Natural Painkiller, Morphine like, Grows in Your Backyard

Natural Painkiller. From injury to disease, pain is a very common ailment or symptom that can take down the toughest of the tough. It’s so prevalent that we are seeing a major epidemic with opiate dependency. Natural PainkillerUnfortunately, with so many needing to find relief, it’s leading to a large portion of our population becoming dependent on a chemical bandage, often just masking the problem, rather than fixing the cause.Unfortunately, it’s getting so widespread that the medical field view many of those in real need as “seekers”. So, instead of getting relief from tangible pain, people are being turned away. As a result, they are finding it illegally, and pain clinics and rehabs are popping up all over, trying to combat the addiction.

Wild Lettuce as a Healthy Alternative

Lactuca Virosa is the scientific term for it, and many people have used it in place of addictive prescription pain medicine. It’s a leafy and tall plant, with small yellow buds, and could be grown right out your door. More commonly found in North America and England, it’s a cousin to the lettuce we typically see at the grocery store. It’s also referred to as bitter lettuce, or more appropriately for the purpose discussed here, opium lettuce.

The reason it’s referred to as opium lettuce, is due to the pain relieving and sedative effects that it has been known to produce through a white substance found in the stem and leaves.



This milky substance is called lactucarium. And, while it doesn’t contain any opiates, it has similar side effects when used – it acts directly on the central nervous system (CNS) to lessen the feeling of pain, just like morphine.

Even though it seems to be the best kept secret, it has a history of being used as an alternative to pain relief.

Historical Use

Back in the 19th century, wild lettuce, or Natural Natural Painkiller Morphine, was already being used by some as a substitute to opium. But, it was in the 70’s that it started to gain significant popularity by those wanting a more natural remedy. Individuals were starting to use it for both pain relief, as well as recreational purpose.

In the earlier days, people using wild lettuce prepared it a couple different ways. One way was to cook the plant in a pan of water and sugar mix, until it reduced to a thick syrup-like consistency. While this was an effective form, it was quite bitter even with the sugar added. The most common form however, was drying the stem and leaves to use as an herbal tea.

The tea remains popular today. But, it’s also being dried for smoking, or vaporizing. If you don’t care to grow it yourself, it can also be purchased as a dried herb, extract, or resin substance.

Other Benefits of Natural Painkiller Morphine

Here are the more popular reasons people are gravitating towards this natural pain killer and medicinal plant:

  • Migraines – People who use it for this purpose claim that they experience fewer migraines than they did prior to starting the herb.
  • Insomnia – A frequent use of wild lettuce is by people who have trouble sleeping. It produces a relaxed and euphoric feeling, helping a person fall asleep easier, without the addictive qualities of commonly prescribed sleeping aids.
  • Anxiety – Wild lettuce can act as a mild sedative, allowing people with anxiety to find a reprieve from the stress it causes.
  • Asthma and Cough – Wild lettuce has antitussive properties, which alleviates or suppresses a cough. Also, asthmatic patients who have used opiates notice more episodes if they go through opiate withdrawal. So, the use of wild lettuce instead of prescription opiates, could be a better option for them.
In addition to the above benefits, wild lettuce, or Natural Painkiller Morphine, produces a euphoric state, similar to opiates, even though it does not contain any actual opiate… so it’s perfectly legal.


Italian Doctor: Cancer Is a Fungus That Can Be Treated With Sodium Bicarbonate

According to Italian doctor Tulio Simonchini, cancer is nothing but a fungus which can be eliminated with Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda). Dr. Simonchini used this method to cure thousands of patients suffering from different types of cancer, and claims that it is 100% effective.

Sodium BicarbonateThe therapy isn’t harmful at all and let’s face it – you’ve got nothing to lose. The painful reality of more and more cancer cases is somehow connected to the failures of oncology. “We have to prove that modern oncology is unable to answer all the questions cancer patients have. It’s our moral and ethical commitment to find the real cure for the hardest and deadliest diseases of our time,” says Dr. Simonchini.

Cancer is a fungus!

“About a century ago, there was a great theory that cancer is caused by malfunctioning genes, which means that the disease is intracellular. However, in my opinion, cancer is a fungal infection and a special cellular phenomenon,” says Dr. Simonchini, who has sent shockwaves around the medical community with his claim.

CandidaIn the plant world, carcinoma is caused by fungal infections, and the same happens in humans. Fungi always carry a tumor with them – this has been proven in both in vivo and in vitro studies. However, scientists believe that they develop after the disease appeared. Dr. Simonchini believes that they were already there before – fungi create cancer, weaken our immune system and then attack the whole body.

