Frankincense essential oil kills cancer cells better than Chemo


Frankincense has had many uses over the course of history. It’s commonly used in religious ceremonies and is a popular scent used in aromatherapy. Frankincense is also renowned for its uses in traditional medicine.

Frankincense comes from the resin of the Boswellia tree and can be transformed into a potent, fragrant essential oil with many health benefits. Frankincense is often used for fighting inflammation, infections and to prevent premature aging. It has also been used to soothe the digestive tract, support the immune system, promote oral hygiene, and boost mental health.

Sounds pretty good, right? It gets even better! Recent research has revealed that frankincense also has cancer-fighting properties. In fact, studies have shown that it may even be more effective that several common chemotherapy drugs! The best part is that frankincense doesn’t harm healthy cells, has no severe side effects and can even help kill off chemo-resistant cancer cells.

Researchers from Leicester University found that a chemical in frankincense, known as  acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid (AKBA), has the ability to destroy cancer cells. More importantly, it can do so in reasonable concentrations. The researchers believe it could be effective at treating many common cancers, such as colon, ovarian, prostate and breast cancers. Frankincense was found to even be effective at treating late-stage ovarian cancer, which is notoriously difficult to treat. Even cancer cells that were resistant to chemotherapy eventually succumbed to AKBA. The best part is that there are almost no negative side effects associated with taking frankincense essential oil.

Scientists from Cardiff University previously found that frankincense could also help to treat arthritis. The researchers found that the administration of frankincense helped to reduce pain and inflammation for patients suffering with osteoarthritis in just seven days.

Frankincense is often used in aromatherapy to help promote feelings of relaxation and well being, and it can also be used to relieve respiratory irritations. Using a diffuser or vaporizer is a great way to reap the aromatic benefits of frankincense. It can also be used in many other ways. Frankincense essential oil can be diluted with a carrier oil, such as coconut or jojoba oil. It can also be added to your favorite lotions for topical applications.


Measles Virus Wipes Out Golf-Ball-Sized Cancer Tumor In 36 Hours

The measles could be a “single-shot cure for cancer,” Mayo Clinic doctor says

Clinical trials underway at the Mayo Clinic are revealing an unlikely friend in the fight against cancer… the measles virus.

Scientists have long known that getting sick with the measles can sometimes trigger spontaneous reduction in the size of  tumors, but recent clinical trials at the Mayo Clinic have demonstrated just what a powerful weapon the little virus can be.

In a 2014 trial, a concentrated dose of the measles put a late-stage cancer patient into long-term remission.

The terminally ill woman had suffered through every type of chemotherapy available and two stem cell transplants, only to relapse again and again.

She had an advanced case of multiple myeloma, a deadly cancer of the blood spread throughout her body and bone marrow, when researchers offered her a last-ditch resort — a massive dose of the measles.

Within 5 minutes, she got a splitting headache and a fever of 105, followed by vomiting and shaking.

Within 36 hours, a tumor the size of a golf ball on her forehead had disappeared, and within two weeks there was no cancer detectable in her body.

“It’s been the easiest treatment I’ve done by far,” she tells CNN.

The virus strain was engineered and weakened in a lab, and then given in a dose strong enough to vaccinate 10 million people.

Treating cancer with viruses is not new. Mayo Clinic scientists say “virotherapy” has been used successfully on thousands of cancer patients, but this is the first case of a patient with cancer spread throughout her body going into remission.

“I think we succeeded because we pushed the dose higher than others have pushed it,” said lead study author Dr. Stephen Russell. “And I think that is critical. The amount of virus that’s in the bloodstream really is the driver of how much gets into the tumors.”

The measles virus makes cancer cells join together and explode, Mayo Clinic researcher Dr. Angela Dispenzieri explains. There’s also evidence that the virus stimulates the immune system, helping it recognize any recurring cancer cells and “mop them up.”

Subsequent clinical trials have shown similar results with ovarian cancer, breast cancer and non-Hodgkins lymphoma, according to a 2016 research paper titled “Measles to the Rescue.” And current trials are looking at the effect of the measles on glioblastoma multiforme, mesothelioma and squamous cell carcinoma.

“We recently have begun to think about the idea of a single shot cure for cancer — and that’s our goal with this therapy,” Russell said.

Source: Measles Virus Wipes Out Golf-Ball-Sized Cancer Tumor In 36 Hours

Vitamine B17 verboden. Het geneest kanker!

Vitamine B17 verboden omdat het kanker geneest!

Vitamine В17 is de geconcentreerde vorm van abrikozenpitten, die veel voordelen voor de gezondheid kan bieden indien u het goed gebruikt.

Slechts enkele van jullie weten dat de American Medical Association, American Cancer Society en de Food and Drug Administration hebben geprobeerd te voorkomen dat mensen er boekenover schrijven, en ook het organiseren van openbare bijeenkomsten, en het produceren van films over het verbazingwekkende antikanker potentieel van vitamine B17 werd geprobeerd te onderdrukken.

Dit was ook het geval met artsen, als hun pogingen deden om miljoenen levens te redden met de hulp van deze vitamine werden vervolgd.

Maar toch, probeerde een vrouw om deze vorm van kanker te verhelpen en om zichzelf te redden begon ze met een vitamine B17 behandeling te gebruiken. Zodra ze begonnen was met het toedienen van deze vitamine, ging haar kanker in remissie. Toch keerde het terug toen ze stopte met het nemen van deze vitamine.

Ze besloot om chemotherapie te verwerpen en te proberen om de ziekte met vitamine B17 te genezen. In slechts 10 weken gebruik, waren de effecten gewoon wonderbaarlijk, tot verbazing van haar artsen!

Ze nam 500mg van deze vitamine twee keer per dag, en wist de vijf kwaadaardige tumoren te vernietigen, en een gezond en kanker-vrij leven te leven.

De volgende video zal alle benodigde informatie verstrekken:



MMS 2018

Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)

MMS is a “stabilized oxygen” formulation that is a 22.4% solution of Sodium Chlorite in distilled water. When a mild acid (lemon or lime juice, or citric acid) is added to a few drops of MMS, Chlorine Dioxide is created and when ingested, produces a major boost to the immune system. It kills virtually every known pathogen, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, and yeasts.

