efficacy studies have been confirmed in animal models (mice) that have been transplanted with human colon cancer cells.

Researcher and medical oncologist Dr. Caroline Hamm said that some of her patients have noted improvements after drinking dandelion root tea from health food stores. The concentrated tea could prove to be even more effective, potentially saving countless lives.

Dandelion could help fight a number of cancers

A 2008 study published in the International Journal of Oncology showed that dandelion tea reduced breast and prostate cancer cells. A subsequent report in the same journal showed that a dietary supplement that contained dandelion suppressed the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Dandelion extracts have also demonstrated their efficacy in treating breast cancer and leukemia in traditional Chinese medicine as well as in Native American medicine.

In addition, dandelion extracts show promise in fighting colon and pancreatic cancer cells.

Dandelion has plenty of other benefits, too

The benefits of dandelions don’t end there. The root can also stimulate the secretion of bile, relieve allergies, reduce cholesterol and cleanse the liver. In addition, it contains high amounts of Vitamin A and Vitamin K.

This is just one of many natural cures that is showing great promise in treating conditions that conventional medicine has failed to conquer. Countless more natural remedies are likely growing in our planet’s forests, oceans and even deserts, just waiting to be discovered.

Sources include:

Natural News

Source: Dandelion root ‘found to kill’ chemo-resistant melanoma and leukemia

Ginger is the monumentally superior alternative to chemotherapy

If you’ve seen the documentary Genetic Roulette: The Gamble of Our Lives, you may recall the farmers commenting on the intelligence of squirrels, who, when offered a choice, would always munch on the non-GMO corn cobs instead of the genetically engineered corn cobs. To humans, these two corn cobs look identical, but squirrels have more discernment. They simply refuse to ingest toxic herbicides or jumbled DNA.


When it comes to cancer treatments, men and women act dumber than squirrels.

Let’s say that your doctor has given you a cancer diagnosis. Let’s revisit animal wisdom. If a squirrel was looking over a tasty morsel of ginger on one side, or a vial full of Mehotrexate, Danorubicin or Tioguanine on the other, what would that intelligent squirrel choose? The answer is obvious. And it’s the right answer, because ginger roots, after being dried and cooked, manifest an ingredient called 6-shogaol.

This naturally occurring element is up to 10,000 times more effective at killing cancer cells than those vials of destructive drugs, reports David Guiterrez from Natural News, who states that “researchers found that 6-shogaol is active against cancer stem cells at concentrations that are harmless to healthy cells. This is dramatically different from conventional chemotherapy, which has serious side effects largely because it kills healthy as well as cancerous cells.”

Ginger, like all food and medicinal herbs comes from the soil, just like we do.

The health of our bodies is determined by the health and fertility of our soil. The champion of understanding this vital life link between human health and soil health was Dr. William Albrecht, Ph.D. His legacy of research and writings at the University of Missouri are more potent today than ever. One of his well known quotes reads like this:

“The soil is the ‘creative material’ of most of the basic needs of life. Creation starts with a handful of dust.”

Ginger comes from that handful of dust. And the 6-shogaol extract it contains has been shown in mice studies to reduce prostate tumors by over 50%. According to a study on PLOS, the 6-Shogaol ginger extract can specifically target breast cancer stem cells, which are very difficult to kill, and not kill healthy cells like chemotherapy. As reported by Natural News, “If the stem cell is not destroyed, it will create even more cancer cells…”

 What will you choose to heal? Toxic Chemicals or Ginger and other superfoods?

According to projections of the American Cancer Society — a subset of the American Cancer Industry — over 1.6 million Americans will  receive this news in 2016 and be primed for chemotherapy. This doesn’t take into account the “basal cell or squamous skin cancer”  because these kinds of cancer “are not required to be reported to cancer registries.” Hmm. Do the kick backs begin at the initial report, or are the money-changers at the table only after the chemotherapy and radiation begin?

The evidence of damage to our soil and water from pesticides, herbicides, and all manner of chemicals, frequencies and nano particles has been well documented. As has been the declining health of Americans, especially our most vulnerable, the children. Isn’t it time to not just consider but demand robust natural cures and alternative nutrition like ginger root and just say no to poisons?

Let food be your medicine.



(Photo credit:

Reasons why Turmeric Threatens Big Pharma

No single herb threatens the pharmaceutical industry’s global monopoly as much as turmeric. Here’s why…

Turmeric has received a lot of attention in the past few years. The reason has everything to do with the power of social media to undercut traditional pharmaceutical industry controlled media channels, along with the reality that the available published literature that has accumulated on turmeric’s health benefits is astoundingly vast. The open access database MEDLINE, for instance, now contains over 10,000 study abstracts on turmeric and/or its components, such as the polyphenol known as curcumin. Our intention at is to save you time looking through these thousands of studies by putting all the relevant ones to natural and integrative medicine in one spot. In the case of the burgeoning volume of turmeric and curcumin literature, that spot is our Turmeric Research dashboard.

Previously, we wrote an article titled “600 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World’s Most Important Herb,” which received a quarter of a million social media shares and many more views. Since then, the Greenmedinfo database on turmeric has grown to encompass 800 distinct potential health benefits linked to this ancient Indian spice. This is all the more amazing when you consider the fact that most pharmaceutical drugs are marketed for one major health benefit, but come with about 75 known side effects. Take a look at our article showing curcumin as effective as 14 conventional pharmaceuticals. Clearly natural substances are superior to synthetic ones in this regard, and in a very real, embody physically a form of inter-kingdom compassion between plant and animal. And yet, you can not patent natural substances, which precludes turmeric or any of its extracts from ever receiving FDA approval for the prevention or treatment of disease, even though it is capable of doing exactly this

The purpose of this article is to help bring turmeric back into the forefront by introducing our newly refashioned and retooled Turmeric database, which we believe will provide the tools necessary to spread the truth about its unparalleled healing properties.

