Natural cancer cure – cancer cells died in 42 days

natural cure cancer


This Famous Austrian’s Juice Cured Over 45,000 People.

Rudolf Brojs from Austria has dedicated his whole life to finding the best natural cure for cancer.He actually made a special juice that gives excellent results for treating cancer. He has cured more than 45, 000 people who suffered from cancer and other incurable diseases with this method. Brojs said that cancer can survive only with the help of proteins.

So, he developed a special eating program for 42 days, during which you drink only tea and a special vegetable juice whose main ingredient is beetroot.

During this period of 42 days, cancer cells die and starve, while entire body’s health improves.
Rudolf’s juice is made only from ecologically grown vegetables. This juice can be made at home from home-grown vegetables, and it contains:

  • beetroot (55%),
  • carrots (20%),
  • celery root (20%),
  • potatoes (3%)
  • radishes (2%).

Preparation for natural cancer cure:

Put all these ingredients in a blender, mix them well and that`s all, your juice is ready!

It is important to note that you should not exaggerate with the juice, but you should take as much as your organism needs.

Beetroot is a well-known cure for leukemia. With its amino acid betaine, it has anti-cancer properties. The therapy of beetroot has a proven positive effect on leukemia and many other types of cancer.

If you regularly consume beetroot, it will help you against diseases caused by oxidative stress, and beetroot’s fiber can lower blood cholesterol levels up to 40%. It also normalizes blood pressure and helps in maintaining the blood vessels elasticity. Therefore, beetroot is very effective in the treatment of many diseases caused by toxins.

It is especially recommended for pregnant women to use beetroot because it is full of folic acid which prevents many diseases of newborns. Beetroot juice stimulates the liver and gall bladder and also prevents constipation.

If you combine it with carrots, beetroot can help you for gout, kidney, and gallbladder. It also helps with headaches, toothaches, dysentery, pain in the bones, skin and menstrual problems.

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