While first developed to address Malaria in Africa, it has now been shown to address many toxicity conditions that are directly or indirectly related to pathogens. There is documentation of over 75,000 cases of Malaria being overcome in Africa. Often in as little as 4 hours all symptoms are gone and the victim is tested clear of Malaria.

It is now known that chlorine dioxide, as used in the MMS protocol, can be used to overcome toxicity contributors to such conditions as AIDS, Hepatitis A,B&C, Typhoid, most cancers, herpes, pneumonia, food poisoning, tuberculosis, asthma, colds, flu and a host of other conditions.

Even conditions not directly related to pathogens seem to be helped due to the huge boost to the body’s immune system (by way of reduction in the body’s toxic load), i.e., macular degeneration, allergies, lupus, inflammatory bowel disorders, diabetes, snake bites and fibromyalgia. Please note that MMS doesn’t cure anything, but rather it reduces the toxic load which helps our body to heal itself.

The Alchemy of MMS

Anyone can be on toxin overload. If you are habitually low on energy, have trouble keeping your weight down or blood pressure in the normal range, or constantly dealing with inflammation or pain, then there’s likely a toxin, heavy metal, virus, bacteria, or parasite issue in play.

Traditional medicine will typically respond by loading you up with additional pollutants, many of which indiscriminately kill healthy tissue while going after “the bad guys.” Not so with chlorine dioxide. It only acts on harmful presences. Miracle or not, the effects are wonderful.

Chlorine dioxide is a chemical compound that consists of one chlorine ion bound to two ions of oxygen. A powerful oxidizing agent, it is the most abundant dissolved ion in ocean water and readily combines with nearly every other element. Oxidizing agents are chemical compounds that readily accept electrons from “electron donors.” They gain electrons via chemical reaction. This is important because relative to chlorine dioxide, all pathogens are electron donors.

Chlorine dioxide is extremely volatile. Chlorine dioxide’s extreme volatility prevents pathogens from developing a resistance. Mainly because when they “clash,” the pathogens no longer exist. Yet, healthy cells and beneficial bacteria are unaffected. When a chlorine dioxide ion contacts a harmful pathogen, it instantly rips up to five electrons from the pathogen, in what can be likened to a microscopic explosion . . . harmless to us, but terminal for pathogens.

Throughout the body, anywhere chlorine dioxide ions — transported via red blood cells — come into contact with pathogens, the pathogens give up their electrons and cease to exist. The chlorine dioxide-armed cells only “detonate” on contact with pathogens, which include harmful bacteria, viruses, toxins, heavy metals, and parasites.

All of these will have pH values that are out of the body’s range of good health. They will also have a positive ionic charge. The chlorine dioxide-equipped cells do not oxidize beneficial bacteria, or healthy cells, as their pH levels are 7 or above, and hold a negative ion charge.

Chlorine dioxide ions will oxidize — meaning vaporize — diseased cells . . . anything that is acidic with a positive ion charge. If the chlorine dioxide ions encounter no pathogens or other poisons, it deteriorates into table salt and in some instances, hypochlorous acid, which the body can also use.

In 1999 the American Society of Analytical Chemists proclaimed chlorine dioxide to be the most powerful pathogen killer known to man. It has even been used to clean up after anthrax attacks.

MMS (actually chlorine dioxide gas) has been known and widely used since 1947 as a powerful germicidal agent. Its anti-bacterial action is capable of exactly targeting nearly, all bacteria, fungi, yeast, and blood-borne diseases, killing them with an electric disorganizing jolt, while doing no harm to normal human living cells.

MMS withdraws four or five electrons from the walls of pathogens. It’s attracted to them. ClO2 molecules are like electric bullets that the immune system welcomes and puts to good use almost immediately.

Red blood cells pick up the ClO2 molecules, circulates them, and the result is gradual cleansing and detoxification throughout the entire body. Malaria, for example, disappears from the blood in 4 to 10 hours in most cases. Cold or flu attacks can be prevented, or can be stopped rapidly depending on the scope of the intrusion.

The Fundamentals for using MMS are These:

Repeated small doses are more effective than large morning and evening doses. It has been demonstrated more than 1000 times that small doses administered often, up to once each hour, are more effective than large doses administered once or twice a day.

We now know that the chlorine dioxide chemical generated by MMS does not remain in the body more than one or two hours at most. The size of the dose does not seem to make a great deal of difference to the amount of time that MMS remains active in the body. That basically is because it doesn’t matter if it is a large amount or small amount it still deteriorates into mostly just table salt in an hour or two.

So in reading the various methods of using MMS elsewhere on this web site, keep in mind – it is going to be much more effective to take MMS either each hour, or each two hours, and with smaller doses that will be equal to – or maybe larger than – one large dose.

Put as much MMS into the body as you can without causing an increase in sickness, nausea, or diarrhea. Always start out with a one drop dose at first and increase the drops every time you feel you can. That means, of course, that you activate each MMS drop with 1 drop HydroChloric acid and wait 1 minute and add Apple juice or water as always.

So, on the second dose you could increase to two drops if the first drop didn’t seem to increase sickness (in most cases it won’t). Generally, that would be in two hours after taking the first dose. Then keep increasing each one or two hours until you feel that you have reached maximum or until you notice a slight nausea. Generally two or three or four drops each time is all that is needed.

However, you could increase the drops up to 10 drops per hour if there is no increase in nausea and if you feel that more is needed. I would put a limit on 10 drop doses and normally you would never need to go to 10 drops doses if you are doing 5 to 10 doses a day.

You stop when you are well. Or if you are just trying to clean yourself out then you could try the 15 drops dose three times a day as that has always been the standard. If you can take 15 drops three times a day for a week without nausea or diarrhea or other negative effects, then most likely the majority of the infections and pathogens and parasites are gone.

After you are cleaned out a maintenance dose is still the same as always, 6 drops a day of MMS along with the citric or other acids required for activation. That’s for older people and 6 drops twice a week for younger people, older people being over 60.

Decrease the number of drops as needed if diarrhea or nausea occur, but do not stop taking MMS. Nausea and diarrhea are both good indicator signs that MMS is working. Diarrhea lasting for an hour or two is very good, but to keep it up for days at a time can cause more harm than good. So always decrease the drops when these temporary barriers arise – they are temporary in most cases.

Increase the number of drops taken each two hours very slowly and if you begin to feel sick (or feel nausea or diarrhea) reduce the number of drops you take. Do not make yourself feel worse. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO VALUE IN EXPERIENCING NAUSEA. You always take the maximum amount of MMS that you can possibly take without getting nauseous or having diarrhea.

Note: If you notice diarrhea, or even vomiting, that is not a bad sign. You are killing pathogens faster than your liver can process them for elimination. Therefore slow down the killing process. The body is simply throwing off poisons and cleaning itself out.

Everyone says that they feel much better after the diarrhea. You do not have to take any medicine for the diarrhea. It will go away as fast as it came. It will not last. It is not real diarrhea as the body is just cleaning out, and it is not caused by bacteria or virus. When the poison is gone, the diarrhea will be gone.

It was reported to Jim Humble that if you eat cold apple slices as soon as nausea begins, the apple pulp will absorb stomach toxins that have been dumped there. Apples absorb toxins quite reliably, so keep some cold apples on hand to reduce nausea before it puts you down for the day.

Avoid all forms of Vitamin C for two hours before and after use of MMS. This is a temporary requirement, necessary during the significant weeks of your ramping up to the level of drops where you can be considered to be “Cleaned Out.”

If you are taking Vitamin C capsules marked as “12 hour” type, you will have to discontinue their use and only take capsules or tablets that do not indicate a timed action and take them only at night after MMS hours.

Thoughtfully maintain a nutrition program adequate to maintain your immune system. MMS takes unwanted pathogens and parasites out of your body with great efficiency but it provides no nutritional minerals or vitamins.

Maintain intake of friendly micro-organisms (acidophilus, and other flora). MMS itself does not kill intestinal friendly micro-organisms but forceful diarrhea can sometimes reduce their numbers. Similarly, maintain intake of minerals – especially calcium and magnesium.

Nutritional intake is critical to the immune system. Daily sunshine on the skin will maintain your vitamin D or, if you rarely see the sun, you must maintain “D” with supplements – – essential for maintaining the immune system. While MMS is the most potent germicidal agent on the planet, only the immune system produces healing and maintenance of health.

Swallow activated MMS with any amount of water or Applejuice added. This is the most common method. Adding water or limited juice to the mix after the one minute wait enables you to drink the mixture.

The amount of water matters very little provided that you drink it all – typically one half to a full glass of water. If you drink the entire amount you will get all of the MMS benefit. Diluted little or much it will still do the same cleansing within in your body.

After the one minute wait, when you add water or juice, no more chlorine dioxide is generated. It is locked into the water or juice. After drinking the mix with the water added, the ClO2 gas will circulate in the body for less than two hours as described above. Insignificant amounts of ClO2 are generated after the water is added, but not enough to consider.

You could repeat any MMS dose every two hours (or less) without harm provided you observe the temporary barriers created by diarrhea or nausea

Standard Method for Activating and using MMS

Always activate one MMS drop with five drops of one of the food acids, either unfiltered vinegar, fresh lemon or lime juice, or citric acid solution (10% strength).

To make citric acid solution use a clean pint bottle with screw-on lid. Add 1 level tablespoon of citric acid powder and 9 tablespoons of water. Repeat that again if the bottle will hold it. Shake and store it in a capped jar. Refrigerate for longer life and to prevent thickening. Citric acid powder is available in most drug stores, enabling you to mix your own 10% liquid for storage.

In a cup or small glass always mix 5 drops of one of those food acids to each one drop of MMS. Swirl and wait at least 3 minutes, then add 1/3 to 2/3 to a full glass of water or thinned juice (but without any vitamin C), as natural apple or grape juice – then drink it. (You can expand the 3 minutes out to 10 minutes but no longer.)

After adding the juice or water it is best if you drink immediately, but you can drink some, then wait as long as 30 minutes before drinking the second half without losing a lot too much of the beneficial ClO2 gas.

Never start with more than one or two drops. People who are very sick and/or sensitive should start with ½ drop (drink only half the glass of a one drop dose). Activate the MMS drops as given above.

Continue to follow the procedure until you reach 12 drops taken every 2 or 3 hours – if possible – ALWAYS STAYING JUST UNDER THE NAUSEA BARRIER. Continue at three or more doses per day for at least one week and then reduce the drops to 4 to 6 drops a day for older people and 4 to 6 drops twice a week for younger people – known as “maintenance” mode.

Note: Once you have completed step 3 above most of the viral, bacteria, mold, and yeast load will be gone from your body. Your body will be clean and cleared of the pathogens you picked up and hosted since childhood. You no longer have to worry about feeding the microorganism load. You can base your diet on nutrition, rather than not feeding the load.

Diabetes often goes away as inflammation of the pancreas diminishes. Your body will be able to easily absorb vitamins and minerals and many other nutrients it might have been missing up to this time. You should feel better as time goes by.

Do not quit taking the MMS, Be sure to take vitamins and minerals and other nutrients that you know are good. MMS supplies no nutrients, so your normal program of nutrition should be maintained between doses or at night.

For Children the protocol is essentially the same. One should usually start at 1/2 drop. Just make a one drop drink and pour out 1/2 of the drink before giving it to the child. Then increase from 1 to 2 to 3 drops as given above, but do not go beyond 3 drops for each 25 pounds (11.4 kg) of body weight. With a baby start with 1/2 drop every 2 or 3 hours and stop when the baby is well.

If the baby or child should become nauseous wait an extra hour or two before giving another dose and also give a smaller dose. Give smaller doses until the baby or child can tolerate more, but do not stop giving doses until they are well. Children that are sick with the flu or other diseases should have 1/2 drop every hour during most of the day.

Pregnant women should have at least a maintenance dose of 6 drops a day. It will maintain their immune system at peak condition that is needed for all pregnant women.

Malaria and Other Parasitic Diseases: Use 15 drops the very first dose. Wait one to two hours and give another 15 drops. Do the same the next day. Continue for 3 days. Check for parasites. If parasites are present, continue up to 3 months.

All parasites will be dead long before 3 months. Remember always use 5 drops of activator for every drop of MMS, wait one minute and add juice. In most cases, parasites, including worms, will be dead within 3 days.