We also encourage those who believe in our mission to support the continued growth of our Turmeric database (our goal is to reach 1,000+ documented health benefits by the end of 2016), along with the 10,000+ other health topics on our website, by becoming a member. Or, lacking the resources to do so, to share it widely with others. This should help us to realize the three primary objectives of our mission:

1) To generate a greater awareness of Medline as the invaluable resource and much overlooked National Treasure that it is.

2) To contribute to the democratization of the information on Medline by acting as a liaison in its dissemination to the public.

3) To simplify the task of finding data relevant to alternative & complementary medicine.

So what are you waiting for? Take our Turmeric research dashboard for a spin, and go to the top of the page to use our search bar which gives you access to over 10,000 distinct health topics.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

Study suggests Vitamin C is cancer’s worst enemy

Study suggests Vitamin C is cancer’s worst enemy

Image: New study suggests Vitamin C is cancer’s worst enemy

(Natural News) A new study shows that vitamin C might just function as powerful anti-cancer medicine. Researchers at the University of Salford in the U.K. found that using vitamin C inhibited the growth of cancer cells in the laboratory. Vitamin C also showed a potency that was 10 times higher than the experimental drug 2-DG in the process, researchers said. The findings were published in the journal Oncotarget.

Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the disease is the second most common cause of death and disease around the world, accounting for nearly nine million deaths in 2015 alone. Data shows that new cases of cancer are expected to surge by around 70 percent in the next two decades.

The National Cancer Institute in the U.S. projects that nearly 40 percent of American men and women will develop the disease at one point in their lives. Various cancer therapies — such as surgery, radiation therapy and systemic treatments — are currently available, but may not always show efficacy. Some of the treatments are deemed to be toxic and may result in a host of adverse side effects.

More aggressive forms of cancer may not always respond to treatments, and cancer stem-like cells were believed to be the cause of disease recurrence and metastasis. According to an American Association of Cancer Research panel, a CSC is “a cell within a tumor that possesses the capacity to self-renew and to cause the heterogeneous lineages of cancer cells that comprise the tumor.”

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Vitamin C starves cancer stem-like cells in recent study

According to researchers, vitamin C starves cancer stem cells by blocking a process called glycolysis. The process is responsible for glucose metabolism, and inhibiting it prevents the mitochondria from gaining essential energy for survival. Using vitamin C as an add-on treatment to chemotherapy may show potential in stemming tumor recurrence and further progression of cancer.

Researcher Dr. Gloria Bonuccelli said the findings suggest that vitamin C is a promising candidate for cancer treatment. “We have been looking at how to target cancer stem cells with a range of natural substances including silibinin (milk thistle) and CAPE, a honey-bee derivative, but by far the most exciting are the results with vitamin C. Vitamin C is cheap, natural, nontoxic and readily available so to have it as a potential weapon in the fight against cancer would be a significant step,” said study author Dr Michael Lisanti.

However, Cancer Research UK official Anna Perman cautioned that the results are at its preliminary stages.

“The important thing for cancer patients to remember is that this study is looking at the action of vitamin C in the laboratory, not the effect of eating foods or supplements that contain vitamin C. This should not prompt anyone receiving treatment for cancer to change their diet or treatment plan,” Perman said.

The study backs the findings of a 1971 research by Nobel Prize-winning chemist Linus Pauling. Pauling was a pioneer in testing vitamin C efficacy against cancer. In his study, Pauling examined 1,100 terminally ill cancer patients. One hundred patients were given 10 grams of vitamin C daily, while the remaining cohort was used as the control group.

During a follow-up in 1978, the team found that all patients in the control group died of cancer, while 13 of those who took daily doses of vitamin C survived. In addition, 12 of these patients exhibited no further signs of the disease.

Many studies that followed concludes that high vitamin C doses, at more than 5,000 mg per day, provide optimal protection against cancer.


C60 antioxidant. How does it work?

The Buckyball molecule is an electron reservoir

C60 antioxidant. How does it work? Free radicals are molecules that have one or more electrons too few or too many, and they will damage any biological molecule they come in contact with. The Buckminsterfullerene C60 molecule can accept several electrons in case of a free radical with an electron surplus, and donate several electrons in case of a free radical with an electron deficit. C60 thus is an incredibly effective antioxidant, not in the least because it does not get degraded or unstable by accepting or donating electrons. The olive oil of the lipofullerene C60 binds the C60 into the cell layers, also those of the mitochondria, the energy factories in the cell. Hence the cells and mitochondria get an integrated nano-scale antioxidant system implanted into their cell walls. This is totally unique. No antioxidant supplement can be reused indefinitely. No antioxidant supplement can both accept and donate electrons, let alone multiple electrons. No antioxidant supplement sits for weeks in the lipid bilayers, exactly where it is needed the most. Except C60, which can do all these things.

C60 antioxidant. How does it work? One way C60 functions as an antioxidant, is to neutralize reactive Oxygen species (ROS) by accepting an electron from them. The unique aspect of C60 is that accepting an electron does not alter the structure of the C60 molecule, effectively infinitely recycling it. C60 can accept or donate many electrons (it works as an electron reservoir), so it is an incredibly powerful antioxidant in the cell walls (270 x better than vit. C, even disregarding the recycling effect!), constantly neutralizing damaging free radicals that reach the cells or mitochondria. How this works in detail has been explained by forum members of Longecity:


ROS is an unpaired electron. If it sticks to something else that absorbs and distributes the “extra” electron, it is neutralized.

See the below for how it works with compounds like c60:
