Health Blog

Natuurlijke pijnstiller, better dan Paracetamol

Wist je dat …¬† er een aromatisch kruid is dat de pijn van spannings-hoofdpijn verlicht, net zo snel als aspirine en andere pijnstillers zoals paracetamol?

Spannings-hoofdpijn is de meest voorkomende vorm van hoofdpijn ervaren door een grote groep van de bevolking. Uit de statistieken blijkt dat 95% van de vrouwen en 90% van de mannen ten minste één maal hoofdpijn per jaar hoofdpijn heeft, en ongeveer 1 op de 6 mensen last heeft van chronische spannings-hoofdpijn.

Als gevolg hiervan grijpen de meeste mensen naar overal verkrijgbare pijnstillers zoals paracetamol, de meest gebruikte pijnstiller in het land.

Maar ieder jaar veroorzaken deze mensen door het pijnstiller gebruik 100.000 bezoeken aan een ziekenhuis, 56.000 eerste hulp bezoeken, 26.000 ziekenhuisopnamen, en meer dan 450 sterfgevallen als gevolg van lever-falen. Acetaminophen, die in pijnstillers zitten, zijn een belangrijke oorzaak van acuut lever-falen, zelfs bij doses die binnen het aanbevolen bereik liggen.

Het ironische is dat het gebruik van paracetamol wellicht niet de meest effectieve manier is om hoofdpijn te stoppen. Hier is waarom: Spannings-Hoofdpijn is niet afkomstig vanuit de hersenen. De hersenen zijn niet in staat om pijn te voelen, gewoonweg omdat ze geen sensorische zenuwen bevatten. De pijn komt eigenlijk van de spanning in de buitenste bekleding van de hersenen, de hoofdhuid en de bloedvaten en spieren.

Aangezien spannings-hoofdpijn afkomstig is van de buitenkant van het hoofd, is pepermuntolie uitstekend te gebruiken om de pijn te verlichten. Duits onderzoek onder leiding van Dr Hartmut Gobel blijkt dat wrijven met pepermuntolie op iemands voorhoofd net zo effectief is in het verlichten van hoofdpijn als het nemen van een paracetamol.

Onderzoekers weten al lang dat pepermuntolie, waarvan het belangrijkste bestanddeel menthol is, een pijnstillende en verkoelende werking heeft wanneer het wordt toegepast op de huid. Menthol verzacht en kalmeert de opgewonden zenuwvezels in de pijnlijke regio en kan snel de pijn doen verdwijnen. Historici rapporteren dat Gaius Plinius Secundus, beter bekend als Plinius de Oudere, een marine-en legeraanvoerder van het vroege Romeinse Rijk,  de toepassing van pepermunt bladeren op het voorhoofd bij behandeling van hoofdpijn.

De hoofdpijn onderzoekers van de Neurologische Kliniek bij Christian-Albrechts Universiteit in Kiel, Duitsland toonden in 1996 met klinisch bewijs aan dat pepermuntolie toegepast op het voorhoofd inderdaad hoofdpijn vermindert, net zo effectief als de standaard dosis van 1000 mg paracetamol (of 2 tabletten van Tylenol). Dr Hartmut G√∂bel’s gerandomiseerde, placebo-gecontroleerde, dubbel-blinde studie heeft ook aangetoond dat pepermuntolie net zo effectiefis in het verlichten van hoofdpijn als paracetamol.

Naast het verlichten van hoofdpijn heeft pepermuntolie ook andere therapeutische toepassingen:

  • Helpt verlichten bij gas, opgeblazen gevoel, misselijkheid, kramp en maagklachten
  • Spierspanning en pijn – omdat de doorbloeding stijgt in het pijnlijke gebied
  • Helpt stress te verminderen
  • Helpt verlichten van reisziekte
  • Vereenvoudigt prikkelbare darm syndroom

Pepermunt olie is verkrijgbaar bij Natuurvoedingswinkels.


(NaturalNews) Ormus, also known as ORMEs, m-state elements, white powder gold, or the Philosopher’s Stone, was discovered in 1975 by an Arizona farmer named David Hudson. He discovered some material in his soil that he had never seen before. He laid it out to dry in the hot Arizona sun so he could have it analyzed. What happened next was absolutely remarkable: the stuff exploded in a big flash of light and disappeared! But when he dried it without the use of sunlight it didn’t disappear.

Klassiek Ormus logoHudson was a very successful farmer and businessman so he could afford to have an expensive assay of the material done by a professor at New York’s Cornell University. The stuff turned out to contain gold, silver, iron and aluminum, among other things. However, the gold and silver did not dissolve in fluid, as is usually the case. The iron and aluminum also did not dissolve in various acids and in their isolated form, they formed a strange black matter.

One by one the elements were isolated. Until the standard tests revealed there should be nothing left. But there was something left – a lot of it, in fact. The scientist told Hudson there was nothing, although after removal of the individual elements a staggering 98% of the material was still left! Hudson had spent a lot of money on the analyses and left the university completely disappointed in academic science.

Dissatisfied but determined, Hudson sought out a German expert who, together with him, was willing to analyze the stuff further and build special machinery to do this. The assays showed that it contained various precious elements such as platinum and variants thereof, like rhodium, iridium, ruthenium and osmium.

The tests also showed that this material reacted differently to various heat and cold treatments. The time period to which they exposed the stuff to hot or cold temperatures also produced different results. The turning point was at 70 seconds heat treatment. When Hudson stopped the process at 69 seconds the powder contained no precious elements, yet at 70 seconds or over it did.

Hudson then went to a specialist at the University of Iowa. They conducted several experiments and once again produced the most amazing results. The material expressions of the stuff magically changed depending on the degree of warming or cooling they subjected it to. Among these forms were a white powder but also glass. Elements such as iron spontaneously disappeared or morphed into other elements. The material also changed weight, particularly when exposed to air.

Hudson was advised to patent these elements to prevent others from using his findings and keep him from experimenting further. In March of 1988 Hudson patented these elements which he called Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements, or ORMEs. This has become known as Ormus and stands for what are twelve known elements which exist both in a material and an immaterial, energetic form.

Hudson found this out by getting in touch with one of the American pioneers of quantum physics, Hal Puthoff. Puthoff explained to him the strange phenomena associated with Ormus. Ormus elements are capable of losing their material form under the influence of warmth and sunlight, making them no longer subject to the laws of gravity and even capable of dissolving into sunlight. This is what Hudson had witnessed when he dried the material in the hot sun.
The Ormus had literally become one with the light and transferred to another dimension in which there is no space-time. By cooling it down, he learned to bring back the stuff to the exact place where he had laid it to dry, back to the material world of space-time in which we live.

Ormus is a superconductor. These elements resonate with the primal energy, the zero point from which all life originates and which is a quantum potential of possibilities. Ormus is one with this endless source of energy, which can be found in the air, the soil, plants, stones and the sea. Hudson even showed by dissecting animal brains that they too contained Ormus. According to Hudson our brains contain at least 5% Ormus. This percentage can be raised considerably if we take in food and water with a high Ormus content.

It is exactly these foods that are so sadly lacking today. Hudson refers to Ormus as ‘the light of life’ and ‘the Spirit’. He claims it not only makes us more spiritual but that it’s capable of correcting DNA too. Now think of the experiments the alchemists carried out in which they tried to change metals into gold and made a white powder out of gold. The church persecuted, tortured and killed these people. What did they know that we’re not supposed to know? The ancient Egyptians also knew. Gold has always been the true money and has remained so to this day. But the true value of gold may well be medicinal and spiritual instead of material.

There are, unfortunately, dark and powerful forces at work which are trying to keep us from realizing our true potential, our true evolution to a higher consciousness. They are spreading death energy across the planet. They do so by controlling our food and money supply. They are the inventors of NPK agriculture, which is based on growing crops with a bare minimum of three elements: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). This technique came out of the successes they had had in World War One with nitrogen bombs. Plants grown with NPK cannot survive in nature because she sends a ‘clean-up crew’ of insects and fungi to dispose of these weak organisms. That’s why the crops are ‘treated’ with pesticides, which in turn are a variation of nerve gas.

Thus an unnatural product is kept artificially alive using war chemistry. As a result, we develop a structural mineral (and therefore Ormus) deficiency and ingest dangerous toxins which mess with our hormonal and nervous system. The diseases caused by this are then ‘treated’ with even more war-based chemicals. Like chemo therapy, for instance, which is nothing more than a variation of mustard gas.


Frambozen geteelt met Ormus zijn zeker twee keer zo groot

Genetic engineering of crops such as corn, cotton, canola and soy is done to alter the natural genetic blueprint of these crops so they can be patented. This is done by making the plant sick using a cancer or virus to penetrate the plant’s DNA. Animals don’t fare much better. Millions of cows, pigs and chickens are kept in circumstances which would normally cause the animals to drop dead on their feet. Yet with medication, growth hormones and synthetic minerals they are kept alive long enough to be sent to the slaughter house. This process happens so quickly that many animals are skinned alive. The suffering of these animals defies description and you end up with sick plants and animals and death energy on your plate. Is this the kind of ‘food’ you’d like to eat? Is it any wonder only 5% of the world population are free thinkers?

Experiments show that Ormus is most abundant in the sea. Not so strange when you consider that sea water covers 70% of the earth’s surface and is the primal soup of all life on this planet. All known and unknown minerals on this planet are concentrated in sea water. Grow your own veggies and fruit with these building blocks of life using diluted ocean water or sea salt. If you want to find out more about this, check out these two pages from NaturalNews:



Ormus is available in its isolated form for growing plants:


Ormus is also available for human consumption:


Eat as many raw and untreated natural products from good soil and grown with love. Drink wild water from streams in forests that comes up on its own volition. Expose yourself to the healing powers of sunlight by gazing into the sun with your eyes closed and palms outstretched. Breathe in as much forest air and sea air as possible.

In short, expose yourself to as much Ormus as possible. These are the known Ormus elements:

* Cobalt * Nickel * Copper * Ruthenium * Rhodium * Palladium * Silver * Osmium * Iridium * Platinum * Gold * Mercury

Those who want to know more about Ormus should check out Barry Carter’s webpage:


Ormus is life energy. This is sorely needed as a counterweight to the death energy we are exposed to daily through our food, our drinking water, our ‘medicines’, electromagnetic fields and radioactivity due to the use of depleted uranium by a flourishing war industry. This negative energy keeps us sick and dumb.