Every type of cancer is caused by the Candida fungus, which has been confirmed by several studies, and its histological structure is a result of the defensive measures against the invasion. Over time, our tissues are weakened and tired, and they start producing unidentified cells.According to Dr. Simonchini, cancer is an “ulcer” where deformed cells accumulate and form colonies.

Baking soda

The usual antifungal drugs are ineffective against cancer as they only attack the surface of the cells. The main infection is more powerful than a single bacterium, which is why fungal infections last for so long.

“I have identified the things that can attack these colonies of fungi – for cancer, it’s Sodium Bicarbonatebaking soda, and a iodine tincture is the best substance for skin cancer,” claims Dr. Simonchini.

Many studies have confirmed baking soda’s intracellular action against cancer.

The treatment

“I have used the treatment on my patients for more than 20 years. Many of these patients have completely recovered from the disease. Even when doctors gave them no chances. The best way to eliminate a tumor is for it to come in contact with Sodium Bicarbonate, baking soda. Sodium Bicarbonate can be applied as an enema for digestive cancers, intravenous injection for brain and lung tumors and inhalation for tumors in the upper respiratory system. Breast, lymph system and subcutaneous tumors can be treated with a local perfusion. Internal organ tumors should be treated with baking soda by applying it directly into the arteries. It’s also important to treat every type of cancer with the proper dose,” Dr. Simonchini explains, and continues:

“For phleboclisis, you’ll need about 500 cm. of 5% or 8.4% solution; in some cases, the mixture only needs to be salty enough. During every treatment, it’s important to know that tumor colonies come back between the 3 and 4 day, and suffer a collapse between the 4 and 5 day, so a minimum of 6 days of treatment is required. The treatment should be repeated for 4 cycles, and has no other side-effects other than thirst and weakness.”

“For skin cancer, you should rub a 0.7% iodine tincture on the affected areas 20-30 times a day. Afterwards, the tumor will not return,” Dr. Simonchini says.

Here are the main symptoms of Candida infection: Chronic fatigue; Obsessive-compulsive disorder; Anxiety and irritability; Brain fog and nausea; Chronic skin disorders; Chronic digestive disorders; Mood changes; Starch and sugar cravings.

If you have notice at least 2 of these symptoms, you may have an advanced stage of candida infections which may result in cancer, so they should never be ignored.

Treatment and prevention of candida infections

The fungal development must be kept in check. Left untreated, candida can lead to candidiasis which can cause symptoms that mimic other diseases and result in perforation in the intestines and leaky gut syndrome. This will allow protein to attack your blood cells. In order to prevent further problems, we first need to eliminate the foods that feed candida – sugar and starch. This means no bread, candy, fresh fruit, pasta and rice for a while. Focus on eating raw fruit and steamed vegetables, and some people have had great results with grapefruit seeds. Dr. Simonchini recommends using aluminum-free baking soda for the treatment of cancer. It can be found in almost all health stores and pharmacies.

How the therapy works

Sodium Bicarbonate,Baking soda, significantly increases the alkalinity of your blood which destroys the fungi. Due to this, baking soda quickly disintegrates the tumor, leaving it without defense.

For stomach, colon, rectal and oral cancer, you need to take 1 teaspoon of Sodium Bicarbonate, baking soda, in a glass of water every morning and evening for a month. In most cases, this is enough time to eliminate the tumor. The therapy should last 3-4 weeks and not a day more. Dr. Simonchini’s therapy also usually requires intravenous injections as well. For best results, you’ll need 500 ml. of 5% baking soda solution applied in the vein directly every day. Do this for 24 days, then go for a scan. Vaginal fungal infections have become pretty common nowadays and according to Dr. Simonchini, they are the main culprit for cervical cancer and vaginal tumors. In order to treat these problems, you need to wash your vagina with a mixture made of 2 l. of filtered water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda. This will defeat the fungi that are causing the problem and prevent them from coming back in the future.


Source: An Italian Doctor Shocked the World: Cancer Is a Fungus That Can Be Treated With Baking Soda!(Video) – Collective Healthy

You’ll Freeze Lemons For The Rest Of Your Life!

So why should we freeze lemons?

hanging lemonA new study has shown for the first time how limonoids, natural compounds present in lemons and other citrus fruit, impede both ER+ and ER- breast cancer cell growth. This sheds new light on the importance of citrus fruit for breast cancer prevention and supports past studies which showed fruit consumption may lower breast cancer risk.(1)

All kinds of people are saying that the entire lemon should be used with nothing wasted. Not only for the obvious health benefits but also for the amazing taste! How? Simple, take an ORGANIC lemon, wash it and then put it in the freezer. Once it is frozen you get whatever is necessary to grate or shred the whole lemon without even peeling it first. Then sprinkle it on your salad, ice cream, soup, cereals, noodles, spaghetti sauce, or whatever. No holds barred. What you will experience is that whatever you sprinkle it on will take on a taste you may never have experienced before.

Why would I do this? Because the lemon peel contains 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice itself and the peel is the part that is usually wasted. Not only that, but the peel helps to get rid of toxins in the body. But wait, there’s more. Lemon is effective in killing cancer cells because it is allegedly 10,000 stronger than chemotherapy. This has not been revealed because there are people out there that want to make a synthetic, toxic version that will bring them huge profits. Shades of Monsanto. The good news is that the taste of lemon is pleasant and does not deliver the horrific effects of chemotherapy. What’s bizarre is that people are closely guarding this fact so as to not jeopardize the income to those that profit from other’s illnesses. Another interesting aspect of the lemon is that it has a remarkable effect on cysts and tumors.

Always Freeze Your Lemons

Some say the lemon is a proven remedy against all types of cancer. It doesn’t end there. It has an anti-microbial effect against bacterial infections and fungi; it is effective against internal parasites and worms; it regulates blood pressure, which is too high; it acts as an anti-depressant; it combats stress and nervous disorders. The source of this information, although not specifically named, is one of the largest drug manufacturers in the world. They further say that after more than 20 laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that it destroys the malignant cells in 12 cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreas and that the compounds of the lemon tree were 10,000 times more effective than the product Adriamycin, which is a drug normally used chemotherapeutically in the world to slow the growth of cancer cells.

Even more, this type of therapy with lemon extract only destroys malignant cancer cells and does not affect healthy cells. The process is simple: buy an ORGANIC lemon, wash it, freeze it, grate it, and put it on everything you eat. It’s not rocket science. Nature has put stuff on the planet to keep the body healthy. The corporations hide this information and create synthetics to treat disease.

The synthetic chemical creates other symptoms from its ingestion requiring another drug to combat these symptoms. And so the cycle continues, which equates to enormous profits coming from an overt intention to keep a body ill and suppressing natural healing foods, minerals and modalities, all withheld by the mainstream media to not jeopardize their advertising dollar income, and payoffs to the politicians to not pass laws that will greatly benefit the people. If we do not take responsibility for ourselves and go against the mainstream grain, we will inevitably remain a “trick” our whole life.



P.S. There are doctors who published studies and experiments in the 1940’s using liquid Vitamin C for the treatment of Cancer, and found that 40-60,000 units of liquid Vitamin C administered intraveinously not only cured the big “C”, but also left behind none of the side effects that chemotherapy does. The “frozen lemon” idea works on this same principal. You’re not likely to find too many Oncologists who are practicing the Vitamin C therapy due to two things: 1- the lack of knowledge of the natural world and how it pertains to our health, and, 2- there’s not a lot of income in the use of Lemons or Vitamin C in the treatment of Cancer. Look up Linus Pauling or Gerson Therapy (Dr. Max Gerson and the Gerson Institute, San Diego, CA. His daughter Charlotte has carried on her father’s legacy), and I’m sure you will eventually find what you are looking for. They did a lot of research with vitamin C during their lives.


credits: Real Farmacy, Natural News, Healthy Holistic Living

15 Health Benefits of Flaxseed, According to Science (+ 8 Delicious Flaxseed Recipes)

Natural cancer cure – cancer cells died in 42 days

natural cure cancer


This Famous Austrian’s Juice Cured Over 45,000 People.

Rudolf Brojs from Austria has dedicated his whole life to finding the best natural cure for cancer.He actually made a special juice that gives excellent results for treating cancer. He has cured more than 45, 000 people who suffered from cancer and other incurable diseases with this method. Brojs said that cancer can survive only with the help of proteins.

So, he developed a special eating program for 42 days, during which you drink only tea and a special vegetable juice whose main ingredient is beetroot.

During this period of 42 days, cancer cells die and starve, while entire body’s health improves.
Rudolf’s juice is made only from ecologically grown vegetables. This juice can be made at home from home-grown vegetables, and it contains:

  • beetroot (55%),
  • carrots (20%),
  • celery root (20%),
  • potatoes (3%)
  • radishes (2%).

