Study suggests Vitamin C is cancer’s worst enemy

Study suggests Vitamin C is cancer’s worst enemy

Image: New study suggests Vitamin C is cancer’s worst enemy

(Natural News) A new study shows that vitamin C might just function as powerful anti-cancer medicine. Researchers at the University of Salford in the U.K. found that using vitamin C inhibited the growth of cancer cells in the laboratory. Vitamin C also showed a potency that was 10 times higher than the experimental drug 2-DG in the process, researchers said. The findings were published in the journal Oncotarget.

Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the disease is the second most common cause of death and disease around the world, accounting for nearly nine million deaths in 2015 alone. Data shows that new cases of cancer are expected to surge by around 70 percent in the next two decades.

The National Cancer Institute in the U.S. projects that nearly 40 percent of American men and women will develop the disease at one point in their lives. Various cancer therapies — such as surgery, radiation therapy and systemic treatments — are currently available, but may not always show efficacy. Some of the treatments are deemed to be toxic and may result in a host of adverse side effects.

More aggressive forms of cancer may not always respond to treatments, and cancer stem-like cells were believed to be the cause of disease recurrence and metastasis. According to an American Association of Cancer Research panel, a CSC is “a cell within a tumor that possesses the capacity to self-renew and to cause the heterogeneous lineages of cancer cells that comprise the tumor.”

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Vitamin C starves cancer stem-like cells in recent study

According to researchers, vitamin C starves cancer stem cells by blocking a process called glycolysis. The process is responsible for glucose metabolism, and inhibiting it prevents the mitochondria from gaining essential energy for survival. Using vitamin C as an add-on treatment to chemotherapy may show potential in stemming tumor recurrence and further progression of cancer.

Researcher Dr. Gloria Bonuccelli said the findings suggest that vitamin C is a promising candidate for cancer treatment. “We have been looking at how to target cancer stem cells with a range of natural substances including silibinin (milk thistle) and CAPE, a honey-bee derivative, but by far the most exciting are the results with vitamin C. Vitamin C is cheap, natural, nontoxic and readily available so to have it as a potential weapon in the fight against cancer would be a significant step,” said study author Dr Michael Lisanti.

However, Cancer Research UK official Anna Perman cautioned that the results are at its preliminary stages.

“The important thing for cancer patients to remember is that this study is looking at the action of vitamin C in the laboratory, not the effect of eating foods or supplements that contain vitamin C. This should not prompt anyone receiving treatment for cancer to change their diet or treatment plan,” Perman said.

The study backs the findings of a 1971 research by Nobel Prize-winning chemist Linus Pauling. Pauling was a pioneer in testing vitamin C efficacy against cancer. In his study, Pauling examined 1,100 terminally ill cancer patients. One hundred patients were given 10 grams of vitamin C daily, while the remaining cohort was used as the control group.

During a follow-up in 1978, the team found that all patients in the control group died of cancer, while 13 of those who took daily doses of vitamin C survived. In addition, 12 of these patients exhibited no further signs of the disease.

Many studies that followed concludes that high vitamin C doses, at more than 5,000 mg per day, provide optimal protection against cancer.


You’ll Freeze Lemons For The Rest Of Your Life!

So why should we freeze lemons?

hanging lemonA new study has shown for the first time how limonoids, natural compounds present in lemons and other citrus fruit, impede both ER+ and ER- breast cancer cell growth. This sheds new light on the importance of citrus fruit for breast cancer prevention and supports past studies which showed fruit consumption may lower breast cancer risk.(1)

All kinds of people are saying that the entire lemon should be used with nothing wasted. Not only for the obvious health benefits but also for the amazing taste! How? Simple, take an ORGANIC lemon, wash it and then put it in the freezer. Once it is frozen you get whatever is necessary to grate or shred the whole lemon without even peeling it first. Then sprinkle it on your salad, ice cream, soup, cereals, noodles, spaghetti sauce, or whatever. No holds barred. What you will experience is that whatever you sprinkle it on will take on a taste you may never have experienced before.