But it doesn’t have to be like this. Remember that the force of life is always stronger than the force of death and darkness is merely the absence of light. All you need to do is surround yourself by the light. It’s all around and inside you.

Ormus – Spiritual and Medicinal Gold With Incredible Healing Potential

Walnuts: Food for Gods, Available to Anyone

Health benefits of walnuts have been known since time immemorial. Hippocrates and Avicenna mentioned them in the treatment of various diseases. In addition, the ancients thought that they stimulate mental activity. Anna Protsenko, a nutritionist, told

‘Walnuts contain a great deal of minerals,’ the expert explains. ‘They include iron, copper, cobalt, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and iodine. Many of them are antioxidants. In addition, walnuts contain unsaturated fatty acids, more than 20 amino acids, and vitamins A, E, B, P and C. By the way, they contain nearly 50 times more vitamin C than citrus, and 8 times more than black currants. In addition, walnuts are rich in protein.’

What illnesses can be treated with walnuts?

1. Cardiovascular

Since 60 percent of walnut contents is unsaturated fat as well as potassium and magnesium, it is recommended for patients with various heart diseases and high blood pressure. Studies have shown that walnuts can reduce the level of “harmful” cholesterol in the blood. And thanks to large amounts of vitamin E walnuts strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

2. Thyroid gland disease

Since walnuts contain iodine, they are effective in fighting diseases associated with the thyroid gland. A special brew of walnut septum can also be used in the treatment of thyroid diseases.

3. Mental activity

It has been long proven that walnuts contain a range of biologically active substances that have a positive effect on the vessels of the brain (above all, it is the Omega-3). Therefore, they are recommended for people engaged in intense mental or physical labor.

4. Prostate cancer

Recently, scientists from the Cancer Center at the University of California Davis (USA) found that consumption of walnuts slows down the growth and reduces the size of cancerous tumors of the prostate gland. This was revealed during laboratory experiments on mice. Perhaps the remedy could be effective for people as well.

‘In addition, walnuts have anti-inflammatory properties, promote healing of wounds,’ – says Anna Protsenko. ‚ÄúThanks to the contents of iron and cobalt, they can be used in the treatment of anemia. They promotes regular bowel movements. For these purposes, large quantities of nuts should be consumed on a regular basis for a month or longer, and such dose is not good for everyone, therefore you should consult with your doctor first.

‘Do not forget that walnuts are very high in calories,’ warns the consultant. ‘100 grams of walnuts contains approximately 650 calories. This is more than a chocolate bar! This should be remembered by those with weight issues. Experts recommend eating no more than 3 to 4 kernels a day. “Overdose” may cause problems with gastro-intestinal tract such as constipation, upset stomach, etc. Everything depends on the individual characteristics of your body.

According to Anna Protsenko, walnuts are not recommended for those with certain diseases of the intestinal system, such as enteritis and colitis.

Here are a few popular walnuts recipes recommended by experts:

– To strengthen the immune system:
Mix a pound of walnut kernels, dried apricots, raisins and honey, then squeeze the juice out of two lemons, stir and put the mixture in a jar and cover with lid. Take 1 tablespoon a day. After some time, the course may be repeated.

– To improve metabolism:
Mix equal proportions of grated walnuts, honey and chopped figs. Take 1 tablespoon per day on empty stomach.

– If you have diabetes and want to lower blood sugar:
Get septum from 40 nuts, cover them with a glass of boiling water, keep in a steam bath for an hour then let cool and filter. Take 1 teaspoon three times a day.

– Athlete’s Foot:
Take 2 tablespoons of ch o pped walnut septum, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and let sit for 30 minutes. Use for foot baths twice a week.


Tachyon ervaringenervaringen

Reconnective healing

Allereerst mijn eigen ervaring. In 1996 ontwikkelde zich plotseling een Ganglion op de bovenkant van beide polsen. Een Ganglion is een gescheurd vlies van de pees, en hoe gek het mag klinken, met volle maan, en de dagen ervoor en erna, barste er een vochtophoping uit naar boven wat zich manifesteerde als een keiharde halve pingpong bal. Bij elke beweging van de polsen schoten ze over de botten en pezen heen en weer en buiten dat het geen fraai gezicht was, was het ook nog pijnlijk.

Na diverse keren doorverwezen te zijn naar het ziekenhuis, waar ze maar al te graag de volgende dag zouden willen snijden (ze gaven geen garantie dat het niet meer terug zou komen) stuitte hij toevallig? op iemand die met Tachyon energie werkte. De sessie was snel geboekt en daar lag Sakshin, alleen maar te denken aan het immense bedrag voor een onzichtbare behandeling. Na afloop werden er ook nog twee Getachyoniseerde stenen, polsbanden en crème gekocht die dagelijks gedragen diende te worden, totdat de Ganglions verdwenen zouden zijn.
Twee weken na de behandeling en het dragen de de gekochte spullen zijn de pijnlijke bulten nooit meer verschenen. En dit was het begin van een lange carrière als Tachyon therapeut voor Sakshin.

mevrouw K.