Preparation for natural cancer cure:

Put all these ingredients in a blender, mix them well and that`s all, your juice is ready!

It is important to note that you should not exaggerate with the juice, but you should take as much as your organism needs.

Beetroot is a well-known cure for leukemia. With its amino acid betaine, it has anti-cancer properties. The therapy of beetroot has a proven positive effect on leukemia and many other types of cancer.

If you regularly consume beetroot, it will help you against diseases caused by oxidative stress, and beetroot’s fiber can lower blood cholesterol levels up to 40%. It also normalizes blood pressure and helps in maintaining the blood vessels elasticity. Therefore, beetroot is very effective in the treatment of many diseases caused by toxins.

It is especially recommended for pregnant women to use beetroot because it is full of folic acid which prevents many diseases of newborns. Beetroot juice stimulates the liver and gall bladder and also prevents constipation.

If you combine it with carrots, beetroot can help you for gout, kidney, and gallbladder. It also helps with headaches, toothaches, dysentery, pain in the bones, skin and menstrual problems.

How to Make Kombucha

How to Make Kombucha

I am a huge fan of Kombucha. A natural healthy fermented beverage full of amazing amino acids, probiotics and essential minerals, it has been brewed and enjoyed for over 2000 years all over the world, from Russia to China and early Europe. I have been brewing Kombucha at my own home for many years now.

During it’s brewing, it naturally carbonates and creates a refreshing fizzy drink. I attribute drinking this fermented tea on a daily basis to many health benefits I have experienced. And it’s easy to make it at home!

By Guest Writer Alexandra ‘Earthie Mama’ Du Toit

Benefits of Kombucha

Kombucha is an all round natural, healthy fermented beverage full of amazing amino acids, probiotics and essential minerals. Probiotic literally means “for life”. Antibiotics kill ALL of the bacteria in your body, even the good stuff, but probiotics re-establish the natural ecology and order of the intestinal system. Probiotics are believed to boost immunity, mood enhancer, fight allergies, detoxify the body and rid the body of disease.

However Kombucha is not a panacea. It doesn’t cure disorders, it simply brings the body back into balance so that it may heal itself naturally. That is the secret to how this beverage is able to do so much — it accompanies and supports your body’s natural immune system.

For that reason, the Kombucha benefits you experience may vary but it has is known for some of these great health benefits:

Probiotics by the billions

Helps to alkalize the body

Helps in the detoxification of the liver

Increases metabolism

Improves digestion

Relieves constipation

Boosts energy

Reduces the size kidney stones

High in antioxidants

Can be applied topically to soften the skin from eczema and other skin disorders

Speeds up the healing of ulcers (kills h.pylori on contact)

Helps clear up candida and yeast infections

Aids healthy cell regeneration

Lowers glucose levels to prevent spiking after a meal


Earthie Mama’s Kombucha Tea Recipe ~ 1 Gallon

Flavored Kombucha
Flavored Kombucha


1 Cup Organic Sugar

4-6 Teabags (Organic Green, Black or White)

Kombucha Starter Culture ~ SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast)

1 Cup starter liquid (from another Kombucha tea)

Brewing glass jar

Cloth cover

Rubber band


Bring 4 cups water to a boil.

Turn water off , add tea bags ~ let steep for 10-20 minutes

Stir in 1 Cup organic Sugar

Let tea cool completely

After it cools, pour in brewing jar

Pour in starter liquid and SCOBY

Cover with cloth and secure with rubber band

Set in a dark place out of sunlight

Keep undisturbed for 7 days.

After 7 days try your kombucha with a straw or spoon. If it tastes too bitter than it has brewed too long. If it is too sweet put cloth and rubberband back on and let sit for a few more days trying it every so often until it tastes to your liking.

Drink as desired.

Put it in fridge right away or fill up smaller bottles almost to the top and store for second fermentation for more carbonation.


Other tips:

You can flavor you Kombucha with organic frozen or fresh fruit, honey, ginger, herbs such as lavender or rose.

If your Kombucha is too bitter, don’t throw it away! Use it for salad dressing in replacement or addition to vinegar.

If your have too many SCOBY’s instead of throwing it away, compost it, worms LOVE SCOBY’s!

If you have trouble finding a SCOBY, you can make your own by using some of a bottle of already brewed Kombucha and mix it with a cup of tea and sugar. A SCOBY will form at the top.

