Distant Treatments in times of Covid

Since the limitations caused by the fake pandemic, the paranoid people everywhere and the travel restrictions, many people stopped seeking help for their health conditions. But did you know that distant treatments works as good as physical treatments?

Everything has it’s unique frequency; atoms, molecules, cells, organs, thoughts, emotions. But also viruses, bacteria, insects, fungi, moulds.

To destroy something, you have to release the same frequency to it, like a singer can chatter a glass by singing the same tone as the glass. By releasing the exact same frequency as the object, to the source, but in a different angle, the object will chatter and fall in pieces.

Rife frequency generators

This can be done with Rife frequency generators. A small piece of your nail will go into the device and the right frequency for the health issue will be send to your nail, thus to you.

The DNA in your nail is for ever connected with it’s source; YOU. This is called Quantum entanglement. Einstein called it Spooky science because he saw it worked but couldn’t get his head around it. So by treating the DNA in your nail, you will be treated.

Uplift elements through entrainment

The device can chatter unwanted elements in your body but it can also uplift elements in your body through means of entrainment.
If the DNA in your nail gets treated for a weak liver, the frequency of a healthy liver is send to you and the weak liver will want to get in tune with the frequency of the healthy liver. See the video below.

Some things might work out rapidly, other issues take longer. It’s not magic but long proofed science which is now available for you too.

Contact me

Send me a message to see what the Rife frequency device can do for you.

Warm regards,

Here is a great example of breaking a glass with your voice.

Here is a great example of how cancer cells get destroyed through frequencies.

Here is a great example of how entrainment works.

Tachyonized Cardiovascular Tonic, OS-H7


Tachyon Cardiovascular tonic

Tachyonized Cardiovascular Tonic contains flavonoids which have been shown to enhance the connective tissue of the heart. And blood and lymph vessels that bring micro-nutrition to the heart and surrounding arteries and capillaries. This increases their resiliency against damage from injury, disease, stress and aging. The flavonoids act to reinforce the collagen and promote more vitality to the immune system. Hawthorn dilates the coronary artery enhancing the flow of blood to the heart muscle creating a favorable effect on the heart’s calcium metabolism. It also increases its contractile power and promoting normal rhythm.


Tachyonized Cardiovascular Tonic is a true restorative and nutritive tonic for the heart and circulatory vessels. Recommended as supportive therapy for the heart. This includes angina, palpitations, tachycardia, valve deficiency, endomyocarditis and pericarditis, weak heart, and associated neurasthenia. Suggested as an adjunct therapy in the treatment of hypertension.


OS-7 comes in 1 oz. (30ml). Using 30 drops per day this bottle will last about 1 month.


Take 15 to 20 drops in water, two to four times daily, between meals, with the last dose of the day just before bedtime.


Heart disease and hypertension can be very serious health problems. Consult your healthcare practitioner for diagnosis and treatment. Hawthorn can synergistically augment the cardiac glycoside action of Digitalis or other related drugs. Digitalis medications should be monitored by a physician if Hawthorn is also used in treatment. Do not abruptly discontinue use of Digitalis.

Tachyonized Cardiovascular Tonic is a Tachyonized™ blend of liquid extracts:

35%      – Hawthorn berry leaf and flower (Crataegus spp.)
30%     + Cactus Grandiflorus stem (Selenicereus grandiflorus)
25%      – Motherwort leaf and flower (Leonurus cardiaca)
10%      – Ginger rhizome (Zingiber officinale)

+ Fresh    – Dried
(contains Grain Alcohol (48-54%) and distilled water)

PLEASE NOTE: We use only Certified Organic and Wildcrafted herbs!

Get your Cardio Vascular tonic at the Tachyon shop

This Woman Is Living on Water, Tea, and Light for 100 Days

Juice cleanses are for pussies. Naveena Shine, a 65-year-old British transplant to the Pacific Northwest, is in the middle of a 100-day fasting marathon during which she’s only consuming water, tea, air, and something she calls “light,” a nebulous spiritual substance that she believes will sustain her. Naveena, who began this experiment on May 3, is loosely following the tenets of breatharianism, which is the belief that humans can survive on light alone.

By Alex Mierjeski, June 11, 2013.