Snake Bites: Take at least 15-drop dose, repeat in two hours. Continue every 4 hours until you are out of danger. As usual, use the activator, wait 3 minutes and add juice. Do not cut a snake bite in any case. Be sure to see a doctor, but do not allow him to cut the snake bite. It’s okay to use a suction device on the bite. Cutting spreads the poison too fast.

Any Sick Animal: For smaller animals use 1 drop per 25 pounds of body weight. For horses and other large animals, use 3 drops per each 25 pounds of body weight. Use an appropriate amount of activator, wait 3 minutes and normally add water instead of juice. Most animals will go ahead and drink, but you may have to force feed the animal. In that case a turkey baster with a large squeeze tube bought at most grocery stores works fine. If there is a question, use smaller doses at first.

To purify water: (including tap water) one drop of MMS in one gallon of water will remove most heavy metals, and pathogens from the water. The water will be odor free and drinkable within three to ten minutes after mixing.

One or two drops of lemon juice will speed the purification process. This drinking water has no health benefits except that metals, microbes, and bacteria are removed from the water. The ClO2 ions sacrifice themselves and disappear.

Intravenous MMS for HIV patients: Do not use sterile water. Us IV solution either saline or glucose or other sugar solutions sold for that purpose. Normally the glucose works best as the saline sometimes causes a drop in blood pressure. If you use a 500 ML bottle start with one drop. Wait and hour after adding the MMS to allow for activation.

Use one drop the first day, two drops the second day. Then increase to 6 or 8 the third day. Then increase by 4 to 8 drops a day until you are doing 22 drops in 500 ML of solution in a 2 to 4 hour drip. Normally you would do it until the person is well. Sometimes it works good with HIV patients orally and sometimes you need to do intravenous.

Jim Humble

Over a 6 year period Jim Humble, validated that Miracle Mineral Solutions can undeniably save and extend the lives of people inflicted with any illness caused by pathogens. A pathogen is defined as a “biological agent that causes disease or illness to its host” and types of pathogens include Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa, Fungi, Parasites and Proteins.

When the immune system is compromised, pathogenic bacteria proliferate, eventually causing harm to the host in the form of malaria, AIDS, hepatitis A, B & C, typhoid, cancer, tuberculosis, pneumonia, arthritis or asthma through to the discomfort of flu, sinus and “the common cold.”

Restoration surprises
Through all the years of our lives we’ve been taking in poisons and toxic materials that got stuck in muscle, fat, nerves, and brain. Our immune systems have been on the defensive from early childhood, devoted entirely to maintaining life defensively against a ceaseless barrage of bad air, impure water, and now genetically modified foods. The immune system has been kept very busy, sometimes retreating in effectiveness, other times just barely keeping up.

With MMS, if we push through to a 15 drop level or even up to 30 drops, and maintain it for a while, our immune systems may eventually have spare time to go on the offensive. What might happen if your immune system had nothing to do but produce surprises of restoration for you? Immune systems on the offensive are rarely seen.

Allergies might vanish. Insulin glands might begin to function again. A liver half gone in an alcoholic might regenerate to original size. First, we must detoxify. Then we might be in line for some restoration surprises.

With MMS we have opportunity to set the immune system free, empowering it to do what it was intended to do.

If you are interested in buying mms yourself, you can send me an email.

Lemon peel is more powerful than chemotherapy

Autoriteiten verbieden al 30 jaar succesvolle kankerbehandeling van Dr. Hamer

Dit is het schokkende relaas van een Duitse internist, Dr. Hamer, die ondanks keihard bewijs van zijn succesvolle manier om kanker te bestrijden zijn vergunning verloor omdat hij weigerde zijn ontdekkingen over kanker te herroepen. En ook nog eens twee maal een gevangenisstraf kreeg.

De arts verloor niet alleen zijn medische vergunning, maar ook zijn vrijheid in 1997 toen Dr. Hamer werd veroordeeld tot 19 maanden gevangenis omdat hij drie mensen, zonder artsenvergunning, gratis medische informatie had gegeven. Maar dat vonden de autoriteiten niet genoeg. Op 9 september 2004 werd Hamer in zijn woning in Spanje gearresteerd. Op basis van een Europees uitleveringsbevel werd hij uitgeleverd aan Frankrijk en daar veroordeeld tot drie jaar onvoorwaardelijke gevangenisstraf. Hij werd veroordeeld en verantwoordelijk bevonden aan de dood van Franse burgers omdat zijn publicaties in het Frans te krijgen waren. Hij had nooit een van deze personen gesproken.

Hamer ging echter onverdroten met zijn levenswerk door.  Hij heeft meer dan 40.000 gevallen geanalyseerd. Ondertussen is zijn werk bekend geworden als Germaanse Nieuwe Geneeskunde (GNG).

De pers en het medisch establishment deinsden er niet voor terug om hem en zijn werk aan te vallen. Journalisten van de roddelpers en medische “deskundigen” schilderen Dr. Hamer af als charlatan, als zelf verheerlijkte wonderheler, een sekteleider, een onzinnig buitenstaander of een dwaze crimineel, die kankerpatiënten de ‘levensreddende’ conventionele behandelingen ontzegde.

Dr. Hamer ontdekte dat elke ziekte ontstaat door een shock of trauma die ons volledig verrast.

Op het moment dat het onverwachte conflict ontstaat, slaat de schok in een specifiek hersengebied. De hersencellen die de conflictinslag ontvangen, zenden een biochemisch signaal naar de bijhorende lichaamscellen en veroorzaken de groei van een tumor (weefseltoename) of een weefselafname of functieverlies, afhankelijk in welk deel van de hersenen de schok ‘inslaat’.

Elke ziekte verloopt in twee fasen:
1. een conflict-actieve fase, die wordt gekenmerkt door emotionele stress, koude extremiteiten, geen eetlust en slapeloosheid en dan, vooropgesteld dat wij het conflict oplossen,
2. een genezingsfase, dit is de periode waarin de psyche, de hersenen en het overeenkomstige orgaan de herstelfase doorstaat, een vaak moeilijk proces met vermoeidheid, koorts, ontsteking, infectie en pijn.
Dr. Hamer benoemde op deze manier “De Vijf Biologische Wetten van de Germaanse Nieuwe Geneeskunde”. In de loop der jaren was hij in staat zijn ontdekkingen te staven aan de hand van meer dan 40.000 casussen. Het resultaat van zijn wetenschappelijke programmaverloop
werk is de opstelling van een “Psyche-Hersenen-Orgaan” tabel, die de ziekte aangeeft, de inhoud van het biologische conflict die haar veroorzaakt, waar de overeenkomstige laesie kan worden gezien op een hersenscan, hoe de ziekte zich manifesteert in de conflict-actieve fase en wat men in de genezingsfase kan verwachten.