Wat leuk om mevrouw K. vandaag na jaren weer aan de lijn te krijgen. Mevr. K, dik in de 80, heb ik vroeger vaak behandeld in mijn Tachyon praktijk maar ik heb haar jaren niet gesproken. De laatste keer was toen ze mij vertelde dat ze van 3 meter hoog van een trapje was gevallen bij het vervangen van een lamp in de kelder van haar huis. Plat op de grond.

Al haar vriendinnen hoeven maar een stoepje te missen en ze breken al twintig botten dus mevrouw Kikkert was in paniek. Ze bleef daar een half uur liggen vertelde ze mij, zonder zich te verroeren, bang om de immense pijn van alle botbreuken te ervaren.
Daarna begon ze zich voorzichtig te bewegen, want de situatie was uitzichtloos. Dagen had ze daar kunnen liggen zonder opgemerkt te worden.

Tot haar grote verbazing kon ze zich bewegen, zonder de verwachte pijn van de botbreuken. Daags daarna belde ze mij op om het hele verhaal uit de doeken te doen en zij zei; “Meneer de Groot, ik denk toch dat ik niets gebroken heb doordat ik de Silica gel gebruikt heb. Ik had niets, en het was me een smak. Mijn vriendinnen zouden in duizend stukken gelegen hebben vanwege de botontkalking”.

Ik rade Mevrouw altijd Tachyon Silica Gel aan om de behandelingen kracht bij te zetten en zij heeft zeker twee flesjes Silica Gel genuttigd. Haar verhaal verblijde mij enorm en het past precies in de andere verhalen die ik heb gehoord over de Getachyoniseerde Silica Gel. Groot was dus mijn blijdschap haar weer te horen na al die tijd, want haar verhaal vertel ik nog regelmatig. Haar vriendinnen blijven van alles en nog wat breken terwijl ze braaf de calcium tabletten slikken. In de Silica druppels geloven ze niet. Mevrouw zelf wilde nog een flesje bestellen.

… uit den Haag

Ze had al 10 jaar last van ME, de ziekte die de spieren langzaam opeet. Het kostte haar ook heel erg veel moeite om alle trappen op te komen, zeker een half uur, maar ze wilde het perse zelf doen. Afijn, de reden voor haar bezoek was duidelijk, of ik wat aan de ME kon doen. En daar had nou niet een direct antwoord op maar ging aan de slag met Tachyon Energie.

Na de sessie, ze vondt het erg lekker en er stond een glimlach op haar verbeten gezicht. maar de ME, en de boosheid daarover, was er nog. Die week kwam ze nog twee keer terug. In de laatste sessie, nadat ze in de  traditionele Tachyon energie cocoon had gelegen, begon ze te schaterlachen. Ze was vreselijk blij en het straalde er vanaf.

Weet je waarom ik nu, voor het eerst in 10 jaar weer kan lachen? Ik weet plotseling waarom ik de ziekte heb. 10 jaar lang ben ik boos geweest en kon ik het niet verkroppen dat ik de ziekte had en niet iemand anders. Nu is het goed. het is ok.

Ze strompelde giegelend weer de trap af en heeft sinds dien elke dag gelachen. En de ziekte symptomen? Die zijn er nog, maar ze lacht weer en elke dag is een mooie dag.

Ik heb haar laatst na 8 jaar weer gebeld en ze wist meteen weer wie ik was. Natuurlijk herinner ik mij de man die mij mijn leven weer heeft teruggegeven. De ziekte eist haar tol en ze is niet meer in staat om te reizen maar ze lacht nog elke dag. En elke dag lacht zij een beetje naar mij.

Merkaba meditatie

There are 17+1 breaths, where the first six are for balancing the polarity, the next seven for proper pranic flow through the entire body. The further breaths are for shifting the consciousness from 3rd to 4th dimension and finally the last three breaths is for re-creating the rotating Merkabah within and around the body. The last breath is not taught. Once each day, enter into this meditation, until the time comes when you are a conscious breather, remembering with each breath your intimate connection with God.
For best results; read first and then go for the Guided audio meditation

Position for standing female relative to Star

Tetrahedron energy field.
Position for female in meditation position relative toStar Tetrahedron energy field.


HEART: Open your heart and feel love for all life. If you cannot do this, you must at least open to this love as much as is possible for you. This is the most important instruction of all.
MIND: Become aware of the male tetrahedron (the apex facing up to the sun, the point facing to the front for male, the point to the back for females) filled with the brilliant white light surrounding your body. Visualize it the best you can.
If you cannot visualize it, sense or feel it surrounding you.

BODY: At the same moment of inhalation, place your hands in the mudra of your thumb and first finger touching. Remember, lightly touch your fingers, and do not allow your fingers to touch each other or any other object. Keep your palms facing up.
BREATH: At this same moment, with empty lungs, begin to breath in a complete yogic manner. Breath through your nostrils only, except at certain places which will be described.