Previous practitioners have died of starvation, but Naveena seems to be more practical than them (she’s drinking tea, after all), and she’s used to feats of mind-over-body endurance – she was in the 1997 Guinness Book of World Records for walking across a 1,751-degree fire. You can follow her project, which she calls Living on Light, on Facebook and YouTube, and she’s recording herself constantly with eight cameras that are set up around her home in Seattle, Washington. I called her up on Friday to see how it was going.

VICE: How’d you come up with the idea to do this?
Naveena Shine: My whole life has been surrounded by questions like “What is truth?” and “What’s real?” and “Who am I?” When I came across this particular possibility, that maybe it really is possible for a person to live on light, I recognised the importance of it should it be true. Everything I’d wanted to do in my life, I’d done. I put out to the universe the question, “Is there anything the universe wants me to do now?” The answer started coming to me a couple of months later, exactly the same time as Hurricane Sandy. I recognised that this really is important in our world, and this was something I could do. So here I am.

Where did you first hear about breatharianism?
Well, I’d heard about it all of my life really. I actually know one person who lived on light for three years. I had a pretty clear picture that it’s probably possible, so why not go for it?

You’ve now gone about seven weeks without any food. How are you feeling?
I’ve had some difficulties with bile in my stomach. Some days I don’t feel good, most days I feel fine. The last few days I’ve been feeling really alive and alert. I think changes in my body are of course going to create issues, but none of them have been serious.

A lot of people would want to know how you’re still alive at this point.
Well I don’t know the whys. It’s 36 days now [without eating]. I’m not experiencing what everybody else seems to think I ought to experience. Sometimes I don’t feel well, but I seem to be getting more energy and I’ve felt really fine for the last few days. What’s to say? I think it’s a lot to do with consciousness: I don’t ever think I can’t do it. I know that I might not be able to and I’m kind of fine to go with that, but I think it’s really possible. Everything I’ve done in my life, other people would have said, “No, no, you can’t do that. You’re going to kill yourself, you’re going to harm yourself.” But I never do, so why go with their ideas of reality and not with mine?

Other than the obvious hunger aspect, what’s it like living without food?
I love food. I like the social aspect of it, I like the elegance of it, and I like the taste. And that’s actually not changed. I don’t feel like I want to eat at the moment because that’s just not what my life is about at the moment. I don’t have any intention to not eat for the rest of my life, it’s too important psychologically. But those things are not impacting my experiment.

This experiment seems like it requires a lot of willpower. Do you have a daily schedule you follow?
No, I just do what I feel like.

Are you worried about the physical consequences of this process?
First of all, I don’t think there will be that many consequences. I’m certainly not going to go to the place where I damage my body, and I will stop if I find that I’m not thriving, that I’m going downhill or my organs are starting not to work. And I’m sure I’m going to know that – if people are dying from starvation, I think they must know beforehand that they’re not very well.

Let’s hope so. Did you consult any medical professionals about the experiment?
A doctor’s picture of life is not in tune with living on light. They simply can’t see it; it’s just not in their paradigm. I don’t think a doctor would suggest walking on the hottest fire in the world on bare feet.

Good point. But do you keep the deaths of others who have tried similar experiments in mind?
I don’t know what was going on with them. I don’t know why they didn’t notice [they were dying], and I don’t know why they didn’t do anything about it. I’m sad that they died, but, yes, I knew about [them].

What do your friends and family have to say about all this?
They’re not very happy. Nobody has ever tried it in this way, and everybody thinks it’s not possible and people think I’m going to kill myself and all of those things, but you know what? Maybe they’re wrong, and maybe they’re right. That’s the idea of an experiment.

What’s the next step if you succeed?
If I do this for 100 days, it’s past every point where people have died, and I think that’s going to be worth investigating. All I’m interested in doing is opening up the door. I don’t know who I’m going to be on day 100. When you’re eating food, that gives you one kind of way of looking at life. I will have different thoughts, different ideas, and different tastes if I’m living on light. And what that’s going to mean in my life I simply don’t know. As far as the public, they’re going to do whatever they’re going to do with it. It’s really about getting the message out into the world that this is possible. And then the world needs to just take it and do whatever the world needs to do with it. I think it can save this world, but if the world’s not interested, that’s its business.