Ziekten zoals kanker verliezen hun angstaanjagende imago en worden erkend als wat Hamer noemt ‘zinvolle speciale biologische overlevingsprogramma’s’ waarmee ieder mens wordt geboren.

Het is het lichaam dat zichzelf geneest, echter wat de conventionele geneeskunde (CG) ziet als ziekte is voor Hamer in feite het genezingsproces. Hij werkt in tegenstelling tot de CG met oorzaak en gevolg, waarbij de analyse van de oorzaak ook daadwerkelijk van belang is. De CG is meer symptoom gericht.

Elke ziekte maakt deel uit van onze biologische overlevingsprogramma’s. Alles in onze biologische natuur is gericht op behoud van leven. We zijn niet uitgerust met programma’s die ons willen vernietigen. Ook kanker vormt daarop geen uitzondering.

“Alleen de patiënt kan zijn symptomen ‘behandelen’, omdat alleen hij zijn conflict kan oplossen en alleen hij genezing teweeg kan brengen!”

Dr. Hamer: “Een persoon, die gezond eet, heeft minder kans op biologische conflicten. Dat spreekt vanzelf. Dat komt veel overeen met het feit dat rijke mensen minder kankers krijgen dan arme, omdat de rijken vele conflicten kunnen oplossen door eenvoudigweg hun chequeboek te pakken en een cheque uit te schrijven.
Maar het is onmogelijk kanker (of enige andere ziekte) door een dieet te voorkomen,omdat zelfs een gezond dieet conflicten niet kan verhinderen. In de Natuur zal een sterk, gezond dier natuurlijk minder kankers krijgen dan een zwak of oud dier. Maar dat betekent niet dat ouderdom dus kanker veroorzaakt.”
Hippocratic oath
De Germaanse Nieuwe Geneeskunde (GNG) van Hamer verwerpt de ideeën over kwaadaardige kankercellen of destructieve microben en identificeert “infectieziekten” en kankertumoren als natuurlijke biologische noodmaatregelen die al miljoenen jaren in de praktijk plaatsvinden, bedoeld om het organisme te redden en niet, zoals wordt geleerd, om het te vernietigen.
De angst van de medische wetenschap en de farmacie voor de ontdekkingen van Hamer is enorm. Kijk naar de manier waarop Hamer het leven onmogelijk gemaakt wordt en de weigering om zijn werk te toetsen.
Tot op heden (zie document 12 maart 2008) weigert de Universiteit van Tübingen, ondanks uitspraken van de rechtbank in 1986 en 1994, om Dr Hamers wetenschappelijke werk te toetsen. Ook de reguliere geneeskunde weigert om de GNG te bevestigen, ondanks de vele verificaties door zowel artsen als beroepsverenigingen.
De GNG is een nieuwe zienswijze in de geneeskunde, maar ook een nieuwe filosofie van het bewustzijn. Het is het besef dat ons organisme een onuitputtelijke creativiteit bezit en opmerkelijke zelfgenezende vermogens. Het is ook de erkenning dat elke lichaamscel een biologische wijsheid in zich draagt, die wij met alle levende wezens delen. Generaties lang hebben de medische autoriteiten het menselijke denken tot slaaf gemaakt en gevangen gehouden met angst voor ziekten.
De Vijf Biologische Wetten geven ons de kans, ons opnieuw met de Natuur te verbinden en ons vertrouwen te herwinnen in haar creatieve, intelligente kracht. Dankzij Dr Hamers onfeilbare integriteit en zijn toegewijd onderzoek tijdens de afgelopen dertig jaar, kunnen wij ons nu van deze angst bevrijden. (Bron)

GNG in een notendop

De allereerste stap in de GNG therapie is de patiënt de biologische betekenis van een symptoom, bijvoorbeeld kanker, leren begrijpen in relatie met de psychische oorzaak. Een hersenscan en een grondige medische voorgeschiedenis zijn noodzakelijk om te bepalen of een patiënt nog in de conflict-fase (conflictactief) is of al in de genezingsfase zit.

Als de patiënt nog conflictactief is dan ligt de focus op het vinden van het oorspronkelijke conflict en op het vinden van een strategie om dit op te lossen. Vervolgens wordt de patiënt voorbereid op de symptomen van de genezing en eventuele complicaties. Deze symptomen zijn heel voorspelbaar! Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis van de geneeskunde geven de ontdekkingen van Hamer ons een betrouwbaar systeem dat ons in staat stelt om de ontwikkeling en de symptomen van elke ziekte te begrijpen en te voorspellen.

hamerDr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, geboren in 1935 in Friesland (Duitsland), studeerde geneeskunde en theologie  aan de Universiteit van Tübingen. Op zijn 22e behaalde hij zijn academische graad in de theologie en kreeg vier jaar later zijn diploma als arts. De daarop volgende jaren werkte hij aan verschillende universiteitsklinieken in Duitsland. In 1972 voltooide dr. Hamer zijn specialisatie in de interne geneeskunde en begon aan de Universiteitskliniek in Tübingen te werken als internist voor kankerpatiënten. Tegelijkertijd runde hij een privépraktijk, samen met zijn vrouw dr. Sigrid Hamer die hij tijdens zijn studies in Tübingen had ontmoet. Hij bleek ook een buitengewoon talent te hebben voor het uitvinden van medische hulpmiddelen. Hij woonde tot zijn dood op zondagavond 2 juli 2017 in Sandefjord, Noorwegen.

Terminal Cancer Patient Walks Out of Hospice after Treatment with Rick Simpson oil

“After nine months of taking two different forms of cannabis oil, one, a cannabis capsule infused with organic coconut oil around 10:30am and high THC oil (Rick simpson oil) about an hour before bed, dad was given the life changing report, “No evidence of recurrent disease”.” [2]
– Corinne Malanca (Stan and Barb Rutner’s daughter)

Stan Found Cannabis after Chemo and Radiation Almost Killed Him

The trillion dollar burn, cut, poison, Cancer Industrial Complex boldly proclaims that chemotherapy and radiation routinely save lives – that their toxic interventions boost long-term survival rates and the biggest lie of all: chemo and radiation exclusively target cancerous cells and leave healthy cells alone.