Simply put, breath from your stomach first, then your diaphragm, and finally your chest. Do this in one movement, not three parts. The exhale is completed either by holding the chest firm and relaxing the stomach, slowly releasing
the air, or by holding the stomach firm and relaxing the chest.

The most important aspect is that this breathing must be rhythmic. Begin by using seven seconds in and seven seconds out, but as you get familiar with this meditation, find your own rhythm. The following instructions for a complete Yogic Breath are from “the Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath” by Yogi Ramacharake. Perhaps this description will be helpful.

Breathing through the nostrils, inhale steadily, first filling the lower part of the lungs, which is accomplished by bringing into play the diaphragm, which descending exerts a gentle pressure on the abdominal organs, pushing forward the front walls of the abdomen.
Then fill the middle part of the lungs, pushing out the lower ribs, breastbone and chest. Then fill the higher portion of the lungs, protruding the upper chest, thus lifting the chest, including the upper six or even pairs of ribs.
At first reading it may appear that this breath consists of three distinct movements. This, however, is not the correct idea. The inhalation is continuous, the entire chest cavity from the lowered diaphragm to the highest point of the chest in the region of the collar bone, being expanded with a uniform movement.
Avoid a jerky series of inhalations, and strive to attain a steady continuous action. Practice will soon overcome the tendency to divide the inhalation into three movements, and will result in a uniform continuous breath. You will be able to complete the inhalation in a few seconds after a little practice.
Exhale quite slowly, holding the chest in a firm position, and drawing the abdomen in a little and lifting it upward as the air leaves the lungs. When the air is entirely exhaled, relax the chest and abdomen. A little practice will render this part of the exercise easy, and the movement once acquired will be afterward performed almost automatically.</em></span>


MIND: Become aware of the female tetrahedron, (apex pointing to the earth, point facing to the back for males, point facing to the front for females), also filled with the brilliant white light
BODY: Keep the same mudra.
BREATH: Do NOT hesitate at the top of the inhalation to begin the exhalation. Exhale quite slowly, approximately seven seconds, in the Yogic manner. When the air is out of the lungs, without forcing, relax the chest and abdomen and HOLD the breath. When you feel pressure to breathe again, after about five seconds or so, then do the following:
MIND: Be aware of the flat equilateral triangle at the top of the female tetrahedron located in the horizontal plane that passes through your chest at the sternum. In a flash, and with a pulse like energy, send that triangular plane down through the female tetrahedron.
It gets smaller as it goes down and pushes out the tip or apex of the tetrahedron all the negative energy of the mudra or electrical circuit, a light will shoot out of the apex toward the center of the Earth. The Mind exercise is performed along with the following BODY movements.
BODY: Move your eyes slightly toward each other, or, in other words, slightly cross your eyes. Now bring them up to the top of their sockets, or in other words, look up. Also, this looking up motion should not be extreme. You will feel a tingling feeling between your eyes in the area of your third eye .
You can now look down to the lowest point you can, as fast as you can. You should feel an electrical sensation move down your spine. The MIND and BODY must coordinate the above mental exercis e with the eye movements.
The eyes look down from their up position at the same time the mind sees the triangular horizontal plane of the female tetrahedron move down to the apex of the female tetrahedron. This combined exercise will clean out the negative thoughts and feelings that have entered into your electrical system.
Specifically, it will clean out the part of your electrical system that is associated with the particular mudra you are using. Immediately upon pulsing the energy down your spine, you change mudras to the next one and begin the entire cycle over again.
The next five breaths are a repeat of the first breath with the following mudra changes:
Second breath mudra: Thumb and second finger together
Third breath mudra: Thumb and thirdfinger together
Fourth breath mudra: Thumb and little finger together
Fifth breath mudra: Thumb and first finger together (same as first breath)

Sixth breath mudra: Thumb and second finger together (same as second breath)
The first part, the first six breaths, the balancing of the polarities, and the cleansing of your electrical system is now complete. You are now ready for the next part, the next seven breaths.

Here an entirely new breathing pattern begins. You do not need to visualize the star tetrahedron at this time. Only the tube that runs through the star, from the apex of the male tetrahedron above your head to the apex of the female tetrahedron below your feet, needs to be seen and worked with. This extends one hand length above your head and one hand length below your feet. The diameter of YOUR tube will be the size of the hole formed by YOUR thumb and forefinger touching.

HEART: Love. There is another refinement here that can be used after you have perfected this meditation.
MIND: Visualize or sense the tube running through your body. The instant you begin the seventh inhale, see the brilliant white light of the prana moving down the tube from the top and up the tube from the bottom at the same time. This movement is almost instantaneous.
The point where these two light beams meet within your body is controlled by the mind and is a vast science known throughout the universe. In this teaching however, we will only be shown what is necessary , that which will take you from third to fourth dimensional awareness.
In this case you will direct the two beams of prana to meet at your navel, or more correct, within your body at navel level, inside the tube. The moment the two
beams of prana meet, which is just as the inhale begins, a sphere of white light or prana is formed at the meeting point about the size of a grapefruit centered on the tube.
It all happens in an instant. As you continue to take the inhale of the seventh breath, the sphere of prana begins to concentrate and grow slowly.

BODY: For the next seven breaths use the same mudra for both inhale and exhale, the thumb, first and second touching together palms up.