If you can’t find any Kombucha, you can just leave tea and sugar to ferment, it takes a while but a SCOBY will form at the top.


Earthie Mama

ps. If you enjoy this recipe, check out my Kombucha Mojito recipe on

Source: How to Make Kombucha

Cleanse Your Lungs With Honey-Water

You have probably heard about honey’s health benefits, but have you ever heard about healing properties of honey-water?

How to prepare honey-water

Put one teaspoon of honey in a glass of fresh lukewarm water and mix. You will get a 30% honey mixture which has identical composition as blood plasma. Honey creates a cluster compound in the water which increases this mixture’s health benefits. Honey-water is easily absorbed by our organism.

Honey-water’s healing powers

It normalizes digestion process, which means it puts an end to the “lazy intestines” problem.

It strengthens the immune system, treats clods, is great against bronchitis and it cleanses mucus in the lungs.

Cleanses the digestive tract of parasites and prevents their breeding. It also cleanses the intestines of toxin deposits.

In the beginning you will notice increasing of your waist line but do not worry. This happens because fecal sediments swell, become softer, therefore their process of exiting the body starts.

The process of cleansing cells in our organism starts. The antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties increase.

Colon’s work is normalized. Honey-water will help in the process of rejuvenating colon’s micro flora and eliminating bacteria.

This mixture can help in preventing the unpleasant and uncontrolled night urination. Honey collects water, which means the kidneys are not over worked.

How to consume honey-water

For preventive purposes, drink the honey-water in the morning on an empty stomach. Make sure you drink it fast. The stomach valve opens immediately and the water quickly enters in the intestines.

From this point on, water is entering our blood stream. Honey-water should be consumed in the morning and in the evening. You will not have any problems if you drink this beverage in the evening because it soothes kidney’s work.

Make sure you always drink freshly prepared honey-water.

You can use this mixture to clean your face because it will make your skin softer, shinier and silky. Honey-water is great natural cosmetics and it is the oldest, yet most modern at the same time.

Reference: Healthy Food Star; | Buy organic honey on Amazon;

Vrouw weigert chemo en geneest door eetgewoonten te veranderen

Evita Ramparte had constant pijn en besloot naar de huisarts te gaan. Ze werd gediagnosticeerd met eierstokkanker.

Ze kreeg te horen dat ze alleen kans zou maken op genezing als ze zou kiezen tussen chemotherapie, radiotherapie of chirurgie. Ramparte was hier niet van overtuigd.

Evita ging op onderzoek en kwam uit bij het Gersondieet. Ze verruilde al het bewerkte voedsel dat ze at, waaronder pizza en donuts, door verse sappen die ze thuis maakte. Ze is ervan overtuigd dat ze door haar eetgewoonten te veranderen van haar eierstokkanker is genezen.

Het voedsel dat je eet draagt bij aan je fysieke verschijning, zo blijkt uit onderzoek. Voedingsstofrijke groenten en fruit kunnen bepalend zijn voor je uiterlijk omdat ze je huid beïnvloeden.

Dergelijke voeding zorgt voor een mooie roze huidskleur. Schoonheidsproducten bevatten echter giftige chemicaliën die juist bijdragen aan kanker.

Uit het inspirerende verhaal van Evita blijkt dat natuurlijke stoffen verschillende ziekten kunnen genezen waar op aarde steeds meer mensen aan lijden.Bron:

via Vrouw weigert chemo en geneest door eetgewoonten te veranderen.

One dose of coconut oil boosts brain function and cognitive performance

It’s amazing how coconut oil has recently been acknowledged for the healthy oil that it is after having been vilified for decades as a heart attack oil. Now it’s been discovered to boost even brain health.

Defaming coconut oil saturated fat was part of the 1950s creation of low and no fat foods, margarine, and hydrogenated trans-fatty cooking and salad oils, which have recently been proven as actually detrimental to overall health.

The different types of triglycerides in fats

PF Louis Natural News April 7, 2013

High triglyceride blood readings are red flags for obesity, diabetes, and heart health issues. Most dietary fats contain long chain triglycerides (LCT), which are not easily metabolized and can be stored as fatty deposits in one’s body.

Long chain triglycerides contain chains with 14 to 18 carbon atoms. But coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides (MCT) with shorter chains of 5 to 12 carbon atoms, which are easily metabolized by the liver to produce ketone bodies that can replace glucose as metabolic fuel.