All these statements by the cancer industry are patently false. Poison is poison; it kills indiscriminately. Chemo and radiation are poisons posing as medicine. In fact, mainstream cancer “treatment” is the leading cause of secondary cancers.

Dave Mihalovic a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in vaccine research, cancer prevention and a holistic approach to cancer treatment stated:

“No chemotherapy drug has ever actually cured or resolved the underlying causes of cancer. Even what mainstream medicine considers “successful” chemotherapy treatments are only managing symptoms, usually at the cost of interfering with other precious physiological functions in patients that will cause side effects down the road.” [1]

Ironically, when chemo is killing cancer cells, it’s also stimulating healthy cells to produce a protein that supports tumor growth and makes the cells resistant to further cancer treatment.

Researchers Discover One of the Ways Chemo Enhances Cancer Growth

“The scientists found that healthy cells damaged by chemotherapy secreted more of a protein called WNT16B which boosts cancer cell survival.

“The increase in WNT16B was completely unexpected,” study co-author Peter Nelson of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle told AFP.

The protein was taken up by tumor cells neighboring the damaged cells.
“WNT16B, when secreted, would interact with nearby tumor cells and cause them to grow, invade, and importantly, resist subsequent therapy,” said Nelson.

In cancer treatment, tumors often respond well initially, followed by rapid regrowth and then resistance to further chemotherapy.” [1]


The Stan Rutner Story


Stan and Barbara Rutner are a devoted, couple who have been together 59 years. They both have hard-won experience battling cancer. Roughly 25 years ago, Stan, a retired dentist with a lucrative mini-storage business was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, while Barb had successfully battled breast cancer twice. Stan remembers:”I just thought I had a cold, flu, type thing. That was it . . . I wasn’t thinking cancer at all.” [3]

After six months of aggressive, standard allopathic, treatment, Stan’s cancer was in remission – that was back in 1989. Meanwhile, Stan had moved on with his life; his bout with cancer faded into the deep dark recesses of his memory. Of course, Stan didn’t expect after all those years of remission he’d be fighting cancer again in 2011 but as mentioned above that’s not uncommon for those who undergo conventional cancer treatment. His initial symptom this time was a persistent cough, otherwise he seemed fine.

Somewhat concerned he made a doctor’s appointment. The initial diagnosis was early stage pneumonia. The doctor noted that there were some unusual looking spots on his lungs that needed follow-up, after the pneumonia had cleared. Numerous tests later and revealed the “spots” were cancerous nodes in the lungs. But there’s more. Stan’s final diagnosis: Stage 4 Lung Cancer with Metastasis to the Brain. Stan recalled how his doctor broke the news, ‘You’re in deep shit.’ Stan explained. “Yeah, he didn’t sugar coat it at all.” But it gets worse much worse. Down the road doctors discovered that the cancer had metastasized to his brain. [3]

Stan’s Health and Quality of life Rapidity Declined

This time, the chemotherapy and radiation, really took a heavy toll on Stan. Shortly after treatment began [march-April of 2012] Stan was plagued with debilitating fatigue, wasting away, weight loss and chronic nausea. Not a pretty picture especially for someone pushing 80.

Barb Rutner: “After that he was wiped out. He was very thin. So we finished radiation to his brain on June 25, and on July 13 he entered the hospital for the first time with radiation pneumonitis (inflammation of the lungs due to radiation therapy), so pneumonia. There were three hospital visits during that time, and on the third they kept him for a week and started him on oxygen 24/7. And then he went into palliative care.” [3]

Stan’s doctors gave him only weeks to live and ordered him to hospice, which he entered on August 12, 2011

The Rutners also used alternative treatments to ease Stan’s suffering and perhaps stall his “inevitable” death sentence. Stan tried Reiki energy treatments and acupuncture. He even attempted creative visualization but it wasn’t his thing and it didn’t really help him, although Barb had success with it when she was fighting breast cancer. Stan’s downward spiral continued unabated and time was running out. That’s when Corrine – Stan and Barb’s daughter and Corinne’s soon to be husband, John Malanca started researching Rick simpson oil as a possible treatment option for Stan.

Barb explains: “Corinne and John were becoming interested in Rick simpson oil but we were concerned that Stan was wasting away. He had lost so much weight and so we were anxious to get his appetite improved and help him with the nausea. So Corinne suggested Rick simpson oil. He started taking that in early November of 2011 and in the beginning, he took about a third of a dose in the morning, and it was about a week or two later that he was able to give up the extra oxygen that he had had 24/7.”[3]

Stan was ready to try Rick simpson oil – he realized better than anyone else that he had nothing to lose and maybe a lot to gain.
Stan stated: “No hesitation at all. Here I’m dying and getting nothing to change the course of things and so this thing has a pretty good track record in—what do you call it—in a non-medical world, so hey let’s try it. Got nothing to lose.” [3]

Stan’s Amazing Turnaround

Bingo! Within a couple of weeks of starting Rick simpson oil, Stan’s condition was improving in all ways. He started gaining weight, his sleep improved, he was regaining his strength. Eventually he ditched his walker, dumped his oxygen and started exercise classes. Barb described his progress as remarkable.

After several months of Cannabis Stan decided to get an MRI to check his progress

Barb: “On January 27, 2013 we received the results of Stan’s brain MRI in an email from his oncologist, stating simply: “IMPRESSION: No evidence of recurrent disease.” The lung cancer that had metastasized to his brain in the summer of 2011 (and nearly taken his life) was GONE! The doctor calls him a miracle man. We are deeply grateful to his “team” of doctors, friends and family, but we’ll always believe that Rick simpson oil turned the tide.” [3]

Barb and Stan Rutner at their Daughter’s
Wedding on September 21, 2013

“Dad never thought that he would make it to that day but low and behold, he continued on the Cannabis Oil and is STILL in remission!”- Corinne Malanca [2]


Cannabis Cures Cancer The Stan Rutner Story

Many Alternative Cancer Cures Exist and Have Been Suppressed – Kimberly Carter Gamble

Paul Fassa is a contributing staff writer for His pet peeves are the Medical Mafia’s control over health and the food industry and government regulatory agencies’ corruption. Paul’s valiant contributions to the health movement and global paradigm shift are world renowned. Visit his blog by following this link and follow him on Twitter here.