BREATH: Deep rhythmic Yogic breathing, seven seconds in and seven seconds out. There is no holding of the breath from now on. The flow of prana from the two poles will not stop or change in any way when you go from inhale to exhale.
It will be a continuous flow that will not stop for a long as you breath in this manner, even after death.


MIND: The prana sphere centered at the navel continues to grow. By the time of the full exhale, the prana sphere will be approximately eight or nine inches in diameter.
BREATH: Do not force the air out of your lungs. When your lungs are empty naturally, immediately begin the next breath.


HEART: Love.

MIND: The prana sphere continues to concentrate life force energy and grow in size —

MIND: The prana sphere continues to grow in size and will reach maximum size at the end of this breath. This maximum size is different for each person. If you put your longest finger in the center of your navel, the line on your wrist defining your hand will show you the radius of the maximum size of this sphere for YOU. This sphere of prana cannot grow larger. —


MIND: The prana sphere cannot grow larger, so what happens is the prana begins to concentrate within the sphere. The visual appearance is that the sphere grows BRIGHTER

BREATH: Sphere grows brighter and brighter as you inhale.


BREATH: As you exhale, the sphere continues to grow brighter and brighter.

Position for standing female relative to Star Tetrahedron energy field.

Position for male in meditation position relative to Star Tetrahedron energy field.
MIND: About half way through this inhale, as the sphere continues to brighter, the prana sphere reaches critical mass. The sphere ignites into a sun, a brilliant blinding ball of white light. You are now ready for the next step.


MIND: At the moment of exhale, the small sphere two hand lengths in diameter bulges to expand. In one second, combined with the breath talked about below, the sphere expands quickly out to the sphere of Leonardo, out at your finger tips of your extended arms.
Your body is now completely enclosed within a huge sphere of brilliant white light. You have returned to the ancient form of spherical breathing. However, at this point, this sphere is not stable. You MUST breath
three more times to keep the sphere stable.
BREATH: At the moment of exhale, make a small hole with your lips and blow out your air with pressure. As you feel the sphere begin to bulge, all within the first second of this exhale, let all of your air out rapidly. The sphere will expand at that moment.


MIND: Relax and just feel the flow of the prana flowing from the two poles and meeting at the navel and then expanding out to the large sphere

BREATH: Breath rhythmically and deeply. At the end of the thirteenth breath you have stabilized the large sphere and are ready for the important 14th breath.

MIND: On the inhale of the 14th breath, at the very beginning of the breath, move the point where the two beams of prana meet from the navel to the sternum, the fourth dimensional chakra. The entire large sphere, along with the original sphere, which is also still contained within the large sphere, moves up to the new meeting point within the tube.
Though this is very easy to do, it is an extremely powerful movement. Breathing from this new point within the tube will inevitably change your awareness from third to fourth dimensional consciousness, or from earth consciousness to Christ consciousness.
BODY: This mudra will be used for the rest of the meditation. Place the left palm on top of the right palm for males and the right palm on top of the left palm for females. It is a mudra that relaxes.

BREATH: Rhythmic breath and deep.
However, if you continue to breathe from your Christ center without moving on to the MER-KA-BA, which is what is recommended until you have made contact with your Higher Self, then shift to a shallow breath.
In other words, breath rhythmically but in a comfortable manner where your attention is more on the flow of energy moving up and down the tube meeting at the sternum and expanding out to the large sphere. Just feel the flow.
Use your feminine side to just be. At this point don’t think, just breath, feel and be. Feel your connection to All Life through the Christ Breath. Remember your intimate connection with God.

The Mer-Ka-Ba, The Vehicle Of Ascension

The Last Three Breaths
You are asked not to attempt this FOURTH PART until you have made contact with your Higher Self, AND your Higher Self has given you permission to proceed. This part is to be taken seriously. The energies that will come into and around your body and spirit are of tremendous power.
If you are not ready, you could hurt yourself. If your Higher Self gives you permission to enter into the MER-KA-BA, then don t fear, for you will be ready.


MIND: Be aware of the whole star tetrahedron. Realize that there are three whole star tetrahedrons superimposed over each other. One is the body itself, and is locked in place and never, except under certain conditions, moves.
It is placed around the body according to maleness or femaleness. The second whole star tetrahedron is male in nature, it is electrical, is literally the human mind and rotates counter-clockwise relative to your body looking out, or to put it another way, it rotates toward your left side.
The third whole star tetrahedron is female in nature, is magnetic, is literally the human emotional body and rotates clockwise relative to your body looking out, or to put it another way, it rotates toward your right side.
To be clear, we are not telling you to rotate the male tetrahedron one way and the female the other way. When we say rotate the whole star tetrahedron, we mean the whole thing.
On the inhale of the fifteenth breath, as you are inhaling, you will say to yourself, in your head, the code words, EQUAL SPEED. This will tell your mind that you want the two rotatable whole star tetrahedrons to begin spinning in opposite directions at equal speeds at the time of the exhale.
Meaning that for every complete rotation of the mind tetrahedrons, there will be a complete rotation of the emotional tetrahedrons.
BODY: Continue the mudra of the folded hands from now on.
BREATH: Breath Yogic and rhythmically an deeply again, but only for the next three breaths, after that return to the shallow breathing.
MIND: The two sets of tetrahedrons take off spinning. In an instant, they will be moving at exactly one third the speed of light at their outer tips. You probably will not be able to see this because of their tremendous speed, but you can feel it. What you have just done is to start the MOTOR of the MER-KA-BA. You will not go anywhere, or have an experience. It is just like starting the motor of a car, but having the transmission in neutral.
BREATH: Make a small hole with your lips just like you did for breath Number Ten. Blow out in the same manner, and as you do, feel the two sets of tetrahedrons take off spinning.