Why would I do this? Because the lemon peel contains 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice itself and the peel is the part that is usually wasted. Not only that, but the peel helps to get rid of toxins in the body. But wait, there’s more. Lemon is effective in killing cancer cells because it is allegedly 10,000 stronger than chemotherapy. This has not been revealed because there are people out there that want to make a synthetic, toxic version that will bring them huge profits. Shades of Monsanto. The good news is that the taste of lemon is pleasant and does not deliver the horrific effects of chemotherapy. What’s bizarre is that people are closely guarding this fact so as to not jeopardize the income to those that profit from other’s illnesses. Another interesting aspect of the lemon is that it has a remarkable effect on cysts and tumors.

Always Freeze Your Lemons

Some say the lemon is a proven remedy against all types of cancer. It doesn’t end there. It has an anti-microbial effect against bacterial infections and fungi; it is effective against internal parasites and worms; it regulates blood pressure, which is too high; it acts as an anti-depressant; it combats stress and nervous disorders. The source of this information, although not specifically named, is one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world. They further say that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that it destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas and that the compounds of the lemon tree were 10,000 times more effective than the product Adriamycin, which is a drug normally used chemotherapeutically in the world to slow the growth of cancer cells.

Even more, this type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and does not affect healthy cells. The process is simple: buy an ORGANIC lemon, wash it, freeze it, grate it, and put it on everything you eat. It’s not rocket science. Nature has put stuff on the planet to keep the body healthy. The corporations hide this information and create synthetics to treat disease.

The synthetic chemical creates other symptoms from its ingestion requiring another drug to combat these symptoms. And so the cycle continues, which equates to enormous profits coming from an overt intention to keep a body ill and suppressing natural healing foods, minerals and modalities, all withheld by the mainstream media to not jeopardize their advertising dollar income, and payoffs to the politicians to not pass laws that will greatly benefit the people. If we do not take responsibility for ourselves and go against the mainstream grain, we will inevitably remain a “trick” our whole life.



P.S. There are doctors who published studies and experiments in the 1940’s using liquid Vitamin C for the treatment of Cancer, and found that 40-60,000 units of liquid Vitamin C administered intraveinously not only cured the big “C”, but also left behind none of the side effects that chemotherapy does. The “frozen lemon” idea works on this same principal. You’re not likely to find too many Oncologists who are practicing the Vitamin C therapy due to two things: 1- the lack of knowledge of the natural world and how it pertains to our health, and, 2- there’s not a lot of income in the use of Lemons or Vitamin C in the treatment of Cancer. Look up Linus Pauling or Gerson Therapy (Dr. Max Gerson and the Gerson Institute, San Diego, CA. His daughter Charlotte has carried on her father’s legacy), and I’m sure you will eventually find what you are looking for. They did a lot of research with vitamin C during their lives.


credits: Real Farmacy, Natural News, Healthy Holistic Living

Chilipepers zijn gezond

De chilipeper wordt gerekend tot één van de oudste landbouwgewassen ter wereld. Zowel de Maya’s als de Azteken gebruikten de planten intensief, zowel culinair als medicinaal, bijvoorbeeld bij tandpijn.

De chilipeper maakt vele gerechten scherp door de aanwezige capsaïcine en wordt in de volksmond vaak Spaanse peper of rode peper genoemd.

De chilipeper is afkomstig van de Capsicum-familie. Capsicum komt van het Griekse woord kapto, wat ‘om in te bijten’ betekent. De Capsicum-familie kent twee varianten: zoet en pittig.

Olijfolie om te blussen

Chilipepers zitten boordevol antioxidanten, caroteen en flavonoïden en bevatte twee keer zo veel vitamine C als een sinaasappel.

Je kunt bijna ieder gerecht op smaak brengen met chilipeper. Te denken valt aan soepen, stoofpot, wokgerechten, salades en salsa’s. Als een gerecht te heet is kun je je tong het beste blussen met een beetje olijfolie in plaats van water. Capsaïcine lost namelijk slecht op in water.


Het eten van chilipepers heeft een groot aantal gezondheidsvoordelen. Ze helpen bij het afvallen door de stofwisseling te stimuleren en het hongergevoel en hunkering naar zoetigheid te onderdrukken. Door de bloedsuikerspiegel te reguleren wordt het risico op diabetes type 2 verkleind.