If you like to obtain teh same oil as Rick simpson makes, write me an email.

Italian Doctor: Cancer Is a Fungus That Can Be Treated With Sodium Bicarbonate

According to Italian doctor Tulio Simonchini, cancer is nothing but a fungus which can be eliminated with Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda). Dr. Simonchini used this method to cure thousands of patients suffering from different types of cancer, and claims that it is 100% effective.

Sodium BicarbonateThe therapy isn’t harmful at all and let’s face it – you’ve got nothing to lose. The painful reality of more and more cancer cases is somehow connected to the failures of oncology. “We have to prove that modern oncology is unable to answer all the questions cancer patients have. It’s our moral and ethical commitment to find the real cure for the hardest and deadliest diseases of our time,” says Dr. Simonchini.

Cancer is a fungus!

“About a century ago, there was a great theory that cancer is caused by malfunctioning genes, which means that the disease is intracellular. However, in my opinion, cancer is a fungal infection and a special cellular phenomenon,” says Dr. Simonchini, who has sent shockwaves around the medical community with his claim.

CandidaIn the plant world, carcinoma is caused by fungal infections, and the same happens in humans. Fungi always carry a tumor with them – this has been proven in both in vivo and in vitro studies. However, scientists believe that they develop after the disease appeared. Dr. Simonchini believes that they were already there before – fungi create cancer, weaken our immune system and then attack the whole body.

Every type of cancer is caused by the Candida fungus, which has been confirmed by several studies, and its histological structure is a result of the defensive measures against the invasion. Over time, our tissues are weakened and tired, and they start producing unidentified cells.According to Dr. Simonchini, cancer is an “ulcer” where deformed cells accumulate and form colonies.

Baking soda

The usual antifungal drugs are ineffective against cancer as they only attack the surface of the cells. The main infection is more powerful than a single bacterium, which is why fungal infections last for so long.

“I have identified the things that can attack these colonies of fungi – for cancer, it’s Sodium Bicarbonatebaking soda, and a iodine tincture is the best substance for skin cancer,” claims Dr. Simonchini.

Many studies have confirmed baking soda’s intracellular action against cancer.

The treatment

“I have used the treatment on my patients for more than 20 years. Many of these patients have completely recovered from the disease. Even when doctors gave them no chances. The best way to eliminate a tumor is for it to come in contact with Sodium Bicarbonate, baking soda. Sodium Bicarbonate can be applied as an enema for digestive cancers, intravenous injection for brain and lung tumors and inhalation for tumors in the upper respiratory system. Breast, lymph system and subcutaneous tumors can be treated with a local perfusion. Internal organ tumors should be treated with baking soda by applying it directly into the arteries. It’s also important to treat every type of cancer with the proper dose,” Dr. Simonchini explains, and continues:

“For phleboclisis, you’ll need about 500 cm. of 5% or 8.4% solution; in some cases, the mixture only needs to be salty enough. During every treatment, it’s important to know that tumor colonies come back between the 3 and 4 day, and suffer a collapse between the 4 and 5 day, so a minimum of 6 days of treatment is required. The treatment should be repeated for 4 cycles, and has no other side-effects other than thirst and weakness.”

“For skin cancer, you should rub a 0.7% iodine tincture on the affected areas 20-30 times a day. Afterwards, the tumor will not return,” Dr. Simonchini says.

Here are the main symptoms of Candida infection: Chronic fatigue; Obsessive-compulsive disorder; Anxiety and irritability; Brain fog and nausea; Chronic skin disorders; Chronic digestive disorders; Mood changes; Starch and sugar cravings.

If you have notice at least 2 of these symptoms, you may have an advanced stage of candida infections which may result in cancer, so they should never be ignored.

Treatment and prevention of candida infections

The fungal development must be kept in check. Left untreated, candida can lead to candidiasis which can cause symptoms that mimic other diseases and result in perforation in the intestines and leaky gut syndrome. This will allow protein to attack your blood cells. In order to prevent further problems, we first need to eliminate the foods that feed candida – sugar and starch. This means no bread, candy, fresh fruit, pasta and rice for a while. Focus on eating raw fruit and steamed vegetables, and some people have had great results with grapefruit seeds. Dr. Simonchini recommends using aluminum-free baking soda for the treatment of cancer. It can be found in almost all health stores and pharmacies.

How the therapy works

Sodium Bicarbonate,Baking soda, significantly increases the alkalinity of your blood which destroys the fungi. Due to this, baking soda quickly disintegrates the tumor, leaving it without defense.

For stomach, colon, rectal and oral cancer, you need to take 1 teaspoon of Sodium Bicarbonate, baking soda, in a glass of water every morning and evening for a month. In most cases, this is enough time to eliminate the tumor. The therapy should last 3-4 weeks and not a day more. Dr. Simonchini’s therapy also usually requires intravenous injections as well. For best results, you’ll need 500 ml. of 5% baking soda solution applied in the vein directly every day. Do this for 24 days, then go for a scan. Vaginal fungal infections have become pretty common nowadays and according to Dr. Simonchini, they are the main culprit for cervical cancer and vaginal tumors. In order to treat these problems, you need to wash your vagina with a mixture made of 2 l. of filtered water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda. This will defeat the fungi that are causing the problem and prevent them from coming back in the future.


Source: An Italian Doctor Shocked the World: Cancer Is a Fungus That Can Be Treated With Baking Soda!(Video) – Collective Healthy

You’ll Freeze Lemons For The Rest Of Your Life!

So why should we freeze lemons?

hanging lemonA new study has shown for the first time how limonoids, natural compounds present in lemons and other citrus fruit, impede both ER+ and ER- breast cancer cell growth. This sheds new light on the importance of citrus fruit for breast cancer prevention and supports past studies which showed fruit consumption may lower breast cancer risk.(1)

All kinds of people are saying that the entire lemon should be used with nothing wasted. Not only for the obvious health benefits but also for the amazing taste! How? Simple, take an ORGANIC lemon, wash it and then put it in the freezer. Once it is frozen you get whatever is necessary to grate or shred the whole lemon without even peeling it first. Then sprinkle it on your salad, ice cream, soup, cereals, noodles, spaghetti sauce, or whatever. No holds barred. What you will experience is that whatever you sprinkle it on will take on a taste you may never have experienced before.