MIND: As you let out the breathe, the two sets of tetrahedrons take off from their one third speed of light setting to two third speed of light in an instant. As they approach two thirds speed of light speed a phenomena takes place.
A disk about 55 feet in diameter forms around the body at the level of the base of the spine. And the sphere of energy that is centered around the two sets of tetrahedrons forms with the disk to create a shape that looks like a FLYING SAUCER around the body.
This energy matrix is called the MER-KA-BA. However, it is not stable. If you see or sense the MER-KA-BA around you at this point, you will know it to be unstable. It will be slowly wobbling. Therefore Breath Number
Seventeen is necessary.
BREATH: Same as breath 16, make a small hole in your lips, and blow out with pressure. It is at this point that the speeds increases. As you feel the speed increasing, let out all your breath with force. This action will cause the higher speed to be fully obtained and the MER-KA-BA to be formed.

Remember, unconditional love for all life must be felt through out all of this meditation or no results will be realized.
MIND: As you breathe in, say to yourself, in your head, the code NINE TENTHS THE SPEED OF LIGHT. This code will tell your mind to increase the speed of the MER-KA-BA to nine tenths the speed of light which will stabilize the rotating field of energy.
It will also do something else. This third dimensional universe that we live in is tuned to 9/10 the speed of light. Every electron in your body is rotating around every atom in your body at 9/10 the speed of light. This is the reason this particular speed is selected.
BREATH: Breathe rhythmically and in a Yogic manner.

MIND: The speed increases to 9/10 the speed of light and stabilizes the MER-KA-BA.

BREATH: Same as breath 15 and 16, make a small hole in your lips, and blow out with pressure. As you feel the speed take off, let all your breath out with force. You are now in your stable and Third dimensionally tuned MER-KA-BA. With the help of your Higher Self, you will understand what this really means.


This very special breath will not be taught here. You must receive it from Your Higher Self. It is the breath that will take you through the speed of light into the fourth dimension. You will disappear from this world and reappear in another one that will be your new home for awhile. This is not the end, but the beginning of an ever expanding consciousness returning you HOME to your FATHER.


Tachyon en straling

Al jaren weet ik dat de straling van de mobieltjes die wij allen het liefst de hele dag zo dicht mogelijk bij ons dragen, een kwalijke invloed op ons gestel heeft. Hoe ik dat zelf weet? ik voel dat aan. Ik krijg zelf hoofdpijn als ik te lang bel, en laat staan als ik e ingebouwde radio aan heb. Dan knal ik gewoon uit elkaar van ellende.

Ik heb zelf wel wat experimenten uitgevoerd zo rond 1994: drie telefoons om een rauw ei binden en ze dan een uur laten bellen met elkaar. En alhoewel we voor het experiment kwartel eieren gekozen hadden, ze waren na een uur duidelijk nog rauw in plaats van gekookt. Anyway ….

Echte onderzoeken naar gsm-straling opzetten zou toch in de tonnen gaan lopen en wie zou dat gaan betalen? Nee, ik haalde de harde bewijzen die ik zocht van het internet.

Rechts, in de sidebar, zie je wat links naar sites over gsm-straling die vanuit elke hoek wat te zeggen hebben over de effecten hiervan.
Ikzelf zeg altijd, kijk waar de geldstroom naartoe gaat en je weet wie er de waarheid spreekt, buiten wat je gezonde verstand je te vertellen heeft.

De mobieltjes en zendmasten de wereld uithelpen zal wel niet meer gaan maar jezelf beschermen tegen de schadelijke invloeden van de gsm-straling kan altijd. Ikzelf, en vele anderen, gebruiken daarvoor Getachyoniseerde Silica disks over de stoppenkast, om het gehele veld in het huis te harmoniseren en kleine disks om op de mobiele telefoon te plakken om de stralings bron te harmoniseren.

Je kunt de Tachyon Disks hier bestellen op de Amerikaanse Tachyon site. Betalingen gaan hier met een credit card. Mocht dat een probleem zijn dan kan ik ze voor je bestellen en verkoop ik ze aan je door. Bij mij kun je contant of met ideal betalen of je boekt het gewoon over via de bank.

Je kunt mij altijd bellen op 020 612 8768 voor advies en instructies

Een Reconnection behandeling

Ieders ervaring met Reconnective Healing is uniek. Soms gebeuren helingen in een ogenblik in slechts één Reconnection sessie, soms duurt het wat langer voordat een healing ontstaat. Als je geluk hebt, zal jouw genezing komen in de vorm waar je op had gehoopt. Als je echt geluk hebt, zal jouw genezing in een vorm komen waarvan je niet eens had gedroomd – een vorm die het Universum speciaal voor jou in gedachte had.