More experiments in strange ways to live:

This Man Thinks He Never Has to Eat Again

We Got Drunk on This Weird Booze Spray

New Frontiers of Sobriety

Topics:breatharianism, Naveena Shine, fasting, starvation, dangerous stunts, old ladies, Living on Light

The New Loving Relationships Training

 ….. from The Passion of the Divine Mother

Download pdf

A 3 Day Weekend Training created and presented by SONDRA RAY with the PASSION FREQUENCY of the DIVINE MOTHER
with Mark Sullivan (MAN MOHAN)

Contained is a short summary of the essential offerings of the New Loving Relationships TrainingTM created by SONDRA RAY, containing newly revised elements designed to fit the energies of the times, and the necessities we have for the clear understanding of relationships in our lives; what makes them work and not work; what are the patterns we need to understand to free ourselves from repeating dysfunctional behaviors; and ultimately what are the Spiritual imperatives available to aid us in the attainment of perfection in the relationships we experience now in our ascension toward realizing our Higher Self. This summary is presented with the sincerest invocation and benediction to the Divine Mother of us and the Universe.

De Roos, Amsterdam 

– Training 4-5-6 May 2012 (English spoken)

Friday 4.30 PM ‐ 9.30 PM
– Invocation to the Divine Mother
– Introductions
– Relationship Status
– How the Mind Works
– Creative Thought
– Birth and Relationships
– Personal Lies
– Liberation Breathing Session #1

Saturday 9.30 AM ‐ 5.30 PM
– Sharing
– The 14 Family Patterns of the LRT
– Clearing Anger
– Clearing Relationships with Parents
– Clearing Relationships with Siblings
– Clearing Relationships with Sex
– Clearing Relationships with Career and Money
– Liberation Breathing Session #2

Sunday 9.30 AM ‐ 5.30 PM
– Group Sharing
– Spiritual Healing
– Clearing Relationship with God
– Intro to A Course In Miracles
– India Quest
– Babaji and the Divine Mother
– Effective Communication
– Liberation Breathing Session #3
– Benediction to the Divine Mother

We planned some breaks during the intense program to allow you to stretch your legs, have a drink and a chat with your favourite buddy. De Roos is located at one of the entrances of the Vondel Park, you can enjoy your own lunch on a bench in the park or taste the freshly made food of the Tea House. They offer vegetarian soups and sandwiches, salads and of course tea, coffee and several kinds of drinks, everything prepared with fresh and healthy ingredients.

LRT 3 days training euro 385 per person inclusive of all taxes

– Private Sessions 3-4 May 2012

More information Private Sessions here


Wear comfortable clothes


Vitamine B17 was zo’n 20 jaar geleden het onderwerp van heftige meningsverschillen toen enkele van de grootste wetenschappers ter wereld beweerden dat, wanneer juist gebruikt, de componenten van de bittere abrikozenpit het 100% onmogelijk maken om kanker te ontwikkelen en de bestaande kanker in de meeste gevallen zouden kunnen doden.

De farmaceutische bedrijven sprongen hier onmiddellijk op in en eisten dat hier studies naar uit zouden worden gevoerd. De resultaten van deze studies kunt u vinden in het boek “World without Cancer”, door G. Edward Griffin. Vitamine B17, ook bekend als Laetrile en Amygdalin komt voor in de meeste fruitzaden en in het bijzonder in bittere abrikozenpitten. Dat abrikozenpitten kankerbestrijdend zijn is al meer dan 35 jaar bekend.

Vitamine B17 is de officiële naam voor de gezuiverde vorm van Amygdalin. Deze gezuiverde vorm wordt ook Lavo-Mandelonitrile, kortweg Laetrile genoemd. Laetrile kreeg haar officiële vitaminestatus in 1952, op voordracht van Dr. Dean Burke, medeoprichter van het Nationale Instituut tegen Kanker.

Het gebruik van Amygdalin (Laetrile/Vitamine B17) in de behandeling tegen menselijke kanker dateert al op zijn minst uit 1843, hoewel de oude Chinezen al ongeveer 3000 jaar geleden melding maakten van het gebruik van grote hoeveelheden bittere amandelen in de behandeling van tumoren.

Lees hier meer over de manier waarop abrikozenpitten kanker voorkomen en bestrijden.

Bron: Abrikozenpitten.nl. Wegens slechte ervaringen niet op de .nl site bestellen maar hier; http://www.abrikozenpitten.eu/ Lees de reacties hieronder!