Chilipepers remmen de omzetting van calorieën in vet en de groei van kankercellen. Ze houden het hart en de bloedvaten gezond. Ze werken ontstekingsremmend en zijn daarom zeer effectief bij artritis.

De chilipeper is een natuurlijke pijnstiller en verhoogt de weerstand. Chilipepers openen een verstopte neus en bijholten. Tot besluit helpen ze de bloeddruk verlagen en voorkomen ze maagzweren door bacteriën in de maag te doden en de aanmaak van beschermende maagsappen te stimuleren.


via Chilipepers zijn supergezond – – Onthullend & Bewustmakend Nieuws.


Vitamine B17 was zo’n 20 jaar geleden het onderwerp van heftige meningsverschillen toen enkele van de grootste wetenschappers ter wereld beweerden dat, wanneer juist gebruikt, de componenten van de bittere abrikozenpit het 100% onmogelijk maken om kanker te ontwikkelen en de bestaande kanker in de meeste gevallen zouden kunnen doden.

De farmaceutische bedrijven sprongen hier onmiddellijk op in en eisten dat hier studies naar uit zouden worden gevoerd. De resultaten van deze studies kunt u vinden in het boek “World without Cancer”, door G. Edward Griffin. Vitamine B17, ook bekend als Laetrile en Amygdalin komt voor in de meeste fruitzaden en in het bijzonder in bittere abrikozenpitten. Dat abrikozenpitten kankerbestrijdend zijn is al meer dan 35 jaar bekend.

Vitamine B17 is de officiële naam voor de gezuiverde vorm van Amygdalin. Deze gezuiverde vorm wordt ook Lavo-Mandelonitrile, kortweg Laetrile genoemd. Laetrile kreeg haar officiële vitaminestatus in 1952, op voordracht van Dr. Dean Burke, medeoprichter van het Nationale Instituut tegen Kanker.

Het gebruik van Amygdalin (Laetrile/Vitamine B17) in de behandeling tegen menselijke kanker dateert al op zijn minst uit 1843, hoewel de oude Chinezen al ongeveer 3000 jaar geleden melding maakten van het gebruik van grote hoeveelheden bittere amandelen in de behandeling van tumoren.

Lees hier meer over de manier waarop abrikozenpitten kanker voorkomen en bestrijden.

Bron: Wegens slechte ervaringen niet op de .nl site bestellen maar hier; Lees de reacties hieronder!

Vitamine D is better then Swineflu vaccin

The news is out: Vitamin D is better than the swine flu vaccine at halting H1N1 infections. In fact, without vitamin D, chances are that a vaccine won’t generate much of an immune response in the first place.

That’s because vitamin D is essential for healthy, active immune function. That’s just one of the reasons smart people are choosing vitamin D instead of the swine flu vaccine. Here are nineteen more reasons:

#1 Vitamin D activates your immune system to respond to any viral exposure (not just one virus).

#2 Vitamin D naturally belongs in your body.

#3 Vitamin D has been functioning as medicine in the human body since the beginning of the human species.

#4 Vitamin D is available right now and there’s no shortage of it.

#5 Vitamin D won’t cause your brain to swell and put you into a coma.

#6 Vitamin D doesn’t require an injection with a scary needle.

#7 Vitamin D is found naturally in many foods such as sardines or salmon.

#8 Vitamin D has a perfect safety record. No one ever died from consuming it.

#9 Vitamin D is affordable. You can even get it for free (from sunlight).

#10 Vitamin D doesn’t contain viral fragments from diseased animals (like vaccines often do).

#11 Vitamin D doesn’t contain thimerosal or other chemical preservatives.

#12 Vitamin D doesn’t need a warning sheet describing possible side effects.

#13 Vitamin D doesn’t hurt your arm when you take it.

#14 Vitamin D also improves sugar metabolism, bone density and healthy moods.

#15 Vitamin D is safe for the environment.

#16 Vitamin D doesn’t contain squalene or other inflammatory adjuvant chemicals.

#17 Vitamin D works on everyone and is safe for everyone, including infants and children.

#18 Vitamin D is made in nature, not a laboratory.

#19 Vitamin D is found naturally in breast milk.

#20 You can walk, and chew gum, and generate vitamin D from sunshine all at the same time!

Skip the vaccine. Get more Vitamin D!