Healingen komen in allerlei soorten. De beste manier om een Reconnection healing toe te laten is om in een staat van verwachting te zijn, zonder gehecht te zijn aan het resultaat. Ga op de massagetafel liggen, ontspan, sluit je ogen en ervaar gewoon de Reconnection healing.

Laat al je gedachten gaan en ervaar en observeer als er iets te ervaren valt, als je iets opvalt, maar ook als er niets te ervaren valt of je niets opvalt. Lig gewoon op de tafel en laat alles los, alsof je gewoon een onverwachts rustuurtje had.

Het is niet aan te raden om je best te doen om aan niets te denken. Normaalgesproken hebben mensen moeite met het concept van denken aan niets. Merk gewoon op wat er ook maar bij je op komt. Dat geeft je iets te doen en ontneemt je de stress, die vaak ontstaat als mensen proberen aan niets te denken en ontdekken dat ze niet weten hoe dat moet.
Plaats je aandacht naar binnen en laat je aandacht door je lichaam gaan. Observeer gewoon wat je opvalt, dit geeft je geest genoeg te doen zonder dat je heel de tijd ligt te denken wat je wel of niet zou moeten doen.

Adem niet op een speciale manier, visualiseer niet een resultaat waar je op hoopt, mediteer niet, herhaal geen mantra in stilte en doe geen andere dingen, waarvan jij of iemand anders denkt dat het zal helpen. Want dat zal het niet.

Het zal hoogstens dat brengen, wat je zelf al kunt en zal je weerhouden om ten volle te kunnen ervaren. Als je zover bent om alles los te laten en om niet te proberen om de ervaring te sturen of te verbeteren, dan ben je zover om te ervaren wat Reconnective Healing anders maakt, wat ‘de Reconnectie’ echt maakt.

Je bent klaar om te ontvangen.


Draag comfortabele kleding aangepast aan het seizoen. Houd in gedachten dat je met je kleren aan, schoenen uit, op je rug op een massagetafel ligt tijdens de Reconnection sessies.

Geuren, parfum

Vermijd parfum en het gebruik van geparfumeerde zeep, haar- en huidproducten voorafgaand aan de sessies. De Reconnection sessies dienen zo geurvrij mogelijk plaats te vinden.

Het dragen van sieraden is prima, zolang het comfortabel zit tijdens de Reconnection sessies.

Reconnective Healing sessies duren ongeveer 60 minuten, inclusief een gesprekje voor en achteraf. Drie Reconnection sessies wordt aanbevolen.

Top five regrets of the dying

A nurse has recorded the most common regrets of the dying, and among the top ones is ‘I wish I hadn’t worked so hard’. What would your biggest regret be if this was your last day of life?

By: Susie Steiner

A palliative nurse has recorded the top five regrets of the dying. Photograph: Montgomery Martin/Alamy

There was no mention of more sex or bungee jumps. A palliative nurse who has counselled the dying in their last days has revealed the most common regrets we have at the end of our lives. And among the top, from men in particular, is ‘I wish I hadn’t worked so hard’.

Bronnie Ware is an Australian nurse who spent several years working in palliative care, caring for patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives. She recorded their dying epiphanies in a blog called Inspiration and Chai, which gathered so much attention that she put her observations into a book called The Top Five Regrets of the Dying.

Ware writes of the phenomenal clarity of vision that people gain at the end of their lives, and how we might learn from their wisdom. “When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently,” she says, “common themes surfaced again and again.”

Here are the top five regrets of the dying, as witnessed by Ware:

1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

“This was the most common regret of all. When people realise that their life is almost over and look back clearly on it, it is easy to see how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Most people had not honoured even a half of their dreams and had to die knowing that it was due to choices they had made, or not made. Health brings a freedom very few realise, until they no longer have it.”

2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.

“This came from every male patient that I nursed. They missed their children’s youth and their partner’s companionship. Women also spoke of this regret, but as most were from an older generation, many of the female patients had not been breadwinners. All of the men I nursed deeply regretted spending so much of their lives on the treadmill of a work existence.”

3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

“Many people suppressed their feelings in order to keep peace with others. As a result, they settled for a mediocre existence and never became who they were truly capable of becoming. Many developed illnesses relating to the bitterness and resentment they carried as a result.”

4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

“Often they would not truly realise the full benefits of old friends until their dying weeks and it was not always possible to track them down. Many had become so caught up in their own lives that they had let golden friendships slip by over the years. There were many deep regrets about not giving friendships the time and effort that they deserved. Everyone misses their friends when they are dying.”

5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.

“This is a surprisingly common one. Many did not realise until the end that happiness is a choice. They had stayed stuck in old patterns and habits. The so-called ‘comfort’ of familiarity overflowed into their emotions, as well as their physical lives. Fear of change had them pretending to others, and to their selves, that they were content, when deep within, they longed to laugh properly and have silliness in their life again.”

What’s your greatest regret so far, and what will you set out to achieve or change before you die?

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