As we age, the brain’s ability to metabolize glucose for energy wanes, especially for those who have a metabolic disorder or insulin resistance. But MCT-created ketones can be used as cellular fuel in the brain when glucose is not available.

Study: Coconut oil improves cognitive ability

As far back as 2004, a study published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging determined that coconut oil MCTs improved cognitive function among older folks with memory problems and even Alzheimer’s disease.

They took 20 subjects and randomly fed them coconut oil or placebos on different days. Some of the Alzheimer’s group demonstrated improved scoring on a special Alzheimer’s cognitive rating scale, and all of them demonstrated better paragraph recall shortly after taking each dose of coconut oil.

This wasn’t a long term study. They got immediate positive cognitive and memory results from single doses of coconut oil compared to placebos.

So why wasn’t this publicized by the mainstream media (MSM) and reported to medical practitioners everywhere? Maybe because Big Pharma was trying to synthesize and patent a ketone body producing pharmaceutical for the increasing Alzheimer’s disease market.

A dramatic true story confirming coconut oil’s efficacy

Around 2009-10, MD Mary Newport’s husband had deteriorated from Alzheimer’s so badly he couldn’t draw a simple illustration of a clock or perform daily functions without being micromanaged.

Since the Alzheimer’s drug developed in 2004 was not effective, Dr. Newport tried to get him into a trial for a new Alzheimer’s drug. But he was so bad off he didn’t qualify.

After discovering that this new drug was a synthetic version of MCTs for creating ketone bodies and improving brain function, she researched and realized that palm and coconut oils also contained MCTs.

After feeding her husband coconut oil, he started making a remarkable comeback from almost total dementia to being able to start and finish tasks and remember people and events.

Dr. Newport observed that only two doses spaced eight hours apart were sufficient, while the pharmaceutical version required doses every three hours (

If Mary would have enrolled her husband into that 2009-10 Alzheimer’s drug trial, she could have lost him completely.

The drug trial at that time was halted early because of nine deaths among those taking higher doses(

Newport’s success without side effects places coconut oil as the dementia food medicine of choice over expensive and harmful pharmaceuticals. Because they went viral on the internet with their experience, several others experiencing Alzheimer’s or memory problems have benefited from coconut oil.

Here’s a video interview of Dr. Newport (

Sources for this article include:

This article was posted: Sunday, April 7, 2013 at 6:33 am

via Prison » Just one dose of coconut oil can tremendously boost brain function and cognitive performance.

Chilipepers zijn gezond

De chilipeper wordt gerekend tot één van de oudste landbouwgewassen ter wereld. Zowel de Maya’s als de Azteken gebruikten de planten intensief, zowel culinair als medicinaal, bijvoorbeeld bij tandpijn.

De chilipeper maakt vele gerechten scherp door de aanwezige capsaïcine en wordt in de volksmond vaak Spaanse peper of rode peper genoemd.

De chilipeper is afkomstig van de Capsicum-familie. Capsicum komt van het Griekse woord kapto, wat ‘om in te bijten’ betekent. De Capsicum-familie kent twee varianten: zoet en pittig.

Olijfolie om te blussen

Chilipepers zitten boordevol antioxidanten, caroteen en flavonoïden en bevatte twee keer zo veel vitamine C als een sinaasappel.

Je kunt bijna ieder gerecht op smaak brengen met chilipeper. Te denken valt aan soepen, stoofpot, wokgerechten, salades en salsa’s. Als een gerecht te heet is kun je je tong het beste blussen met een beetje olijfolie in plaats van water. Capsaïcine lost namelijk slecht op in water.


Het eten van chilipepers heeft een groot aantal gezondheidsvoordelen. Ze helpen bij het afvallen door de stofwisseling te stimuleren en het hongergevoel en hunkering naar zoetigheid te onderdrukken. Door de bloedsuikerspiegel te reguleren wordt het risico op diabetes type 2 verkleind.

Chilipepers remmen de omzetting van calorieën in vet en de groei van kankercellen. Ze houden het hart en de bloedvaten gezond. Ze werken ontstekingsremmend en zijn daarom zeer effectief bij artritis.

De chilipeper is een natuurlijke pijnstiller en verhoogt de weerstand. Chilipepers openen een verstopte neus en bijholten. Tot besluit helpen ze de bloeddruk verlagen en voorkomen ze maagzweren door bacteriën in de maag te doden en de aanmaak van beschermende maagsappen te stimuleren.


via Chilipepers zijn supergezond – – Onthullend & Bewustmakend Nieuws.