Why would I do this? Because the lemon peel contains 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice itself and the peel is the part that is usually wasted. Not only that, but the peel helps to get rid of toxins in the body. But wait, there’s more. Lemon is effective in killing cancer cells because it is allegedly 10,000 stronger than chemotherapy. This has not been revealed because there are people out there that want to make a synthetic, toxic version that will bring them huge profits. Shades of Monsanto. The good news is that the taste of lemon is pleasant and does not deliver the horrific effects of chemotherapy. What’s bizarre is that people are closely guarding this fact so as to not jeopardize the income to those that profit from other’s illnesses. Another interesting aspect of the lemon is that it has a remarkable effect on cysts and tumors.

Always Freeze Your Lemons

Some say the lemon is a proven remedy against all types of cancer. It doesn’t end there. It has an anti-microbial effect against bacterial infections and fungi; it is effective against internal parasites and worms; it regulates blood pressure, which is too high; it acts as an anti-depressant; it combats stress and nervous disorders. The source of this information, although not specifically named, is one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world. They further say that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that it destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas and that the compounds of the lemon tree were 10,000 times more effective than the product Adriamycin, which is a drug normally used chemotherapeutically in the world to slow the growth of cancer cells.

Even more, this type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and does not affect healthy cells. The process is simple: buy an ORGANIC lemon, wash it, freeze it, grate it, and put it on everything you eat. It’s not rocket science. Nature has put stuff on the planet to keep the body healthy. The corporations hide this information and create synthetics to treat disease.

The synthetic chemical creates other symptoms from its ingestion requiring another drug to combat these symptoms. And so the cycle continues, which equates to enormous profits coming from an overt intention to keep a body ill and suppressing natural healing foods, minerals and modalities, all withheld by the mainstream media to not jeopardize their advertising dollar income, and payoffs to the politicians to not pass laws that will greatly benefit the people. If we do not take responsibility for ourselves and go against the mainstream grain, we will inevitably remain a “trick” our whole life.



P.S. There are doctors who published studies and experiments in the 1940’s using liquid Vitamin C for the treatment of Cancer, and found that 40-60,000 units of liquid Vitamin C administered intraveinously not only cured the big “C”, but also left behind none of the side effects that chemotherapy does. The “frozen lemon” idea works on this same principal. You’re not likely to find too many Oncologists who are practicing the Vitamin C therapy due to two things: 1- the lack of knowledge of the natural world and how it pertains to our health, and, 2- there’s not a lot of income in the use of Lemons or Vitamin C in the treatment of Cancer. Look up Linus Pauling or Gerson Therapy (Dr. Max Gerson and the Gerson Institute, San Diego, CA. His daughter Charlotte has carried on her father’s legacy), and I’m sure you will eventually find what you are looking for. They did a lot of research with vitamin C during their lives.


credits: Real Farmacy, Natural News, Healthy Holistic Living

Dandelion root makes cancer cells disintegrate within 48 hours

The Plant That Everyone Has, But Nobody Knows about; Dandelion root Makes Cancer Cells Disintegrate Within 48 Hours

Quick – what’s the best use for dandelions? If you’re like most people, you probably can’t think of an answer, or maybe think of dandelion wine – but we’re here to tell you it’s something much, much better!

DandelionIt turns out dandelions are actually really effective at fighting cancer. Pretty cool, right?

Researchers at the University of Windsor in Ontario have shown that dandelion root extract can cause human melanoma cells to essentially kill themselves without leading to any type of toxicity. In fact, their initial study saw cancer cells disintegrating within 48 hours, while healthy cells remained unaffected. The study was led by Professor Siyaram Pandey, PhD.

These promising results prompted the non-profit organization Mitacs to reach out to AOR Inc., a Calgary company that produces natural health products, in order to develop a dandelion tea powder that is significantly stronger than that found in health food stores. They accomplish this by milling dandelion root, creating an extract from it, and then freeze-drying it into a powder that patients dissolve into hot water and then drink.

AOR is producing 6,000 doses of this tea for a clinical trial that will take place at the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre, and will involve 30 patients with various types of cancer, including leukemia, who have not had success with conventional therapy.

Dandelion Root Project

A statement on the website of the Dandelion Root Project at the University of Windsor says:Since the commencement of this project, we have been able to successfully assess the effect of a simple water extract of dandelion root in various human cancer cell types, in the lab and we have observed its effectiveness against human T cell leukemia, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, pancreatic and colon cancers, with no toxicity to non-cancer cells. Furthermore, these efficacy studies have been confirmed in animal models (mice) that have been transplanted with human colon cancer cells.

Researcher and medical oncologist Dr. Caroline Hamm said that some of her patients have noted improvements after drinking dandelion root tea from health food stores. The concentrated tea could prove to be even more effective, potentially saving countless lives.

A 2008 study published in the International Journal of Oncology showed that dandelion tea reduced breast and prostate cancer cells. A subsequent report in the same journal showed that a dietary supplement that contained dandelion suppressed the growth of prostate cancer cells. Dandelion extracts have also demonstrated their efficacy in treating breast cancer and leukemia in traditional Chinese medicine as well as in Native American medicine.

How Does it Work?

Get your Tachyonized Dandelion Tonic here

This extract causes cancer cells to go through apoptosis, a natural cell process where a cell activates an intracellular death program because it isn`t needed anymore. In brief, dandelion root extract causes the cancer cell to “commit suicide” without affecting the healthy ones.

Two cells perform apoptosis which is far better than chemotherapy drugs which kill one healthy cell for every 5 to 10 cancer cell, the dandelion extract.

It is important to mention that the concentration of this extract is much higher than the one which is currently available. Even though trials are still underway, this extract may be the future of cancer treatment!If you would like to learn more about this, check out the following video. Dr. Siyaram Pandey’s explains how dandelion root causes the death of cancer cells within 24 hours.

Get your Tachyonized Dandelion Tonic here

@2017 Native American’s.

Source: The Plant That Everyone Has, But Nobody Knows That it Makes Cancer Cells Disintegrate Within 48 Hours